Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CHIPPEWAS OF NAWASH BAND COUNCIL LIQUOR ÎÎY-LAW * 12-26-85 WHEREAS the primary function of the Chippewas of Nawash Band is to provide a. measure of self-government; WHEREAS the regulation and control of intoxicants is a o n f e c N e a s w s a a s r h y B a a s n p d e ; ct of .self-government of the Chippewas WHEREAS a majority of the electors of the Chippewas of Nawash Band, who attended and voted at a special meeting of the Chippewasoof Nawash Band on December 26, 1985 called by the Council of the Chippewas of Nawash Band on December 10, 1985 for the purpose of considering the contents of this by-law, assented to the contents of this by-law; WHEREAS Section 85.1 of the Indian Act empowers the Council of the Chippewas of Nawash Band to make by-laws regulating intoxicants on a Reserve: Now Therefore the Council of the Chippewas of Nawash Band makes the following by-law: Prohibitions (1) (a) Every person who is found intoxicated or found with c i a n u t s o e x s i ca i n n t t s o xi in c an t t h s e ir to po b s e se k s ep s t i on i n or t he wh i o r k d e w e e p l s l in o g r house, building, camp-site, or place, or supplies an intoxicant to any person on the reserve is guilty of an offence and is liable in a summary conviction to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or both a fine and imprisonment. (b) Every person who by himself of any other person on his be s h e a l l l f; ( 1 ) s, barter to any person on the Reserve, (2) makes or manufacture intoxicants on a Reserve, is guilty of an offence and is liable in a summa conviction to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both fine and imprisonment. Exceptions (2) Notwithstanding anything in this by-law, no person commits an offence under this by-law by the possession, or by the supply to another person, of an intoxicant, (a) which was manufactured for medicinal purposes, is in a container labelled so as to indicate that it is for medicinal purposes only.
- 2 Effective Date (3) This by-law shall come into effect on the 26th day of December 1985. THE'MAKING OF THIS BY-LAW was assented to by a majority of the electors of the Band who voted at a Special Meeting of the Band called by the Council of the Chippewas of Nawash Band on December 10, 1985 for the purpose of considering the by-law.
' v* * ̂ . * , /■ . .. CHIPPEWAS OP NAWASH BAND Date .Qz£WbeA.26*...l985 ADMIN». RATION OFFICE File No. .£.5468.-1................ R. R. 5, WIARTON, ONTARIQ, CANADA NOH 2T0 Dept, of Administration Phone (519) 534-1689 CH5RPEWAS OF NAWASH band council LIQUOR BU-LAW - 12-26-85 WHEREAS l he. pnlmany function of the. Chippewa* of Nawa*h Band La to p/iovlde a meoAune of * elf-govennment; WHEREAS The negulatlon and contnol of Intoxicantt* l * a nece**any aspect of * e l f - go vennment of the Chippewa* of Nawa*h Band; WHEREAS A mayonlty of the elector* of the Chippewa* of. Nawa*h Band, who attended and voted at a /special meeting, of the Chippewa* of Nawa*h Band on December 26, 1985 called by the Council of the Chippewa* of Nawa*h Band on December 10, 1985 fon the punpo*e of con*ldenlng the content* of the by-law, a**ented to the content* of thl* by-law; WHEREAS Section 85. 1 of the Ondlan Act empower* the Council of the Chippewa* of Nawa*h Band to make by-law* /legulatlng Intoxicant* on a Re*; WHEREAS Now thenefone the Council of the Chippewa* of Nawa*h Band make* the following by-law; fnohlbitlon Agaln*t Intoxication ( 1 ) Evejiy pejiAon who l * Intoxicated on the Re*ejive of the Chippewa* of Nawa*h Band l * guilty of an offence punl*hable on Aurrmany conviction except; (a ) whene a pen*on l * Intoxicated In hi* home, at a camp*lte9 at a place u*ed a* a pnlvate ne*ldency, on. at a pn.lvate dwelling to which he ha* been In­ vited, on -%-(b ) whene a pen*on l * cau*lng no nul*once on dl*tunbance of th,e peace, on ( c ) a police offlcen may anne*t without wannant any Intoxicated pen*on when, whene9 In the opinion of the police offlcen, to do *o l * nece**any fon the *afety of the pen*on on l * nece**any to pnotect anothen pen*on fnom Inyuny, on (d ) whene the Ba * nd . Council ha* l**ued a penmit allowing Intoxication in, *uch clncum*tance 2
