Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

LTS-INAC-REGINfi ' f ID : 1-306-780-6128 ( I Indian and Northern Affaires Indiennes Affairs Canada etdu Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEL DE BANDE ■:b-. --I'it Miss, -v ' >,;i '4t- ' ZotËT Tt»fc wordT"ïrom our Band Funds' -Capter or revenue* whictever is the case» muai appear In all resolutions requesting expenditures from Bend Funds, NOTA; Lea mots "des tonds de notre tende* "capital- ou 'retenue' *elon le ce» doivent paraître dte* toutes le* résolutions porttel sur dos deepened a memo les fonds des tende*. ■’ . 4 The cxxjncil of the \ Date of the duly convened meeting D-J M : Y/A Provinco Date do rassemblée dûment convoquée ^ \ A o C t ^ S ^ S k Q tc h a W Q O DO HEREBY RESÔLVE: îl W. ÏUJ-:.: ï J . WHEREAS, The Council of the Cowessess First Nation is desirous1 of making a bylaw for the preservation, protection and management of Game and Fur Bearing Animals kTo- on Cowessess First Nation lands, matters ancillary thereto and penalties for the violation thereof. AND WHEREAS'V - ! ' Attached as to Schedule the Cowessesss Indian Band entitled "Hunting and Trapping Bylaw of the Cowessess Indian Band No. 73". AND WHEBËA^!;1 ip* > T h è îC ^ ç il df tHe Cowessess First Nation has the power to enact the attached 1: .M '.T v P i bylavv pursuant to the provisions of subsection 81(1)(o),(q) and (r) of The AND WHEREAS, The Council of the Cowessess First Nation is desirous of enacting the attached m ».* h» i »Mr HLv a .H bylaw. : : i : ' - ,f il ï.'i . , ' ï ; , vv - M . i i i ' i :■ :■ : : 1 ' . iu 11 si .. c .‘i.hi. *."•<.! . . .1. ■' ' ■: : t : II ' ' . ' , . ' ' , r ! | ? | t r.■ i p.v $41 ik t '■ ;V i > i i- iu\4 .< t «uii.r ■■/•'M' \ i . ïMït. 7 H .M uui b i d . ; ; t i iSîc( l " I iu o l i f jQ - Mi Hf f fKpfM t . î, vi..,,. M v i i . i1: f i a , > r i A i'iU > Vi-'isé'ïï il .a . a v ; 1, 111-,, it' i i pi î '( i' Mu (it' U ; iJiA i I t iJi.l'j, /,i FOR ÇEPARtMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE Expendllura - Dépenses Authority (Indian Act Section Source of funds . Autorité (Article de la Loi édr les Indiens) _ Capital _ Revenue P : -Él . : f? : r ; Signature v - i i i l»« Approving officer - Approuve par ( Bàto SEP 0799 14 :04 No.004 P.03 Chronological no. No. consécutif Page 1 of 2 File reference no r No de référence du dossier Cash free balance - Solda disponible Capital account Comote capital $ : i 'f ' ■' ' T A p j _ to this resolution is a copy of By-Law # 1 -99 of : :i' | Indian A c t ft1.SC9 8 5 ,0 .1 -5 . . Î : ' . p i » ! ifj ^ i 7 ^ 4 W i ; i ; » u Cm t Ith* *s**» I’»» < ,!i' ' t . . .. .■ .... . •" iCUV K ti t i u j i ^ Q ( j b . - V -'1 ' J V u ! fi-'inM v o t Ok. ' \ t ’.. î.. f . - i ! lun, 11 v > 1m M ̂< vf \ v ui, '.*fr 1 .Mm > ; * j .*i - * u n. /Hy ̂ ipfyfpT ilp isiMi ' (v u! i. Expenditure * Dépe,nae* Autnonty (Indian Act Section Source of funds * Autorité (Article de la Loi sur Source de* fond* lo t Indien*) :p f ^ __ CapttGif ___Revenue Recommending officer « Recommandé par -r ■» . , ; ! : 'M . - i t -4 - v i Date Approving offlter - Approuvé p k j h:* " V 4lLtr t Oain
^ ^
LTS-INHC-REGINfi ID : 1-306-780-6128 , M Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada : I et du Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEL DE BANDE NOT k: 1 ho words -from our Rnnd Fund*" Capitol' or revenue" whichever is Ihe case, must appear In all resolutions requeuing expenditures from Band F NOT A: Los mots "des tonds do notre bande* *cupilar ou ’’revenue* selon le cas doivent pere-tre dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses a meme les fonds des bande». The council of lhe Le conseil COWESSESS FIRST NATION NO. 73 4 ------ êfcteart r jr a ay f k ' nyiriii^^m'l... kiW. Dale of the duly cdnvened meèting ! i i S I P W Date de rassemblée dûment convoquée ^ | 99 Saskatchewan NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS; 1. That the Chief and Council of Cowessess First Nation hereby support and authorize the execution of the attached bylaw to be cited as "the Hunting and Trapping By-Law of the Cowessess Indian Band No. 73; and 2. That upon execution of the said bylaw that a copy of the same be provided to the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs for comment and consideration in accordance with the provisions of subsection 82 of The Indian A c t]and i i . * ? i >; l; i i 3. That upon execution a copy of the attached bylaw along with the enclosed résolution be provided to the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs for their records. r-i'ti\*y i r t h \ 1 ■•Hi•. il: ) ] ; vi; ' Os i ;i; ;*t ;! ÏWÜÎ 5i ' % V : O i > , : U U rli J ki:,.. i I .1 i i;i;7 If (. U H.i l ! .1 ' ̂ «Si » : •'I MU.