Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Chronutufir al Nu. Numéro coneécutll mdwt snd Northern Aüéis Affaires mdtennes « I du Nord *1636-93 File Reference ~ N ° de re'f. du doaaler BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words From our Bend Fund*'* C apitol" or "R evenue", which ever It the case, mutt appear In all resolutions requesting expenditures from Bend Funds NOTA: L ee mole "d e e fonde do notre bonde ••Ceplfa l" ou re vsnu" selon le ces doivent permit re done toutea lee roeolutiona portent sur dos depeneee è _________même /os tonde des bondee_______________ THE COUNCIL OF THE L E C O N S E IL D E LA BANDE INDIENNE WALPOLE ISLAND PIRST NAT fCucfent Capital Balance S o ld e de capital i AGENCY district SOUTHERN Committed Engage 1 PROVINCE ONTARIO Current Revenue balance fi ni de de revenu «... PLACE nom de L'En d r o it WalP°le Island Reserve Committed Engagé S ____ DATE D A Y - / O I IR ' MONTH X o ff A 19 ' YEAR - ÀNNËB DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: MOVED BY: Joseph Gilbert: SECONDED BY: Roger Hilllama: WALPOLE ISLAND PIRST NATION WALPOLE ISLAND INDIAN RESERVE HUNTING AND PISHING AMENDMENT BY-LAW The Council of the Walpole Island First Nation, which is a recognized Indian Band under the Indian Act, hereby enacts the following By-Law pursuant to paragraph (o) of subsection 81(1) of the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. 1-6; SHORT TITLE 1. This By-Law is called the Huntin'g and Fishing Amendment By-Law. SECTIONS REPEALED Section 2 and section 10 of By-Law No. 5, passed on February 7, 1955 by the Walpole Island Band Council, are hereby repealed effective immediately upon proclamation of this By-Law. This By-law is hereby made at a duly convened meeting of the Council of Walpole Island First Nation, this 18th day of May, 1993. CARRIED FOR D E P A R T M E N T A L U SE ONLY - R É S E R V É A U M IN IS T E R E !• Bm d F und Code 2. COM PUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D 'O R D IN A T E V R 3» Expenditure 4. Authority - Autorité 5* Source of Fund* Code du compte de bonde A. C w lla l B. Revenue Revenu Depeneee Indian Act Sec Source dee tonde $ Art dm la Loi mur le* S $ Indiana 1 Recommended Re commendable Approved - Approuvabte Date Approving Officer Approuvé par Recommending O ff leap Recommandé par IA 119 (1*74) 7110-1 1.021.49*2
( ija Council of the Amalgamated Walpole Island Band f" Indians'at a meeting held the A. day 1 9 5 5 , L .*es the following by-law pursuant to paragraphs (07 and (r) of Section d *1 O : of the Indian Act. By-law No.-^ti A^y-law to provide for the preservation, protection and management of fish and game in the Walpole Island Indian Reserve in the Province of Ontario. FISHING 1 . No person, other than a member of the band, shall be permitted to fish in the reserve without first obtaining a written permit to so do from the person authorized by the Council to grant such permission. 2. Permits h !■ a y be : obtained only on production of a valid and subsisting Ontario Provincial Licence, if such is required]by the person applying, to fish in provincial waters ;tcontiguous to the reserve. 3. Such per& I s kt shall authorize the permittee to fish by angling only and may be subject to a fee established from tiraé to time by resolution of the Council of the band. ' 4. No person, under authority of such permit, shall fish for*, takft or attempt to take in one day, (a) moreIthan,six large mouth or six small mouth black bas or any combination of six thereof (b) more than two maskinonge- ^ (c) more than six yellow pickerel ■#: (d) morephan six pike (e) morefthan five lake trout (f) more I p ha n one sturgeon (g) morephan ten perch - HR; - (h) morefthan twenty crappies (i) morethan tiventy fish in the aggregate in all species mentioned above. 5» No persoAshall retain, keep'out of water or have in his possessi<a, . ..... \ i * l (a) anyjqlack bass of a total length less than eleven inch«>';:j:.:|. r (b) any ̂ Hskinonge of a total length less than thirty inch®^^.- ; , v .• (c) any jplloW pickerel of a total length than fifteen i n c h » / M (d) any m,tce of a total length less than eighteen inches W -p . ...................2
i -2 I ( (e) any lMke trout of a total length less than fifteen inches ( (f) any s ; t |i u rgeon other than the first sturgeon taken or caughf ; regardless of size 6. No person|phall retain, keep out of water-or have in his . possession; more than one days limit as set out in Section 4 and 5 O'pthls by-law. V î : ' 7. The definition of angling, open and close season, course fish, game fish, resident, total length, yellow pickerel and all other matters not specifically mentioned in this by-law shall be as provided in the Special Fishery Regu­ lations fc|r the Province of Ontario. | HUNTING S. No person)* other than a member of the band or the holder under lease of shooting rights in any part of the reserve, shall be permitted to hunt in the reserve without first obtaining a written permit so to do from the person authorized by the Council to grant such permission. 9. Holders of permits to hunt as outlined in Section S must be accompanied by a member of the Amalgamated Walpole Island Band duly licensed to act as a guide. 10. Permits may be obtained only 'on production of a valid and subsisting Ontario Provincial Licence, if such is required by the person applying, and may be subject to a fee establish­ ed from t|me to time by the Council of the band. 11. Open seaslkj *bag-limits, possession limits and all other matters nj|t provided for in this by-law shall be, with respect to ducks, as set out in regulations for the Province of Ontario made under authority of the Migratory Birds Conventio# Act and, with respect to other" game, as provided in the reflations made under the Ontario Game Act for the contiguous provincial lands. 12. All band iiembers before being permitted to act as guides must register with the person authorized by the Council to receive such registration who will issue free of charge tofeach band member who registers a licence to guide on j|he Walpole Island Indian Reserve. 13. Every guijjte licensed under Section 12 of the by-law is required J&o abide by the rules and regulations set down by the Council for the instruction of guides and failure to do so Will result in the revoking of the licence to guide. 14. Any persop who violates the Provisions of this by-law contained items 1 to 11 inclusive shall be guilty of an off|;n ee and shall be liable on summary*conviction to a fine n ot exceeding $100.00 or imprisonment for a term no }exceeding thirty days or both, fine and imprisonment. If T f r M vj
-3-/ .1' » . Signatures of the Chief and Council of the 1 algamated Walpole Island Indian Band for the passing of By-law No. 5 on the 7*^ day of 1955* J :ï,# sfigte \
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.