Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

C h ro n o lo fle a l Ko, 11 H .Q, R eference BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION k T Ê / ï - l û ________ NOTE: T he word* From our B ond Fund*** m ust appear in o il re so lu tio n s req u estin g ox pond it urea from Bond F u n d s . FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COUNCIL OF THE Bsoaooioil BAND AGENCY Christian laland PROVINCE Ontario PLACE Counity Rail DATE m b o w e » 1 III 0- AD 19 DAY MONTH YEAR DO HEREBY RESO LV E: * i « « » w i M H i i i m m m Cornell Papartiwat of Indian Affairs aai Boithrao Deralcpoaat to approve the felleidag By*inr it^a imfarnaisl to bo anted a t oooai Mado wader Bsctim 10, awbeosttano (a) tho Indian Aet* (s) and SosUsn iM rto o o tisw (1) and (a) of Balog a By Iso to provida far tin of gasbags and «solo on tho dhxiatlan Island Tndlao ooroa» Brovinas of Gâterie» Whereas, i t i s of v ita l iaportonee to eaaltatlaa on tbs Rsasavs to effoot any hasards aay bo prejudicial to h ea lth __. __________ Thorofbao» tho deanail of tho BeaoasloU Mnd, GhrlaHao fsliwd ladles *ooonro Mo.30 aaaota as faUaoit (•) ■» psraaaahall aocamOato arpow dt tÿ bo MewmdotBi « M lando la Mo pooaoasiaa or deposit or aaornuisto an the lande l a iwieeseataa «* another pavaan asytldag «Mob © y i f h t | M | f t f f i M i i i i f i n J m é é g a & b (b) Bo porow aboli dspesit aay «ainsi» e ffa l, fioh, saura»guhag»,frdL t, vsgetablss, f ilth , üqald» vaofeo o r aaytUait of a aa tn o wfcLeh ' ao or prej- udioial to health» wpeo or la to aay soad» w t a y , la* » path, lot» ditoh,wharf, boaoboo, loko, pond, strain» oallar oooar, or lato aay laid or anaadLses withina thl o Reserve* Aay Booh deposit ahal bo dooasd o that tho provislaas of th is paragraph aboli a r t apply to the dqpeait sod propar disposal of aagr owA aatoxial into or a t a plooo w lttta tba Rooorvo approved by tho Council for (e) Tba fiaail aay aimrraaag eo fa r thoe «rn m ll of garbage s«ad wants from any praMass within the *oaorvo» (d) lo tba Spring of oaeh year as aaaa sa wootbor swmHtin assoit» tba poreon la poaa- oaaiaa of aay paaMais within tba Baaorvo shall so llset a l l waste natter lying tbexoaa, ewm, paspw mA iwrtr^l (a) All asah woata aa ttar shall bo di sposal of la ooob a aadèor so w ill paooaat « y anioew or offense aa tba foaling of tbo m ils and water pplyo (f»)Aay parson 1A0 rlolotoa ngr proriMsao of tMo I p io r shall b« gailty of an affama shall bs liab le on waxy-aaor t at l sa j ^ ^ -fla s aal Sanaa<1 eg fbn Pollaro (UtOO) mr Car a tu n m m w m (C ouncillo r) (C ouncillo r) (C ouncillo r) (C ouncillo r) (Councillor) (C ouncillo r) FOR HEADQUARTERS USB ONLY 1. T R U S T 3 . C U R R E N T B A L A N C E S 9 . Exp end itu re 4 4 . A uthority S . Source o f Funds . A C C T A* C a p ita l B , E ave n u s ̂ / Ind ian A c t Son , f 1 C a p ita l f 1 Revenue $ J _____________________-6. Rocommended Approved - J; . f *$. î , ;■ y , ->,. ’■? % Date A s s is ta n t Deputy M inis to r. Dote Authorised Officer - r % IA I9 M I-M ) T M O -II-O IIM M I
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.