-MÙ ÜSU' i |'VO. / k , S'Uj . ... i; i t y A . k i i k >• . :■ : ti l i ly J S f i i .S'. i ,5 ! t > U Ü i,jl t , i^ij ? j IjKy ; ' , ; -iUiMiS » t '..'it. itt ■: d ,; ' , 1 t. ï.^ 1 li.i),: ! ' fi, i".I f ;, j f i !' i i ;il .■>..! r 1.1.S il.isi i!. it;?: Quorum (Councillor - Conseiller) (f3ouncillor-Conséillejs^yç-ç- k hbJkuJ. Ip t ̂ (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE : - ■] ; y. t •. i: . :. ' a Expenditure - Popenaaa , Authority (Indian Act Section Source pr funds ! ' Autorité (Article de la t ot aur les Indiens) : -, ; f; : i . ; ; I ; . ' ( / ^ v , ___Capital Revenue Ù Signature D«tc Approving officer * Approuvé par i. i- i Signature "Date •> : ' £'■ [ 'i -.-XÙ ;h i ' SEP 07 '99 14:05 No1.004 P 04 ---------Chronotogicot no. - No. con&écvüf ______ Page 2 of 2 Fite reference no - No de référence du dossier u n d s , ~ " j f!|; : ' Caen free balance - Solde disponible I : Capital account Compte capital W l i l P feilRiiilf || ; t $ f e f f # $ i | '-•> I '■ ; * , l H Uj , : ,;.V. ( » I W j4 » U I l s ;U (■ , . l i i d .’i , c b k l i ;•? ; (nU ii.} UU "I fk j j k ,f â i t.j ... -: t i u f 1.1ïi..* ,- 'H i .Ly i. i iv d U i ( ' Ws Cv; [ÿijfÉ'. f b k ' }.!ÙlTjÜ si-1 1C. t i . -\ r - f't! )!.'> ■! i l(t ,1^ ,: ] .'III. 1 f j ' * ‘? ' - f ■' : "v'’ ! ' '' !'f ; ' t « ij, ■' y ; t l . n ' i . i . , i i ' l i i y l a v v .<;■ Vi; Hl i U'.t. '■ w. î,b i -J k'*‘-'j i( I .t (if flj, t - ' i ' i i i C> : i ^ 2 . (Councillor - Concilier) - ^ k l (Councillor^Conseiller) . . !: ' 1 r ; , ( Expenditure - Dépende» Authority (Indien Act Section Source of funds i AUorite (Article la tol sur ! - Source das lands les Indiens) , -, 1 » ' ' , v ; : V . Capital _ Revenue Recommending officer - Recommandé per Signature h , r f r Date 4* T t r r bpar Signature 'li: ::y ;. . LL Pale id l j / v : , . X[ / Il.ÎjÜî^ ■}{{•« - ilv) ;;'r-in > . v-
^ ^
July 23, 1999
LTS-INflC-REGINfl ID: 1-306-780-6128 SEP 07 99 14:0? No.004 P .06 TABLE OF CONTENTS;;, ;|j. . g SHORT TITLE------.. lifipMItHN » » V * **•* M»i ,1 . : 'iifilitel ! V SiliH ^ ! f. H.: j/f v '■ i : u # , * s * ADMINISTRATION GENERAL PROHIBITIONS ON HUNTING AND TRAPPING------- -------- ...............-------------- JU............ 4 HUNTING AND TRAPPING BY BAND MEMBERS... HUNTING AND TRAPPING PERMITS. GAME PRESERVES AND SANCTUARIES____________________............— .........------------------................ 8 PROHIBITED HUNTING AND TRAPPING AREAS. HUNTING WITH FIREARMS...____ ___ _— ......................— ........................................ ...........---------- .....9 'V . : •( f ' PROTECTED SPECIES 11 CONSERVATION ...11 RUI.ES OF HUNTING AND TRAPPING. ,12 RESTRICTED FIREARMS ................................................____ ................................ ..................................... 12 ENFORCEMENT. ..... 13 PENALTY ...............---------------------------___________ ..............................— .......................— ....13 ENACTMENT...................— ............................ .......................... ............................................. ................---------- 14
LTS-INAC-REGINA ID: 1-306-780-6128 SEP 0799 14:07 No .004 P.07 A By^Uys for the Preservation, andfdanagement Of Game and Fur Bearing Animals1 " ' BYLAW # 1 -9 9 OF THE COWESSESS INDIAN BAND ; ; p !