Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

8* f / Indian and Northern Affairs A ffaires indiennes el du N ord ^ S - | / c2 / - “7 -7- 3 / F i l t R e f e r e n c e - /V° d e re 'f. d u d o s s i e r BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE.CONSEIL DE BANDE ^^(f,/ g -)-v N O T E : T h e wo r d s " F r o m our Da n d F u n d s 1* " C a p i t a l 11 or " R e v e n u e " , w h i c h e v e r i s the c a s e , mus t a p p e a r in al l r e s o l u t i o n s r e q u i t i n g e x p e n d i t u r e s fron B a n d F u n d s

.VO TA : L e . " d e s f o n d s d e n o t r e b a n d e " C a p i t a l " ou r e v e n u " s o l o n le c a s d o iv e n t p a r a î t r e d a n s t o u t e s l e s r é s o l u t i o n s p o r ta n t s u r d e s d e ' p e n s e s à m ê m e l e s f o n d s d e s b a n d e s

I H E C O U N C I L O F T H E . Ka . m . l oops T I ndian Band , C u r r e n t C a p i t o l B a l a n c e L E C O N S E I L D E L A B A N D E I N D I E N N E S o l d e d e c a p i t a l $ A G E N C Y Thompson n R i . ver D I S T R I C T C o r n i T j i t t e d E n £ a $ é S p r o v i n c e British Columbia C u r r e n t R e v e n u e b a l a n c e S r\ 1 cl f* rit* Tf± f~t « 3 P L A C E

N O M D E L E N D R O I T Kamloops C o m m i t t e d E n g a g é $ d a t e 10th January a p i q 78: ' " " D D A Y - J O U R M O N T H - M O I S Y E A R / - A N N E E D O H E R E B Y R E S O L V E j D E C I D E , P A R L E S P R E S E N T E S : AND AGREE that there is a definite need for a By-Law for the prevention of fires, the spread of fire, and the preservation of life, with respect to buildings and-persons upon the Reserve.

BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN that the Council of the Kamloops Indian^ Band does hereby adopt, as of this date, the attached By-Law, being Appendix A, for such purposes and in accordance with Sections 81, Subsection 8, Subseetion c, Subsection q, of the Indian Act.

( C o u n c i l l o r c o n s e i l l e r ) ( C o u n c i l l o r c o n s e i Her) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE 1. Ha n d F u n d C o d e 2. C O M P U T E R B A L A N C E S - S O L D E S D ' O R D I N A T E U R C o d e du c o m p t e B. R e v e n u e R e v e n u d e Inonda A, C a p i t a l $ $ 6. R e c o m m e n d e d 1Re c o m m e n d a b le Dat e R e c o m m e n d i n g O f f i c e r R e c o m m a n d e p a r I A 135 (7 -7 3 ) 7 3 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 2 *

( C o u n c i l l o r c o n s e i l l e r ) 3. E x p e n d i t u r e 4. Aut hor i t y A u t o r i t é 5. S o u r c e of F u n d s D é p e n s e s I n d i a n Act S e c S o u r c e d e s f o n d s Art . de la L o i s u r l e s L i— J i C ^ a p i t . a l . L i— J i R e v e n u e $ I n d ie n s 1—1 '—’ R e v e n u A p p r o v e d A p p r o u v a bl o Dot e A p p r o v i ng Of f i c e r A p p r o u v e p a r


Being a By-Law for the Prevention of Fires, the Spread of Fire, and for the Preservation of Life and property.

The Council of the Kamloops Band of Indians, pursuant to Section 81 of the Indian Act, enacts as a By-Law thereof as follows:

1. THIS By-Law may be cited as the Kamloops Indian Band Fire Prevention By-Law.

2. IN this By-Law (a) "Band" means the Kamloops Band of Indians; (b) "Band Council" means the Council of the Kamloops Band of Indians; (c) "reserve" means the Kamloops Indian Reserves Nos. 1, 2^ 3, 4, and 5. (d) "authority having jurisdiction" shall mean the Kamloops Indian Band Fire prevention officer. (e) "fire prevention officer" shall mean the person or persons appointed from time to time by the Kamloops Indian Band Council to carry out the duties and res­ ponsibilities under this By-Law.

3. BAND may appoint, from time to time, a Fire Prevention Officer and deputies and assistants as it seems fit, for the purpose of enforcing and carrying out the duties and responsibilities as set out within the various Codes and Acts as detailed herein, and as herein adopted as part and parcel of this By-Law.

4. THERE is hereby incorporated as part and parcel of this By-Law, which will set out the corporate rules and reg­ ulations as contained therein*, the National Building Code of Canada 1977, and any amendments as may be acclaimed from time to time, as issued by the associate committee on the National Building Code, National Research Council of Canada. The National Building Code (NBC) establishes the standard of fire safety for the construction of new buildings, the reconstruction of buildings including extensions or alterations, buildings involving a change of occupancy and upgrading of buildings to remove an un­ acceptable fire hazard.

5. THERE is hereby incorporated as part and parcel of this By-Law, which will set out the corporate rules and reg­ ulations as contained therein; the National Fire Code of Canada 1975, and any amendments as may be acclaimed from time to time as issued by the associate committee on the National Fire Code, National Research Council of Canada. The National Fire Code (NFC) establishes the standard for fire prevention, fire fighting and life safety in buildings in use, including standards for the conduct of activities causing fire hazards, maintenance of fire safety equipment and egress facilities, standards for portable extinguish­ ers, limitations on building contents and the establ i sh- ment of fire safety plans including the organization of supervisory staff for emergency purposes. In addition, the NFC establishes the standard for prevention, con­ tainment and fighting of fires originating outside build­ ings which may present a hazard to a community and sets standards for the transportation of flammable and com­ bustible liquids.

3 '"'s. \ 6 * ïiÜBE.15 incorporated as part and parcel of this By-Law; the Fire Marshall's Act, being chapter 148 of the Revised Statutes of British Columbia, all amendments thereto, and regulations thereunder. The intent is that those standards, rules, regulations, and practices as set out in the Fire Marshall's Act, shall be adopted as part and parcel of this By-Law and shall be enforced in the normal way by the Kamloops Indian Band fire prevention officer as herein created and defined.

7. ENFORCEMENT A. Inspection (1) An inspector shall, for the purpose of carrying out an inspection, at reasonable times, have free access and right of entry to any building or any part of a building whether completed or under construction, or to any property (a) in or upon which it is known or suspected that explosive or flammable substances or materials are manufactured, transported, handled, stored,' used, sold, or otherwise disposed of, or (b) which the inspector believes may not (i) be de­ signed or constructed so as to prevent fire or the spread of fi re, (ii) have or provide for fire escapes and other exit facilities adequate for escape in the event of fire or -the alarm of fire, or (c) which the ins pector- believes may be designed or constructed so as to contain hazards to life or safety, or (d) in which the inspector believes hazards to life or safety to be present. (e) no person, save and except Firemen or Police, shall enter a building or buildings endangered by fire, or enter within the lines designated by ropes or guards, across any or all streets, lanes, or alleys, at or near such buildings.

4 continued... (e) Any person refusing to move from the lines

designated by ropes or guards when directed to do so by a Police Officer or Fire Department Officer is guilty of an offence under this By-Law. This section shall not apply to the owners, occupiers of buildings endangered by fire, or their employees, provided that such persons shall have obtained the consent and permission of Chief of the Fire Department to enter such buildings, or come within the line designated by ropes or guards. (2) The owner, occupier, or lessee of a building or property or any other person having knowledge of the building or property shall, upon request, give to an inspector who is carrying out an in­ spection of the building or property under this Code such assistance as he may require in carry- ing out the inspection. (3) . Every person who is required by article 7.(2) to give information or assistance to an inspector and who (a) does not give the information or assistance which he is required to give, or (b) knowlingly states anything false in any information delivered or furnished to the inspector, and every person who obstructs or interferes with an inspec­ tor who is carrying out an inspection under this Code is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding $200.00. B. Orders (1) If an inspector finds that any provision of this Code has been contravened or has not been complied with or has been complied with improperly or only in part or that conditions exist in or upon a building or property to which this Code applies which, in his opinion, constitute a fire hazard or otherwise constitute a hazard to life or pro­ perty or both he may make such order to ensure


continued... full and proper compliance with this Code and

in particular, but without limiting the general­ ity of the foregoing, he may (a) make to the owner, occupier or lessee of the building or property such recommendations as he deems necessary to correct the contravention or to ensure compliance with this Code or to remove the hazards referred to in this Code, or (b) make such orders as he deems necessary with respect to any of the matters referred to in this Code. (2) All house-piping, appliances, and vents within the scope of the Act shall be for new installations such as are sanctioned by these regulations; existing installations, if found unsafe or are to be replaced,. shal1 be replaced with equipment sanctioned by these regulations. (3) The Inspector may require that work shall be done in conformity with higher standards than specified in these regulations if, at his descretion, he deems that such higher standards are reasonably necessary in the interest of safety. (4) The Inspector may after the examination of any work issue a Rejection Card which shall have the same force and effect as an order issued under this section. (5) An order made under this Code shall be in writing and may be directed to the owner, occupier, or lessee of the building or property in respect of which the order is made or to both. (6) An order made under this Code shall be served by (a) Delivering it or causing it to be delivered to the person to whom it is directed, or by (b) posting a copy of it in a conspicuous place on the building’ or property if the person to whom it is directed cannot be found, is not known or refuses to accept services of the order.

