Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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PUG.12 '85 15:23 INA ATL NB DIST FREDRICTON NB t»l2?5 07743 P.002 r.Hriini>)ucic*1 No. - IVumflM canttivurit I* flfwi NorU*m Affaires tortiannes *1 flu Nord * 6 7 F ile R eferen ce - N ° de ret, <ln d o ss ie r BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEtL DE BANDE B - W i - o o t TK. The words "From our Runtf Funds'* l<C * p i l * r r nr " R e v e n u e " , whichever is th#* <*%r, must vpprar in all re»olu«in*ta requestini expenditures fro Rend Funds t'A: L eg m*tH '*daa fonda lie noire band* '•Capital vu r a r e iu " «eion la cat doivtru pnraitre danu (owies Fes c"*ftlutiona partent Hut dag d«*'pen«** a E COUNCIL OK THE RIVERE EBLAR BAND Currant Capital Balance CONSEIL DE LAB ANDE Soldo dr r.apitat ^NCY TRJCT NEW BRUNSWICK , Comm i Med E ngage i . OVINCE NEW BRUNSWICK Current Revenue balance Sotde do revenu ACE if DE L ENDROIT EEL RIVER BAR Committed - Engage i 1? 8 th AUGUST ad io DAY - 10UR MONTH - MO/* YEAR - ANNBE IEREBV RESOLVE' CIDE, PAR LES PRESBNTES: The Ecl River Band Council pursuant to the powers ^ vested Section 81 of the Indian Act, enacts the following as By-Law No. D-l -ION 1: one shall keep or own on the territory of the Reserve, a dog which endangers ;urity of the residents of the reserve or which constitutes a nuisance for th sons. ^ION 21 persons who keep or own on the territory of the Reserve shall tag said dog nin (1) one week of ownership. The price of tags shall be ($10.00) Ten Dolli Females and ($5.00) Five Dollars for Males. ?TION 3: / member of the Eel River Bar Police is authorized, by one of the means appri the Band Council, To destroy a dogs a) That is transmitted to him by the owner or keeper; b) That he knows does not have any owner or keeper; A quorum for th»* Band c) That the Band Council orders him to destroy, after Pour cotta band* /e quorum nat on two (2) separate occasions, given to the owner o consists uf Uxi 4 keeper of the dog, a written notice requesting the Council Members Mombre a du C onael! correp£7V>n of, .danger -or of the nuisance caused dog (C ou ncillor conaei ffe fj (C ou ncillor co n r« iltrrJ .,. .Ĉi. ft ••*4* *«*•as■••••*•tvp* to* •••*•*• »»m it * (Count;!tivr- ^ ca n a a it l+ f) (C ou ncillor co n ta in er) (Councillor £on«ej|f*r> .• u M tt iM B M a a m iif i ili»lil«l*v*«**»(*ia*icl4iai*llavvV/JMV,>l" a 'o-oC**?.. (Councillor cankwfffer)
AUG.12 '85 15:24 INA ATL NB DIS A T P.003 ud F R 1 E 2 D R 8 I 5 C TON L? N :> B 7 4 3 7 of U'hI No, Numoro con bc cut if Indian and Northern Affair* Affaire* irni*e«"*ne* et rtt, Nnrrt ______S 6 7__ F ile R e fe re n c e N& do tot* du dooolor BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE O T E ; T h t w ord* From our R an d F 'm iU 1 C^pitnl'* oi "R e v e n u e ", whivh ever fa fhn naae, must appear in a)] revolution* requr at Inf'expenditure* from Banff Fund* O T A : L e a ni*<« "dfee iondo do nottr. bnndm ou r * v « T U Bolon /e eon doivenr pore it re don* to u t** loo rovulutiuno port ant misrrtot dnpmla e a a ______ mama Imp taprl* d o t ban do* 'F COUNCIL OF THE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNF. EEL RIVER BAR BAND Current Capital Balance Sold* dv cap ita l ^ iNCY i s t r i c t NEW BRUNSWICK Committed . Endndc L ROVINCE NEW B . . R . . U . . N . . S . . W . . I . C . . K . . Current Revenue balance ( a M a rid* MUAhtf 3 '.ACE JN DE L'ENDROIT EEL RIVER BAR Committed - Enftaft* $ .... . , * - J W ---------- * » > o h e r e b y r e s o l v e ; The Band Council is the only judge as to what constitutes a KCIDE, PAR L d E a S P n R g E e S r EN T o E r S : a nuisance caused by a dog on the reserve. 2TI0M 4: ^withstanding the terms of section 2,c ), the Band Council may order the immec struction of a dog which has, without provocation from the victim, caused ha: human being or whc^onstitutes a real and actual menace for the people. CTION 5t sever abandons a dog on the territory of the reserve is guilty of an offence liable, on summary conviction, of a fine not exceeding $100.00 or of an imp at not exceedinf Thirty (30) days or of the fine and of imprisonment altoget :TI0N 6; nember of the Eel River Bar Police or the Band Council shall not be held res ile of any lawsuit arising from any descisions or action on his part in the < ith application of the present By-Law. A quorum for this Band Pour catta band* la quorum bn/ consist ft of fix4 A Council Members M a m b re a du C o n * v i1 I ijib RS" ts* f ASS"1 *1 AS 41B ta 4 IS* A AA« * « * * »At* ( C o u n c i l lo r cen to i l lo r) iM B ir v n « t iu v r v iv r r m f iv f i iv * im iiv « m m tm a (C o u n c i l lo r - tu n o o illo r) (C ou ncillor COwimmitlOr)
pkixii i 9 u . . i H i i w s The Eel River Band Council pursuant to the powers vested ir by Section 81 of the Indian Act, enacts the following as By-Law No. D-l SECTION 1; No one shall keep or own on the territory of the Reserve, a dog which endangers security of the residents of the reserve or which constitutes a nuisance for the persons. I SECTION 2: All persons whOi Keep or own on the territory of the Reserve shall tag said dog i within (1) one week of ownership. The price of tags shall be ($10.00) Ten Dollc for Females and' ($5.00) Five Dollars for Males. i SECTION 3: Any member of the Eel River Bar Police is authorized, by one of the mean£ appro\ by the Band Council, To destroy a dog: a) That is transmitted to him by the owner or keeper; b) That he knows does not have any owner or keeper; c) That the Band Council orders him to destroy, after havi on two (2) separate occasions, given to the owner or keeper of the dog, a written notice requesting the correction of the danger or of the nuisance caused by t Signed by Everett Martin (Chief) dog. Signed by Gordon La Billois , (Councillor) Signed by Glen Caplin (Councillor) Signed by Mary McBain (Councillor)
The Band Council is the only judge as to what constitutes a danger or a nuisance caused by a dog on the reserve. SECTION 4: t Notwithstanding the terms of section 2,c), the Band Council may order the immedic destruction of a dog which has, without provocation from the victim, caused harm l a human being of who/constitutes a real and actual menace for the people. SECTION 5: ' t Whoever abandons a dog on the territory of the reserve is guilty of an offence ar is liable, on summary conviction, of a fine not exceeding $100.00 or of an impris i ment not exceedinf Thirty (30) days or of the fine and of imprisonment altogethei SECTION 6; A member of the Eel River Bar Police or the Band Council shall not be held respor sible of any lawsuit arising from any descisions or action of his part in the goc faith application of the present By-Law. Signed by Everett Martin (Chief) Signed by Gordon La Billois i (Councillor) Signed by Glen Caplin (Councillor) Signed by Mary McBain (Councillor)
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.