■ -■•• ;' : | 1 ■; f ! r-- 1-;|: \\ 1 '.; _ 'iM id: i WHEREAS the Council o f the Cowessess Indian Band is desirous o f making a Bylaw for the preservation, protection and management o f Game and Fur Bearing Animals on Cowessess First Nation Lands, matters ancillaiy thereto, and penalties for the violation thereof; AND WHEREAS the Council o f the Cowessess Indian Band has the power to make such Bylaws pursuant to paragraph 8 l(l)(o ), (q) and (r) o f The Indian Act R.S.C. 1985, c. 1 -5, as amended from time to time; AND WHEREAS the Council o f the Cowessess Indian Band considers it expedient and necessary to provide for die preservation, protection and management o f Game and Fur Bearing Animals on éow essess First Nation lands; i NOW THEREFORE,the Council o f the Cowessess Indian Band hereby enacts the following bylaw; , , .i! ; 1 ̂ : Short Title 1. This bylaw may be cited as the Hunting arid Trapping by-law o f the Cowessess Indian Band No. 73". . Interpretation 2. (1) In this bylaw, thç.following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed thereto: ' . ' . . I - ; ' - ; a) Act means The Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985 c. 1-5 as amended or replaced from time to time and any reference to a section of The Indian Act shall include that section as amended from time to time;
LTS-INAC-REGINA ID: 1-306-780-6128 -2 b) "Band" means the Cowessess Indian Band No. 73; c) Council" means the Council o f the Band as defined in the Act, as duly elected by the d) Fur Bearing Animal includes a bear, fox, beaver, mink, otter, muskrat, raccoon, weasel, bobcat, lynx, coyote, squirrel and varying hare along with any other Fur Bearing Animal as may be designated by resolution o f the Council; e) Game means any vertebrate animal, Fur Bearing Animal or bird excluding fish, amphibians and reptiles that are wild by nature and include, without restricting the generality o f the foregoing, deer, moose, elk and antelope along with any other species o f Game as may be designated by resolution o f the Council; 1) * Game Oflipgr" .mçajns ̂ y^firson or persons appointed by resolution o f the Council to administer and enforce this bylaw as provided for in Article 3 hereof; g) hunting means the taking, wounding, killing; chasing, pursuing, capturing following after or on the trail of, searching for, shooting at, stalking or lying in wail for any Game whether or not the Game is subsequently captured wounded or killed; h) Member means a Member o f the Band within the meaning o f the Act, add unless otherwise provided for herein, shall include all registered Members recorded on the Department o f Indian Affairs and Northern Development Indian Register in respect o f j >j!; the Band; !i-f ,■ h!k f ? 1 , » s ; f i •; r;. •!?!,• : !5 t .. SEP 0 7 99 14:07 No.004 P.08 .....V , : K l : ,i i ; , : i r , , . i s u i ;, v i î\-'i V, M . !.... ;
% s LTS-INAC-REGINfl i!': ID: 1-306-780-6128 SEP 0799 14:08 No.004 P.09 -3 - , |ii ; | j :i,(, ; j) motorized vehicle includes a motorized conveyance, trailer, tractor, snowmobile, ' r -1 i< >.• "Rflph V t i-» , i|' : all-terrain vehicle or any other conveyance that is drawn, propelled or driven by any mechanical means and includes any accessory attached to the vehicle. j) j Officer" means a police, officer, police constable or other person charged with the ' T ’': t Ml j.' iji/V;!' U * duty to preserve and maintain the public peace including any person appointed by the Council for the purpose o f maintaining law and order on Cowesscss First Nation lands; k) Cowesscss First Nation Lands" includes all lands administered by the Band including, without restricting the generality o f the foregoing, all Reserve lands o f the Cowcssess Indian Band, all lands as may be added to the Réserve following the date of this bylaw and all lands derived or acquired by the Cowesscss First Nation under any Treaty Land Entitlement, specific claims or other similar processes; l) snare" means any device for the taking o f Game whereby it is caught in a noose; " ; ' ' '•*,«; : L' ̂ ''i M f - , IV I... i , Î. , m) take" includes (he capturing or die taking into possession o f Game whether dead or alive; n) "trap" means any spring trap, gin, deadfall box or net used to capture Game; o) "trapping" means the taking o f Game by snare or trap. u -mv;? ; s . , ;V;V ̂; V- 'n ; i V V ' V ; V - . s V , 'VV;vVt ifV HàTïOV V-i:iV .’h-. ••• î . ; L ; . .:•? <• Mi: ; (■ i- -.V, ip■/' ; , : r ■’ Administration ,v ii i N; 1 ■' '■ ; >• ' * ; : V •: t M ; * \ ! : *• 3.(1) The Council may be resolution appoint one or more Game Officers to perform such functions in respect o f the administration and enforcement o f this bylaw as arc prescribed . ; ;.u I.-,-;: ' l-Uvi i l \ ï a M '•'s v O Î: i vH ;v IC-i ïW^ Üi ' . i : i . herein. *v i ":.(V ;