6 \ 1 conti nued... (7) Where an order has been posted in accordance with

the foregoing, no person other than the Inspector or someone designated by and acting for the Inspec­ tor shall remove, deface or destroy said order, or Rejection Card. C, Appeals (1) Any person against whom an order has been made under this Code may, before the expiration of 10 (ten) days after the order was made, appeal to the Provincial Fire Marshall who shall review and shall amend, revoke, or confirm the order appealed against or substitute another order which the inspector could have made for the order appealed against. (2) Where an order has been reviewed under C.(l), any person who is interested in the order and is dissatisfied with the review or refusal to review may, within thirty days after the decision has been made known appeal to a Judge of the County Court for the County of Yale to review the order or the decision of the Provincial Fire Marshall. 3 An appeal under article C.(2) shall be by motion, notice of which shall be served on the respondent in the appeal by the appellant and the parties shall furnish the court with copies of all pro­ ceedings, reports, orders and other documents re­ lating to the order under review. 4 (1) A person appealing under article C.(2) shall within one week after serving notice of motion under article C.(3) or within such extended time as the Judge may allow (a) file with the court a bond of an amount not less than $50.00 or such greater amount to be fixed by a Judge, with one or more sureties approved by the Judge conditioned to pay all of the costs of the appeal if judgment is given against him, or


(b) deposit with the court an amount not less than $100.00 or such greater amount to be fixed by a Judge to cover the costs of the appeal. (5) (i) The Judge may, upon hearing the appeal, make an order to (a) affirm, modify or revoke the order appealed against,or ( b) require an inspector to enquire f" ther into the facts or circumstances of the case and report to the Judge who shall issue a final order in accordance with clause (a). (6) The Judge may make such an order for costs as seems just to him. (7) An order made by a Judge on appeal to him may be enforced in the same manner as an order of the court. (8) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code where any person has appealed an order under this Code the time prescribed for compliance with that order shall be extended until the appeal has been finally disposed of and no work shall proceed on the building or other property in respect of which the order was made until the appeal has been finally disposedof. D . P e n a l t i e s (1) Every person who contravenes or fails to comply with this By-Law or who fails to carry out an Order made under this By-Law or any condition attached to a permit or to which a permit is subject is guilty of an offence and where no other penalty is provided under this By-Law, is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not less than $25.00 and not more than $500.00 or to im­ prisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment and in default of payment of the fine to imprisonment for an additional term not exceeding six months.

8 \

(2) Where a person fails or refuses to carry out an order made under this Code or acts contrary to such an order or fails or refuses to comply with any condition attached to a permit or to which a permit is subject, the Fire Inspector may apply to the County Court for the County of Yale or to a Judge thereof and on hearing the application the court or Judge thereof may grant an injunction to restrain that person from proceeding with the work in respect of which the order was made or the per­ mit was issued and the court or Judge may make such further order as the court or Judge deems fit.

8. BURNING A. Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall light, ignite or start, or allow, or cause to be lighted, ig­ nited or started a fire of any kind whatsoever in the open air. B. (1) The Fire Inspector may issue a special permit for open air burning of brush, grass, weeds and like materials resulting from the cleaning of lots. (2) No person to whom a special permit has been issued under this clause shall, on or in any fire, burn any rubber tires, oil, tar, asphalt shingles, battery'boxes, plastic material, or any similar materials which produce heavy black smoke. / (3) Every person to whom a special permit has been

issued under this clause shall place and keep a competent person at all times in charge of such fire while the same is burning or smouldering and until such fire is completely extinguished and shall provide that person with efficient appliances and equipment in order to prevent the fire from getting beyond control or causing damage or be­ coming dangerous to life and property.

9 (4) The Fire Inspector may refuse to issue a special permit whenever burning, having regard to all the prevailing circumstances, would likely be hazard­ ous o r create a nuisance. C. (1) Without a special permit being secured, dry garden refuse only may be burned in the open air in small fires in Spring and Fall, on specification by the F i re Prevent ion Off ice. (2) Every person who starts a fire on said days shall place and keep a competent person at all times in charge of such fire while the same is burning or smouldering and until such fire is completely ex­ tinguished and shall provide that person with efficient applicances and equipment in order to prevent the fire from getting beyond control or causing damage or becoming dangerous to life or property. D. This regulation does not apply to: (a) Small confined fires used for cooking food in grills and barbeques. (b ) Necessary Municipal burning, and (c) Open air burning for fire training exercises. E. A portable incinerator or other portable device or appliance for burning garbage, rubbish or other waste material shall mot be erected or used nor shall any en­ closed fire be built, set or maintained outside the walls of a building without a permit from the Fire Inspector. F. An appliance or device referred to in sentence E shall be equipped with proper spark-arresting attachments and such other safeguards, if any, as shall be prescribed b y t h e F i r e l n s p e c t o r . G. Inside incinerators situated within Hotels shall be equipped with gas-fired jet to eliminate excessive soot, fumes and odor, and shall be equipped with such safe­ guards as shall be prescribed by the Fire Inspector.

10 9. FEES - The fees hereinafter specified shall be paid to the Band by all applicants for any permit required by this By-Law, or under the Code adopted by this By-Law, or by the regulations passed pursuant to the provisions of the Fire Marshall Act and for the inspection of any work or thing for which the said permit is required: A. For any installation of gasoline tanks, oil tanks, diesel tanks and pumps. B. Installation and inspection of compressed gas tanks for domestic or commercial use. C. Installation and inspection of compressed gas applicances or systems for domestic use, or for re-inspection, or changes in the system. D. Inspection and installation of domestic and commercial oil burners, including wall and floor furnaces and including tanks. E. Installation and inspection of bulk propane, bulk gasoline, or bulk oil storage tanks for storage or other purpose built above ground. For all the above there shall be a standard fee of $5.00.

i°. FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS Those portions of City of Kamloops Fire Prevention By-Law 10-1, dealing with flammable liquids, and which generally includes Clause 2.1.6, Flammable Liquids; to (85) respectively, as well as Amendment 10-13, Clause, are hereby incorporated and form part of this By-Law as they exist; presently and as amended from time to time.

11 Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Kamloops Band of Indians this 10th day of Bo-comber, 1 977.

Mary Leonard Chief

Richard Seymour Counci 11 or

Joe Camille Councillor

Clarence T. Jules Councillor

2 . 1 . 6 . FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS SCOPE This subsection shall apply to the storage, handling Applicat- and use of flammable liquids as heretofore defined, ion except that it shall not apply to the transportation I of flammable liquids when in conformity with the / applicable provincial regulations, or with the J Regulations of the Board of Transport Commissioners V for Canada, or regulations lawfully on file with and approved by the Board of Transport Commissioners for


( 2) Flammable liquids of Class B that are heated to temperatures Heated Class equal to or higher than their flash points shall be subject B flammable to the applicable requirements for Class A flammable liquids, liquids

(3) The provisions of these regulations shall also apply High to high flash point liquids (above 200°F) when flash heated, even though these same liquids would be out- point side of its scope when they are not heated. liquids (*0 The storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases shall be in accordance with provincial.regulations. Containers, tanks, equipment and apparatus that Acceptabil have been investigated by and meet the listing ity of requirements of a nationally recognized testing containers laboratory and are so marked shall be considered as tanks and meeting the requirements of,this Code. equipment (1) The flash point of flammablé liquids having a flash point below 175°F shall be determined in accordance with a standard method of test for flash point.

(2) Fuel oils and gas oils shall be determined in accordance with a standard method of test for flash


(3) The flash point of flammable liquids having a flash point of 175°F or higher shall be determined in accordance with a standard method of test for flash point. All flammable liquids, flammable liquid compounds Warning or flammable liquid mixtures offered for sale at labels retail in containers except as indicated in sentences (2) and (3) shall be conspicuously marked or labelled in easily legible type, which is in contrast to any other printed matter on the label.

(2) The warning herein required may be incorporated With similar warnings of other hazards inherent in the product or may be printed on a separate label.

(3) Nothing herein contained shall apply, however, to beverages, articles of food or drugs.

(4) Such markings are also not required when the container bears labels as to hazard in accordance with the requirements of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada.

(5) For flammable liquids a label similar to the following shall be used:

. WARNING .’ -, . FLAMMABLE - Keep A w a y : from Heat, Sparks and Open Flame Keep Closed When Not in Use*(1) Signs indicating the presence of flammable liquids Signs particularly those of Class A shall be conspicuously be posted poste (a) on storage cabinets for flammable liquids, and (b) outside of storage rooms for flammable liquids, and (c) in the immediate area of large storage and distributing installations for flammable liquids when required by the authority having jurisdiction.

STORAGE OF LESS THAN FIFTY GALLONS Where the quantity of flammable liquid being stored, handled or used requires a permit as described in subsection 1.4,2, the operation (shall be considered hazardous and should take place 'in a separate building, but where this is not practicable such rooms may be adjacent to other rooms if they are separated by a 2-hr fire separation and do not exceed 3000 sq ft ' in area.

(2) VJhere the quantity of Class A flammable liquids exceeds 5 gal in a work area it shall be stored in a metal storage cabinet that is located (a) only in an area where flammable liquids are required for normal operations, (b) not less than 5 ft from combustible materials and 10 ft from heating equipment or hazardous processes likely to causé ignition.

(ç) Unless it is approved by the Fire Chief, no person shall put, place, pour or deliver, into any container having a capacity of less than five gallons, any Class One (1) or Class Two (2) inflammable liquid.

