Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

COUCHICHING INDIAN BAND BYLAW NO. 10 This Bylaw is made pursuant to The Indian Act, Section 81 (1) (f) regarding local works. The purpose of this Bylaw is to facilitate provision of sewer and water services on the Reserve. The Couchiching Band Council hereby enacts the following as a Bylaw: -1. All occupants of Reserve buildings served by the sewer and water system must execute an agreement in the form appended hereto as "Annex A" before sewer and water service will be extended to the building or buildings of those occupants. 2. The Band Council hereby adopts and enacts certain provisions contained in the Bylaws of the Town of Fort Frances appended hereto as "Annex B". Those certain provisions concerning private drain connections and/or water service, are as follows TOWN OF FORT FRANCES BYLAW NO. 2184, PARAGRAPHS 2 & 4 TOWN OF FORT FRANCES BYLAW NO. 2184-D, PARAGRAPHS 5,6,7,8,9 TOWH OF FORT FRANCES BYLAW NO. 2184-D-l, PARAGRAPH 1 TOWn OF FORT FRANCFS BYLAW NO. 2379, PARAGRAPHS 1,2,3,4,5. Wherever those said provisions impose any obligation upon an "owner" of land, that obligation shall be deemed to be the obligation of the adult occupants, or any of them, of the building to which the said private connection is to be made. 3. Subject to Paragraph 4, charges for installation of sewer and water connections to on-Reserve buildings from the on-Reserve water and sevrer mains shall be as set from time to time by the Band Council. 4. Wherever the Town of Fort Frances is called on to provide construction of any sewer or water line from any sewer or water main for provision of service to any on-Reserve building the charges payable for such provision shall be as prescribed by Town of Fort Frances Bylaw No. 2184-F, Paragraph 2, and "Schedule B", both of which are appended as "Annex C" to this Bylaw.
2 This Bylaw was approved and passed at a meeting of the Band Council held on 29th day of May A.D. 1978. "Rudy L. Morrisseau" CHIEF "Alvina McPherson"__________ "Shirley I. Bruyere" COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR "Glenn Jourdain"_______ ____ "Russell Jourdain"_____ COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR "Gilbert Perreault" COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR
COUCHICHING INDIAN BAND BYLAW NO. ’’ANNEX A A G R E E M E N T B E T W E E N : THE COUCHICHING INDIAN BAND (Hereinafter called the ’’Band”) -and-(Hereinafter called the ’’Customer”) 1. The Band agrees to permit its sewer and water system to he connected to the Customers premises at 2. The Customer agrees to abide by all Bylaws, rules and regulations, regarding sewer and water service, which the Band has or in the future will make, and to promptly ; and on demand pay all charges for such service. 3. The Customer specifically acknowledges that he will abide by the terms of any agreement respecting sewer and water entered into between the Band and the Town of Fort Frances. DATED this day of ,A.D. 1978. REPRESENTING THE BAND THE CUSTOMER
u,,.j ur » '< J \ . 'u . j O A'1- l K ' i kO. ? I 8 4 ■/ (being a by-law to provide for the construction of private drain connections and/or water service pipes in the Town of Fort Frances and fixing charges therefore under Sections 3 and 4 of the Local Improvement Act, Chapter 223, RF S. 0. i960.) The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Fort Francos hereby enacts as follows: 1* That by—.law do. Io03 hereby repealed andcharges for installation of sewer and water connections heretofore established by resolution of Council shall no longer apply. Where any sewer or watermain has been or may hereafter be constructed'in this municipality, the Council shall on petition (Schedule MAn to this by-lav/) signed by the owner or owners of abutting property, construct a private drain connection and/or water service connection from the main to the street line ajid the cost thereof shall be paid by the owner of Vie abutting je .;erty as here! naf ter' -se t forth in Schedule MBH to tills by-lew. 3# Hereafter, whether on new construction or repairs, the Corporations stop shall be placed on the street immediately adjacent to the property served, 1 4 . When a request or petition for construction of a private drain and/or 'water connection is received in accordance with this by-law, the Town Engineer may proceed with the 'construction thereof arid the terms and costs in connection therewith as hereinbefore stated shall apply, and if not otherwise paid, shall be collected in accordance with sub-section 2 Section 4 of the Local Improvement Act. READ three times in open Council and finally passed this 2bt! December 1962. > / \ J L ^ U L Ji cay or / i- L . l X < ,c V Clerk
