Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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KETTLE POINT INDIAN RESERVE # 44 KETTLE POINT,” ONTARIO By-Law # 14-3 A By-Law to amend By-Law No. 14-2 dated 1st day o f April 1981, to authorize and provide payment fo r f i r e p ro tec t ion , po lice pro­ te c t ion , garbage co l le c t ion and road maintenance serv ices fo r tenants o f the K ett le Point Indian Reserve # 44. WHEREAS i t has been deemed advisable that f i r e protection, po lice pro tection , garbage co l le c t ion and road maintenance serv ices be provided to a l l tenants o f the Kettle Point Indian Reserve No. 44 and further that payment o f such services shall be made by such tenants to the K ett le Point Band Council. NOW THEREFORE in pursuant to the authority o f Section 83 o f the Indian Act, R. S . , c. 149, S. I . , the Council o f the Chippewas o f K ett le Point Indian Reserve enacts as fo llow s: 1. The K ett le Point Indian Reserve No. 44 shall provide such ser­ vices fo r f i r e protection , po lice protection , garbage co llec t ion and road maintenance as the Kettle Point Indian Reserve No. 44 Band Council shall deem advisable and expédiant from time to time fo r a l l tenants o f the K ett le Point Indian Reserve No. 44. 2. The annual term fo r such services shall be due May 1st in each year to April 30th in the fo llow ing year, commencing on May 1st, 1982. 3. The annual payment o f $200.00 shall be payable and required from the tenants o f each separate property leased from the Kettle one Point Indian Band No. 44. I f any tenant shall have more than-'dwelling, t r a i l e r or cottage on a s ing le leased premise, a $200.00 fee shall be due and payable fo r each dwelling, t r a i l e r or cottage. 4. Such payments shall be due and payable th ir ty days a f te r notice thereo f has been delivered to such tenants by ordinary mail. J -5. Upon any payment hereby required being in defau lt, the Kettle Point Band Council shall be at l ib e r ty to enforce co llec t ion o f any such amount owing against the property o f the tenant situated on the leased land. This By-Law shall come into force and e f f e c t upon fina l passing and approval o f the Minister o f Indian A f fa ir s . TEM mg
1 + tndtarv and Northern Aftairs Affaires indiennes et du Nord BAND COUNCIL R E S O L U T IO N ,r,? RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL 2 £ NDEÜ<* d à NOTE: The words ' From our Band Funds Capital or "R evenue , whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds N O T A : L e s mots des fonds de notre bande * Capital** ou revenu sel on le cas doivent paraître dans toutes tes résolutions portant sur des d ép enses à même les fonds des bandes t h e c o u n c il o f t h e Chippewas o f K ettle Point and Stony Point LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE AGENCY DISTRICT London D is tr ic t PROVINCE Ontario PLACE NOM DE L ENDROIT K ettle P o in tf Ontario_______ P ATF 16th March a d i q DAY - J O U R MONTH - M OIS DO HEREBY RESOL VEj DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: That this council do hereby approve -By-Law # 14-3 dated March 16, 1982 to read: The annual payment o f $200.00 shall be payable and required from the tenants o f each separate property leased from the Kettle Point Indian Band No. 44. I f any tenant shall have more than one dwelling, tra ile r or cottage on a single leased premise, a $200*00 fee shall be due and payable fo r each such dwelling, tra ile r or cottage. A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of y fixé à 5 Council Members Membres du Conseil (Councillor con seiller ) (Councillor conseiller) (Cccmncillor con seiller ) ....... (Councillor conseiller) ^(Councillor L. tfonsej/ler) FOR DEPAR TM EN TAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE V. Band Fund Code 2. COM PUTER B A LA N C E S S O L D E S D 'O R D IN A T E U R C ode du compte B. Revenue Revenu A. Capital de bande $ $ 6. Recommended Recommandable Date Recommending Officer Recomm ande par IA 135 (3-74) 7530-21-023-4662 io Control File ' ̂JLS'.r-' -< / . :/■ . - -, Chronologie al No. Numéro co^st?ci^/T 1043 FiieJ^eference N ° de tel, du d oss ier G ü 6 2 ti LJ --------------------------- 3 - 1 0 - L. Current Capital Balance Solde de capital < -------------------Committed Engagé $W . Current Revenue balance Solde de revenu < Committed Engagé S 82 YEA R - A N N E E rSUO^rt^T..... (Councillor conseiller ) 3. 4- Authority A utorité 5. Source of Funds D ép en ses Indian Act Sec Source des fonds A rt . de la L o i sur les $ Indiens Capital U l 'Z Z Approved Approuva bis Date Approving Officer Approuvé par \
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