LTS-INAC-REGINfl ID : 1-306-780-6128 SEP 07 99 14:08 No.004. P.10 Game Officer appointed under subsection (1). General Prohibitions on Hunting and Trapping lands except as permitted by this bylaw. (2) Notwithstanding anything in this bylaw, a person may, where necessary for the preservation of: a) damage to private property, livestock or other domestic animals; or b) injury to occupants of occupied Cowessess First Nation Lands, hunt, take, trap, snare, shoot or kill Game at any time provided the incident is immediately reported to the Band Council and such Game or carcass is surrendered to the nearest Game Officer or Officers. Hunting and Trapping bv Band Members 5.(1) Subject to the provisions o f this bylaw, Members of the Band may engage in hunting or Trapping on Cowessess First Nation lands at any time. 5(2) Save and except for the application ofthe provisions of subsection (1 ) above along with the provisions of article 6 respecting the issuance o f hunting and trapping permits, all remaining provisions o f this bylaw shall apply equally to Band Members. Hunting and Trapping Permits 6.(1) A person who is not a Member o f the Band may apply to the Council for a pennit to hunt or trap Game on Cowessess First Nation lands. : ;
LTS-INAC-REGINft ID: 1-306-780-6128 SEP 0799 14 = 09 No.004 P.ll j . ., ; ' i , ; - 5 -# j f (2) Every application for a permit shall specify: a) the name, age and address o f the applicant; b) whether the and c o m p ta hunting safety course; > c) whether the applicant lias ever been convicted of any offences involving hunting or the use o f firearms; d) the dates and locations for which the permit is sought; c) the species o f Game for which the permit is sought; f) the specific type o f hunting equipment to be used; and g) such other information as may be required by Council. (3) In determining whether or not a permit should be issued, the Council shall take into consideration: a) whether or not the applicant is a resident o f the Cowessess Indian Reserve; b) whether or nofthe iàp^licartthasipreviously held a permit and, if so, has complied with the provisions o f the permit; ; . , i < c) the number o f permits already issued for the species o f Game for which the permit is . sought; and ; i;i r"1' - v"'-1'1, d) whether or not there is sufficient Game o f that species on Cowessess First Nation lands at tire time o f the application to meet the needs o f Members and permit holders without detrimentally affecting the species. (3) Prior to the commencement o f the hunting and trapping seasons in each year, Council shall by resolution prescribe the fees to be payable with respect to the obtaining o f hunting and trapping permits by non-Band Members . c r (5) Every applicant for a permit shall:* a) submit the application to the Council;
ITSI NfiCREG I NPI ID:1-306-780-6128 SEP 0799 1 14:09 No.004 P.12 - 6 b) include in icalfon «| information or m^cri#ljS^jppr be i^q îired by Council pursuant to the provisions hereof; and c) submit to the Council the fee in the amount prescribed by Council in accordance with (6) Where an application is received by the Council, the Council may: a) issue to the applicant a permit to hunt or trap Game on Cowessess First Nation lands where the Council is satisfied that: i) the issuance o f a pennit to the applicant will not detrimentally aflcct the species o f Game in respect of which the permit is sought; ii) the applicant is a suitable person to have the permit issued; and > ' iii) the applicant has paid thé prescribed fee as required in accordance with the provisions o f subsection (4) hereof; or b) refuse to issue the permit. ? j! (7) Council may include as a provision of the permit any term or condition that Council considers appropriate. t i u ; ( * (8) Every permit issued shall be signed by authorized officials on behalf o f the Council and shall specify therein the time, place, type of equipment, bag limit, size limit, and species o f Game that may be hunted or trapped by the person bolding the permit along with the duration for which the perirtiHs to be ifrefoct. r ; H ^ " (9) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, the Council may from time to time issue special permits which would allow non-band Members to hunt or trap on Cowessess First Nation lands under the supervision o f trained outfitters and guides. The provisions respecting the granting o f permits as pro vided for Hereunder shall apply equally to the granting o f special permits by Council.
