Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

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B Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires indiennes et du Nord BAND C O U N C IL RESOLUTION R ESO LUTIO N DE CONSEIL DE BANDE w u i t . ihe words From our Band Funds*’ Capital or Revenue , whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds N O T A : L e s m ots des tonds de notre bande Capital ou revanu se/on le c as do iven t paraitre dans tou tes le s resolu tion s portant sur d e s d e p e n s e s a m em e le s fonds d e s ban d es THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE ESKASCNI BAND AGENCY DISTRICT NCVA SCOTIA DISTRICT PROVINCE N0VA SCOTIA PLACE n o m DE L'ENDROIT ESKASCNI, CAPE BRETCN, N.S. d a t e 20 02 AD 19 79___ _ DAY - JO U R M O N T H - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES attached Therein BY_LAW : Office Policy BY-Law 3-79. A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of tix t a Council Members Membres du Conseil MlisoniM,^..Bernard. ..............................(Chief**— *C*h'ef )............ I^Johnson...... Leonard Denny (Councillor c o n se ille r ) (Councillor co n se ille r ) Paui..K., Thonas Christmas (Councillor c o n sei Her) (Councillor c o n se ille r ) Charles W. Francis Victor Alex (Councillor c o n se ille r ) (Councillor c o n se i 1 ler) Walter J. Stevens Michael Denny .............(Councillor '— c o n se iller ) (Councillor c o n se ille r ) FOR DEPARTM ENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE 1, Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SO L D E S D O R D IN A T E U R C o d e du com p te de bande A. Capital B. Revenue R ev en u $ $ 6. Recommended 1Re com m endable Date Recommending Officer R econvnande par I A 1 3 5 ( 3 - 7 4 ) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 2tOR/iq-H CP) f&Y0053 C h r o n o lo g ic a l N o . Numero c o n se c u tif 676 File Reference N ° de ref. du d o ss ie r 274/3-10-023 2 9 - 6 - 2 Current Capital Balance Solde de capital $ Committed Engage % Current Revenue balance Committed Engage S YEAR - A N N E E Gordon Patles...... (Councillor co n seiller ) (Councillor C on seiller) (Councillor c o n seiller ) (Councillor c o n seiller ) 3. Expenditure 4. Authority A utorite 5* Source of Funds Indian Act Sec Source d es fo n d s D e p e n s e s A rt. de la L o i sur les il a C -. api . t . a . l i i Revenue $ Indiens Approved A pprou vable Date Approving Officer A pprou ve par
BAND STAFF REGULATIONS BY-IAW 3-79 THE COUNCIL OF THE ESKASCNI BAND OF INDIANS AT A MEETING HE ID THIS 20 th DAY CF FEBRUARY, 1979, at ESKASCNI MAKE THE FOLLOWING BY-LAW P PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (Q) OF SECTION 81 CF THE INDIAN ACT. BY-LAW NO. 3-79 To create Band Positions to provide for the employment of staff to conduct the business of the Band Council. To create regulations, rules, and procedures, hereinafter called "Band Staff Regulations" shall pertain to all persons employed by the Council of the Band. Whereas it is necessary to appoint Band employees to interpret and promote the enforcement of all Band By-Laws, to carry out the business of the Council as directed by Band Council Resolution and Council Minutes as well as to carry out such other duties as may be assigned by Council. Notwithstanding the provisions under these "Band Staff Regulations" the Council of the Band shall determine the nature of any special work to be performed by a Band Employee. If it is found necessary to amend said "Band Staff Regulations", amendments shall be made with the majority consent of the Band Council members at a meeting called for this specific purpose. Reasonable notice of the meeting shall be mailed to each councillor indicating the proposed amendments. THEREFORE, the Council of the ESKASCNI BAND ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT a Band staff is hereby created for the Eskascni Band; THAT the Band staff shall consist of such positions as may be established from time to time by Band Council Resolution; THAT the said positions shall be filled by competition advertised in accordance with the policy of the Band Council expressed by Resolution; THAT the incumbents of the said positions shall hold office during the pleasure of and subject to the By-laws of the Band Council; THAT Band Staff shall be employed by contract between each employee and the Band Council and that the terms of such ccntrac± shall be binding on both parties.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.