(3) Storage cabinets for flammable liquids shall be constructed or have an equivalent form of construction approved by the .authority having jurisdiction so that (a) 'the 'bottom, top, door and. sides are at least . No. 18 United States Standard Metal Gauge sheet iron and double walled with a 1 1/2" air space, (b) the joints are made tight by rivets or welds, (c) the door sill is raised at least 2 in. above the bottom of the cabinet, (d) the cabinet door is secured with a 3-point lock, and (e) the cabinet is vented by means of 2 openings, one near the top of one side and the other near the bottom of the opposite side, that are at least 2 in. in diameter and can be quickly sealed.

(4) A portable extinguisher having at least a 20-B Fire classification shall be provided near the entrance protection to a room where a cabinet containing flammable equipment liquids is located.

DRUM AND CONTAINER STORAGE AND DISPENSING This article shall apply only to storage and dispensing procedures where the quantity exceeds 50 gal and no individual container has a capacity in excess of 50 gal. ( 2 ) Wherever practicable there shall be a separate building for flammable liquid storage and dispensing

whose construction meets the requirements of the building by lav;.

(3) A building where flammable liquids are stored and dispensed shall be erected to resist fire spread to other buildings as required by the building bylaw.

(*0 The maximum quantity of flammable liquids that shall be stored in any flammable liquid storage building or in a fire-resistive section attached to any building shall be as follows:. (a) 1000 gal of Class A flammable liquids or 2500 gal of Class B flammable liquids where an -automatic fire extinguishing installation is not installed, (b) 5000 gal Class A flammable liquids or 20,000 gal Class B flammable liquids where fire protection by an automatic sprinkler or water spray system is installed, or (c) 2000 gal of Class A flammable liquids or 5000 gal Class B flammable liquids where carbon dioxide or dry chemical powder fire extin­ guishing systems are provided.

Storage in separate or attached buildings

(5) Flammable liquids shall be stored inside buildings in accordance with the requirements for rooms containing flammable liquids in quantities not greater than the following: (a) 500 gal of Class A flammable liquids or 1000 gal of Class B flammable liquids where an automatic fire extinguishing installation is not installed.

(b) 2500 gal of Class A flammable liquids or 10,000 gal of Class B flammable liquids where fire protection by an automatic sprinkler or water spray system is installed.

(c) 1000 gal of Class A flammable liquids or 2000 gal of Class B flammable liquids where carbon dioxide or dry chemical powder fire extinguishing systems are provided.

(6) The minimum distance of outside flammable liquid storage areas from major structures or property lines shall be. as indicated in. Table 2.1,6.A

TABLE 2.1.6.A Forming Part of Sentence (6)

Total Quantity of Flammable liquid, gal 50 250 1000 2500 5000 5000+ (7) Drainage for inside storage and dispensing areas shall be provided so that (a) an emergency system exists to carry away promptly any spilled or burning liquid together with any discharge from sprinklers a nd hose streams,' (b) there is one 4-in. drain or scupper for each 250 sq ft or fraction thereof of floor area, (c) the effluent is carried through suitable- screens and traps to a safe outside location such as a rock-filled pit or separator tank, (d) no drain is connected to public drainage system, and, (e) no flammable liquid can flow from doorwavs or

gangways and spread uncontrolled from storage


Distance from Adjoining Property Lines, ft Class A Class B 10 . 1 10 . 5 10 . 10 -25 15 50 25 75 50

(8) Drainage for outside storage and dispensing Outside areas shall be provided so the drainage (a) spilled or burnlhg liquid will run off to a safe area without involving buildings, equipment or other property, or (b) spilled or burning liquid will be contained by dikes and conducted' to a safe- area by underground drains. . . \ (9) Leakage inspections shall be made frequently Inspection and leaking, corroded or damaged containers for leak­iimmediately replaced. age (10) Leakage from damaged flammable liquid containers . \ . shall be flushed away to a safe location or soaked up in an absorbent material and disposed of in a safe location.

(11) Stands of noncombustible construction shall be used to prevent direct contact between flammable liquid containers and the ground. . (12) Storage buildings and storage rooms for ' Ventilatioi flammable liquids shall be ventilated according to their contents so that (a) rooms storing more than 50 gal of Class A flammable liquids have positive exhaust ventilations with (i) exhaust outlets located within 6 in. of

the floor, and (ii) an exhaust rate of 1 cu ft/min/sq ft of floor area, and

(b) rooms storing less than 50 gal of Class A flammable liquids or an acceptable quantity of Class B flammable liquids have in lieu of clause (a) ventilation provided by permanent openings at ceiling and floor level leading to the outside provided that there is at least 1 sq ft of inlet and 1 sq ft of outlet opening per 500 sq ft of floor area.

'(13)" The maximum possible explosion venting area shall Explosion be provided, but in no case shall that be less venting that a 1 sq ft of vent area to 50 cu ft of room v o l u m e .

(1*0 Automatic explosion venting methods installed in buildings and rooms storing flammable liquids shall be designed to release at pressures from 20 to 30 lb/sq f t . ~ Ï (15) Heat for flammable liquid storage and dispensing Heating areas shall be provided by .indirect means employing (a) hot water or steam coils located on walls above the maximum height of flammable liquid containers, or (b) electrical heaters of a type suitable for hazardous locations, (c) forced air type heating as approved by the

Fire Chief.

(16) Electrical installations shall be a type suitable for Class 1, Division 1, Hazardous Locations except that if a room is used for storage only, equipment suit- Electric- able for Class 1, Division 2, H a ^ r d o u s Locations, ity may be used.

(17) Electrical equipment installed outside and within 5 ft of any opening to a room used fox* storing or dispensing flammable liquids shall conform to the requirements of sentence (1 6).

(18) Racks, ventilating ducts, hoists and other equipment including drums used for dispensing S t at i c purposes shall have electrically bonded and Electricity qroundedconnections that (a) are connected by. metal strapping or bare or insulated wire not less the No. 6 American V/ire Gauge which is protected whëre necessary against mechanical injury, •ahd. . , (b) shall have a ground'resistance as low as possible and in no case greater than 25 o h m s .

(19) Hoists, fans, hand tools, agitators and other equipment capable of producing frictional static sparks shall be of an nonsparking material or be constructed with any moving parts capable of producing static, properly grounded.

(20) Flammable liquids shall be stored in approved Drums and drums and containers or in approved safety containers cans except that Class B flammable liquids may­ be stored in ordinary closed metal containers of up to 5 gal individual capacity if not used for dispensing purposes.

( 21) Flammable liquids shali be dispensed from drums Dispensin' in the following manner: (a) by means of approved drum pumps into a approved safety cans except that Class B flammable liquids may be dispensed by means of approved p u m p s .

(b) only one container is drawn from in the same instant, and (c) all drums and containers used in dispensing operations are electrically bonded together and grounded.

( 22 ) Smoking in storage and dispensing areas is prohibited and article shall apply. j (23) Where carbon dioxide systems and dry chemical Fire systems are required in this article they shall be protects installed only where the water supply is deficient equipmen- for an automatic sprinkler or water spray system or where adequate drainage cannot be provided. A sign shall be prominently posted warning personnel of the danger of a malfunction of the protective system.

TANK STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS INSIDE BUILDINGS Tanks for storing Class A flammable liquids shall Class A not be permitted inside buildings except where flammab! installed in special enclosures that are..sub- liquids stantially liquid and vapour-tight without backfill, and also have (a) sides, top and bottom of the enclosure con­ structed of masonry or reinforced concrete having a fire resistance rating of at least 3 hr with openings for inspection at the top of the enclosure, and . (b) tank connections that are so piped or closed neither vapours nor liquid-, can escape into the enclosed space.

(2) Exceptions may be made for the above requirement where the Inspector approves an Installation for a special process or experimental use that has additional automatic fire protection equipment and where structural safeguards are provided.

(3) Where tanks containing Class A flammable liquids are permitted inside buildings they shall be

limited in capacity to 5000 gal individual or 10,000 gal aggregate capacity if located in the lowest floor or basement in any building or fire section thereof.

(4) Unenclosed tanks of Class B flammable liquids of Class B over 50 gal capacity shall not be used above flammable the lowest storey or basement of a building liquids except where the Inspector approves an installation for a special process or experimental use that has additional automatic fire protection equipment and where structural safeguards are provided.

(5) Unenclosed tanks of Class B flammable liquids containing up to 250 gal individual capacity or 500 gal aggregate capacity are permitted in the lowest storey or basement of any building or fire section thereof and shall be located so that any fire or open flame is 5 ft horizontal distance from a tank, except small supply tanks of 9 gal or less capacity listed as part of or for use with oil burning stoves and similar equipment.

( 6 ) Tanks containing Class B flammable liquids that Tank exceed 250 gal individual capacity or 500 gal enclosures aggregate capacity in an individual building or in a section of a building separated by fire walls shall be installed in an enclosure with walls of solid masonry units or poured concrete construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than 3 hr and bonded to the floor.. The floor shall be of concrete or other fire-resistive construction the walls may be extended and bonded to the underside of the fire-resistive con­ struction in lieu of a separate top. At least 15 in. of clearance shall be left around the tank for the purpose of inspection and repair.

(7) Wall openings to the tank enclosure shall be protected by approved enclosures having a 3-hr Wall fire resistance rating and liquid-tight ramps, . .openings sills or walls of sufficient elevation and strength to contain the total capacity of the


( 8 ) Tanks containing Class B flammable liquids shall Tank be limited to 20,000 gal individual or 40,000 gal capacity aggregate capacity if located on the lowest Class B floor or basement and 4000 gal aggregate capacity flammable if located above the first;floor or basement in liquids any one building or fire section of a building.

(9) Auxiliary tanks for the storage of flammable liquids Auxiliar' shall be located at a level above the top of the tanks supply tank from which they are filled, otherwise their installation requirements shall be similar to those for proper storage tanks.