LTS-lNAC-REGINft ! ID: 1-306-780-6128 SEP 0799 14:10 No.004 P.13 provision o f trained outfitters and guides. All costs associated with respect to the provision o f guiding and outfitting service provided to an applicant shall be borne rM : : i : ' exclusively by the applicant. (11) Any permit issued to an applicant snail ne non-transierable, (12) A person holding a permit issued under this bylaw shall not hunt or trap on Cowessess First Nation lands except in accordance with the terms o f the peimit as issued by the Council. (13) A permit issued under this bylaw is invalid: *' a) if it is not signed by the person to whom it is issued; or > b) if it the date o f expiry has been omitted, removed or defaced. u (14) A person hunting or trapping under the authority o f a permit issued pursuant to this bylaw shall be required to have the permit on his person at all times while hunting or trapping on Cowessess First Nation lands. t ; (15) A Band Councilor, Game Officer or officer may at any time require any permit holder who is hunting or trapping on Cowessess First Nation lands to produce their permit for inspection. (16) Where it has reasonable grounds to believe that a person to whom a permit has been issued has contravened (he terms of the permit or this bylaw, or that the continuation o f the permit would be detrimental to the preservation or protection o f Game on Cowessess First Nation lands, the Coùncifmay after giving die permit holder, as the case may be, the opportunity to be heard, revoke, suspend or cancel tile permit granted to the permit holder. :
LISINFICREGINfi ID:1-306-780-6128 SEP 0799 14:10 No.004 P.14 | i p s made by Council pursuant to subsection (16) hereof shall be provided to all Game Officers upon issuance by Council. (18) T t e h ^ so f » , | p i | | false or misleading statement or information made or given in respect o f any information required for the issuance o f the permit shall be deemed to be the holder o f a void permit and the holder may be prosecuted in the same maimer and with the same effect as he could be prosecuted if he were not the holder o f a permit. ( 19) For the purpose o f regulating the conducting o f hunting and trapping on Cowessess First Nation lands, the Council may by resolution: . ; ; i / a) set the hunting and trapping seasons for any particular species o f Game and prescribe the time during the course o f any year upon which hunting or trapping o f Game may or may not be engaged in, as the case may be, by non-Band Members; and V : V. . » s i ' : : ' ? 1 ; i . 1 : 'j b) adopt any policies or procedures regulating or governing the conducting o f hunting or trapping on Cowessess First Nation lands as may be deemed necessary by Council. (20) Copies o f all resolutions and/or policies adopted by Council pursuant to the provisions o f subsection (19) hereof shall be: a) posted in conspicuous places throughout Cowessess First Nation lands in which hunting and trapping is engaged; b) posted at the offices of the Council or such other place as may be designated by Council; and c) provided to each.applicant upon issuance o f a permit as provided for under this : .b y law . , . ;, , , , n i . f, S >L 11 i i
LTSINflCREGINfi ID: 1-306-780-6128 SEP 0799 14:11 No.004 P..15 - 9 -!/< Gamp Presprvga 7.(1 ) Council may be resolution designate any portion of Cowessess First Nation lands as a Game preserve or sanctuary for any species o f Game. (2) Notice o f tjic loi cserves and sanctuaries as designated by Council ;M % :! -h i ! ^ h \ ; i l l ' - 1 1 Ï . ; t t b f ' . if Üj shall be: .1 a) posted in conspicuous places throughout Cowessess First Nation lands in which hunting or trapping is engaged in; b) posted at the offices o f the Council or such other places as may be designated by Council; and c) provided to each applicant upon issuance o f a permit as provided for under this bylaw. Prohibited Hunting and Trapping Areas 8.