Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

The Council of the Kitamaat Band of Indians at a meeting held > ft 'l 'f tL y 2 ) C . makes the following By-law pursuant to sub- seotion (2) of Seotion 82 of the Indian Aot, By-law No, 4 A By-law to provide for the expenditure of monies raised under By-law No, 3, (a) All monies raised under By-law No, 3 shall be used to defray expenses in connection with Kitamaat Electric Power System, Chief -Councillor 3 fry-7 , I Councillor Councillor Councillor
\ ' Vhe Counoil of the Kltinaat Bend of Indian* t a meting held thin / / ? b Or » I? fiV " 19,.i aake t | h e following by-law % p %; * pursuant to paragraphe (f), (1) and (r) of Seetisn 80 and paragraphs ;’:C- . v -’"î«Wi,' ->■-(b) and (f) of Subsection (1) of Section 82 of the &dlan Act. B i -u v m . k A by-law te preside for the extension and naintenenee of the Xitlaat Beserre waterworks ^piteb 1* In this by-lsw (a) ooaneil* mane the Council ef the SAtinaat Band o f {■■} as a water eervieee i m poster | (•) W mane a amber ef the SMteaet fiend ef ic Indians who ecoupies taj premises an the Kltimat Indian Seeerrej <4) "pewit* mans a permit lamed under aeetdsn 2 ef this ■■'-vs'ijnlahi " <s) trente»!* naans a home, naltlple deal Hag beam, bueineee block or other building oeneiructed or under oonatruetioai (f) "weterror system* «sane the eater mins, sendee pipes and fittings now laid and aehdtrusted and includes the water mains, semes pipes and fittings «hüh nap be laid and oeaetraetod, 2. (a) Any owner who nogolnso n supply of water fren the waterworks systen shall apply to the. eeundl In. the form proscribed. (b) the warn oil shall*, If It approve* the toptteetoon, learn te the owner a permit awtoeriain# each owner to w>tof» tohjait: to the mndtUona e Where an mmm In leeeed a paraît ha É ell - -(a) lay end eenetrwet er team to ha laid, and eeaatrwetod, at hla expense, at a depth ef at least two feet helve the atarfase ef toe ground euoh pipes not exceeding 3/k* In dimeter end
* 2-flttings which, in the opinion of the inspector, are necessary to convey water from the waterworks system into hie premises, and (b) install such taps, pipes, fittings and fixtures in, under or about his premises which, in the opinion of th* inspector, are necessary to control the water. b* owner shall be entitled to have water conveyed te hie premises from the waterworks system unless the infecter has approved the installation and connections and such owner has paid to the council a service fee of 50# for the turning on of the water. 5. (a) the water conveyed to the premise* of any owner fxem the watersorks system «hall be used by the «mer of each premiss* for domestic purposes only unless the co noil otherwise consente In writing. (b) No owner or person shall use the water conveyed from the waterworks system to the premises ©f such owner for other than domestic purposes unless the counoil has othsrwiss consented in writing. 6. Every owner shall, at his expense, repair and maintain and keep repaired and maintained all pipes, fittings, taps and fixtures that ha has laid, constructed or InttelTf*1 «** has caused to be laid, constructed or Installed for the purpose of conveying water from the waterworks system late his premises* 7. (a) The inspector may enter the premises ef any owner connected to the waterworks system from time to time for the purpose of inspecting the pipes, fittings, taps and fixtures. (b) If the inspector is of the opinion that the pipes, fittings, taps and fixtures in the premises of any owner arc defective or are in need of repair h© shall serra ten the owner of such premises an order to remedy the defect.
v , e» - > S. (a) The order shall allow and f ix a reasonable tine within which the owner is to comply with the direction or directions contained therein, (b) The inspector uhall be the final judge as to whether the direction or directions contained In the order have bees compiled with, 9. (a) If the ©user fails to comply with the order within the tine specified therein, the inspector «hall sake a report to toe council. (b) The council nay direct that the supply of water to tbs premises rsferrsd to in the order b© turned oft until ouch tine as the owner thereof has complied with the direction or directione contained therein, 10. Where the owner cemplies with the direction or directions contained in the order the council shall, upon payment by toe owner of a service fee of $04, direct that the water be turned on to the premises of such owner. 11. (a) The council may for toe purpeee of repairing and maintaining toe waterworks system or laying and constructing additions to or extending the waterworks eystsn shut off tho water supply to the premises of any owner for sush period of time as it considers necessary. (b) The council or any member thereof shall not be liable for any damages that mayissult to any premises «* the owner of such premises from toe turning off of water. 12. All servioe fees collected by the council pursuant to this by-law shall, then required, be expended by the council for the extension and maintenance of the waterworks system. 13. The council may prescribe such forms and notices as are required for the purposes of this by-law. II4. (1) No owner shall lay, construct or install or cause to be laid, constructed or installed any pipes, fittings, taps or fixtures for the purpose of conveying or controlling water from the water­ works system unless such pipes, fittings, taps or fixtures have
V fc. been approved by the inspector. (2) Ho owner without (a) a permit, or (b) the authority of oouneil shall tap or make any connection with or interfere with the water­ works system. (3) Ho owner or person shall interféra with or attempt to interfere with the inspector when performing or attempting to perform his duties under this by-law. 15. Any owner or person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction of a fine not exceeding $10.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven days or both fins and imprisnnasnt. Chief » / jX . Councillors! __ _ " H :V ̂ . '■ S . # y s / r ' < c / / 'S / < j . A / - y !
ORDSl OF RB^DY KlTIMAT WtttNZ mTaWDKKS SX5TSH **• fallwlil pipes, fitting®, tap® and fixture® in, under, or about jour prawisM as* defective and in mad of repair! Ion are hereby ordered to reaedy the above defect (•) within day® fro® the date of this order in acoerd-ance with the fallowing directionsi Signs*we of Inqpeetert Datei Form prescribed by the Council of the Xi tinea!; Band.
f ,/• ORDER OP PERMIT POR VDRK KITIMAT RESERVE WATERWORKS SYST®! Mp. (Mrs.) (Mias) You are hereby authorized to make a ooanectlon from the ærvice Ilnee of the Kltimat Reserve Waterworks System to your preraises in accordance with and subject to Kitlaaat Band by-law No.U» Signed fer the Xitiraaat Bead Counoil} Date i Form prescribed by the Cooneil of the Kitlaaat Band,
hereby apply to the Utlmaat Band Council for a supply ©f water for ay pnaiMf located (deacrlotloa of location). 2 agree that the aaid water shall be used fer deneetie purposes only unless the Council otherwise consent* in writing» 1 alse agree that the CeunoU «T any perten or persons authorised by the CouaallahalX hare tb**i#it t* enter wyen wj lands fbr tha purpose r sf exc " ava -y t ing, layin * g ; v ^ éemt eefcstruetiag ' , 1 op -erating, repairing «ad nsiatatniug the smviee Mast ef the & tinat assert» Sates Fora prescribed bgr the Council of the Ijt&nattt
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.