(10) All tanks containing flammable liquids shall be Tank securely supported by means of noncombustible support? supports to prevent settling, sliding or lifting, and (a) tanks in excess of 250 gal individual capacity shall be supported at least 4 in. above the floor by means of masonry oi concrete saddles at least 8 in. thick which support at least 1/3 the circumference of the tank, and (b) steel supports if used shall be protected with at least 2 in. of concrete or equivalent.

(11) Tanks manufactured to contain flammable liquids shall Construc- be constructed in accordance with good practice.

tion of tanks

(12) Unenclosed tanks for the storage of flammable liquids shall conform to Table 2,1.6.B.

TABLE 2.1.6.B, Forming Part of Sentence (12)

Capacity, gal. 10 or less 11 to 150 151 to 250 + United States Standard Metal Gauge TABLE 2.1.6.C Forming Part of Sentence (13)

Capacity, Maximum gal Diameter, in. 0- 250 42 - 251- 500 48 501- 1000 64 1001- 3330 84 3331- 10,000 i 26 10,001 - 16,600 144 16,601 - 25,000 144 + United States Standard Metal Gauge (13) Horizontal tanks for the storage of flammable liquids shall conform -to Table 2.1.6.C, and in addition

(a) the over-all length shall not be greater than 6 times the diameter, (b) a conical head shall have a height of not less than 1/12 the diameter, and (c) a dished head shall have a dish height as Indicated in Table 2.I.6.P.

TABLE 2.1.6.D Forming Part of Sentences (13) and (1*0

Diameter, ft. 0 - 5 5 - 6 6 - 7 7 - 8 8 - 9 9 - 1 0 10 - 11 11 - 12

Minimum Thickness of Steel r—--*—- - —-- - ----Not Galvanized Galvanized Gauge No,+ Gauge No.+ 18 20 16 1 . 14

. Approximate Gauge No.t Thickness, in. 14 5/64 12 7/64 10 9/64 7 3 / 1 6 3 1/4 0 5/16 000 3/8-

Minimum Dish, in. 1 1/2 1 2 2 1/2 3 1/2 4 1/2 5 1/2 7 8

(1*0 Vertical cone bottom tanks for the storage of flammable liquids shall conform to Table 2.1.6.E, and in addition

(a) the over-all height shall not be greater than *1 times the diameter, (b) if the diameter exceeds that allowed for unbraced flat tops, the,top shall be dished conical or reinforced in an approved manner, (c) the height of a conical top or bottom shall be not less than 1/12 the diameter, and (d) the height of a dished top shall be as indicated in Table 2.I.6.D.

TABLE 2.1.6.E Forming Part of Sentence (1*1)

Capacity, Maximum gal Diameter, in. o- 250 *J3 251- 500 54 501- 1000 68 1001- 3330 105 3331-10,000 132 10,001-16,600 144 16,601-25,000 1*14 L-------- y— T7,— ;--ï—y\-------------- -~f~ U/)ite (l i t,iS, rfa.r i( i'fi tx / Uxu^Z (15) Tanks and piping constructed for the inside storage Testing of flammable liquids shall be tested hydrostatically of tanks or with air pressure before being covered, enclosed or placed in use. The pressure test shall be not less than 1 1/2 times the maximum working pressure but not less than 5 lb/sq in. and not more than 10 lb/sq in. measured at the highest point in the system except that when the vertical length of the fill and vent pipes creates a static head of more than 10 lb pressure per sq in. the tank and related piping shall be tested hydrostatically to a pressure equal to the static head thus imposed. In special cases where the height of the vent above the tank is excessive, the hydrostatic test pressure shall be specified by the Inspector,

(16) Venting of tanks used for storage of flammable liquids inside of buildings shall be such that Vents (a) tanks having a capacity of more than 50 gal are provided with open vents or approved automatically operated vents, and (b) tanks of 50 gal capacity or less are vented as required in clause (a) or have approved combination fill, vent, gauging and flame arrestor fitting.

TABLE 2.1.6.F . Forming Part <b’f Sentence (17)

Tank Capacity, gal 0- 500 501- 1000 1001- 2500 25OI- 5000 5001- 10,000 1 0,001- 25,000

Maximum Diameter Gauge Unbraced Flat Top, N o . in. 36 14 43 12 54 10 72 7 96 3 120 0 132 000 - ------- :---and pipi

Minimum Diameter Of Vent, in. 1 . 1 1 / 4 1 1 / 2 2 2 1 / 2 3 4

The size of vents required by sentence 16(a) Vent sizes shall be as indicated in Table 2,1,6.F but not smaller than the fill or withdrawal connections, where tight connections are used.

Vent pipes from storage tanks for flammable liquids located inside .buildings shall be installed so that " . (a) pipes from storage tanks containing Class A flammable liquids terminate outside the building at least 3 feet from any building opening and at least 12 feet above the adjacent ground level but not more than 20 feet above the top of the tank, (b) pipes from tanks containing more than 50 gal of Class A flammable liquids discharge upwards or horizontally from the ground, not downward towards the ground, (c) pipes from tanks exceeding 50 gal, of Class B flammable liquids terminate outside the building at least 3 ft. from any building opening and at least 10 ft. above the ground level or above the normal snow level. (d) vent outlets from tanks containing more than 50 gal of flammable liquids are fitted with return bends, coarse screens or other devices to prevent the ingress of foreign material, (e) where "open type" fill connections are used, the vent pipes shall extend above the level of the fill connections, (f) the pipes are installed so as to drain towards the tank without sags or traps in which flammable liquid can collect and located so as not to be subject to physical damage, and, (g) the low ends of the vent pipes enter the tank through the top and do not extend more than 1 in. into the top of the tank.

Vent pipes from tanks containing liquids of similar properties may be connected into one common outlet pipe provided it is adequate in size for the total tank volume to which it is connected. In no case should the point of connection between vent lines be lower than the top of any fill pipe opening.

Vent pipes shall not be cross connected with fill pipes.

Flame arrestors shall be provided on inside, storage Flame tanks when arrestors (a) Class A flammable liquids are being stored, (b) Class B flammable liquids are stored in a tank exposed to combustible construction or material, and, (c) a tank contains a flammable liquid that can be

heated to its flash point under normal operating conditions.

A heating arrangement such as a steam coil shall be provided at the flame arrestor *-p avoid obstruction

of the vent when liquids with a high melting point are stored where they are likely to solidify during

cold weather. , -

( 2 3 ) Conservation vents when used on inside storage Conse'rvatioj tanks for flammable liquids shall be of an vents approved type that provide both vacuum and pressure relief within the safe operating pressure limits of the tank. The use of a conservation vent does not preclude the need for a flame arrestor unless it is an approved combination flame arrestor vent valve u n i t . ' ' ' (24) Pipe connections to inside storage tanks containing Tank flammable liquids shall be made through either connection standard steel or wrought iron pipe couplings and f i t - ’..-fastened to the tank by welding or riveting. tings Connections for horizontal storage tanks shall be in a line parallel with the longitudinal axis and above the highest liquid level.

(25) Fill pipe openings shall be located outside the building so that (a) pipe openings are 5 ft from any building opening for ! tanks containing Class A flammable liquids, and

(b) pipe openings are 2 ft from any building at the same or lower level for tanks containing Class B flammable liquids.

(26) Fill and discharge pipes shall be arranged to (a) drain towards the tanks, (b) enter the tanks through the top except for Class B flammable liquids when top connections are not practicable, and, (c) permit tanks storing Class A flammable liquids to be bottom filled.

(27) The discharge pipe from a tank for the inside storage of flammable liquids shall extend to a ' point below the permanent liquid level and the ' fill return and similar pipes shall extend below the level of the discharge pipe or be provided . with suitable traps to prevent exposure of the vapour space above the liquid.

( 28 ) Fill pipes for inside storage tanks shall have a - minimum internal diameter of 2 in. and a maximum

internal diameter of 4 in.

(29) Fill pipe openings in inside storage tanks shall be closed and liquid-tight when not in use and identified by a colour scheme or other means.

(30) Auxiliary tanks for inside storage shall be provided Overflow with overflow pipes draining to the supply tank piping and extending not more than 1 in. into the top of the supply tank. Overflow pipes shall have no valves or other obstructions.

( 3 D Cross connections permitting gravity flow from one Cross inside tank to another are not permitted except connect­ between 2 supply tanks not exceeding 250 gal ions individual capacity. V/here 2 unenclosed inside supply tanks are filled through a common line, a separate cross-over pipe connecting the 2 tanks shall be provided and of a size equal to or greater than the fill pipe.

Fill and dischage piping

5 (32) Inside tanks for flammable liquid storage that have Man-holes a capacity greater than 1000 gal shall be provided with a man-hole at the top of the tank that (a) is not less than 18 nor more than 20 in. in diameter, and

(b) is fitted with a bolted, gasketed cover that t will be kept closed except when the tank is opened for examination or repair.

. 4 (33) Shut-off valves shall be provided for all connections Valves to tanks which permit gravity flow from the tank. (3*0 Approved gauging devices for determining the liquid Gauging level in tanks shall be provided which will not devices expose the vapour space above the liquid surface.

Devices which would permit the release of liquid . ;i if they were damaged mechanically or by an exposure fire shall be avoided wherever possible.

(35) Where inside storage tanks require heating facilities Heating they shall be arranged so that equipment (a) -heat shall be provided only in the vicinity

of the discharge outlet, (b) only enough heat shall be provided to ensure the free flow of the liquid, and (c) the discharge pipe connections shall be so arranged as to ensure that the heating coils are always submerged belov; the liquid surface. (3 6) At least one portable extinguisher of not less than 20-B classification shall be provided in the area where storage tanks containing Class A flammable liquids are located.

