Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

ïfce Council Qt -7 r ^ . M. e t a neetlitg h e l d t:;vk<>^SX r ,"/t ,,, ; 1 ^ k 1 U '*T Î L E S ? * m r w r t to r*r*g»pki t f l * W of Sw §0 of S £*n3?& . By-Law » o . b 1 y-l*v to p rw » for the construction «nd ralutem nee of lin* feues#> in© ttibl©« r?7uisi<'~9r+«,y*. ̂ a-L L'J- Innigsa ftcaerve, in the Provins# ef. Xi 1* (1) fhe holder of c c e r t if ic a te of possession or c e r t if ic a te of / occupation of adjoining lamés aha 11 make. ktep top «nd repair a , >/ proportion of tha fem e which rartts the boundary between ^ (2> the holder of a c e r t if ic a te of possession or the holder of a / c e r t if ic a te of occupation of unoccupied lend which adjoin* / occupied land sh a ll be liab le to keep up and repair ra pro» / portion, anil In th a t respect sh e ll be 1» the taise position as it/ h i t land hfed been occupied a t the t i r e of the o rig inal fencing, tend «h& 11 be lia b le to the compulsory proceedings here inafter «rationed* a* Idierc a holder of a c e r t if ic a te of possession or a holder of a c e r t if ic a te of occupation desires fence viewers to view and a rb itra te as to what portion of such fence each holder- of a y c e r t if ic a te of possession or of a c e r t if ic a te of occupation aha 11 sake, keep up and rep a ir, or as to the condition of an agisting line fence and as to repairs being done to the sane» (a) sight e ith e r the holder of a c e r t if ic a te of possession or holder of » c e r t if ic a te of occupation my no tify (for* 1) the y ether holder of ® c e r t if ic a te of possession or c e r t if ic a te of / occupation th a t he w ill, on a day nsned, not less than one week frost the service of such notice, cause three fence viewers of the reserve to a rb itra te in the p rralsésf (b> the holder of a c e r t if ic a te of possession or bolder of // c e r t if ic a te ©f occupation so notifying sh a ll also notify (fora the fence viewers not le ss then one week before th e ir services arc required} (e) the notices in both oases Shall be 1» w riting signed by the person notifying, and Shall specify the tin e end place of nesting , fo r the a rb itra tio n . i*nd the said notices ray be served by leaving the seam a t the place of abode of the bolder of a C ertifica te o f/ Possession or holder of * c e r t if ic a te of occupation with sme grown-up person residing th e rea t, o r. in esse the land being untenanted, by leering the notice with any agent of such holder of c e r t if ic a te of possession or c e r t if ic a te of occupation* 3* An occupent, who is not the hold o f e c e r t if ic a te ©f possession i or holder of » c e r t if ic a ts of cupslien, ra t i f ie d shell / i inacd lstely no tify the holder of the c e r t if ic a te of possession / or holder of * c e r t if ic a te of occupation end i f he neglects so to do sh a ll be lia b le fo r a l l deragi caused to the hold of the c e r t if ic a te of possession or the holder of e c e r t if ic a te of occupe tie n by such neglect* hm the fence viewers sh e ll cranine the yrraftsen, »nd i f required by e ith e r party a l l hear evidence, and nay eranlne the p arties / find th e ir witnesses on oath. f 5. (1) The fence viewer* sh e ll «she an award (fora 3) signed by any two of en respecting the ra tte r# in dispute and trie sward a l l / specify the lo c a lity , grai t ? v description end the lowest oris* / of the fence awarded to be rade end the tin e w ithin tek the work sh a ll be dens* and d » U s ta te by which of ©is partie# or in »t propti r a the costs of th e proceedings e l l be Mr
^ ^