(1) No person shall at any time engage in hunting or trapping within the following areas: a) within 150 riieifeà o f any occupied residence on Cowessess First Nation lands; b) within 150 metres o f any settlement on Cowessess First Nation lands which, without restricting the generality o f the foregoing, shall include the Cowessess First Nation commercial mall, Cowessess Community Education Centre, Golf Course, Band Administration Office or any other public building or complex situated on Cowessess First Nation lands. c) on lands with standing crops; d) on lands in which herds o f domesticated livestock are pastured or stored; or e) on any Game preserve or sanctuary as established by the Council in accordance with the provisions o f subsection 7(1 ) hereof. Hunting with Firearms 9.(1) No person while engaged in hunting shall discharge a firearm within 150 metres of: a) any occupied residence, building dr settlement as referenced in subsection 8(1 )(a) and
LTS-INflC-REGINfl * m ID : 1-306-780-6128 SEP 07 99 14:11 No.004 P.16 - 1 0 -: iO>)hacepft. À ‘!‘ - r - ,, ; ' j 1 b) a public road or bridge; or c) any Game preserve or sanctuary as established by the Council in accordance with the provisions o f subsection 7(1) hereof. ' 1 1 t'h .-i' , -! , , (2) No person engaged in hunting shall discharge a firearm: ! k a) on or from a public road or bridge; b) across k public road or bridge; or c) from a motorized vehicle, aircraft or boat. (3) Unless otherwise provided for herein or in any permit issued pursuant to this Bylaw, no person while engaged in hunting on Cowessess First Nation lands shall conceal his identity or wear a mask or disguise. (4) No person while engaged in hunting or trapping or while going to or returning from a hunting camp or while ip a locality that Game usually inhabits or in which Game is usually found, shall between one half hour after sundown and one half hour before sunrise have a firearm in their possession unless it is unloaded and encased. (5) No person while engaged in hunting or trapping shall operate or have in their possession a loaded firearm while that person is under the influence o f alcohol or drugs or while that person is in operation o f a motorized vehicle, aircraft or boat. (6) Every person is guilty o f the offence o f hunting carelessly who being in possession o f a firearm for the purpose o f such hunting discharges or causes to be discharged or handles the firearm without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for person or property. 7 : (7) No person shall use any poison, explosive or deterious substance for hunting or trapping purposes,
LTS-INflC-REGINA ID: 1-306-780-6128 SEP 0799 14:11 No.004 P -11 ) ̂ -INfi'e f ' P'' :i f ,,' 4 (8) No person shall use any device which connects a firearm to a trap or to a remote control or delayed action mechanism or which causes a firearm to discharge without the hunter himself pressing upon the trigger o f such firearm. ,!s!' ^ r ! ' Protected Species ;!ji 10.(1 ) The Council may by resolution designate a species o f Game as a protected species and impose a temporary ban or restriction on the hunting or trapping o f any species o f Game by giving notice in accordance with provisions o f this section. (2) Notice o f the ban or restriction shall be posted not less than 24 hours prior to the ban or restriction coming into force. (3) Notices o f the ban or restriction shall be: a) posted in conspicuous places throughout Cowessess First Nation lands in which hunting or trapping is engaged in; b) posted at the offices o f the Band Council or such other places as may be designated by Council; and c) provided to each applicant; where applicable, upon issuance o f a permit as provided for under this bylaw. (4) The notices shall specify the date and time the ban or restriction is to come into force and to cease and the particulars o f the ban or restriction imposed. Conservation 1 i , : ^ 11.(1) No person shall at any time: 1) disturb, destroy, injure, gather or take the nest or eggs o f any bird; or 2) disturb, destroy or injure the shelter or habitat o f any Game; without permission first having been obtained from the Council or a Game Officer.