(37) At least one portable extinguisher of not less than 20-B classification shall be provided in the area where storage tanks for Class B flammable liquids having a capacity greater than 500 gal .are located.

(3 8) Fire protection equipment where required shall meet the requirements of the Inspector.

STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS IN UNDERGROUND TANKS 6.9 .(1 ) A single underground storage tank for flammable liquids shall not exceed 25,000 gal capacity. (2) Underground tanks-for the storage of flammable Location liquids shall be located at least 5 ft from and building foundations and 3 ..ft from other install­ tanks and pipe-lines. ation (3) Underground tanks shall be set on a firm foundation and surrounded with soft earth or sand well tamped in place. The tanks shall be covered with a minimum of 3 ft. of earth or shall be covered with not less than 1 ft. of earth on top of which shall be placed a slab of reinforced concrete not less than 6 in. thick.

( *0 When underground tanks are or are likely to be subjected to traffic they shall be protected against damage from vehicles passing over them by at least 3 ft of earth cover or 18 in. of well tamped earth plus 6 in. of reinforced concrete or 8 in. of asphaltic concrete. When asphaltic or reinforced concrete is used as part of the protection it shall extend at least 1 ft. horizontally in all directions beyond the outline of the tank.

ij ii :t j Fire I protectioj ; equipment'

(5) The equivalent of a location below ground may be obtained with a substantial portion of the tank

above grade. Earth shall be placed over the tank to form a 2-ft cover at the angle or repose of the fill used. A concrete retaining wall or lock sheet steel piling may be placed around the tank and filled with earth to reduce space requirements.

( 6 ) Vfhere an underground tank may become buoyant due Anchorage to a rise in the level of the water table or due to location in an area that may be subjected to flooding, it shall be securely anchored to a concrete slab to resist the buoyant effect of the water when the tank is empty.

(7) Clean gravel, sand or sandy loam back-fill shall be used for buried tanks wherever possible. Corrosion Cinder fill or earth fill containing coal dust protection or other corrosive material shall be avoided. Tanks shall be located above the ground water if the ground water is corrosive.

( 8) Underground storage tanks shall be painted with at least one coat of red lead in linseed oil and one coat of asphalt or coal tar base paint over a clean dry surface.. Other paint formulations may be used which provide equivalent protection subject to the approval of the Inspector.

(9) Underground storage tanks shall be constructed to conform with the requirements of article Construct sentences (11), (13), (1*1) and (15) and as ion of indicated in Table 2.1.6.G . tanks (10) Tanks and piping constructed for the underground storage of flammable liquids shall be tested in Testing of accordance with the requirements of article tanks and, sentence (15). piping (il) All underground tanks shall be provided with open vents or approved automatically operated vents to prevent abnormal pressures during tank filling and emptying operations.

( 12) Vent sizes shall be as indicated in Table 2.1.6.H but not smaller than the fill or withdraifal con­ Vent sizes nections where tight connections are used.

(13) Vent pipes from underground storage tanks shall be installed so that TABLE 2.1;6.G Forming Part of Sentence (9)

Î Min. Plate j Max and Min Plate Capacity, Thickness ! Thickness as per gal. gauge n o . f- j Accepted Mill Practice, i in. J i 500 12 .1120 - .0972 1000 10 . 1*119 - .1271 1000 7 .1903 - .1719 1 2000 7 .1903 - .1719 3000 7 .1903 - .1719 *1000 3 •'27*15 - .2353 5000 3- .27*15 10,000 3 .27*»5 - .2353 15,000 0 * 3*127 - .2938 20,000 0 0 0 . j .*1122 - .3533 i

-hOnltcd Stxtei Stxnd-tril ; J ̂ 1 ^ ^

Inside Inside Diameter, Length, in. in. *16 86 50 1*15 50 1*15 72 1*10 72 210 8*1 206 .2353 8*1 257 108 312 132 300 132 *108

(a) pipes from tanks containing Class A flammable liquids terminate outside and at least 3 ft from any building opening and at least 12 ft above the adjacent ground level but not more than 20 ft above the top of the tank, (b) pipes from underground tanks discharge upwards or horizontally from the ground, not . downward towards the ground, (c) pipes from tanks containing Class B flammable liquids terminate outside and at least 3 ft from any building opening and at least 3 ft above the normal snow level, but should not extend more than 20 ft above the top of the tank, (d) vent outlets from underground tanks containing Class B flammable liquids are fitted with return bends or coarse screens to minimize the ingress of foreign matter, and (e) article 2.1.6,8., sentence l8(e),(f) and (g) is complied with. TABLE 2.1.6.H Forming Part of Sentence (12) Tank Capacity, gal

0 - 500 501 - 1000 1001 - 2500 2501 - 5000 5001 - 10,000 1 0 , 0 0 1 - 25,000 ( 1*0 Flame arrestors for underground storage tanks shall meet the requirements of article, sentences Arrestors (21) and (22). (15) Conservation vents for underground storage tanks shall meet the requirements of article, sentence (23). (1 6) Pipe connections to underground storage tanks shall be made through either standard steel or wrought iron pipe couplings welded to the tank. (17) Pipe connections for horizontal underground tanks shall be in a line parallel with the long- itudinal axis and above the highest liquid level except as permitted in sentence (1 8). (1 8 ) Where pipe connections to underground tanks are required to' be grouped, the openings may be located up to 12 in. off centre of the longitudinal axis with the fitting terminated above the top of the shell. (19) Pipe connections for vertical underground tanks shall be located in the top of the tank. ( 2 0 ) Fill and discharge piping for underground tanks shall meet the requirements of article sentences* 63Ô) (i/*\ 0.'f\ (•-: (21) Overflow piping for underground tanks shall meet the requirements of article, sentence (30)

Install-ation of j): vent pipes 1 j j j, j !j; ! ji !j \{, jf it j|; ' . j; m Minimum Diameter of Vent, in.

1 1 1/4 1 1 / 2 1 1/2 2 3 Flame j |; { ! Conser­vation vents | I Tank con- ' nections ! ancj j fittings ; storage j1 .i | . j ! [ ; \ . . ! [ } Fill and Discharge SL O-'jj* piping ? Overflow piping

(22) Cross connections which permit gravity flow Cross from one tank to another are not permitted. connection (23) Man-holes shall be provided as required in article Man-holes, sentence (32) for tanks up to 10,000 gal. Underground tanks of 10,000 gal or over shall have man-hole openings reinforced with plates in accordance with good practice.

(2*1) Gauging devices shall be provided as specified in article, sentence (3*0* (25) Where underground storage tanks require heating facilities they shall be provided as outlines in article, sentence (35)* ( 2 6 ) Fire protection equipment shall be provided in the vicinity of pumping and ancillary equipment as required in article TANK STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS IN ABOVE GROUND TANKS The locating of above ground storage tanks shall take into consideration (a) the possibility of damage to nearby buildings or tanks, (b) the protection of important buildings by utilizing sloping ground or diked enclosures and locating the buildings upwind from the storage tanks, (c) the provision of adequate access for fire fighting, and (d) the likelihood of an area to be 'flooded.

(2) The minimum distance from any part of a flammable liquid storage tank up to 40,000 gal capacity other than crude petroleum storage tanks, to the nearest building or property line shall be in accordance with Table 2.1.6.I unless otherwise authorized by the Provincial Fire Marshal.

TABLE 2.1.6.I Forming Part of Sentence (2)

Distance for Distance for Capacity, Class A Flammable Class B Flammable gal. Liquids, Liquids ft. ft 0- 250 10 1 251- 625 10 5 626- 10,000 15 10 10,001- 20,000 15 15 20,001- 25,000 20 20 2 5,001- 40,000 25 25 (3) The minimum distance from any part of a flammable liquid storage tank greater than 40,000 gal capacity other than crude petroleum storage tanks, to the nearest building or property linu:shall not be less than 1/2 times the greatest dimension of the tank, but need not exceed 175 ft- If the tank is pro­ tected by an approved fixed extinguishing system

or an approved floating roof, the minimum distance shall not be less than the greatest dimension of the tank but need not exceed 120 ft.

Gauging devices Heating j equipment j r L » Fire \ protection: equipment

(il) The minimum distance from the nearest building or property line to any part of a storage tank containing crude petroleum or other flammable liquid subject to boil over shall not be less than 3 times the greatest dimension of the tank, , except that such distance shall not be less than 20 ft and need, not exceed 350 ft. If the tank .is protected by an approved^fixed extinguishing system or an approved floating roof the minimum distance shall not be less than 2 times the greatest dimension of the tank except that such distance shall not be less than 20 ft and need not ' exceed 175 ft.

(5) The location of storage tanks with respect 'to Dlstan railway properties shall be in accordance with betwee good practice. tanks ' railwa tracks (6) The minimum distance from any part of a flammable liquid storage tank to a main track of a rail­ way shall be as required by Table 2.1.6.J, and in addition (a) tanks containing crude petroleum shall be located not less than 250 ft from rail­ way main track, and (b) open top storage tanks shall be located not less than *100 ft from railway track.

TABLE 2 .1.6.J -Forming Part of Sentence (6)

Distance for Capacity, Class A Flammable gal . Liquids ft 500 - 20,000 70 20,001 - *10,000 80 *10,001 - 60,000 90 60,001 - 100,000 100 100,001 - 150,000 110 150,001 - 250,000 120 250,001 - and over 150

(7) ' . Above ground storage tanks shall be separated from each other by a distance at least equal to 1/2 the diameter of the smaller tank, but in no case less than 3 ft.

