Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Chronological No. INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH 475/ 1968- 69-23 H .Q . R e ference CAN AD A BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION N O TE : Th e words 14From our Band Funds** must appear in a ll resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY C O U N C IL OF THE Chippewas o f Rama BAND AG ENCY Simcoe PR O V IN C E Ontario P L A C E Rama Reserve d a t e 2 n d ____________ December AD ï9 68 D A Y M ONTH Y E A R DO H E R E B Y R E SO LV E : That i t is moved by Ken Snache, seconded by Gordon Simcoe, that this be a By-Law made pursuant to paragraphs (o ) and ( r ) o f Section 80 o f the Indian Act, By-Law No, 6, A By-Law fo r the protection , preservation and management o f fu r bearing animals, f is h and game on the Rama Indian Reserve in the Province o f Ontario, (1 ) No person, other than a member o f the Rama Band of Indians shall trap, hunt or f ish within the boundaries of the above mentioned Indian Reserve without a special Permit from the Council of the Band or other person named by the Council to issue such a Permit, (2 ) member of the Rama Band shall invite or accompany any person who is not a member o f the above mentioned Band, onto the Rama Reserve fo r the purpose of trapping, fish ing or hunting unless that person has f i r s t obtained a written Permit to do so from the person authorized by the Council to grant such permission. Hunting (3) Permits may be gained only on the production of a valid and subsisting Ontario Provincial Licence, (4 ) Holders of Permits to hunt Migratory birds or big game must be accompanied by a member of the Rama Band duly licenced to act as a guide, (5 ) Open seasons, bag lim its , possession lim its and a l l other matters with respect to hunting not provided fo r in this By-Law shall be, with rèspect to ducks as set out in the regulations fo r the Province o f Ontario ~made under the authority o f the Migratory Birds Act and, with respect to other game, as provided in the regulations made under the Ontario Game Act fo r the contiguous Provincial lands. Guides,* (6 ) A l l Band members before being permitted to aat as guides, must register with the Council of the Band,..wJlQ....wi.ll..J.ssue, o f charge to each (C h ie f) 0 (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r) (C ou n cillo r ) (C ou ncillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r ) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r) (C ou n cillo r ) (C ou ncillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r ) FOR H E A D Q U AR TE R S USE O N L Y 1. TR U S T 2 . C U R R E N T B A L A N C E S 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source o f Funds A C C T A . Cap ita l B . Revenue Indian A ct Sec. 1 } C ap ita l f 1 Revenue S $ $ 6. Recommends*d 7. Approved v V Date A ss is tan t Deputy M in ister. Date Authorised O ffice r Indian A ffa irs 1A-135
Chronological No. .•NDIAN affairs branch 475/ 1968- 69-23 H.Q . Re ference BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION C A N A D A N O TE : T h e words "F rom our Band Funds** must appear in a ll resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY C O U N C IL OF THE BAND AG ENCY PR O V IN C E P L A C E D A TE _____________________ _______________________ AD 19 ______________ D A Y MONTH Y E A R DO H E R E B Y R E SO LV E : member who will register, a licence to guide on the Reserve, (7 ) Every Guide licenced under the preceeding section is required to abide by any rules or regulations set down by the Council fo r the instruction of Guides and fa ilu re to do so w ill result in the revolting o f the licence to guide, Enforcement: (8 ) The Chief and Councillors o f the Band, Indian Constables and o,ny other pert person or persons named by the Council shall be ex -o f f ic io o ff icers fo r the enforcement o f this By-Law, (9) Any o f f ic e r fo r the enforcement o f this By-Law shall forthwith seize a ll game or f is h protected by this By-Law which; (a ) Is found by him in possession of any person, other than a member of the Band, who is not in possession o f a Permit under Section 3 or Section 9 ° f this By-Law; (b) Appears to have been taken by some unlaxoful means; and shall bring such game or f ish before a Po lice Magistrate, Stipendiary Magistrate or person appointed by the Governor-in-Council to be a Justice o f the Peace fo r offences under the Indian Act, ( 10)l7here a person is convicted of an offence under this By-Law, the convicting court or Judge may order that the game, f ish , in addition to any penalty imposed, are fo r fe ited to Her Majesty fo r the benefit o f the Band, provided however, that the meat or f is h fo r fe ited shall be delivered to a charitable institu tion designated by the Council, Penal t i es j (11)Any person who violates any of the peovisions o f this By-Law shall on suramary conviction, be l ia b le to a f in e not exceeding one hundred dollars £ 100,00) or imprisonment fo r a term not exceeding th ir ty days, or both f in e and imprisonment, ;#J ....m (C h ie f) (C ou n cillo r) (C ou n cillo r ) (C ou n cillo r) (C ou n cillo r) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r ) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillo r ) FOR H E AD Q U AR TER S USE O N L Y 1. TR U S T 2. C U R R E N T B A LA N C E S 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source o f F i A C C T A . Capita l B. Revenue Indian A ct Sec. j 1 Cap ita l $ $ $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved Date A ssis tan t Deputy Mini Date Authorized O ffice r Indian A ffa irs 1A-135
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