Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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BY-LAW S Ï ;v\ î<! OF THE BEARDYS & OKEMAS1S FIRST NATION A BY-LAW FOR THE OPERATION OF BIG GAME OUTFITTING AND RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR OUTFITTING Wtt^KEAS:. tfae .Opef and Council of the Besudys A Okemasis First Nation desires to make a by-law AND WHEREAS: the Chief and Council of the Beardys A Okcmasis First Nation h*a die power to make AND WHEREAS: it is consumed to be e tp o to tt and necessary to provide for the preservation, protection, and management of Big Game on the reserve; NOW s die Chief and Council of the Beardys A Okemaas Firet Natron hereby rnake die j{.~ 1'V r: ■( i' "'VÎ/ _ Short TWe: u 1. HÜ6 by-law may be died as da: Ontfittjmg9 ByTkaw « 1 tbe pear^ ; •[■: .h:(f 1' ** ( -i |ri > i ' ) . . Interpretation: 2, In this by-law, Band means the Beardys A OkemasisFirst Nation. Big Game means Deer, Moose, Elk, and Antelope together with such other vertebrate animals dial are wild by nature as may be designated by tesolntion of the Chief and Council Predator means any fur-bearing animal who preys on big game such as coyotes, fox, wolf; etc, l Chief and Conned means the Chief and Council, of the fore-named Band as defined in the Indian A ct, Games Officer means a game officer appointed under Section 4, and includes an officer who has been designated by the Chief and Council, pursuant to Section 5, to administer and enforce the by-^ Hunting means taking, wounding, Killing, chasing, pursuing, worrying, capturing, following after or on the trail o£ search af, shooting a*, stalking or laying in wait for any Big Game, whether or not the game is subsequently captured, woonded or killed; : *d Z96ZON X O .J $ $ ? , protection and Management of Big- lation thereof; 1 j \ C - wh ' t* ; |!'r: h. « ; f ; '• t. \h' V Ï r ^ Ï s ' V A O tii k : e : m ' a ! s 'i is )s First Hatton. 4 : - -\hy ' iii- | '[ v * : ' ; " , , N0I93Ü 1VH1N30 H1H0N: WV£L:0L 666 1 " t l ^ O
:vi SS 1 *r ;B(À•!•• ' : ■• ? V-, * r (*vf ••;<>” 1 ' j ' ' /> *' *''H ' X W '! f:?i; - -v- >•'■’• br\ - ' - = ■• | '^e,r; i r\'^U- * , .M-; ' ' ' ' ' * O P,A<$E,2 ■' . < a !a u : \ ... .3 , : . . . . . Office*1 means a police officer, police constable or other person charged with the duty to preserve and maintain the public peace, and à by-law enforcement officer or any other person Reserve means the reserve of the Beatty's &Okemasis First Nation as it may east from time to time ami mdndes all land added to the reserve after the date trf this by-4aiw. j: s’< •> ; >r it I j. -i •'!•. Fake includes toe captaring or toe taking into possession of Big Came, wheth® dead or alive. Baiting means toeuse < Outfitter means a licensed professional who takes clients hunting. ' i ft! ft; Client means a customer of toe outfitter. I - a i - ' : iH: i : £- ■. i * v * f 1 ' Repeal Previous Bv-I jw 3. BY-LAW NO. f a 96 is repealed ft ; Administration: 4. Thé Chief and Council may, by resolution, appoint one or more game officers to such fonctions in respect of toe administration and enforcement of this by-law as are m herein. 5. The Council may designate any officer to perform such functions in respect of toe administratian and enforcement of this by-law as prescribed herein to be performed by a game officer. . 1 i : ; ; 1 ; ; 6. Outfitter (a) Tim Band will allow no said Irnrit to operate tm these lands. (b) The outfitter will be allowed to take a suitable amount of clientele in accordance to their agreement with toe Band (c) The outfitter has to be a licenced tmtfitterwito toe Province of Saskatchewan. (d) The outfitter must obey the regulations set forward in tins document. 7. Species . i i. , . / . 1 (a) An outfitter will be allowed to purchase Licences for any Big Game species found on these lands. (b) An outfitter will be allowed, also, to have diems shoot predators to help control their ! H.(. *’1 s. K i - ,j .'V'., i 1 ; r ) : 8 ' d 2 9 6 2 ' O f M - t 1 NO 193d 1VÜ1N30 HldON ' \m \*0 1 6661 ' 1 1 ; P O
