Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Chronological No. - Numéro consecutif Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada 1996 File Reference - No. de ref. du dossier Indian and Inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et inuit BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words "From our Band Funds" "Capital" or "Revenue", which ever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: Les mois "des fonds de notre bande "Capital" ou revenu" selon le cas doivent paraitre dans tou tes les resolutions portant sur des dépenses a meme les fonds de bandes. TIIE COUNCIL OF THE Current Capital Balance $ LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE POPLAR HILL FIRST NATION Solde de capital AGENCY\DISTRICT SIOUX LOOKOUT Committed Engage $ PROVINCE ONTARIO Current Revenue balance Solde de revenu $ PLACE POPLAR HILL, ONTARIO Committed - Engage $ DATE 02 01 97 Day-Jour Month-Mois Year-Annee SU BJECT : Poplar Hill F irst N ation Offense Certificate A m endm ent BE IT R ESO LV ED : that the Poplar Hill F irst N ation Band Council do hereby wish to am end and revise the existing Offense C ertificate due to the low incom e and budget that familys have to live within and; W H EREA S : the only change will be the intoxication charge that was set at $100.00 and the new set donation for intoxication charge is now $50.00 at Poplar Hill F irst N ation and ; W H ER EA S : T here is a need for effective enforcem ent for penalizing those who chose to violate PO PLA R H IL L FIRST N A TIO N IN TO X IC A N T BY - LAW ; W H ER EA S : our community requires special m easures m easures to be taken to be effective ; W H ER EA S : the Poplar Hill F irst N ation Constables and Peacekeepers spend significant tim e in p repara tion of court briefs which often result in insignificant sentences while these resources could be better utilized on prevention and intervention projects for the community ; BE IT R ESO LV ED : that the ticketing o f offenses, payable to the Poplar Hill F irst N ation, can and may be substituted for the regular court procedure at the discretion o f the Poplar Hill F irst N ation Constables and Peacekeepers in consultation with the C hief & Council o f Poplar Hill ; F U T H E R M O R E : that the ticket offense system that the individual upon violation o f a Band By - Law will have the option of being issued a Poplar Hill F irst N ation Offense Ticket or be subject to crim inal proceedings ; F U T H E R M O R E : that all tickets will have a num ber that will be unique to the said ticket and that the Poplar Hill First Nation will stam p the triplicate upon payment which will also act as a receipt for the violator or accused ; FU T H E R M O R E : that the accused person upon a guilty plea will m ake payable, within 15 days, on or before the expiry date m arked on the ticket, to the Poplar Hill First N ation the required donation or the Poplar Hill First N ation will return to the Constables or Peacekeepers the unpaid ticket stub who will then create a court b rief and a sum m ons will be issued to the violator or accused; FU T H E R M O R E : that the accountability will be in a ledger form at that will include 6 columns : ticket # , donation am ount, nam e o f violator/accused, expiry date, paid or retu rned to Constables, and date o f later action; A quorum for this Bands Pur cette bande le quorum est con sits of fixe a Council Members Membres du Conseil__________ (C h ie f -C h e f) ' '(C o u n c illo r -^ ü n s e H ‘(Councillor^* cgjXVsëllër)* inclllor *-* coünsëllëf) '(Councillor -coüHsëllëf)” (C o u nc il ‘(Councillor - coünsëllëf)" '(Councillor - coünsëllëf)’ * '(Councillor- * ‘(Counclllo r -* coünsëllëf) ’(Councillor " coünsëllëfJ **(Coùnclllor-*coünsëlfëf)‘‘ ' ’(Councillor coünsëllëf ) ' FOR DEPARTM ENTAL USE O N L Y - R ESER VE AU M INISTERE 1. Band Fund C oda 2. C O M P U T E R B A L A N C E S - S O L D E S D O R D IN A T E U R 3. Expenditure# 4. Authority 6. Source of Funds Dépensas Source da fonda C oda du compta da bond Indian Act A . Capital B. Ravanua - Ravanu Section Capital Ravanua S. Recom m ended - Recom m andable A pproved Approubabla Recom m ending Officer - Recommanc a par Data Approving Officer - A pprouv > par
