Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Chron. No. 1967/68-4 DEPARTMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION J>IAN AFFAIRS BRANCH BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION C A N A D A NOTE: The word» •‘From our Band Fund»” mint appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. The Council of the..........................kong Lj&e N0....58...................................................................................... Band Qf TnAian,, (Name of Band) ................................................. ............................. ( . N ... a .. m ... e . . o .. f . . A ... g .. e . n .. c .. y . ) ......................................................................... Indian Agency, in the Province of. . ( . N ..Q am & e t o a f r P ip ro . v .. i . n .. c .. e . . i . n .. . f . u .. l . l . ) ................... at a meeting, held at. Lp.n&.. ( J N ^ a k m & e . . o N f Q Pl . a .. c . e .. ) 5£..Res.erv.e.... this S ix th of....................................... A..D. 19....Ç7..... ........ (In Fuji) (Month) Do Hereby Resolve: To make th e fo llow in g Bylaw pursuant to Paragraph (a ) and ( r ) o f S e c tio n 80 o f the Ind ian A ct. BYLAW NO. 4 A by-law to provide f o r the e re c tio n and c o n tro l o f t o i l e t s or p r iv ie s on th e Long Lake No. 58 Indian Reserve, in the Province o f O ntario . (a ) The h o ld er of a c e r t i f i c a t e of p ossession or occupant o f every b u ild in g or s tru ctu re used as a dw elling or a p lace of bu sin ess w ithin the Long Lake No. 58 Indian Reserve s h a ll provide a t o i l e t or privy f o r th e use o f persons occupying or re s o r t in g to such b u ild in g or s tru c tu re . (b) Every t o i l e t or privy s h a ll be not le s s than 100 f e e t from ary w ell or w ater supply. (c ) Such t o i l e t or privy s h a ll be of f l y p roof co n stru ctio n and s h a ll be provided w ith a t ig h t f i t t i n g door which s h a ll be kept c lo se d . (d) A ll t o i l e t s or p r iv ie s s h a ll be kept in a c lean and sa n ita ry co n d itio n . (e ) The co u n cil may arrange f o r the re g u la r removal o f n ig h t -s o i l from any prem ises w ith in th e re se rv e . ( f ) N ig h t-so il from p r iv ie s kept on prem ises pending removal therefrom s h a ll be kept in a w ater t ig h t , f l y proof covered c o n ta in e r . (g) N ig h t-so il removed from premises w ith in th e reserve s h a ll be taken to and deposited a t a p lace w ithin th e reserv e approved by th e c o u n c il. (h) Any person who v io la te s any of the p ro v ision s o f th is by-law s h a ll he g u ilty of an o ffen ce and s h a ll be l i a b l e on summary co n v ictio n to a f in e not exceeding ten d o lla rs or imprisonment fo r a term not exceeding seven days, or both f in e and imprisonment. (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Funds ACCT A. Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. f l Capital Q Revenue $ $ $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved Date Chief, Reserves and Trusts Date Director, Indian Affairs y IA5-7
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.