r - 2 -PnohlbitLon on PoAAeAALon of 0ntoxlcantA s’* (2 ) Every perAon who La found in poAAeAALon of LntoxLcantA on the. PeAerve of the ChlppewaA of NawaAh Band La guilty of an offence punLAhabte on Aummany conviction except; (a ) where poAAeAALon La fan medLcLnaL punpoACA, o/i; f b) where poAAeAALon La in kiA home, at a campAite, o/t at a ptace uAed OA a private neAldence o/i at a p/iLvate dwelling to whLch he haA been invited, on; (c ) where the Band Council haA LAAued a permit allowing, the poAAeAALon of LntoxLcantA in Auch circumAtanceA, o/i; Id) whejie the Aealed package poAAeAALon La merely for the punpoAeA of InanA- po/italLon from one place whejie i t La lawful to poAAeAA i t to another Auch place. Conveying Liquor in Vehicle ( 3 ) No pejiAon a hall doive on. have the cane on contnol of a moton vehicle on motorized Anow vehicle, whet hen i t La in motion on not while thene La con­ tained thenein any liquor, except; ( a) ILquon La a bottle on package that La unopened and the Aeal unbroken, on; (b ) ILquon in a bottle on package that La packaged with penAonal effcclA in baggage that La foAtened doAed on that La not otherwise neadlly available to any penAon in the vehicle. AnneAt Without Warrant (h ) Where a police officer findA a penAon contravening thlA by-law and Auch penAon nefuAeA to give hlA name and addneAA on thene one neaAonable gnouncU to believe that the name on addneAA given La falAe, the police officer may anneAt Auch penAon without wannant. OffenceA (5 ) Every penAon who contnaveneA thlA by-law La guilty of an offence and La liable on Aummany conviction to a fine of not mone than one hundred dollanA on to imprisonment fon a term not exceeding three monthA on to both. ChLppewaA of NawaAh Band (6 ) ChlppewaA of NawaAh Band meanA the ChLppewaA of NawaAh Band of OndlanA within the meaning of the Indian Act.
annems of nawash band oouncjl L3QU0R B J-LÆ - 12-26-85 m0H3B3T30N AÇA3NST 3NT0X3CAT3ON ChL&fL dpateji ÿ. Akuven l̂e. CouncJJU-OA. U la Waukey ColuzcUMLo/l Beji/icvicL K&e^kLg. CouricJuULo/i t^oXvin SAJLLott CounczLLLo/i Rande-l 9/ioutx.
CHIPI^/VAS OF NAWASH BAND Date ADVIIV v ( RATION OFFICE File No........................... R. R. 5, WIARTON, ONTARIO^ CANADA NOH 2T0 Dept, of Administration Phone (519) 534-1689 LIQUOR BY-LAW 12-26-1985 Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Chippewas of Nawash Band, Indian Reserve # 27, this 26th day of December, 1985. CouncillM" Councillor I, LO g /-/ 'Z,/ Chief, of the Chippewas of Nawash Band, do hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing by-law was forwarded to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development pursuant to section 82(1) of the Indian Act this ^ _ 3 V_____ day of _________ , 1985. Witness Chief
It Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et muit BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words From our Band Funds Capita l or Revenue , which ever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds N O T A : L es mots des fonds de notre bande ' 'C a p ita l" ou revenu selon le cas doivent paraître dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépense» à même les fonds des bandes THE COUNCIL OF THE r m LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE C H I P P E W A S O F N A W A S H B A N D AGENCY -, DISTRICT D R U C E p r o v in c e O n t a r i o C a p e C r o k e r R e s e r v e d a t e ----------2 £ iid _______ _ D e c e m b e r - a d 1 9 _______85. ___„___ D A Y - JO U R MONTH - MOIS Y E A R - A N N E E DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PARLES PRESENTES: Motion No . 3 7 2 Moved by Howard Jones, seconded by Richard Jones, Chippewas of Nawash Band Council hereby approve L iquor By-Law 1 2 - 2 6 - 8 5 ; Prohibition against Intoxicants, as per attached. Carried . A quorum for this Bande Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixé à ( 5 ) Council Members Membres du Conseil (Ch ie f - Chef ) (Council lor c o n s e il le r ) (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) (Council lor c o n s e il le r ) (Council lor c o n s e ille r ) (Council lor c o n s e il le r ) (Council lor c o n s e ille r ) ^Councillor *—■ c o n s e il le r ) (Council lor c o n s e il le r ) F O R D E P A R T M E N T A L USE O N L Y - R É S E R V É A U M IN IS T E R E 1. Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER B ALA N C E S - S O LD E S D* O R D IN A T E U R 3. Expenditure Code du compte de bande A. Capital B. Revenue Revenu $ * $ 6. Recommended R e commendable Date Recommending Of f i cer Recom mandé parsy6 / % - 30 Chronological No. Numéro con sécu tif L / é ~ / f ô File Reference N ° de ref. du dossier rv Current Capital Balance Solde de capital J__ Committed En&a#ê $ Current Revenue balance # 2 7 Committed Enfcaôé (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) 4* Authority A u to r ité 5* Source of Funds D épenses Indian Act Sec Source des tonds A rt . de la L o i sur les . i C « api - tal . i i R D e venue Indiens 11 r 1—' R evenu Approved Approuva b le Date Approving Off icer Approuve par
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.