Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE ^OTE: 7 he words " Frorn our Band Funds** must appear in ail resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande doivent paraître dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses à meme les fonds des THE COUNCIL OF THE Pie Mobert Reserve l e c o n s e i l d e l a b a n d e i n d i e n n e AGENCY a g e n c e Lakehead District PROVINCE Q H fcariû PLACE n o m d e L e n d r o i t Mobert, Ontario D ATR ..... 1 6 2 APi Q DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: That a 15 mile speed limit be applied to the main part of the reserve. Plainly around the school zone. School zone signs be pub up as a warning to motorist for caution. .fex.Sabourin............ ...... ' ’(Chief - Chef) Esther Kwissiwa Albert Desmoulin (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor cons eiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) F O R H E A D Q U A R T E R S USE O N L Y - R É S E R V É A U B U R E A U P R I N C I P A L 1 .T RUST ACC T 2, CURRENT BALANCES - SOLDES COURANTS COMPTE DE A. Capital B. Revenue Revenu FIDUCIE $ $ *5. Recommended Recomman de Authorised Officer Fonctionnaire autorise I A 1 3 5 ( 1 2 - 7 0 ) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 . 3 - 4 6 6 2Chronological No. Numéro consécutif tfl\2 H.Q. Reference N ° de re'f. du fa. pr. Capital balance Solde de capital ^ Committed Engagé $ Revenue balance Solde de revenu S... . . Committed Engagé $ YEAR - ANNÉE , Watson Desmoulin (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) 3, Expenditure 4. Authority Autorité 5. Source of Funds D épenses Indian Act Sec Source des fonds Art. de la Loi sur les it 1 Capi .. t . al , M (—I Revenue $ Indiens i ^ *—1 R evenu Date A ssistant Deputy Minister Sousuninis tee adjoint
District Supervisor, Ottawa, Ontario KIA O. h Lake-head Indi-.n District Jure 19, 1972 1 (C3-0 4V C\ (CA?) Speed Limit Pic Mobert Band Reference is made to your memorandum of February IS, 1972 to the Regional Director and to Pic Kobert Band Council Resolution No. 42. As confirmed by your telex of March 22, Resolution No. 42 is to amend the Pic Mobert Band,s traffic By-law No. 2 made by the Band on November 27,1968. Let us therefore consider B.C.R. No. 42 as being Eylaw No. 2A for reasons of clarity. Hie provisions'of Section 82(2) of the Indian Act, insofar as it concerns the 40 day period expired on or about March 26th. In our view, trie wording of By-law No. 2A does net clearly express the intent of the Band Council to amend their traffic By-law No. 2. We would suggest, therefore, that they consider making a new amending bylaw worded somewhat as follows: "Whereas the Council of the Pic Mobert Band of Indians enacted a By-law No. 2 respecting the regulation of traffic; And whereas the Council deems it to be expedient and in the best interest of the inhabitants of the reserve to amend the said by-law; Now therefore, the Council of the Pic Kobert Band of Indians enacts as a by-law thereof pursuant to Section 81(b) of the Indian Act the following: 1 1. By-law No. 2 be and the same is hereby amended by deleting the numerals "25" and inserting in lieu thereof the numerals "15" so that the by-law shall read:
v } TK !.. ;-'0 £ 0 cvc-r tve spee-i JLLdLt o.i 15 aa rieur, the -peed U n i t t o be ap p lied to tA e rutin ra.-d on the Reserve, rooinly around the sch oo l roue; school cone si£:no to be put as a •• rnirp; to laotorlsts for»?T n By-law Ko» 2A bo and the' saiLe la hereby repealed* Approved and passed at a duly convened neetinp of' the co u n c il t i l ls day o f _______ __1 ??2 . ît . Is the by-la.< Is datn-d alter Juixu ry 1, 1972 and regardless of Whether or not the rriendiaonts we siygosted above are irplaaentad> It is necessary to have it registered under the new Statutory Instruments Act» The Statutory Instruments Act requires, nr eng other tilings, the registration with the Clerk of the P rivy Council of all bylaws pnsoeu by a band councils pursuant to Sections dl and H3 cf the Inùian Act, Before registration, each by-law submitted must be. certified to be a true copy of the originel by-law. For certification acceptable to the Privy Council it will be necessary for you to: (ij from, the original, retype the by-laws, including the names of the signing authorities: (2) certify the re-typed copy of the by-laws (as per the form attached)j (3) return the re-typed copy along with the original certification, be will proceed with the registration. (g ) It is meaningless unless the copy being certified is, as part of the process of certification, compared with the original by-law. It is not enough to compare it with a mere copy. (b) been such a true copy of a by-law is sent to this office, the certificate on it or attached to it, must be the original signed certificate. It is not enough that the certificate be a photocopy. (c) Fach byl'w which is registered as a Statutory Instrument becomes to the p u b lic for inspection. Die true copy submitted must be of sufficient quality to permit perfect legibility. (d) The true copy must be an exact duplicate of tho original including the wording, spelling, and pametuation. The procedure outlined above for certification purposes, should be followed not only for this particular by-law but also for any future by-laws passed by band councils unless otherwise advised. V.K. Gran, C h i e f , band V n ore:: eut d iv is io n .
:u 3 A N D L 0 U tvCIL RESOLUTION | RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE vo i Vit- . <.• ro s P rom o ur Band r u::d s must appear in ail r e s o lu t io n s re q u e s t in g expen d itures from Band Funds. L e s m ots d e s fonds de notre ban ce** d o iv e n t paraître dans t o u t e s l e s s o lu t i o n s portant sur d e s d é p e n s e s à m ôme l e s fonds d band es LHF. C OU N CI L OF T HE C apita l b a la n c e h c on se il de la b a n d e i ndi enne Pic Mobert Reserve Sid de (de cavital % , V ; K N C Y ~ ~ / n c e I ^ a b e h e a d D i s t r i c t Committed Engagé s.. r : n c e O n t a r i o P e re nu e ba 1 a n c e Solde de revenu p l a c e n om d e l *e n d r o i t Mobert , Ontario Committed -- Engagé $ D A T E ____________ 1& __________________ _________ 2 AD 19 72 D A Y - J O U R M O N T H - M O IS Y E A R - A N N E E DO H E R E B Y R E S O L V E : DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: That a 15 mile speed limit be applied to the main part of the reserve. Mainly around the school zone. School zone signs be put up as a warning to motorist for caution. . Ray.. Sabp.urin.. Ch i ef - C h * 111 ert Dcsmoul: lvat son Desnoull n r o r n e a ' c h a r t l l f : o n l y - r e d e k v e f. ' R b U r h / K ( ' r A l B. Kt'Vcr.ue -- Revenu ; Indian Ac ; Sec j A n . de la E o i su r h a !$ j I n d ien s
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.