Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Washagamis Bay Band By-Law No, 2 (1) This By-Law may be cited as "The Curfew By-Law". (2) This By-Law is made pursuant to paragraphs (c) (d) (q) and (r) of seciton 81 of the Indian Act. (3) The purpose to this By-law is to provide for the regulation of the activities of boys and girls upon the Reserve or any part or parts thereof of the Band, under 17 years of age in order to prevent misconduct and nuisance. (4) The Washagamis Bay Band Council hereby enacts the following as a By-law. (a) No boy or girl on a Reserve of Washagamis Bay under 17 years of age shall loiter in any place within the said Indian Reserve after 11 oclock in the evening until 6 oclock in the morning. (b) No boy or girl on the Reserve of Washagamis Bay Band under 17 years of age shall in any place of amusement, vacant buildings, streets, lanes, by-ways or roads within the said reserves, or shall be in the course of returning from any place of entertainment off the said reserve after 11 oclock pm unless accompanied by his/her parent or an adult appointed by a parent to accompany such child, or unless authorized for a specific purpose by the parent to return to the Reserve beyond 11 oclock p.m.
(c) A boy or girl on a Reserve of Washagamis Bay Band violating the provisions of paragraph (a) or (b) maybe warned and taken home by a Special Constable or by the Ontario Provincial Police, or by whomever is authorized by the Band Council. (d) A parent who permits his child to violate paragraph (a) or (b) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on a Summary Conviction to a fine not exceeding $100 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days, or both fine and imprisonment. This By-Law was approved and passed at a Emergency General Band Meeting on July 24, 1984. Alfred Sinclair Chief Edward Martin Councillor Councillor
! I K ' j tj* îiKü^n and Northern Affaires indiennes 0 * Affairs Canada et &i Nord Canada Chronological No, Numéro tan tm eut il Indian and Inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et ir\nt 5 3 9 7 1 4  ü C B 1 P 4 a * ; File Reference - N° do tél. du dùmmimr B A N D C O U N C IL R E S O L U T IO N R É S O L U T IO N D E C O N S E IL D E B A N D E t / -X iG V T , WUIfc. rue word. From Our Btnd Fund." * Capital" or "B*venu**\ whichever is the case, must appear lp all resolution. Band Fund. N O T A ; Lea mota "doe for»*# dm no tr* **nde f*Cep<t«f" ou revenu" eel On fe ca« doivent paraître dans fou fee i#a to tut i on m portant tut dm* déùmaaa m tnêrtim !ma fonda dea hand#s * THE COUNCIL OF THE Current Capital Balance LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE W a 4 h a g .a m .L 4 B a g Soldo do capital ^ AGENCY d is t r ic t K e.riQ A .a Committed Endado S p r o v in c e O t U a « L o Current Revenue balance ftr%Jié§a ifn m iw m S PLACE nom DE L 'E n d r o it W a A h a y a m L A B a y R e .4 e .a v e . Committed - EnfmàA 4, h i i - B 1 A u c u a L a fi 1 0 8 h DAY - JOUR MOM u - m r AD 19 V&Afr - ANNEE " DO HEREBY RESOLVEj DECIDE. PAR LES PRESENTES: By.-Law No. 2 (1) Thi-4 By-Law may. be cLted a4 "The Cu/ifew By-Law," (2) ! (iLa By-Law La made pu/iAuanL Lo pan.ayn.aph4 (cl (d) ( q) and (n.1 of AectLon 81 of the. Act. (3i the pu/ipoAe to thi.4 By-Law La to pnovLde (.on. the. neytiLaLLon °f- the o c LLuLLLra of. boyA and yLn.LA upon the ReAeJive. on. any pant on pantA theneof of the Band, unden 17 yeanA of aye La ondan. to pnevent mLAconduct and nutAance. (hi The UiaAhayamlA Bay Band CouncLL heneby enactA the foLLowLny aA a By-Law, (ai A/o boy o/i glnl on a *Re*enve ofi Wa*hagaml* Bay unden 17 yean* ofi aye *hall lolten Ln any place within the a aid Jndlan Re*env e. afiten 11 0* clock In the evening, until 6 o fclock In the manning, (bi A/o boy o/t glnl on the fle*enve ofi Wa*kagaml* Bay Band unden 17 yean* ofi age *hall be In any place, ofi amusement, vacant building*, *tneet*s