8 (a) In naklag the m r d th* fence viewers « u til imv© regard to the nature of th# fences In us© to the loestllty» the pecuniary circumstances of tho p arties sad th* suitableness of th© fn c # to the wonts of each of this* (3) from the fo n c tio n of tho p tn o é by reason of streans op other causes, i t l« t in tho opinion of tho fence viewers, t*pr»ctietbl© to locate tho fonoo upon tho lin e between the lands of tho p a r t l«•> they m y locate i t e ith er wholly or portly on tho land of e ith er of the parties eh ore i t seems to bo taoat convenient, but such location «ball not In e«y way e ffec t th# right# of tho parties in tho land» (H) the fence viewers m>y employ r- duly qualified lend surveyor and hove tho loca lity described by notes ^nd bounds» ô» ïh e av®rd «h* 11 bo deposited in tho o ffice of tho Super!atcodent within ©no week fro» tho sir king thereof end nay bo proved by o copy co rtif lo d by «to superintendent, and not too in w riting of i t s being node m i l bo given by tho Superintendent sfet to o i l portion interested» 7. (1) Tho party desiring to ontsrc© the «word « m il servo upon tho holder of o c o rtlf lo a t# of possession or holder of a c e r tif ie # to of occupation of tho adjoining land « notice In writing requiring hi® to obey tho aw'-rd ( tom k) and i f i t is not obeyed within two weeks a f te r servie© of tho notice m y do the work %mlife the «ward directs* (8) Thf party ont i t led to onfnrco tho award nay obtain a so rt i f loo-to from tho s« poriateodent of tho basant duo with costa in respect of such sword and sh f li lodge the mwm with tho council f nd i f tho f aount duo with costs lo not paid within th ir ty days, ««eh &»©u»t « m il bo a charge age Inst the land liab le fo r the peyeent thereof» 8» (1) &ay person d issa tis f ied with tho sward nay Pes&l thor«fro® to tho Council» (2) Tho person appealing sh e ll within on# week tram tho time «ion he w i no tified of th© sword} serve upon the fence viewers and e l l Intorestod p a rtie s * notice in w itting of h is Intention to eppool rnd the notice nay be served as other notices raentlanod in th is by-law» (3) The person appealing sh all also dsllvor a copy of the notice to tho aupertotendent who sh all immediately notify tho Council o f such appeal end tho Council «m il f ix * tin* and place for the hearing of tho appeal. end I f tho Council thinks f i t m y order such pm o f snnsy to be gold by tho person appealing to the. ....... w ill m i su fficien t indemnity rg^ P ino ^ t L tho 11̂ coots t 9 o * f * % th J o e e o m pp ia o k o l* n* (h) fho âuperlotendent 8hsU notify the fonoo viewers and #11 parties interested of tho tin e and place of the hearing In th© Banner hereinbefore provided for the service of other notices under th is by-law* (T) The Council « m il hoar and determine tho appeal find a y sot aside, a lter or affirm the award ©r correct any error therein, and nay tho parties end their witnesses an oath, and m y inspect the prenlse* end m y order payment of th# costs by either, party and fix the «mount of such cost©* (6) The deeisicn of the Council sh ell be fin a l and the award, a© altered or affirood, « m il be dealt with in e l l respects os i t would have been i f It had not been appealed fies*
J) Bfiéfc fem e viewer ah®U be en titled to be paid «% the fe te e t $3*00 fer meh 1/2 day* woife or le ss under th is by-law, «sA a witness sâwll b© en titled to the m iren t fete of wages p l14 m « labourera m the t-eserve fo r every day*a work, and «* Surveyor the current ra te of pay* ' (2) the Council «hr-IX, at the expiration o f the ties# for »p»eel or after appeal as the earn any be. by resolution remmmmeâ the pr.yuent t© the fence viewer© for in eir fee# and id» 11, unless the ti-ve be forthwith repaid by the person adjudged to pay the ©mm, pUem the e»»e sa « charge c.gainât the property liab le fo r the payment thereof. 