LTS-lNflC-REGINA f j î f ID: 1-306-780-6128 SEP 07 99 14:12 No.004 P - 1 2 Rules o f Hunting1 arid Trapping 12.(1) No person shall: j a) engage in the hunting or trapping of Game within a Game preserve or sanctuary as designated by Council pursuant to the provisions o f subsection 7(1) hereof; ! lÉfclijiîfiP J.f;i; b) engage in thé hunting or trapping o f any species o f Game designated by Council as a . :Ü- : protected species; c) engage in the hunting o f deer, bear, moose, elk or antelope by means o f a trap or snare; d) attempt to kill any species o f Game by use o f any poison, explosive or deterious substance; e) engage in the hunting or trapping of Game in any day later than one half hour after sunset or earlier than one half hour before sunrise; f) engage in the hunting or trapping o f Game by means o f or with the assistance of a : light; ' ; -i'ij: 'v 'i! ;,i;' : : 1 ' : ; " g) use a motorized vehicle, aircraft or boat in connection with hunting or trapping except as a means o f transportation before and after any hunting activities; or " » f ; i h) engage in the hunting or trapping o f Game using a restricted firearm as may be prescribed by resolution of Council in accordance with the provisions o f subsection 13(1) hereof. ! i \ : i Restricted Firearms 13.(1) Council may by resolution designate a class or classes o f firearms as restricted firearms which may not be used in conjunction with hunting activities on Cowessess First Nation lands. (2) Copies o f all resolutions adopted by Council pursuant to subsection (2) hereof shall upon issuance be provided to all Game officers for their records.
LTS-ÏNfiC-REGIM ï: iff. ID: 1-306-780-6128 SEP 07 99 14:12 No.004 P . 19 - 13-Enforcement - :H^|i!|^:|?-Ha f 14.(1) Any person who: a) fails to observe or who otherwise contravenes any provision o f this bylaw or any ban or restriction imposed hereunder; or b) resists or wi siructs a Game officer or officers in the performance o f any duty or exercise o f any power under this bylaw; shall be deemed to have committed an offence under this bylaw. (2) Where an act or omission in contravention of this bylaw or any ban or restriction imposed hereunder continues for more than one day, such act or omission shall be deemed a separate offence committed on each day during which it continues and may be enforced as such. (3) A Game Officer or officer may seize without warrant: a) any Game that has been hunted or trapped in violation o f this bylaw or permit issued hereunder; and b) any firearm of other weapon or trapping equipment that has been used in contravention o f the provisions of this bylaw or permit issued hereunder. (4) Where a Game Officer or officer believes on reasonable and probable grounds that a person is committing or has committed an offence under this bylaw he may, without warrant, stop any motorized vehicle, aircraft, boat or other means o f transportation of ary description upon signal and search it for Game or any prohibited equipment provided for under this bylaw. Penalty Û V l >• <• '*•< ' ; 15.(1) A person who commits an offence under this bylaw is liable on summaty conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or to imprisonment of a term not exceeding thirty days, or to both.
LTS-INAC-REGINfl ID: 1-306-780-6128 - 1 4 Enactment 16.(1) This bylaw is hereby enacted by the Council o f the Cowessess Indian Band at a duly convened meeting held on the . i >:■; , ! ' i , j. . : Voting in favour o f the LI *Sw are the following Members o f the CopjQcil: l c L J a Councillor Councillor 'O Councillor Councillor ! / ' { Î : : ... . . I Councillor being the majority of those Members o f the Council of the Cowessess Indian Band No. 73 present at the aforesaid meeting o f the Council. The quorum of the Council is 7 members. Number o f Members o f the Council present at the meeting: r . - , t ; '■ I, Terrance Pelletier Chief of the Band, do hereby certify that a true copy o f the foregoing bylawSEP 0799 14:13 No.004 P.20 : r... ! : ,i j; 1-1 day o f 1999. t 2 . 1 * 2 / Councillor $ ~7Y*2 Q j . . Councillor / ( i)aA ( /XA Councillor Councillor Councillor . . , . / . ; ' ■" ' . 4 -: '■ ' '
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.