lane*, by-way* o/i /toad* within the *ald ne*env e*, on *hall be. In the coun*e ofi. netunnl/ig finom any place ofi entertainment ofifi the *ald ne*enve afiten 11 o 'clock pm unie** accompanied by hi*/her parent on an adult appointed by a panent to accompany *uch chjtlpd, on unie** authonJ.ged fion a *peclfilc punpo*e by A quorum for this Bande Pour coif# bande te cptotum the panent to netunn to the. Re*enve beyond 11 o 9clock p m. consista of tixé à Council Members Membres du Çonaeit __________/Jf/jt (Councillor •* oohamiller) (Councillor conmeill.r) (Councillor w can**It 1st) _______ M*4**“**y (Councillor c m am 111* r) (Councillor ConmmiJtmr) (Councillor « bmnm»i1l*r) ... ____....--------1*,»****̂ **» **»*♦*,-,»»*»♦*»» (Councillor *• cert, ei/ferj (Councillor conamlttmr) (Councillor - tanêéillét) (Councillor *4 C0rt*O/If«') (C ou ncillor >n*m(t1er) (Councillor canaalllot) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE 1* Rond Fund Code 2, C O M PU TER B ALA N C E S - SOLDES DQRDINATEVR 3. Expenditure I 4. Authority AutQfit4 5* Source of Fundi Coda (Ai etanpte Rmvmnu Dmpenaea Indian Act Sto Sou*c« rfva fonda do banda A* Cap ita l B, Revenue - Art. dm fa Lot mut lot $ % S Indiana o « ' o ü : z r 6« Rccomm*n<lod Raeommendsbla Approved Approuva him Date Approving Officer « Approuvé pat Date R«commending Off icer ~ Rec&ltffiêftiiè f>ét
3 , * ! Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nprd Canada Chronologie#! No. Numéro conté tut ii tndan and inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et inuit File Reference iV° dm TL éu déniai*? BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉS O O L UTION D E ^ C f O NS , E g IL ^ g DE BANDE NOTE: The wçrda "Prom our Band Fund» 1 l 'Capital * o* Revenu* 7 whiche v S e r il I Band fund» appear in *11 rMolutlona ratura tint apeiHtHur 3aifre Ètiî' i NOTA: IX t T u i 'f lV / Z t 'J n d îT ' Nm<<e " C*P" " ' rer" ° " Se,0n '• c#* **" '*'* P* m" dmnt ' « " * « » 4 « 'UXor.< portmu djprn, : i THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE Wa4haaami4 Current Capital Balance AGENCY Bau Solde dm capital t #. DISTRICT Kenana Committed - Enfsfé î PROVINCE Ontanio Current Revenue balance PLACE Solde de revenu i NOM DE L'ENDROIT Wa4hagami4 Bay %e4enve Committed Ertgeéd î DATE .. DAY - JOUR ^ Aug MON * T u4t H - MOIS Àf> } 9 84 ŸEÀIft - ÂNNÊK DO HEREBY RESOLVE; DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: {c) A boy, o/i gin! on a Pe4enve of. Bay Band violating the pnovj.4J.on4 of panagnaph (a) on (b) maybe u/anned and taken home by a Special Con4table. on by the Ontanio Pnovinciai PoiJ.ce, on by whomever i4 authoniged by the Band Council. Id) A panent who penmit4 hi4 child to violate panagnaph (a) on (b) 4haii be guilty of an offence and 4hail be liable on a Summany Conviction to a fine not exceeding $100 on Jjnpni4onment fon a tenm not exceeding JO day4, on both fine and impni^onment, (5) Thi4 By-law wa4 appnoved and pa44ed at a Cmengency Çenenal Band Meeting on $uly 2k/8b, A quorum for this Bande Pour cetto 6on<fo le quorum oaf consists of 4jjuo ( 2 ) Council Members Membres du Conseil (Councillor conamitimf) Conaa/ t jm r j (Councillor c e n m a iU m r ) (CounciÏÏSf ** tflnf»iiïtr) - conaa/ffer) (Councillor C o n m a îa r ) (Councillor -*■ conseiller) c a n n a i l l o t ) (Councillor c a n m e if ta e ) (Councillor - tantaillmr) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE 1* Band Fund Code 2, COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES DfORDINATEUR 3« Expenditure 4. Authority Au for/ 5- Source of Fund» Coda du compte Indian Act Sac Source dmm lundi de ben de A. Capitol Br Revenue Revenu D opence* Arc, de is Loi sur le* $ $ s Indien# 0 , » . o K s r 6. Recommended JRmcomanandébté Approved * Appréuwbtm " bête Appro vins Officer - Approuvé per Baie Recommending Officer - Recommanda par j
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