10* Aay ecreem ut in writing by ® holder ©f a c e r t if ic a te of possess!©! ©r holder of a c e r tif ic a te o f occupation resfwttng a line fence **»y be f ile d with the Council of the .band *?nd enforced ©a i f i t ws« ©» award of the fem e viewers* 11. The owner of whole or part of a lin e fem e which font» part of the fence enclosing the occupied ">r i«proved land of another person sh e ll oat take down or remove any pert o f such fence* (a) without giving at least o a f la . a months* previous notice ©f hi» intention to the holder certifica te of possession or holder of a certifica te of occupation of such adjacent enclosure coles» such la st mentioned holder of a certifica te of possession or holder of u certifie» te e t occupation, after den&nd n&de upon him in writing by the owner of such fam e, refuses to pay therefor the &m dot ©mined e t provided by section 5, or (b) i f such holder of » certifica te of possession or holder of a certifica te of occupetion w ill pay to the owner of such f«ne© or part thereof such sum ft* the fem e viewer» my award to bo void therefor under section 5* 12* (1) I f any tree is thrown down by accident or otherwise arrose a lin e fem e or in any way In <?nd upon the land cdjoining that udoc which such tree stood, causing dfewtge to the crop upon such land or to std) fence, the holder o f © certifica te of roaeesaion or holder of e certifica te of occupation of the land on which said tree stood id itll remove the ssm forthwith, m& also forthwith repair the fence sod otherwise mite good any damage caused by the fa llin g of the tree* C2) hie neglect or refusal so to do for forty-eight heure after notice in writing to remove the tree the injured person my remove the m m in the m et ccovonlsmt iosaspeneive mammer, and my eke good the fence so â&mgeê end m y retain such tree to ramoner»te hi® for such rénovai ®nd m y «la© recover any former amount of dam gee bgfund the m ine of such tree from the person lia b le to pay i t ce provided In subsection (2) of section 7* <3> For th® purpose of such r e a s n l the owner of the tre e my enter into and UvO« such adjoining land doing so unnecessary spoil or waste* (h) A ll questions arising under th is section shall be adjusted by three fence viewers of the reserve, the decision of any two of whom fdwtll be binding upon the parties* 13* The lawful fence shall be as follows» that is to seyt-U ) Beil fence slant, staked doubled rldftied, four feet sin inchet in height» |b ) Beil end post fem e, M , 6* in h eltfit, the f ir s t three r o lls from betton of fenoo Obeli..not be more than é indies sport» (o) M K fc ïtsfcot fence, M , é In height*
- b m 1 0 hoard fence, M , 6" ta height, the f i r s t th ree beards f r a bottom of fence shall not be more than 6 Inches spart* (• ) üire woven f^nee* steys-^ot mor# than 22 inch «s part. M 6* In height* b o tte wire not Ifo be toc» th*n U inches f m th« ground* t ( f ) Une stump fonce. banked, ridged or dyked ©t bottom of any of the herein described fences «hall la t i l case* bo considered *■ P»rt o f tee height of fence* (g) Aar patent fence «hall bo recognised as a Inmfml fonte, providing always tha t «oeh font® «hall fee M é* high sad I f r a t i , é th a In t ch th e o s, f a i r nd s t ot 3 he r a r i y l s e l ® ls t t n h ot e m b o o r tt e o m th a a n r t 10 n " o t ap fu nr r t th . er a pert t e a (h) teen any fence crosses uneven ground or d itches, the space below ths lover ro l l or vire* i f se rs than W Inches fro» tho ground tee IX be dyked or staked not m m than h inches apart* Cl) * boundary lie® fence sh a ll be eonstdsrsd lawful, always providing te a t ths occupants of the adjoining properties are agreed as to s ty le and kind of fen»» th a t i s put up between th e ir respective