(8) Above ground storage tanks containing Class A flammable liquids may be grouped, but the total capacity of the tanks in any one group shall not exceed 100,000 gal.

(9) Above ground storage tanks containing Class B flammable liquids may be grouped, but the total capacity of the tanks in any one group shall not exceed 200,000 gal. > (10) Tank groups of above ground storage tanks spall be separated from one another by a distance of not less than 25 ft. Tanks within 25 ft of each other are considered as one tank'or group of tanks.

Distance for Class B Flammable Liquids, ft. ' 35 *i0 *15 50 55 60 75 1_________:___________________

(11) The minimum separation between a liquefied petroleum gas container and a tank containing flammable

liquid shall be 20 fb. Suitable means shall be taken to prevent the accummulation of flammable liquidsunder adjacent liquefied petroleum gas containers such as by diking, diversion curbs or grading* 'When tanks containing flammable liquids are diked, the liquefied petroleum gas's containers shall be outside of the diked area least 10 ft away from the centre line of the dike. The foregoing provisions shall not apply when liquefied petroleum gas containers of 105 gal or less are installed adjacent to tanks of 250 gal or less capacity containing flammable liquids of Class B.. Dikes ( 12 ) Individual tanks or groups of tanks exceeding 10,000 gal capacity for Class A flammable liquids and 20,000 gal capacity for Class B.flammable liquids shall be diked or the yard shall be curbed or other suitable means taken to prevent the spread of liquid to valuable property or waterways.

(13) Individual tanks or groups of tanks of capacities less than described in sentence (12) shall be

similarly protected where required by the Inspector due to the proximity of waterways, structures of high value, places of habitation and assembly or the character of the topography.

(14) Individual tanks of capacities exceeding 100,000 gal for Class A flammable liquids and 200,000 gal for

Class B flammable liquids r

C >' / eh f>"< (15) Tanks up to a total capacity of 100 ,000 gal of Class A flammable liquids or up to 200,000 gal

of Class B flammable liquids may be grouped in a single diked area.

(16) The net volumetric capacity of the diked area shall be equal to that of the largest tank plus 10% of

the aggregate capacity of all the other tanks within the diked area.

(17) Dikes shall be constructed of earth, steel, Dike concrete or solid masonry and designed to be construc­ liquid-tight and to withstand the full hydraulic tion head. Earthern dikes, over 3 ft in height shall have a flat section at the top at least 2 ft wide. The slope shall be consistent with the angle of repose of the material of which the dikes are constructed. Steel dikes shall be restricted to a height of 6 ft above grade. The area within the dikes shall be surfaced with concrete, crushed stone or other hard noncombustible surface material!.

(18) The space within a dike and the sides and top of the dike shall at all times be kept cleared of all- dry grass, weeds, shrubbery, trees and com­ bustible materials of any nature.

(19) Drainage systems shall be provided, designed to remove surface water and arranged t«J discharge to Drainage safe locations. Drains shall be normally closed. Where pumps are used to control damage they shall not be self-starting.’

Vi A r i’ f i - r -i tA, !

Control of waste com­ bustibles

( 2 0 ) Tanks shall be built of steel, aluminum or concrete Construc­ unless the character of liquid stored requires tion of other materials . Tanks built of materials other tanks than steel shall be designed to specifications

embodying safety factors equivalent to those herein specified for steel t a nks.

( 21 ) Steel tanks shall be constructed in accordance with article, sentence (11). No ''seconds" or used material shall be specified for use.

(22) Joints shall be welded or riveted and caulked, or made tight by other approved process. In the case of vertical tanks, the joint between roof and shell shall be weaker than any other joints in the shell of the tank.

(23) Atmospheric tanks to contain flammable liquids Field shall be built in accordance with good practice. erected vertical (24) Low pressure tanks shall be built in accordance tanks with good practice. . (25) Production tanks not. exceeding- 105,000 gal (3000 bbl) individual capacity when used for crude petroleum storage in oil-producing areas shall be built in accordance with good practice.

( 2 6 ) Shop-built tanks shall be fabricated to meet a Shop-built standard satisfactory to the Inspector. tanks (27) Small vertical tanks for the storage of flammable liquids above ground in quantities not exceeding 1000 gal capacity shall be constructed with a wall thickness according to capacity as shown in Table 2 .I.6.K.

TABLE 2.1.6.K Forming Part of Sentence (27)

Capacity, gal

1 - 50 18 51 - 290 16 291 - 450 14 451 - 1000 12 -r e W c i. r:•' J C ̂'1 'i". '•' if i ̂ c ( 2 8 ) For large vertical tanks containing from 1000 to Large 25,000 gal and up to 25 ft in height the shell Vertical shall be not less than 3/16 in. thick. For tanks tanks from 25 to 30 ft in height the bottom ring shall be not less than 1/4 in. thick and the remainder of the shell not less than 3/16 in. thick. For tanks between 30 and 35 ft high the first 2 rings shall be not less than 1/4 in. thick and the remainder of the shell not less than 3/16 in. thick. All 1/4 in. rings shall be not less than 5 f t . w i d e .

( 2 9 ) The roofs of large vertical tanks shall be either dished or conical shaped and of not less than No. 10 United States Standard Metal Gauge. ^ ^

Minimum Thickness of Steel, gauge n o .

(30) The diameter of large vertical tanks shall be not less than 1/4 times the height but not less than 4 ft nor more than 12 ft. The height shall not exceed 35 ft.

(31) The height of conical tops on large vertical tanks shall be not less than l/6_ of the radius.

(32) The height of dished tops on large vertical tanks shall be in accordance with Table 2.I.6.L.

TABLE 2.I.6.L. Forming Part of Sentence (32).

Diameter, f t . 0 - 5 5 - 6 6 - 7 7 - 8 8 - 9 9 - 1 0 10 - 11 11 - 12 (33) The wall thickness of small horizontal tanks for storing flammable liquids shall be in

accordance with Table 2.1.6.M

(34) The wall thickness of large horizontal tanks from 1000 to 30,000 gal capacity for storing flammable liquids shall as shown in Table 2.1.6.N,

(35) Tank heads on large horizontal tanks shall be dished, stayed, braced or reinforced and (a) the length of the tank shall be not less than the diameter nor more than 6 times the diameter which shall not exceed 12 f t . (b) the height of conical heads shall be not less than 1/12 the diameter of the tank, and (c) the height of dished heads shall be as indicated in sentence (32).

TABLE 2.1.6.M Forming Part of 'Sentence (33)

Capacity, gal 1 - 50 51 - 250 251 - 450 451 - 1000 ' J / , L d P U U £ f i x * '( at d

Minimum Dish, in. 1 1 / 2 2 2 1/2 3 1/2 4 1/2 5 1/2 7 8

Minimum Thickness of Steel gauge n o . -*• 18 14 12 10 /1 J o G

TABLE 2.1.6.N Forming Part of Sentence (34)

Maximum Minimum Thickness of Steel Diameter gauge n o . 6 ft or less ‘7 (3/16 in.) 6 ft 1 in. to 12 ft. 3 (1/4 in.) (35) When special tank linings are used to provide cor­ rosion resistance the construction shall have strength equivalent to that required for steel tanks,

(37) Above ground tanks shall be tested as specified in articles, sentence (15)

(38) Vertical, above ground storage tanks for flammable liquids shall be supported directly on the ground. An initial excavation shall be made 4 ft larger in diameter than the tank sufficient to remove the top soil and vegetation, but not less than 6 in. deep. - The site shall be levelled and a backfill of clean gravel, sand or sandy loam applied in well tamped layers. The use of clay, silt, ashes or cinder backfill shall be avoided to minimize the possibility of.external corrosion. The fill shall then be topped with a 6-in. layer of coarse sand or crushed rock or slag topped with a 1-in. layer of coarge sand. The centre of the pad shall be from 2 in. to 6 in. higher than the outer edge. A 3-in. layer of crushed rock or slag shall be provided at the outer edge of the pad and surfaced with asphalt or similar paving material to prevent the movement of fines. /-(39) Where conditions are such that poor soil support under the ver­ tical tank presents the possibility of the loss of supporting material, a concrete retaining ring wall shall be provided to prevent the sand pad from being washed away. The space between

the tank and ring shall be flashed with asphalt to prevent the entrance of moisture which may cause erosion to the underside of the tank.

(40) Horizontal tanks-for the above ground storage of flammable liquids shall be protected and supported so

that (a) -tanks having a capacity not greater than 250 gal ' shall be supported by means of noncombustible

supports, -(b) tanks whose capacity exceed 250 gal .rest on ;fire-

: . resistive supports such as brick or reinforced concrete on adequate footings, or, . , (c) steel supports, if used, are protected by at ' . . least 2 in. of concrete or equivalent, and - ; (dj tank saddles shall be at least 8 in. wide and support at least 1/3 the circumference of the tank

(41) Tank sites shall be sufficiently elevated so that the tanks may not become buoyant due to a rise in the level of the watertable or due to the.effect of flood water; however, if such conditions do exist protection shall be provided by : (a) foundations that have ample bearing to secure,

(b) h f o o l ot d i ­n d g o , w n rods j , straps and anchorages to resist the buoyancy force which would be exerted if the tank were empty, . . (c) tank fill and vent connections designed to.

prevent- the displacement of the contents of the tank by flood water, and - -(d) barricades provided to prevent damage to the

: tanks by floating debris. . . r:

(42) Normal breathing provided by vents in vertical coneroofed tanks should be accomplished at a pressure not greater than 3 in, of a water column and a maximum vacuum pressure of a 1 3/4-in. water column.

