Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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C A N A D A I HEREBY declare the following by-laws made by the Council o f the A bitib i Dominion Band o f Indians at a meeting held on October 15, 1961+, to be in force : -By-law No. 1 - To provide for the construction and maintenance o f a waterworks system including sewage disposal and appurten ances thereto and for the payment o f water rates to regulate the use o f water supplies, and By-law No. 2 - To provide for the disposal o f garbage and waste on the Amos Indian Reserve No. 1 in the Province o f Quebec. ~ Dated at Ottawa this day o f November, 1961+. René Tremblay, Minister o f Citizenship and Immigration,
K -^ e -A R T M E N T OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION t V >IAN AFFAIRS BRANCH I r - J K D COUNCIL RESOLUTION C A N A D A No» 2 ( - ) NOTE: The word* 4'From our Band Fund»” must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. The Council of the..................... .................................................................. :..........................................................Baud f Indium, (Name of Band) in the............................................................................................................................................................................ Indian Agency, (Name of Agency) in the Province of............. ..................................; a meeting, held at...........4 ? ? ? ..... ........................................ (Name of Province in full) (Name of Place) this.. ............ day of............ .......................... A.D. 19.....^™... (In Full) (Month) Do He r e b y R e s o l v e : THAT paragraph 22. of By-law No. I (mads October 15* 1964 and duly approved on November 5» 1964 by the Honourable the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) be amended to read now as follows* All service fees* charges and rates collected pursuant to this by-law shall* when required* be expended by the Council for the construction, maintenance and operation of the waterworks system, including sewage disposal appurtenances thereto. And. soeM t\ 1 v-that rates- eolleoted-be used to pay gydro-Quebeo rates for electricity p.nq& dftd^at.,.Tm g .sa èbsa * (Councillor) < / (Councillor) (Councillor) __ (Councillor) (CouncÜior) ( ) .. (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) ' > ,. - / ? (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Funds ACCT ' A. Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. | | Capital Q Revenue $ $ $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved Date Chief, Reserves and Trusts Date Director, Indian Affairs 0 73 8 3 I1AÏ 20 65
The Council of the Abitibi Dominion Band at a meeting held on <0CT 15 > |, makes the follow ing by-law pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (r) o f section 80 o f the Indian Act. By-law No. A by-law to provide for the disposal o f garbage and waste on the Amos Indian Reserve No. 1 in the Province of Quebec. 1. In this by-law, (a) "council" means the Council o f the A bitib i Dominion Band; (b) "reserve" means the Amos Indian Reserve No. 1 . «% 2. No person shall accumulate or permit to be accumulated upon lands in his possession on the reserve, anything which is or may become offensive or in jurious to health. 3 . No person sha ll deposit any dead animal, o f fa l , f is h , manure, garbage, fr u it , vegetables, n ig h t-so il, f i l t h , liqu id waste, or anything o f a nature which is or may become offensive or prejud icia l to health in or upon any highway, street, road, a lle y , lane, lo t , d itch , wharf, dock, lake, pond, r iv e r , stream, w ell, or sewer, on the reserve or upon any any land or premises within the reserve, provided, however, that this section shall not apply to the deposit and disposal o f any such material into or at a place within the reserve designated and marked for the disposal o f garbage and waste with signs placed by the Council. U. The Council may arrange fo r the regular removal o f garbage and waste from any or a l l premises within the reserve and where such an arrange ment has been made, every owner or resident o f such premises sha ll (a) deposit a l l garbage and waste on his premises in a fly -p ro o f receptable provided with a water-tight cover, and (b) place the receptacle on the edge o f the roadway nearest his premises at a time and day designated by the Council for the removal o f garbage and waste* 5 . In the spring o f each year as soon as the melting of snow permits the person in possession o f any premises within the reserve sh a ll c o lle c t a ll waste matter lying thereon including tin cans, b o tt le s , paper and animal manure. 1 6 7 9 2 OCT 1364 Y / 'd M OCT 26 64
2 * A ll such waste matter shall be disposed o f in such a maimer as vd. 11 prevent any nuisance or offence as the fouling o f wells and water supply. 7 . Any person who v io la tes any o f the provisions o f this by-law shall be guilty o f an offence and shall be liab le on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven days or both fine and imprisonment. (Chief) Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor J
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.