properties* 1**# Bo person sh a ll wilfully cut or destroy any fence whether in the composi o t f io n of s fence or otherwise on the -premises of aether member the Nfssissawfa of the Credit Bead* 15* Ho lease may be given fo r property unless a l l fences surrounding the property are in good condition* * Any person who d e le te s the provisions of th is by-law sh a ll be gu ilty of *•** offence end sh a ll be liab le on summary conviction to ® f in s not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment fo r * term not exceeding th ir ty days or bote fine end issprisoemcBh* Q H u ~£. Ou*,
fl» CRI® If MBEHYS* CKEï>if a t m m m m m k m Respecting trespeae by tors##, settle, «te., d respecting pounds sua poundfceepers. t . rtspase oy norï«« ^ | eatt d l e e e , n ed e tc r e p , en IÊ lf n;:> O m F Ï i H r E m M m X m ZS m IK T t m OA O c F m r T n K x B L C rüIXGWS» 88 X» ï t « te ll b® unlawful fo r hoirisü* s e t t le , sheep, pii® or nther en im ls to run of bo a l large, ou the Reserve* £* ïh« owner off nigs « te il have e pig proof enclosure on hl* ovm property* 3* ny ;.n l» a or unissais fomû running ut large m * te» d ie t reined by any residnet or th« Reserve end isgjoaiidedg and the owner of s© id enlnr.l or &ai®els so feus* nod lsreunded sh e ll bo liab le fo r e u fees und dhstsges* In CBS® any eniaol. or m ln els la or mro ô 1st reined by an resident of the Ki«». of the Credit Reserve fo r straying Within h is or her premises such .person m y re ta in the «we in hi» or her possession* and such, nerson ate* 11 duly f ir e notice as hereinafter required, tm t is to yi 5* I f the owner le known notice s te i l be forthwith} given to such owner, of having taken up such m lnal or ejggieXs» getting, forth, the «stare and extent of Me or her dswuid sfstiia t the owner, sué i f the owner 1» not known, then within fforty*eiffet hoarse fro® the taking up of the w9f such person ah»XX post up or a ffix in f t le a s t th ree public pieces in the neighbourhood and one m the door of the hiss* of the Credit ConorIX Bouse, flew C redit, w ritten notices announcing such taking up and reten tion esd containing a description of the eolonr apparent eg* and « s ta rs l or a r t i f i c i e l m m * of such anisnr l or e nlm» i® as nm r as w®y be. and such person sh a ll during provide such e* lasl or e e lP is with snaf&deiit fend, water and sh e lte r, fo r which he sh a ll receive the following rsanaeretioa, th a t i s to say» d* For every horse, «are. f i l l y or c o lt , $1*00 per heed and*90s for every twelve hours a f te r the f i r s t twelve hours* fo r each horse, c o l t , a*re or f il ly * 7* For every .bo ll, os, s tee r, cow or h e ife r the mas of 11*0© per heed, and *5©# per heed fo r every twelve hours a f te r the f i r s t twelve hours. 6* For every hog, and Cheer» the mm of *9B# per head end *tt$p per head for every twelve hour# a f te r the f i r s t twelve bourse 9 , Shat I f the owner of the and®»! or » ÿ » l s so within hour. » « t «f lor by section b , dispute the ea sw t of dsnegee ^ •****•& or ®* ewes t o h f e f the îence within * i« h Ç * ing the Be sa se id f u e s a ftael or ©nise t i h s e Shall fo of to dot «mine m ttm w in dispute, vi thln tvMty-four hour»*ft«r t o l M » ** porto . ra to ln io i maA « tilm l or «»**•*** of S ? 1 . r r t o o « , * w U rjoot*. - o m . o v « e r l i t l m ed r o r« n fM ch t f n tl « l o in r c n u o r f a I n m d M b o e * X i& bh to w & t n e d n t r es l p o e c p t as i s n g » by-law re ■<&&&&* î. eo c e * e m t n l d a e T m ftf fi m îf m f & fiS m Ki s m m i BB o O r f m eX E c Hh r C ia ÏS is M reten tion jf jr im itra d T a ^ ? w r n rthwith c^U in Jr* r J S J J x WWI b t h e ^ S fo r o»tf< f S y fin . e ^ or 0 " pena . lty . o F r F S .
