Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

*7 r** :.? ̂ tf\ *V ̂:5fr:Æ* :*'**<. w v?? v ^ « : INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH , 0 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION _!_____ :_______________________ ___ :--------------------------------------------.NOTH: T h e wo»d « "F ro m our Band Funds** must appear In a l l resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COtIN a L O F T K E C i l J. fi ]. g i :as o f G e o r g in a I s l < nd BANO » AGK.rcT Geôrp jj/.ii Ley D i s t r i c t . PROVINCE O n t a r i o . PLACE G ocrç in? I s l a n d T»:5rd A D , , ? 1 D A Y M ONTH Y S A R D ;.' HSP.EOY R E S O L V E : a ) provide f r r the : I s a i in f , develop!-ent , construe, é rec t io n , improvement, a lte ra t io n , extension, H inton? nee, operation*.-.: use, a.uauvoe-eut r e s u lt t ic a , con tro l rmc supervis ic-, c f any doe-Tcuncut on prop or civn ounce ty the l end * he vin s boon duly authoriir-ed by Council to unuortrku ouch dovol^ pmout ano viorbo* b) to premed goto cm*. adopt' e.ud roaulaciens 1er the pfcpor uso ana development o f lend Lund, end Property»» c ) reprul to fcha service and f 3:-: rates fo r Is -c u r , use o f bend acuirnient and fa o i l i t ie s c.nd too e f f i c i e n t u-ce o-f such 1 hour end. eqrdpncûa and f a c i l i t i e s upon c-!ia bend Li(j ?> » c) jiuor into leusa cr leasea or purchase, or perri.v.icn fo r so of funds, with s p rev? 1 o f Council, with indivi< -j u , partnerships or c o r fe r r t io n ;c r the o parut 3 c-u c l I-nd and tu i id in r dovelcrnent, the use c f v c t *r and ether - a t H i t id s . ' <..p i T ^ V. T .is by-law shell take e f fe c t iiL-uci?tely upon up revoi o f Council. t (C h ie f ) (Council lor ) * (Counci l lo r ) ' * (Counc illor/ (Council lor ) (Counci l lor ) (Counci l lor ) (Council lor ) (Counci l lor ) (Counci (Council lor ) i (Counci l lor ) (C o m e FOR Hg:A D Ç U A R T E R S USE O N L Y 1T R U S T 2. C U R R E N T B A L A N C E S 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. s*. urc e of J* . hR C C T A . Capita l B. Revenue Indian A c t Sec* » $ * $ ended 7* Approved Data A ss is tan t Be pu tv Mnis t-* Dale Nuthorlxed O ff ice r Indian Affa irs IA -1JS
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H t ü E l V E D 1 * i S S r * " ÏÏSÏÏS5» PETERBOROUGH DISTRICT Chronological No. Numéro con sécu tif £fian and Inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et inuit JUN041987 lûilû AU BAND COUNCIL. KcSuLUIRÜri RÉSOLUTION DE CdWfcfc A N __~: ' " NOTE: The words From our Band Funds Capita l or Revenue , which ever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds NO TA: Les mots des fonds de notre bande ••C ap ita l" ou revenu selon le cas doivent paraître dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses à même les fonds des bandes THE c o u n c il OF THE CH IPPEWAS OF GEORGINA ISLAND LE CONSEIL D E LA B A N D E IN D IE N N E AGENCY d is t r ic t PETERBOROUGH DISTRICT p r o v in c e ONTARIO Z T de L 'E N D R O IT GEORGINA ISLAND o a t f third June atmq -87 D A Y - JO U R MONTH - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE; DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: (Council lor c o n s e il le r ) (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE 1. Band Fund Code 2. C OMPUTER BALANCES - s o l d e s d o r d i n a t e u r Code du com pte A. Capital B. Revenue Revenu de bande $ $ 6. Recommended Recom mendable Dat e Recommending Off icer Recommande par 1A 135 (5 -7 ») 7530-21-023-4661F i le Reference N ° de /, du d oss ie r Current Capital Balance S o ld e d e c a p ita l J Committed E n é a p ê $ Current Revenue balance _Crt/sff* Hf* rA VAnrt « ... Committed - Etifradê S YEAR - A N N É E and accept (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) (Councillor C on se ille r) (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) (Councillor c o n s e ille r ) 3. Expenditure 4. Authority A u to r ité St Source of Funds Dépenses Indian Act Sec Source des fonds A rt . de Ifa L o i sur tes Capital Revenue $ Indiens Revenu Approved Approuvable Date Approving Off icer Approuvé par
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.