i,i' ,*'2i V V •{,>,■ U I !'i' ,■ J1 , 1 PAGE 3 .$ « v ; ' ; ; I I : ; ; i f -8. (a) , ... , AH Big Game seasons 'will run from the first Monday of September to December 31 of (b) These dates wfllbe open for muzzle, Archery, Rifle and Cross-Bow. (c) Hunting of predators may be done year round 9. fo n tin y T im ^ : fi„. f :„, ■. ................. (a) Hunters will be allowed to shoot between tire hours cffon&3ialf hour before sunrise until it, M H u n t i n g wfllbe allowed 7 days a week. 10 Baiting V̂iîf'v'ï? j-uH& jvlN f f ?{'•* j ' r f-.ii** . (a) Baiting will bo allowed on these lands for the booting of Big Game species and for fw d to tto iro L (b) There will be no srttinitit to amount ofbait used as it is a quality food source. 11. use (b) NO specific colors required 12. Limits (a) The outfitter is allowed to haveeach diem purchase one Big Game licence per species, (b) At tins tim . e i , p ( r edat t o ; r s will not be aflowed. ! * * ,> I ' . '• M V : . , ; f : _ | ; * > * -, i ** n ; , I . j •; , 13. licences ■' '■ ' Z ' . 1.■' 1 •' :!■’ : ; ' <. ;. *. -(a) The outfitter nay ptmdEire licences fiom the band for eachdient (b) Eadi Big Game licence wiflhavea fee of $300.00 Canadian. (c) These licences can be porchased before hunting season (d) Each efiert must cany ftenKceucewito them white JunSmgfor proof of legal bunting. , f v 1' '■ I , ! *i '■ !■ (e) A tag must be attached to the carcass Of theamimd immediately upon taking possession of same. The tagmustshow the date theammal was killed and tiie same of the hunter who killed i t In thé event that the carcass is seperaled fiom the hide a tag bearing tins : 1 I ; 'i ]; | j j . \ \ ) \ H-|' f j j j . j V : i! j j | ! i !;• 1 ; i t r 1 1 -f. - I l l # ! ! i t - : i l l V i . " . . - v I ' l . % ; ' l / ; i| . V ù U : ' ' . - ' I ' v ! ; 1 .'i 1 i p ,*■ v-1 ' . » , . " ' r ; >. 1 : - Û i : ! i i- : i i - ,! 1 V ' V :* ‘,V, ; s ; S , r . i f . *' 1 M ; t 'd 2963--ON N 0 I D 3 H 1VH1.N33 HldON. W V t U O l 666 1 t 1:100
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$>\ .'A 1 *' '•■•■!' 'v H'àv.rK i :;f ■'-.•* . ■»̂‘:{<*1 *y ̂k* £,* 1.Ï -* *-s- r ^ . f , ï . -«'ft i ; ;*?.■ i. •■> 14. (a) - No loaded fireanns in a vehicle. y .y (fa)Fireanns do not have to be encased ' 15, All Terrain Vehicles (a) It : ' ! (b) Three \^ le rs ,q n a d s , Argos OTsnowriK)bilcs will be allowed for txanqwrtahonpniposts during banting or baiting activities. 1* ;■«■•,• : : : v ! 16. Violations (a) H >-m '■ ?[■ i is subject on snmmaiy convictiontoa fine not exreedfogS 1,000.00. t ! * i; : .• : ; 1 i i : 1 ! 8 & Okcmasis First Nation present at the aforesaid meeting of CoondL The quorum of the Chief mid Council is five (5) members Number of metnbets of the Chief and Council present at tire meeting 6 . Chief/Councillor of the Band, do hereby certify that a tree copy of fiditm Act, this S ^ dav q d ^ 1 ;J *' H t ^ ï ̂ H f 1 N3 0 ' H id 0 N :0 1 666-1 ' t l ' 1°0 ; i .'I i.
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' ,. ' ' ' i f - ^ 0 2 $ # W J :| < ' I; i 'i'--y *;•?*#' ’!■• yWj i (it yt- Vijj »! ■? ^ yv^ î..V, î| i * ’‘iV nf^V»^ The Council Of the: Beardys & Okemasis Band 96 & 97 Current Capital Balance *’%, •»« <• «, ,: r* [ fiM- District: -■*- 'North CentmlDistrict 1 Committed Province: ; j v . •. •; S vt/, a s . k /• a tc h ewan *• . , > : \ \\ •} . i ; b , , } Current Revenue Balance •' •' ' H: ;,J ii /■' \; , : . Place: 1 Beardys & Okemasis Reserve Date: 05/10/99 Day / Month / Year DO HEREBY RESOLVED: management and control o f wildlife on Reserve Lands and to provide more opportunities for outfitting. 1. Band Fund Code 2, Computer Bdfences A. Capital (| B . Revenue u . :■ K . . . ! ' . b b r 4 ^ : !! j . ;p! ■;ib ' f ' '■ : b'iU;i i| i: . r > : i 3 pb $ S ' l 6, Recommended Data Recommending Officer 9 -d Z962 ON £«r •*'; ; c-êx'S"' Chronological Number: 1999-2000/0057 \ j q ^ - Q Q , File References; ] , y $. ij.2, f,-. 1 ,-jr i, p r $. *vr \ .. ; * , as a By-Law Of the Beardys and ,1 3, Expenditure 4i Authority Indian Act 5, Source o f Funds lee. | '■ ' j V?; 1 i h i y f vt': : i ; * ! i h i t a i $ ij Capital Revenue :j 7. Approved i; : : 1: . . . . ; ; l . date I!. ' Approving Officer NO 133H 1V31N30 HIHON M W W O I . 666 1 H P O .1 . il! 'M i i'‘ . :
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.