tcï/n o f f c k t f r a n g e s To the Clerk Town of Fort Frances: I hereby make application to have newer and water connected to the following premises « (Size of pipe - Water______ _ Lot , Block___ Plan_________No,__________________ ____________ Street I^agree to abide by all by-laws, rules and regulations, governing the installation of sewer and water services and sanitary conveniences in the said Town of Fort Franoes. Bated at Fort Franoes this _____ day of __________ 19____» •: This PERMIT to install sewer and water services as set out in the above application is granted provided the said Owner and Contractor shall in all things conform to the by-laws, rules and regulations governing the installation of such servioes in the said Municipality. Connection Measurement: .................... ......... ..................... Amount» $__________ Aoct. Rec. No.__________ Remarks: __ _____ Bated at Fort Frances this _____ day of ________ 19 Ownership confirmed and approved Town Clerk-Treasurer~ S C ME î) U LE - "A H Y-L AW NQ.2le4 Sewer_____ ________) _________________ _ _ _ _ _ _____ O _ wner _____________________________ Contractor Deposit paid $______ _ ____ Clerk
r (Roi nr; .1 bv-lnw 1 o nr^nd I -1 -?v; No . 91 8 A ro-p^tnin -rivnfp dr.’ î n r o n n pc t i ons ;.ird /or t ^ r " o r v i r o r o n n r r t i o n s in ( h r ,povn o f For t; Francos. Sections 3 .'ind A - The Toc,]i lirprovoroiF get, R. S. .). I960 Chap t or 223.) SIERRAS the Council of the Corporation of the To\ n of Fort Francos Acorns it desirable to prohibit certain private drain connections and va ter service connections ro-mnnly called diagonal connections and hereafter referred to as di-ygonnl private drain connections, and diagonal water service connoc.rdons ; AND WIIFRF.AF it is desirable to rr;;nbitc installation of private drain connections and water service connections during adverse winter weather conditions; AND VTHFFFAC it is desirable to r^pd ate d i sconnec t i on , rep 1 ac omen t and reconnection of private drain or v-ter service connections; NOW TUFFEFORF, (die Counci 1 of the Corporation of the Town of Fort 'Tances HEREBY ENACTS as follows:-(a) That .by-la 01 e/. k.- Hv the addition o-'f paragraphs No. 5 t o 9 as F o l l o w s : \^5- ) That no diaronal private drain or diagonal water service connection shall be pea*.lit ted to anv sanitary sew r ira in or vaterruain where such main does not traverse the -property or the street abutting :! such property, and (hr said property is not assessed for such l^cal i n ' i rnpr overran t: s on a per ron t iron t age basai s under the Local Tr.iprov 'auai t Act.1! Tliat between the 1st day oF November and the 30th day oF \pril Installation of pr ivate drain connections and water s rvice connect i^ns shall be at cost to t lu* applicant p 1 ovi d i ng tira t such cost dun 11 he not less than the rates r, set out in Schedule MBU and providing Further that the a foremen t i oned dates may hr advanced or retarded at the diacre- tiwi of the Town Engineer as w.-aiher coéditions permit. 7.0 Tn the event of demolition of any buildings serviced by private drain or water connections, application shall be made to the Public Works Department for sluit-ofF of water services and capping of private drain cormoctions and t be costs t'k e r 00 f shall !: e borne bv the npp lie an t . ( 8 . f \ ai c r 0 p r i v a ( e 1 ! r : i n cw V s ' V 1 C S r e ! t'O.I Î t s J f o be r : a 0 n 11 o c t e 1 to 11" ' V '; ' at cl vi t e
- i Town of pert; Prone ns P.v -T.iw 'MM -0 o and vhcre it: is dot. ermf nod Meat rep Mac o u.mi t 1 s necessary, snoli p ri *-m te drain or wafer service connection shall be repl;iced at the rates is sot out in Schedule Bn to By-7,aw No. ?M Sd as amended. The applicant shall be liable for the cost of locating private drain or water service connections noon application for reconnection. READ THREE TIMES and finally passed in open council this loth day of September 1970.
