Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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0 8 / 0 5 / 9 9 THU 1 4 : 3 0 FAX 519 751 2666 DÏAND @ 003 . . , ' s î- |! CHIPPEW AS OF TTLE& STONY POINT r j. BY-LAW NO. 17-2 '< TO REPEAL AND REPLACE BY-LAW NO. 17 (DOG LICENCING & CONTROL) ENACTED ON DECEMBER 10,1988 WHEREAS thp C I hippewas of Ke | ttle & Stony Point Council wishes to pass a by-law pursuant to | : . j j * 1 the Legislative Authority of the Kettle and Stony Point Band Council, to provide for the health of residents on the Lands, the prevention o f nuisances, the protection against apd prevention of trespass of domestic animals, matters arising Out o f or ancillary to the exercise of powers under this Legislative Authority o f the Kettle and Stony Point Band Council, and the imposition o f a penalty for the violation of any such by-law; :■ O f M A m ;>\V sfiiMsVa-. AND WHEREAS the Council o f the Chippewas Of Kettle and Stony Point is o f the opinion that the ùicohlrdiied dwnemhip/bfeeding'^hd huiping at large ofjdojp may Ibèdèthmèhtai to health of the residents on die Lands and a nuisance to such residents; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Chippewas of Kettle and StonyPointH EEEBY u 1 1, i ^ENACTSiA:By^LAW A S ^ L L O V K ^ ^ ^ / ^ i ' ^ f i M ' - n'n^iva, i # m*- hcajih ni ’» ' •.|C;1 S .■ V1** . j , PI V V ; ; if Ü •!;. 01 f î | i f 11 (;1 j -ft. I\,!. j ji | !»•»! j h V^' -ĵ l * M ji ' i l l ; : s h o r t t it l e '' j m r ' . I V , ; . : , i i ' ! v f •; I | ï L * r r - > H H ' ; i n . U j . f - V » i; \ / / U H 1 rTlH& as th e ’'Kettle & Stqny Point DogControlByri}aw''. o f ,* : I ;, 11 v I N -T -E -R -P -R -E -T - A :■ " T ï ION (ï) * ''Council" ïnëàns the duly ërected^hièf and Couhcil fdrtiie Kett|ëai mon/ P o i n t F i r s f N a | i o n n isf: M (2) ; "Lands":mèans'tfob geographical area sdt aside for the use and benefit of the Çhippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation. 1;|l l: * "Dog" mëahslârii' dog, niaJëprïemlle,iTiorë thânfoüf months olM" ■.. , - . > I ii ;■ Ht- îi I'- i 1 1 :i f ;: iy-(4) "Owner" means any person who possesses or harbours a dog for any period of pme, and "owns" or "owned" have a corresponding meaning. H' , f'i: , | ÎH| > f j v fe. ;5‘'p.-7 tj'.1'; n'f' . <1 s». .ii'sH'SliH.WH
08/05/99 THU 14:31 FAX 51,9 751 2666 diand ..... @ 004 Dog Control By-Law Page 2 2 (5) ’'Public place" includes roads, highways, parks, recreation areas, playgrounds, (6) "Villainous Dog" means: . (a) any dog that demonstrates any ferocious, viciqus, or aggresive behavior; (b) any dog that an animal control officer, upon reasonable and probable grounds, believes to be a villainous dog; i (c) any dogiy^ejh has been the cause o f a prosecution under this by-law within the previous six toonths where a conviction against anybody had ; 1 ! been entered concerning the dog; ! any dog which has bitten another animal or human without provocation. (7) . "Animal Control Officer" means an animal control officer appointed pursuant to , gection 6 , or any by-law enforcement officer and includes an officer Of the'Kettle fnd Stony Point Anishinabek Police Services or a person employed by the Council for the purpose o f enforcing the provisions o f this by-law. , , , i ; i . ' . ' j j 'J 4ïi fjs':/ : iij '. 'i iMiF *? /■/ U» i: - h - } ■] ./ '.fi-t if. '< *i V H*/ h / j / LIM IT ON NUMBER OF DOGS PER HOUSEHOLD Except as otherwise provided, no person shall keep, or permit to be kept, in any one household or on any one premise more than two dogs provided that the ÿbûngpUppies thereof paaÿ be kept for a period not ekCieeding four months after birth: u 1 i ; ? V 1 î UH, Vib-J/s i l ih i h i f i ’* GENERAL PROHIBITIONS '*yK (1) (a) All dogs o f the breeds, Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher and ,Strassordshire Bull Terrier, when upon their private premised, aire at all tim es tohh. 1 tethefëti, fenced or pênhëd tip bÿ the ownèt: 1 1 ! ^ tb> Any bther dog; where reasonable cause to believe it is a villàinoüs dog, when upon its private premises,- is at all times to be tethered, fenced or penned up by the owner. ] V ^ ï2 (2) (a) ̂ All dogs o f the breeds; Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher and Strassordshire Bull Terrier are at all times to be tethered or held on a leash by a person capable o f restraining the dogs movements, when away from their private premises and upon* another persons private property Or on any public ; .1 ) : . /* Si * .