Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Y S ' , ^ V Chronological No. Num ero c o n se c u til ( , f ( H.Q. Reference N ° d e ref, d u b . pr. BAND C O U N C IL R ESO LUTION R E S O LU TIO N DE CO NSEIL DE BANDE nrra' ’. / he words f1'0 our Band Funds must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. /V07 . b L a e n s d m es ots des fonds de txotre bande** doivent paraitre dans toutes les resolutions portant sur des dSpenses S meme les fonds des THE COUNCIL OF THE Capital balance L E C O N S E I L D E L A B A N D E I N D I E N N E Burnt Church Solde de capital AGENCY a g e n c e Miramichi ------------------------v-----------------------—■———— ■— ------------------------ Committed Engage $ province New Brunswick Revenue balance PLACE n o m d e l e n d r o i t Burnt Church Committed Engage $ DATE _l6th .... Ap.L i l iq DAY - JO U R M O N T H - MOIS Y E A R - A N N E E do hereby resolve; The Council o f the Burnt Church Band o f Indians at a meeting held April decide , par les presentes: 16th, 1971, makes the follow ing by-law pursuant to paragraph (a ) and (r ) o f section 80 o f the Indian Act: By-law N o .^ A by-law to provide fo r the disposal o f garbage and waste on the Burnt Church Indian Reserve, in the Province o f New Brunswick. (a ) Mo person shall accumulate or permit to be accumulated upon lands in his possession or deposit or accumulate on the lands in possession o f another person anything which is or may become o ffensive or injurious to health. (b ) No person shall deposit, any dead animal, o f fa l , fish , manure, garbage, fru it , vegetables, n igh t-so il, f i l t h , liqu id vraste, or anything o f a nature which is or may become offensive or p re ju d ic ia l to health upon or in to any highway, s treet, road, a lle y , lane, lo t , ditch, wharf, dock, lake, pond, r iv e r , stream, w e ll, or sewer, or in to any land or premises within the reserve and any such deposit shall be deemed a nuisance, provided, however, tha the provisions o f th is paragraph shall not apply to the deposit and proper disposal o f any such material into or at a place within the reserve approved by the Council fo r that purpose. (c ) The Council may arrange fo r the regular removal o f garbage and waste from any premises within the reserve. (d) In the spring o f each year as soon as the melting o f snow permits the person in possession o f any premises xfithin the reserve shall co llec t a l l waste matter ly ing thereon including t in cans, b o ttles , paper and animal manure. (e ) A l l such waste matter shall be disposed o f in such a manner as w i l l prevent any nuisance or offence as the fou ling o f w ells and water supply. ( f ) Any person who v io la tes any o f the provisions o f th is by-law shall be gu ilty o f an offence and shall be lia b le on summary conviction to a fin e not exceeding ten dollars or imprison­ ment fo r a term mot exceeding seven days, or both fin e and imprisonment. The Council o f the Burnt Church Band w i l l arrange fo r the regular removal o f garbage and waste at a cost to the householder o f $2.00 per month per household. (Counci l lo r c onseiiler) (C ounc i l lo r conseiller) (Counc i l lo r conset Her) (Counc i l lo r conseil le r ) (Counci l lo r cons eiller) /^Council lor conseil ler) (C ounc i l lo r conseiller) (Counci l lo r c o n s e i i l e r ) (C ounc i l lo r c o n s e i H e r ) (Counc i l lo r c o n s e i l ! e r )
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.