/ / $ Tf v .N of fojv r ; ■' ) : c BY- LAW NO , 3J 1 8 V (Being a by-law to amend by-law No. 2184-D respecting private drain connections and/or water service connections In the Town of Fort Franca».) The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Fort Frances HEREBY ENACTS an follows;That by-law No. 2184-D enated on the 1.4th day of September 1970, be amended by adding thereto the following to paragraph even thereof: i "If the cvnar does not apply for shut-off of water services and capping of private drain connection within ton (10) days of such demolition then the Public Works Department may enter onto the said premises and disconnect the water service and cap the private drain connection, and the cost thereof shall ba a charge against the nroperty and collected in a like manner as taxes." READ three times and finally passed in open Council this 27th day of December 1973. ;
TOWI OF FORT FRANCES BY-LAW NO. 2184-F (Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2184) The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Fort Frances HEREBY ENACTS as follows: -1. That Schedule "B" as enacted under authority of By-Law No. 2184-E on the 10th day of April 1972, and the said By-law No. 2184-E, be and the same are hereby repealed and the charges for installation of sewer and water connections established thereby shall no longer apply. That the Charges for installation of sewer and water connections from and after the date of the x^ssing o f this By-law shall be as set forth on Schedule "B" attached hereto. READ A FIRST TIME in open Council this 27th Dav of nprp»hrfr 1976 CLERK i-READ A SECOND AND THIRD TIME in open Council and finally passed this 24th day of January 1977.
- ' i TOWN OF FORT FRANCES l ! "'"'G j BY-LAW NO, 2184-F ^Gschedule "BM 'j Rates for the Installation of Sewer and Water Connections Rate 25% Deposit 3/4* Copper Water Line Only $485.00 $121.25 | 1** Copper Water Line Only 510.00 127.50 1*5* Copper Water Line Only 605.00 151.25 1 2 Copper Water Line Only 665.00 166.25 j! 1 4** Sewer Line Only 465.00 116.25 1 ! J , ( 6** Sewer Line Only 490.00 122.50 | l 3/4" Copper Water Line and 4** Sewer 745.00 186.25 ; 1** Copper Water Line and 4" Sewer 755.00 188.75 1 |! i 1*3" Copper Water Line and 4" Sewer 890.00 222.50 1 i i 2 Copper Water Line and 4" Sewer 965.00 241.25 3/4" Copper Water Line and 6 Sewer 775.00 193.75 i 1" Copper Water Line and 6 Sewer 795.00 . 198.75 j 1*5" Copper Water Line and 6M Sewer 930.00 232.50 | 2" Copper Water Line and 6" Sewer 990.00 247.50 1 In the event pavement has to be broken and repaired to provide a connection, the applicant shall pay extra over the above rates for extra expenses involved in road restoration. PLEASE NOTE: Above rates apply only to installation on the standard 66 foot road allowance. For all other connections, the applicant shall pay full cost or shall pay according to the decision of Town Council. A minimum deposit of 25% of the applicable rate is required on application, the balance payable within 60 days after installation or if not sooner paid, the balance shall be collected as provided under Section 4 (2) The Local Improvement Act, R. S. 0. 1970. I.
