Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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MUNICIPALITY OF MQRAVI-iN INDLJT RF^RVg BY-LaW TTUISSR 3 PROVIDING FOR TEL ERECTION OF A STOP SIGN AND YIELD SIGN AT INTERSECTIONS WIIERSaS SECTION 65(a) o f the Highway T ra f f ic Act (R .S.Q . I960, Chapter 172) pro rides that the council o f a n u n ic ipa lity and the trustees o f a p o lic e v i l la g e m y by by-law approved by the Department provide fo r the erec tion o f atop signs a t in tersection s on highways under i t s ju r is d ic t io n , and every sign 30 erected sh a ll comply with the regu la tions o f the Department: ÎÏQIJ TIIETiEFORE the Council o f the M unicipality o f the Moravian Indian Reserve enacts a3 fo llow s : 1. (a ) The in te rsec tion on highways get out in Column 1 ig designated as in te rsec tion where atop sign sh a ll be erected a t the lo ca tion shown in Column 2. (b ) The in te rsec tion on highways set out in Column 1 i s designated as an in te r »s ec tion inhere y ie ld sign sha ll be erected a t the lo ca tion shown in Column 2. Column 1 Column 2 In tersection fac ing t r a f f i c i selon Hoad and R iver Road east and westbound on R iver Centre Road and R iver Road east and westbound on R iver as per sketch: ! A I •._/ i / C ouneilld Covm cillar / / /''iior Councillor
Chronological No. D E P A R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH 1968- 69/7 CAN A DA BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H.Q. Reference 471/ 36-10 NOTE: The words From our Band Funds'* must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. 3 ' 7 V ; 7' * ~ - 7 i ' ■' / r s " ^ ^ ' c ' -......... 7 7 C . < * . . . £ y * - u - ~ / ~ W ~ -/ . . . . (S / ,y -7r i t , y 7 - , 7 - y L $ ,y " C 4- ' i * V-v -^-a? 7 - ^ 7 ^ 7 .^ f , / ./- / , (Councillor) ' (Councillor)' (Councillor) (Councillor) ............. (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY * , 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALAN CES 3. Expenditure 4 . Authority 5 . Source of Funds ACCT A . Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. Capital * $ $ $ 6. Recommended ' / Date Assistant Deputy Minister i Date Authorised Officer Indian Affairs / IA 135 ( 3 -S 9 ) 7 5 3 0 -2 1 -0 2 3 -4 6 6 2
A «Ptvî» D E P A R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T f Ê ' $><! INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH CA NA DA BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTE: The words "From our Band F u n d s" must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. c o u n c i l OF th e _ Moravian o f the Thames. ... A C E y e Y London D is t r ic t PROVINCE Ontario PLACE Moravian Indian Reserve O ATE Third _____ ____ November. AD IQ DAY MONTH DO HÇSS3Y r e s o l v e : W9S&S ©action 65(a) o f the Highway T ra f f ic Act ( R . 3 . 0 * 3960* Chapter 172) provides tint the council o f a m unicipality and the trustees o f a p o lic e v i l la g e may by by-law approved by the Dopartiaent provide fo r the e rec tion o f atop signs a t in tersec tion s on highways under i t s ju r is d ic t io n , and overy sign so erected shall corraly with the regu la tions o f the ©epar tenant* NOW T.iL.cUiFOîtd the Council o f the Municipality o f the Moravian Tndian Reserve enacts as f o i l ous: 1. (a ) The in te rsec tion 051 h’.glnraya set out 3n Column 1 is designated as in te rsec tion vharo stnn sign sha ll bo erected a t the lo ca tion shown in Column 2* (b ) The in te rsec tion on highways set out in Column 1 is designated as an in te rsec tion where y ie ld sign sha ll be erected a t the lo ca tion shown in Column 2* Colimn 1 Intersection (a ) Mission Road and R iver Hoad (b) Centre Road and R iver Road as per sketch* -v -s /; (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES ACCT A . Capital B. Revenue $ $ 1 6 . R «; com mended Date Authorized Officer 1 A - 135Chronological No. 16 H .Q . Reference 471/3-10-5 F O R H E A D Q U A R T E R S U S E O N L Y BAND 6 9 YEAR Colusa. 2 fac ing t r a f f i c east and westbound on R iver Hoad east ana. westbound on R iver Road ----- > '■ / J^LsZÂ (Chief) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) 3. Expenditure 4 . Authority 5 . Source of Funds Indian Act Sec* [ | Capital ( | Revenue $ 7. Approved Date A ssistant Deputy Minister, Indian Affairs !
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.