Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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I* Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE MOTE: T he w ords From our Band F un ds C ap ita l or R even u e , w h ich e v e r is the ca s e , must appear in all reso lu tion s requesting expenditures from Band Funds N O T A : L e s m ots d e s ton ds d e n o tre bande Capital** ou revenu** s e lo n le ca s d o iv en t paraître dans toutes l e s réso lu tion s portant su r d e s d é p e n se s à ________ m êm e te s fond s d e s bandes____________________________________________________________________________ THE COUNCIL OF THE L E CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE F 0 R T WILLIAM INDIAN BAND p r o v i n c e ONTARIO JUN |7.87 *95386 ?LACE ADMINISTRATION BLDG . NOM DE L'ENDROIT DATE h é r ^ O U R ~ MONTH - M O IS YEAR - A N N É E DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: that the Chief and Council accept and enacted By-Law 21 pertaining to the control, regulate and restrict the cutting of any trees and removal of any material or wood from the areas identified as the Crescent Lake area for a proximity of 200 feet, Recreational areas, Brule Bay Point areas, Watershed areas, Mount McKay Scenic Lookout areas, Ski Club property areas, residential areas and one hundred feet (100 feet) along roads of the reserve. \ \ A quorum for this Bande P o u rce tte bande le quorum est consists of fix é à Council Members Membres du Conseil (C h ie f - C s e t t le r ) (Coun c o n s e il le r ) in cillor c o n s e i l l e » (C o u n c illo r co n s e i l le r ) (C o u n c illo r co n s e i l le r ) (C o u n c illo r co n s e i l le r ) FOR D E P A R T M E N T A L USE O N LY - R É SE R V É A U M IN ISTERE 1. Band Fund C ode 2. C OM PU TER B ALA N CE S - SOLDES D*ORDINATEUR C od e du com p te A . C apita l B . R evenue R even u d e bande $ $ R ecom m ended R ecom m en d a ble Date R ecom m ending O ffice r R ecom m andé par <*.---------------------------------F ile R e feren ce N ° de t . du d o s s ie r AIÛ/S-- 197 _____ Current Capital Balance Solde de capital J Committed Engafié $ Current Revenue balance Solde de revenu 11 _ _ Committed E rtfta û e $,...... . (C o u n cillo r c o n s e il le r ) (C o u n cillo r C on seiller ) (C o u n cillo r co n s e i l le r ) (C o u n cillo r c o n s e il le r ) 3* E xpenditure 4. Authority A u to r ité 5. Source o f Funds D é p e n s e s Indian A ct Sec .Source d es fon d s A rt . de la L o i sur le s i 1 ^ C apital , 1—» Indiens R R e e v v e e n n u e $ A pproved Approuva b le Date Approving O fficer A p p rou par
FORT WILLIAM BAND OF INDIAND BY-LAW NO. 21 Being a By-Law to.restrict the use of certain lands. WHEREAS paragraphs 81 (1) (a) (g) and (r) empower the Council of a Band to make By-Laws to divide a portion of the Reserve into zones and prohibit certain uses and construction therein and to impose a penalty for the violation of a certain By-Law. This By-Law pertains to areas identified as the Crescent Lake Area for a proximity of 200 feet, recreational areas, Brule Bay Point areas, Watershed areas, Mount McKay Scenic Lookout areas, ski club property areas, residential areas and one hundred feet (100 feet) along roads of the reserve. In this By-Law: (a) "Council" means the council, as defined in the Indian Act, of the Fort William Band. (b) "Business, trade or calling" for greater certainty includés but is not limited to, any form of agriculture or forestry \ persuit or activity related thereto. (c> "Reserve" means those lands, the legal titlë to which is vested in Her Majesty for the use and benefit of the Fort William Band of Indians and usually referred to as the Fort William Indian Reserve number 52, and 2 . Within the areas specified previously in this By-Law, no person shall cut down, log, remove or otherwise destroy the trees. 3. (1) The Council shall post or cause to be posted, notices advising of the existence of the By-Law and its general provision. (2) Such notices shall be posted at lease 500 meters along the limits of the areas specified. 4. No person shall remove, damage or destroy or cause to be removed damaged or destroyed, any notice posted by or on » behalf of the council persuant to this By-Law.
5. Any person who violates any provision of this By-Law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $1,000. or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days or to both a fine and imprisonment. Approved and passed by the Council of the Fort William Band of Indians at a duly convened meeting of the Council on the ______16th_________ day of June________________ 1987 as evidenced by the signatures given below representing at least the majority of the councillors of the band present at the meeting. COUNCILLOR WITNESS
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.