(43) Normal breathing in horizontal tanks designed, according to the preceding specifications may be safely accomplished at pressures up to 5 lb/sq in.

(44) Emergency relief vents are required on all above ground flammable liquid storage tanks to relieve excessive internal pressure caused by exposure fires which might otherwise rupture the tank shell or bottom.

(45) Emergency venting of above ground storage shall be accomplished by one of the following: (a) additional or larger breathing vents, (b) a self-closing gauge-hatch or man- hole cover, (c) a man-hole cover with long bolts permitting the cover t o ‘lift under internal pressure, (d) a weak seam between the roof and shell, (e) a floating roof, or (f) other forms of construction providing a demonstrably weak attachment,

(46) For tanks up to 25,000 gal capacity thermal and relief venting shall be provided to conform to the requirements of Table 2,1.6,0 and in no case where tight connections are used shall the vent size be smaller than the fill or withdrawal connection. ' •raoie ^.x.o.u

Forming Part of Sentence (46)

Capacity y gal 0 - 500 501 - 1000 1001 - 2500 2501 - 5000 5001 - 10 ,000 10,001 - 25 ,000 ) Breathing vents on tanks of capacities greater than 25,000 gal shall be of adequate size to provide

the required thermal inbreathing capacity (vacuum) and thermal outbreathing capacity (pressure) as indicated in Table 2.1.6.P and to permit the maximum outflow (vacuum) and inflow(pressure) of liquid as indicated in Table 2.I.6.Q.

Vent Diameter in. 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 ' 4

TABLE 2.1.6.P Forming Part of Sentence (47)

Thermal Venting Capacities, eu. ft of air/hr

Tank Capacity Vacuum Gallons 35-Gal All Stocks Barrels 35,000 . 1000 1000 : 70,000 2000 2000 , 105,000 3000 3000 140,000 4000 4000 175,000 5000 5000 350,000 10,000 10,000 525,000 '15,000 15,000 700,000 20,000 20,000 875,000 25,000 24,000 1,050,000 30,000 28,000 1,225,000 .35,000 31,000 1,400,000 40,000 34,000 1,575,000 45,000 37,000 1,750,000 50,000 40,000 2,100,000 60,000 44,000 2,450,000 70,000 48,000 2,800,000 80,000 52,000 3,150,000 90,000 56,000 3,500,000 100,000 60,000 4,200,000 120,000 68,000 4,900,000 140,000 75,000 5,600,000 160,000 82,000 6,300,000 180,000 90,000 TABLE 2.1.6.Q Forming Part of Sentence (47)

Filling and Emptying Venting Capacities, in cu ft of air/hr

Pumping Rate Vacuum All Stocks Flash Point Less than 100°F barrels per hr. 5.6 Gallons per min. 9.6 (^8) Emergency relief vents that are required to be installed on above ground tanks shall be sized as indicated in Table 2.1 6 R.

Pressure Flash Point Flash Point Less than 100° F 100° F and over 1000 600 2000 1200 3000 1800 4000 2400 5000 ; .. 3000 10,000 '6000 15,000 9000 ... ; 20,000 12,000 -24,000 15,000 . •28,000 17,000 31,000 . . 19,00.0... 34,000 21,000 37,000 23,000 40,000 24,000 44,000 27,000 48,000 29,000 ; 52,000 31,000 56,000 34,000 60,000 36,000 68,000 41,000 75,000 45,000 82,000 50,000 90,000 . 54,000. .

> m ■j.j

Pressux e Flash Point 100°F and Over 12.0 : 6.0" 20.0 10.0

(49) Breathing vents may serve as emergency relief vents provided they havq the requisite capacity under the pressure limitations in Table 2.I.6.R.

TABLE 2.1.6.R Forming Part of Sentence (49)

Total Pressure Relief Capacity of Vents ! Tank Capacity Minimum 1 ! Total Approximate Diameter in Pressure Inches of Free Circular Relief Openings - Various Pressures ! Capacity » ; Gallons 35-gal Cu Ft iI Barrels Free 3 in 2 1/2 i Air/Hr Water 1 psi psi 5 psi » !

j 835 le: s 23.8 25,300 4 2 1/2 2 1 1/2 i 3,330 95.2 69,500 , 6 3/4 3 3/4 3 2 1/2 1 15,000 428 139.000 9 1/2 5 1/2 4 1/4 3 3/4 ! 20,000 595 166.000 10 1/4 6 4 3/4 4 ; 46,ooo 1330 253,000 12 3/4 7 1/4 5 3/4 5 i .85,300 2380 363,000 15 1/4 8 3/4 7 6 ! 129,000 3690 458.000 ' 17 1/4 9 3/4 7 3/4 6 1/2 ; 185,000 5290 522.000 18 1/4 10 1/2 8 1/4 7 i 396,000 ; 115300 624.000 , 20 11 1/4 9 7 3/4 612,000 17,500 648.000 20 11 1/2 9 1/4 7 3/4 Unlimited 648.000 20 ; 11 1/2 9 1/4 7 3/4 (50) Emergency relief vents of the self-closing type can be regarded as satisfying 1/2 the required venting for inflow of flammable liquids with flash points below 100°F or 1/2 the required thermal pressure venting for any flammable liquid.

(51) Flame arrestors for above ground storage tanks shall meet the requirements of article, sentences (21) and (22)

(52) Conservation vents when used shall be of an approved type to provide both vacuum and pressure Conserva­reïief within the safe operating pressure limits tion vents of the tank.

(53) Vent pipes from above ground tanks storing * " Vents pipes flammable liquids shall be arranged to discharge to safe locations. . . ' (5*0 Open vents on above ground storage tanks shall be hooded or terminated in U-bends to keep out rain. Horizontal runs of pipe shall drain back to the tank. The low end of vent pipes shall extend no more than 1 in. into the top of the tank.

(55) Vent installed on above ground storage tanks shall Vent pipes terminate close enough above the level of the tank to avoid imposing a dângerous liquii head on the tank should liquid overflow through the vent. On cylindrical tanks the height of the vent pipe shall be not more than 20 ft above the tank. Within these limits the vent pipe shall extend above the level of the fill connections where an open type fill connection without tight fittings is provided.

Flame arrestors

Ô (56) Pipe connections to above ground storage tanks Tank con­ shall be made through either standard steel or nections wrought iron pipe couplings fastened to the tank and fit­ by welding or riveting. tings ( 5 7 ) Top connections to above ground storage tanks F i l l # and shall be used wherever practicable. The dis­ discharge charge pipe shall extend to a point below the piping permanent liquid level and the fill return and similar pipes shall extend below the level of the discharge pipe or be provided with suitable traps to prevent the exposure of a vapour space above the liquid.

(58) Bottom connections to above ground storage tanks shall have shut-off valves bolted directly to the outlet nozzle^ which shall be kept closed except when liquid is being withdrawn or the tank is being filled. Normally, a single con­ nection shall serve both for the filling and the discharge of the tank. When tanks are located in an enclosure, valves shall be provided in an outside the enclosure.

(59) A man-hole shall be provided in the top of each Man-holes above ground tank over 4000 gal capacity of not less than 18 in. diameter. Vertical tanks shall have 2 man-holes to ventilate the tank when cleaning, one on the top and one on the side near the bottom.

(60) Man-holes in above ground storage tanks shall be fitted with a bolted gasketed cover which is kept closed except when the tanks are open for examination or repair.

( 61 ) Approved gauging devices for determining the Gauging liquid level in tanks shall be provided which will devices not expose the vapour space above the liquid sur­

face. Devices which would permit the release of liquid if they were damaged mechanically or by an exposure fire shall be avoided wherever possible.

( 62 ) Where above ground storage tanks require, heating Heating facilities they shall be provided as outlined in equipment article, sentence (35).

(63) Where 40,000 gal or more of Class A flammable liquids are stored in individual tanks, suitable fire control devices shall be provided that are capable of extinguishing a fire in the largest

of the tanks. The. design and amount of such equipment shall be in accordance with nationally recognized standards.

(64) Electrical wiring and equipment installed above the roof and within the shell of a vertical tank having a floating roof or installed less than 5 ft from an open tank vent shall be suitable for Class I, Division I, Hazardous Locations.

(65) Electrical wiring and equipment installed within 10 ft of an open vent or any part ut the tank or inside the diked area to the level of the top of the dike and within 25 ft of the tank shall be suitable for Class I., Division 2, Hazardous Locations.

Fire pro­ tection * equipment

Electrical equipment near tanks and vents

. "S

LAMMA5L2 LIQUIDS TjvpïUG AND PIPING SYSTEMS .1.6.11-(1) Piping shall be installed outdoors wherever Location possible and located so as not to expose important and buildings or equipment. The point of entrance arrangement- to buildings shall be arranged so that the piping of piping within the building is direct and as short as possible.

(2) Above ground outdoor piping shall be supported in a substantial and properly constructed manner and arranged to prevent excessive vibration or strain on connecting equipment.

(3) Horizontal spans of above ground outdoor piping shall not be so long as to Impose excessive stress on the pipe wall. Unsupported spans shall normally be limited to 20 ft. Longer spans shall be supported by cable or trussing.

(*0 Pipe may be located on the exterior side of non­ combustible walls if located below windows. It may also be located above roofs of noncombustible construction if satisfactory drainage is arranged to dispose of any leakage.

(5) Where above ground piping crosses roadways or railway sidings, ample overhead clearance and warning signs indicating clearance shall be . provided.