- 2 JO* Thfetka a l l «»••• whurn the damage so elrlmcd ah» 11 exceed the *d* i%00 «ad a d no fbjeetioo is aw da thereto be reason ©f tbs owner being o Q f ckama a not being nwsre of euch re ten tion , i t shell b® tha r« t j tha parson retain* g auch animal or solas la to attisa auch <»»g«8 to b« zs écart®lned «nd in tha s&aa maimer sa provided in tha preceding sort ion | th a t in r l l erses where tha ownerla known# I t it»XI ba tha duly of tha parser* retaining such sntw ti or ««teala to o tify hi® forthwith of the m re ten tion , 11* I f tha Attavd of the fenee-vlewers, or «jay m r t thereof ram Ins unpaid for seven <teys than tha party In whose favour tha «w of tha fence-viewer* hM boon » d e m y tab® c iv il «et ion to recover Judgment for the taoeot of tha Judgment owing by tha party liab le in cay court of competent Jurisd iction having Jurisd iction on 'tha Indian Réserva and tha unaunt of the M is a n t any be recoverable from the ree l astu te or personal proparty of tha party liab le «ad tha hiss* of tha c red it ..- g l * " ^ th# f .u ta r l ty to seise end eegl i w portion of ebewe mentioned property tha t shall he neoaaanyy to sa tis fy tha fo i l ««aunt of Judgment nr any portion th a t la act paid* 12» In sed ition to «ny othar condition# conteiaed in th is by-lew tha owner of «ay e n t a i or «nine-is found running e t l«rge t a l l be subject to- f: fine or penalty of not las® then 15#0(5 and costa for mefo e n ta il so allowed to run a t largo* 13» Th*t tha expire t ic s of three days a f te r tha detention or impounding of ®ny animal or e s t a is tha seme aha 11 have not bean redeemed or feplevtad# w ritten or printed notices for tha public tala thereof t a l l b# given vmi put up by tha parson retaining such ts n ta l or v o ta is in s t losat three of the most public place* in tha Rcighhourhoocl of where the anta'-la »ra retained* end also ana on tha door of the Council Monas# lav Credit# soi i s e l l cm»®# where tha owner or owners rre unknown# and the value of tha animal or # nine Is to ba sold sh e ll in the Joignent of tha fenee-vlavert ernaed in v«in® the sins of Ü©#0© such notice sh ell be published at least si* d re e t y » s l before u«fc suis# in * newspaper rub lita td nearest tha parson ning or impoundingeueh an ir# l or e n t a i s , such notice la specify the ti . « n«Mi piece of ar< X«* i f such animal or a n t a l s era not sooner redeemed or replevied ft# herein before provided# provided s ta y s that no suets, sale t a l l tabs place u n t i l after tha expiration of s is d eys from the time of or puttie® up and publication <«» tha eft am m y ba) of such notice of §ueb sale* lb* Thai « t tha time «nd pleas of such sale a persea appelated by tha Miss* of the C red it council t a l l publicly s a i l such m a ta i or a n t a l s Canlase radaenad or replevied as eforasetd) Ü * to tha highest bidder, «nd s f te r deducting from tha amount realised t h e t a from «11 damage* fees v ad charges »<:■ a in si the same# shall pay tha surplus to tha hsparlntaodacit of Mia Miss* of the Credit Reserve# to ba by him trensÉâttcd to tha Indian A ffairs Branch# and held fo r tha usas of tha Miss* of the C redit, tin iest claimed by tha owner or owners of tha ftftlaml or R a ta ls sold# within twelve months of tha time o f the no n * a*l 15* fh* parson appointed for conducting susti sale t a l i be allowed tha prevailing ra ta of fee* Id* That ovary parson impounding# t a l l daily *} proper ti?ras# furnish «11 agir*!* impoundin' with i0o<: su ffia ian t food# water# sad shelter# durlof tha period t a t any mdh e s t a i t a l l be impounded# »sd in default thereof t a l i upon mammary ccoyletlee before a m agistrate having Ju risd ic tion in th s ««serve# be lia b le to « fine or penalty of not le ss t a n $5*00 end coats and not more t a n *110*00 and costs*