Chronological N a - Numéro consecutif Indian and Northern Affaires Indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada 1996 Indian and Inuit Affairs File Reference - N a de ref. du dossier Affaires indiennes et Inuit BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words "From our Band Funds" "Capital" or "Revenue", which ever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds NO 1 A: Les mots "des fonds de notre bande "Capital" ou revenu" selon le cas doivent paraître dans tou tes les resolutions portant sur des dépenses a meme les fonds de bandes. THE COUNCIL OF THE Current Capital Balance s. LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE POPLAR HILL FIRST NATION Solde de capital AGENCY\DISTRICT SIOUX LOOKOUT Committed - Engage $. PROVINCE ONTARIO * Current Revenue balance Solde de revenu $ PLACE POPLAR HILL, ONTARIO Committed - Engage $ DATE 02 01 97 Day-Jour Month-Mois Ycar-Annce SU B JEC T : Poplar Hill F irst N ation Offense C ertificate A m endm ent Pg. - 2 BE IT R ESO LV ED : that the following wil be the scheduled set donations and penalties for offenses : 1 - IN TO X IC A TIO N C H A R G E - $50.00 per charge contrary to Section 8 5 - 1 (3)(B) o f the Indian Act 2 - PO SSESSIO N C H A R G E - $100.00 per charge contrary to Section 8 5 - 1 (3)(A ) o f the Indian Act F U T H E R M O R E : the C hief & Council reserve the rught to invoke alternate arrangem ents for paym ent schedules, which will include assessm ent of incom e m aintenance o f a said household, so to alleviate undue hardship; F U T H E R M O R E : any person that is not a resident o f Poplar Hill F irst N ation community shall be subject to prosecution under the provisions of our By - Laws, and one letter o f warning will be issued to repea t offenders prior to their eviction from our First N ation T erritory at their own expense, in the form o f a Band Council Resolution; FU T H E R M O R E B E IT R ESO LV ED : this new am endm ent is approved by the Council o f Poplar Hill F irst N ation and is effective immediately, Jan. 2 / 97’. A quorum for this Bands Pur cette bande le quorum est con sits of fixe a Council Members Membres du Conseil__________ *''(C o u n c illo r -cbünsëlfër)'* J 2 C 2 fsej|?rj i c . , (Councilor - cbünsëlfër) ' * (C ou n c illo r - cbü nsëlfë r) * * * '(Coùnclllbr cbünsëlfër) ‘"(Councillor - cbünsëlfër)” * "(Councillor - cbünsëlfër) ' " * ‘(Councillor - counsellor)"' ‘‘(Councillor - cbünsëlfër)” * "(Councillor - cbünsëlfër)” * ‘(Councillor cbünsëlfëf) * ‘(Councillor -* coü nsëlfëf )” FOR DEPARTM ENTAL USE O N L Y - R ESER VE AU M INISTERE 1. Band Fund C oda 2. C O M P U T E R B A L A N C E S - S O L D E S D O R D IN A T E U R 3. Expandituraa 4. Authority 6. Sourca of Funds Dopanaos Sourca da fonds C oda du compta da band Indian Act A . Capital B. Ravanua - Ravanu Saction Capital Ravanua 6. Racom m andad - Racom m andabla A pprovad - Approubabla «•com m anding Offlcar - Racommanc a par Data Approving Offlcar - A pprouv par
Chronological N a Numéro consecutif Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada 1996 File Reference - N a de re t du dossier Indian and Inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et inuit BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words "From our Band Funds" "Capital" or "Revenue", which ever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: Les mots "des fonds de notre bande "Capital" ou revenu" selon le cas doivent paraître dans tou tes les resolutions portant sur des dépenses a meme les fonds de bandes. THE COUNCIL OF THE Q jrrent Capital Balance $ LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE POPLAR HILL FIRST NATION Solde de capital AGENCY\DISTRICT SIOUX LOOKOUT Committed - Engage $ PROVINCE ONTARIO Current Revenue balance Solde de revenu $ PLACE POPLAR HILL, ONTARIO Committed - Engage $ DATE 02 01 97 Day-Jour Month-Mois Year-Annee BE IT RESOLVED : that the Poplar Hill First Nation Band Council do hereby appoint Enos Strang, DOB Nov. 12 / 67 as a Band Constable to enforce the Band By - Laws within the First Nation Territory of Poplar Hill and ; WHEREAS : Band Constables are under the direction of the Chief & Council of Poplar Hill First Nation and Band Constables will also work & assist the Ontario Provincial Police when assistance is needed of them and ; FUTHERMORE BE IT REOLVED : Enos Strang be appointed as a Band Constable within the First Nation Territory of Poplar Hill, effective immediately Jan. 2 / 97 A quorum for this Bands Pur cette bande ie quorum est con sits of fixe a Council Members Membres du Conseil______ ..... .....r ..........\C6CincVf6r- ëouHselfërJ.................. ^ ( ^ ù n c î l l o T - counselîe» ’(CbuiValldr - cou nsolfèr) *'’(Councillor - counsellor)" * ■(Councillor - counsel far)'‘ (Coùncîlid r - coü risëlfè'r) * ’(Councillor - coünsëlfër) * ' ‘■(Councillor - coünsëlfër)** ‘(Coüncllldr - coünsëlfër) *(Co un cil Id r - coünsel ler) ' ' * (Councillor - coü nsëllèr) '(Côü'nd llo r - coühsël le r ) ' ' FOR DEPARTM ENTAL USE O N L Y - R ESER VE AU M INISTERE 1. Band Fund Coda 2. C O M P U T E R B A L A N C E S - S O L D E S D 'O R D IN A T E U R 3. Expenditures Dépensas 4. Authority 6. Source of Funds C oda du compta de band Indian Act Source de fonds A . Capital B. R evenue - Revenu Section $ $ O Capital Revenue $ 6. Recom m ended - Recom m endable A pproved - Approubable Recom m ending Officer - Recommenc e per Date Approving Officer - A pp ro u v » par
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.