Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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- KETTLE POINT INDIAN RESERVE #44 KETTLE POINT, ONTARIO By-Law #14-2 A By-Law to amend By-Law No. 14 dated 8th day o f February, 1974, to authorize and provide payment fo r f ir e protection, po lice protection, garbage co llec tion and road maintenance services fo r tenants o f the Kettle Point Indian Reserve #44. WHEREAS, i t has been deemed advisable that f ir e protection, po lice pro­ tection , garbage co lle c tion and road maintenance services be provided to a ll tenants o f the Kettle Point Indian Reserve No. 44 and further that payment o f such services sha ll be made by such tenants to the Kettle Point Band Council. NOW THEREFORE in pursuant to the authority o f Section 83 o f the Indian Act, R.S., c. 149, S .I ., the Council o f the Chippewas o f Kettle Point Indian Reserve enacts as follows: 1. The Kettle Point Indian Reserve No. 44 shall provide such services fo r f ir e protection, po lice protection, garbage co lle c tion and road mainten­ ance as the Kettle Point Indian Reserve No. 44 Band Council sha ll deem advis­ able and expedient from time to time fo r a l l tenants o f the Kettle Point Indian Reserve No. 44. 6. The annual terni fo r such services shall be due May 1st in each year to April 30th..jn the fo llow ing year, commencing on May 1st, 1981. 3. The annual payment o f $135.00 sha ll be payable and required from the tenants o f each separate property leased from the Kettle Point Indian Band No. 44. I f any tenant shall have more than one dwelling, t r a i le r or cottage on a s ing le leased premise, a $135.00 fee shall be due and payable fo r each such dwelling, t r a i le r or cottage. 4. Such payments sha ll be due and payable th ir ty days a fte r notice thereof has been delivered to such tenants by ordinary mail. 5. Upon any payment hereby required being in defau lt, the Kettle Point Band Council sha ll be at lib e rty to enforce co lle c tion o f any such amount owing against the property o f the tenant situated on the leased land. 6. This By-Law shall come into force and e ffe c t upon fin a l passing and approval o f the M in ister o f Indian A ffa irs . A P P R O V E D BY KETTLE POINT BAND COUNCIL Minute No.___________Dated_____ Resolution No. ______ Dated_____ Signature ______________________
C h r o n o l o g i c a l N o . Numéro consécutif ! Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires indiennes et du Nord F i le R eferen ce - N ° de réf. du d o s s ie r BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE N O T E: The words From our Band F u n d s C a p i ta l or ' R e v e n u e , w h ic h e v e r is the c a s e , must appear in a l l resolu tions requesting expenditures from Band Funds N O T A : L e s m ots des fond s de notre bande C a p ita l1 ' ou re van u " se lo n te c a s d o iven t paraître dans toutes tes so lu t ion s portant su r des dépenses a ________même le s fonds des bandes t h e c o u n c i l o f t h e Chippewas of Kettle Point and Stony Point L E CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE Current Capital Balance Solde de capital ^ AGENCY d i s t r i c t London District Committed Engagé % PROVINCE O « nt ^ ario Current Revenue balance \ o/Wp rfp e p tm n i « P LAC E n o m d e L*e n d r o i t Kettle Point, Ontario Committed Engagé $ r > A T R 17th February 1Q 81 D A Y - JOUR MONTH - MOIS Y E A R - ANNÉE d o h e r e b y r e s o l v e : Moved by : Victor George DECIDE, PAR L E S P R ESE N T E S: S _ econd , ed , ^ b y: w Ma ynard G ^ eorge That this council do hereby approve By-Law #14-2 amendment dated February 17th 1981 to read: "WHEREAS it has been deemed advisable that fire protection, police protection, garbage collection and road maintenance services be provided to all tenants of the Kettle Point Indian Reserve No. 44 and further that payment of such services shall be made by such tenants to the Kettle Point Band Council." paragraph two to read as follows, "2. The annual term for such services shall be due May 1st in each year to April 30th in the following year, commencing on May 1st 1981." arid paragraph three to be amended as follows, "3. The annual payment of $135.00 shall be payable and required from the tenants of each separate property leased from the Kettle Point Indian Band No: 44. If any tenant shall have more than one dwelling, trailer or cottage on a single leased premise, a $135.00 fee shall be due and payable for each such dwelling, trailer or cottage." A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixé à Council Members Membres du Conseil (C h ie f - Chef) Irvin George...... (C ouncil lo r c o n s e ille r ) (Council lor co n se ille r ) (Council lor co n se ille r ) ...................('Coüncîlï ar*—~cmaeÏÏiër)............................... * (Council lor co n se ille r ) (Council lo r C on se ille r) Maynard George ........... ( C o u n c i l l o r ' c 'onsë ïlTè r) ................... ............... (C oun cil lor c o n se ille r ) (Council lo r - co n se ille r ) ... Keith Bressette....... .Victor..George..... T C o u r T c U Ï ^ .................. ......... (C oun cil lor co n se ille r ) (Council lor - co n se ille r ) FOR DEPARTM EN TAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE 1# Band Fund Code 2. C O M P U T E R B A L A N C E S - S O L D E S D * O R D IN A T E U R 3. Expenditure 4. Authority A u to r ité 5. Source of Funds Code du com pte D é penses Indian Act Sec | Source des fond s de bande A. C ap ita l B . R even ue Revenu ! A rt. de la L o i su r les] —, _ > ,—. Revenue ! _ .. j Capital __ $ $ $ Ind ien s Revenu 6. Recommended JRecom m andable Approved A pprouvab le Date Approving Officer Approuvé par Date Recommending O fficer Recom m andé par tA ' ? - 7 4 ) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 2
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