3 17 ïto* t in the m m of rtock hnvtng «loue daaage to crop» r.nd b«ii- 4 removed before the owner of the crops hr* c il ©covered th* daneg#, pn*S which c«n he proved -ta having been done by the sa id - stock, the owner of the crop a»y, i t th© owner of the stock refuse» to ?-«knowledge the d*an**, m i l in tnr, f^ne#~vl#wr* to deteruine the s e t te r in â l i p t end they sh e ll within twenty-four h deliver « statsuect le writing to th e ir r-werd In the B etter referred to th en i rad fo r eae£ of th e ir s e r ti ©as stv 11 receive the sons f $5*06 ~ ne my cacti tense-viewer refusing or neglecting to ^ttem» or perfora hi on, s h - l l h« l ia b le to & fine or paucity o f É * 18* I f the award of the fees#-viewers* unrw»i«l for ©aven dey» then th*t party to F fo e r n e t e h -© v tewers h o a f s b th o e o n J u se d s g e u e e n a t » y tpks c iv i l action to recover Jwlgnent mount owing by the party liable in any court o ?> f onfspenteiit Ju risd ic or n d the pswuust of the J ti u o d n gm h e a nt v i » n r g y . .C p i e .c r s v o '- n'1 pr . o . pe ,. rt . y É o * f th© party liab le md the Miss portion »/ c U 11 hsve th® authority to sets© satisfy t o h f e sb f e u w ll e ' i © M «m Btiooed p not ust of Ju r d o g p e e e r a ty paid* If* th a t i f f-ay person or persons sh e ll fee gu ilty of ©ay pound breech, by t Any »nicf 1 o h r e mmuml without 1,- «fui authority * fro» any pound, of e nit® Is therein laponne ©d, or stw ll tun any other tanner d in ut te ie rf s e r h e er e w b i y th or obstruct inp t o o se d on hi m ra , y su p c o h v sh^ll t h h e e n liab le r- c fi o ne nor® $30*00 t-nd sts , o r t o n soalty of not here b in e recovered f p o o r u n s d u " c k h e eper in the nunne t r he for ro uad-kesper in ar.aoer herein' provided, end i t sh e ll be lawful such pound-keeper, -nd fee la authorised rctRke, repose#** vad lspounf, in su cala© l or ©aiaalt ©a aajr, fey any reaoved mi taken therefrne* * nd «XX the provisions therein contained «twill apply And «stem4, to any persons who dhsll be gu ilty or reset-lag fro» *ay person or persons ©ay pniual or «Ala* Is on tfcsir m y to any sound, or mo m a ll in ray nenner obstruct or In terfere with any such person or neraous while -engaged in the taking and conveying of way such eaiac as i » o # r sa ls* Is there to j ©ik; msch perso® or persona shall hrve the renedy against ry such of fender or offenders ft a ia herein provided in the ease of potmdkeepers* > l 9“> $ %th e e u r o s w a ne f r te o r f h t e ...h o © io g c ' r o b p e , e n c o m _ _ __B_t i e x _i e _i d, _il _B ' C 5 * 0 dattes when «e esHod o r ?oy m?rt thereof remains whose favour the award of the J b u e r isd iction on* the tndtcii Reserve rseovsrefel© fro® th# re e l esta te * e o nd f the C a r n e y dit s e l l t th a s t ay s or h p e o l r l ti b o e n n t e h e e e r e e s o a f ry to th a t is u p u e ik r e s e o p n e r o r in p t e h r e s on d s is charge of hia m offending o l n es s thru 10*00 nor the eouplnint of m h provided, sjid it sh a ll fee lawful fu ch rt her©nee of thi a s n d b y re -l q e u w i * re d to a l l such pound- breach, be m uni&vfully
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.