■ prop / e / rt _ y/ : s' : i •/ ' ;tV/î c / C Z / f i t / - / , / i / f U / S j'S , \ f / u i ; : (b) Any other dog, where reasonable cause to believe it is a villainous dog, is at all times tobe tethered or held on a leash by a person capable of restraining the dogs movements, when away from its private premises and upon another person's private property or on any public property. <./ i>fj V-.-v’.ï: i ül;n nvi ;u , j.V f//.! - S.Ï1, Li.HiVl///-,:/: ,
08/05/99 THU 14:31 FAX 519 751 2686 . ~ : .DIAND ; @ 005 Dog Control By-Law Page 3 4 (3) }Jo owner of a dog shall allow such dog to remain unfed or unwatered as sufficiently long as to either amount to cruelty or to cause the dog to become (4) No person shall punish or abuse a dog in a manner or to an extent that is cruel or unnecessary». / / . .r : ./ in // T■/: \ :i:-- 'Nif-// I f l i f i f ' (5) Jhe owner of a dog Which causes damage to any property including moveable property, lawns, flower gardens, flower beds, bushes or plants, or other parts of ' , ^ ' 1 jp;| ,; r | f . , ( t j , IMMUNIZATION OF DOGS The owper o f a dog shall ensure that the dog has been vaccinated yearly for Rabies and Distemper. ' ■; n : f' r > ; * » li-:;U ; Î. \ i.?i; Y\ 5 1 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER u O'; ; 6 (1) Jhe Council may appoint an animal control officer to provide for the enforcement o f this by-law . ;= ;h:î: ! -;u ’■ V;!K,S l"‘ (2) p ie Council may provide for reasonable rémunération to be paid to the animal çontrolofficer. i; “*'i! ’’ n ; i) ' ^ ! ' i ' l j S f t I I I ? ; ] i j. i i '’■ !0w 1 :f p e n a ^E X : '!f (1) Any person who contravenes any o f the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an pffence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars (SiOOlOO) or to imprisonment for à term not exceeding fiVe (5) days, or to both. (2) Each day during which there is a breech o f this by-law shall be regarded as a separate and distinct offence and any person who continues in breech of this by­ law may be charged for each separate day during the continuation o f the offence. R . EPE ' ; A 1 L ;j ih.i iU;: bn- )Va:H»nj-.n nk! ̂Thlnn/? nn<n.i tic ti* uk :imin.,n 8 By-law Number 17, enacted on the 10th day of December, 1988 and being a by-law for the licencing andcoptrolof dogs., bp and the same is hereby repealed. .-iT ^'hn , n, bln v Jot nn > n - . ; i ' t - »;'ï n ;■ = > v H n * > i'.M IS. ■. t i i i . ,;rj j. H'-Un. Ît'i j| bbbb; *'vi } -.n nv vn b- V;.i, - \ . ' H, H U.U m if- f r Mn * >:$&% î 1 - 'rK-' bn l̂-.V * ;
0 8 / 0 5 / 9 9 THU 1 4 :a ^ F A 3 ^ jp & ^51 2666 DIAND Dog Control Bpr-Law Page 4 h T.J HIS BY*LA\&IS H pjBBtti m f a g t a duly convened meeting of thp Council o f the Chippewas of Kettle <! ; - j THAT THIS Council do hereby approve By-Law No. 17-2 regarding Dog Control on the Lands and to repeal aipi replace By-Law I>lb: 17 enacted on December 10,11988. L Corrinda Jackson (Membership/Estates/Governance). of the Kettle & Stony Point First Nation, do hereby Oertify that à true copy o f the foregoing by-law was mailed to the M inister of Indian & Northern Affaifs Canada at the Dishjct Office m Brantford, Ontario pursuant to subsection 82( 1 ) o f the Indian Apt, this J ^ dav of . 1999. > f, / }. -%j ; n ic (Signature)
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.