A by-lav/ to pro.hibi moi r;_ulato too ' y of a i" yas'~'Ous 7 or solid matter into la:id drainaje './orb.::, privât c branch drain connections to any 3 :’.v:r, sewer ays t a - or a- way o v/uria: m tns municipality , for the carrying av/ay of domestic sewa, ; c or induatria 1 v/aste or both, v/lie tdor connected to a Iroatmcnt works or not. VrndRbAS under the provisions of flic Funi c ipal Act, R . J, 0. I?b0, Chart :r 24?, Section 379, s. s. 1, para. 12p, and amendments thereto, by-1 aye may be pasecd by the Councils of local municipalities for prohibiting; and recula tiny the dir, char ye of any .yaseourj, liquid or so] id matter into land drainaje works, private branch drains and comm étions to any sewers, stover systems, or scways works for the carrying away of domestic sewage, industrial waste or both, whether connected to a treatmon t'works or not; AItD '.VïïbR ' A3 t h e C o u n c i l o f t n e C o r p o r a t i o n o f the dow11 o f F o r t f deems it e x o o d i e n t t o r a s s a b v - l a w f o r trie above.* our;, os v s ; NCbY T-LiiLfNOR i, the Corporation of the down of sort francos hereby enact: as follows:-(\^) Without the v/ritten consent of the Corporation of the down of dort Francos, no person or corporation shall mak,p any eonn-ction to any loud drainage works, private brandi drains 1 from the rooJ wa w el sev/ers if presided b Sorr oi ^ 2 .y V/ it}.out the v/ri tton consent of the Corporal ion of the down of Frances, no corson or soroo; dion ::hall :•] low the 1 i qu id or sc ! 1 u o p e r a t e d liquid or sol;a s d i o r. ' i } " -... d approved I; u t Of F dl i c for such m-wta l l a t ms sub joct i... . ' n * '. >' of N e d.. the ai ail ■»-. > C! . ,JLle limim,. .-îowovcr, a:n y per..on may comim b and main tain au-ch cen section, prod-. t . w rvofe cf a:v ! , , i . p i ̂ , , > X r K -. 0t to tf.e fca.. . . .1 . <-\ 1 -t i : S. U.' . ' a s . ' ) Ti or d w; c o / n * nection to any sowers, Jr' t : i c c a r r ÿ ' i . n y a w a y o f d o;u a S t i c c o u r o ' c t c d t o a t r a t : ; m i t w o r k :d o r n o t , lo do'.Tu o f f o r t F r -U i C r - 1 * i hi r ' m ; : a f t e r p o s e * c f d i r e c t i n g t n 2 f l w a t e r m l a n d i n t o e n v s ' 10:1 s e w e r s . : . . o t h i n y as : r o h i b i t i n y N m; ;n o r m a l f L :: : v a r s b m s .' o . , :1 C : 3 ; e s 00,70 o: au; of tse. o m 'on from au / d, /; 1 r •. ms i. i r s j u : 11 e us su c u o :sOii s v ' fsoc'vd; a ,pr d L : fs s i:. r m u . / o of f' ; o ' a i l su.F: ' n a d e c f f ' e i : ^in^ a'udim. hat d <c 1 - ..te rm .ai t .. - . . ■! . . y - ; o oM -
Town of Frances an 'o 2 i7 corppràtion yuilty of s « c ! ; oo. tra’/ci.t inn to diccon IJ nuo Notice to di scon tinuo l)io contmv*: at i on shal 1 to j i w m in vni t ir r r and may be yivon by prepai 1 rayistored post addressed to such : a s o n or corporation at its prop.or place of address or by delivering lie saine to such person or die proper officer of such corporation* ^ ) In the event of any con travent Lean of this bylav/ not b o in y removed within ten (it)) 'days of the yiviny of the notice hereinbefore provided, such oontrawestLon may be removed or rectified by the Corporation of the Town of For t Frances at the expense of such person or corporation, and the cost of such removal rnav be recovered in like manner as municipal tax.;.. HEAD a first time in open Council this 2oth day of November 19o6*^ READ a second time in oocn Council this u time REAR a third/and finally passed in open .Council this ' Of i1/(,<- 7 19 d 7. 77 I / 1 L / V - -, / > C W ) ! - ' «ÿ t. Ai t /7--< CT. ,?.K " -, j < J d ay of Û 1 Q < ? ' y </ . - < 7 day ̂ / 1 J\ YOR ;;/ y m / ' ̂^ r < i X m c l.:rk
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.