(6) Buried piping shall be laid and located so as not to be subjected to stress from building foundations Buried or ether facilities' subject to vibration or settling . piping

(7) Buried piping shall be covered with at least 2 ft of well packed earth except as required in sentences (9) and (10).

(8) Buried piping passing alongside buildings or similar structures shall be located at least 1 ft from the foundations except as required in sentence (31).

(9) Pipe passing under roads or driveways shall be laid in an encasing pipe or culvert. The top of the encasing piping or culvert shall be at least 3 ft below the surface of the 'road or driveway.

(10) Piping to be b u r i e d .shall be laid in undisturbed soil where possible using clean noncorrosive back­ fill. Cinders and the like shall not be used as backfill.

(11) To allow for easy maintenance, piping may be run in Piping in split tile ducts underground or in masonry trenches ducts and covered with heavy boards or steel plates. In such trenches instances vapour baffles shall be installed to minimize the danger of heavy flammable liquid vapours creeping along the channels and reaching a source of ignition. . (12) Indoor trenches for pipes carrying flammable liquids shall be provided with trapped drains leading to a safe location.

Above ground out­ door piping

(13) Where piping in indoor trenches contains flammable liquids of Class A the trench shall be provided with positive ventilation or it shall be filled with sand. . - . 14) Piping shall not be located in service tunnels where a leak or possible fire or explosion might » Piping in interrupt'power or other services or create a tunnels serious life hazard.

(15) Pipe entrances to buildings shall be located above ground wherever possible and provided with outside control valves at the point of entrance. Where the pipe passes through a wall, a pipe sleeve shall be provided and and the opening shall be sealed with cement grout.

(16) If it is necessary for a pipe carrying flammable liquid to pass through a concealed or low space the pipe within the space shall be enclosed in. larger pipe. Where the pipe enters the building below grade all nearby openings in the foundation shall be sealed..

(17) Indoor piping may be buried, located in trenches’, Indoor or supported overhead. piping (18) Overhead piping shall be installed close to the ' ceiling or beams or along walls at least 6 ft aboveythe floor to protect it against mechanical injufôd. Pipe risers, shall be installed inside reinforced concrete columns, alongside of pilasters, between flanges of steel columns or in securely anchored larger p i p e . No guard arrangement is normally required if the risers are close to the walls and columns except where they are exposed to mobile equipment. . (19) Pipes carrying flammable liquid shall be supported by approved pipe hangers of such design as to prevent lateral motion of the pipe.

(20) Where possible pipejcarrying flammable liquid shall be supported from building framing members. :

(21) In buildings of steel frame construction pipes carrying flammabbe liquid shall be fastened to steel beams or columns by bolted clips or pipe hangers which grip the flanges and have a r e ­ taining strap. . (22) Under wood floors-, piping carrying flammable liquids shall be securely fastened to supporting members using wood screws, lag screws or bolts.

(23) Under concrete ceilings, through-bolts or expansion shields shall be used. Expansion shields should be used in the horizontal position except in sound concrete having a gravel or crushed stone aggregate. Shields are not permitted in cinder concrete, gypsum or ceilings of similar soft con­ struction. i (2*0 At least one hanger shall be provided for each length of pipe. Unsupported spans shall not exceed 12 ft for pipe up to'1 l/*Tin. diameter or 15 ft for larger pipe.

Pipe entrances to buildings

( 25 ) In the design of flammable liquid piping systems provision shall be made for thermal expansion and contraction by the use of pipe bends, welding elbows or other approved flexible joints. Expansion and slip joints are to be avoided as they are subject to leakage..

(25) Flexible piping shall be used where, necessary in systems carrying flammable liquids to prevent the development of dangerous stresses due to vibration, settling or thermal change.

(27) Flexible piping shall be subject to the same requirements as rigid.piping with respect to mechanical and thermal properties and resistance to any corrosive action of the liquid. All metal seamless hose or reinforced rubber hose with a synthetic liner and metal braid covering may be used.

( 26) Piping systems to carry flammable liquids shall Materials be made up of materials resistant to heat and ' for use i mechanical damage, chemically resistant to the piping liquid contained and of adequate design strength systems to ’Withstand the maximum in service pressures and temperatures. Fragile materials subject to failure from internal stress or from rupture by mechanical damage and combustible or low-melting materials subject to failure even in moderate exposure fires shall not be permitted.

(29) Where wrought steel or iron pipe is used in a Wrought system carrying flammable liquids the pipe including steel or

•welded and seamless tubing shall meet the require- iron pipe m.ents of good practice.

(30) Where service pressures from 125 to 300 lb/sq in., ■will be used in wrought iron or steel piping systems extra heavy duty steel pipe with forged or cast steel or extra heavy malleable screw-type fittings shall be used. For pressures in excess of 300 lb/sq in. pipe and fittings shall be fab­ ricated and installed in accordance with good practice.

(31) Copper tubing and copper or brass pipe may be used Copper ar subject to the maximum temperature limitations brass pip imposed by good practice. It shall not be used ■where temperatures of over 400°F may be encountered. . . . (32) Copper tubing and copper or brass pipe used to carry flammable liquid shall be fabricated in : accordance with good practice.

(33) Small diameter flexible copper tubing shall be protected against mechanical injury when installed to carry flammable liquids.

(34) Vihere problems of corrosion, contamination, sanitation Other or high standards of purity are factors, special piping piping materials may be used subject to the approval materia of*the authority having jurisdiction. Steel pipe lined with tin, glass, rubber or other material resistant to the liquid being handled may be used. Pipe made from such materials as stainless steel, copper, nickel and aluminum alloys, lead, carbon, graphite, glass, porcelain, thermosetting plastic of high melting point or hard rubber may also be used.

( 35 ) Exposed steel pipe shall either be galvanized or protected with 2 coats of lead and linseed oil base paint or equivalent.

Provisior for expansior flexibili

Corrosior protect­ ion

(36) Burled steel piping shall be protected either by the application of alternate layers of bituminous enamel and asbestos-felt wrapping or by cathodic protection.

(37) Upon completion of the installation all couplings, flanges and bolts shall be coated with bituminous


(38) All flammable liquid piping shall be coloured Colour of yellow. piping (39) All piping to be used for carrying flammable liquid Pressure shall be pressure tested before being placed in testing service as described in sentences (43) or (44). (^0) Hydrostatic pressure tests shall be applied where water will cause no difficulty and where the

maximum operating pressures are in excess of ' 1 lb/sq in. The test shall be made at 1 1/2 times the normal operating pressure but not less than 5 lb/sq in. and held for 30 min. If a drop in pressure occurs or any leakage Is observed, repairs shall be made as needed and the test repeated.

(41) Air or inert gas pressure tests may be applied where water may cause difficulties or where the normal operating pressure is less than 1 lb/sq in. The test should be made at 1 1/2 times the normal operating pressure but not less t h a n '3 lb/sq in. . and held for 30 min. If a drop in pressure occurs, repairs shall be made as required and the test repeated. Soap solutions may be used to detect leaks. Air or inert gas pressure above 10 lb/sq in. shall not be used for testing vessels of appreciable v o l u m e .

(42) Screwed joints shall be threaded in accordance with Threaded good practice, and a suitable joint compound for joints . the material being handled shall be used to seal the joints.

(43) Welding procedures, welders and welding operators Welded shall follow good practice. j oints (44) Welding of outside transmission lines shall conform to good practice.

(45) Flanged connections shall be provided in welded systems for ease of dismantling so as to avoid subsequent in-place cutting and welding operations.

(46) Flanged joints shall be made using forged or cast Flanged steel flanges of the appropiate pressure rating joints conforming with good practice, except as permitted

in sentences (47) and (48).

(47) Bronze flanges in 2-in. and smaller sizes may be used where copper and brass pipe is permitted. (48) Special flanged joints where used shall have such properties of strength and rigidity as are required by good practice.

(49) Bolting materials for flanged connections shall be of alloy steel conforming to good practice. In

existing installations carbon steel and wrought iron

bolts may be accepted.

(50) Flanged connections require gaskets of a material Gaskets which is resistant to the liquid being carried by the piping and which will withstand fire temperatures for a comparable period to the flange and bolts . Spiral-wound or other metallic asbestos-filled . gaskets of stainless steel, copper or monel and all- metal zero ring gaskets of dead-soft aluminum, copper or monel should be used.

(51) Joints for non-ferrous piping should be threaded, flanged, flared, brazed or silver soldered. Brazing or soldering alloys shall have a minimum melting point of 1000°F,

(52) Valves in piping systems carrying flammable liquids Valves shall be of a type suitable for use with the flammable liquids controlled and have the appropriate service rating for the maximum temperatures and pressures which may be encountered. ' (53) Shut-off valves shall be provided in all flammable . Location liquid piping and pumping systems to stop the flow of valves of liquid should a fire occur or liquid accidentally esc a p e .

(5*0 Shut-off valves shall be provided (a) at connections to supply tanks where transfer of liquid is by other than positive dis­ placement-type pumps, (b) on supply lines where they enter essential buildings or structures, (c) on branch lines from the main supply line where supplying equipment in other fire areas, and (d) on supply lines at dispensing locations.

(55) Check valves shall be installed when the flow of liquid is normally in one direction only and shall be located as close to the source of supply as possible.

(56) Valves should be of the packless or diaphragm Design of type where possible. If conventional-type valves valves are used the packing and lubrication material shall be of a type resistant to the liquid being carried.

(57) Globe valves where used should be arranged so that the packing is on the low pressure side. (58) Rising stem or other indicating-type valves should be used where it is desirable, that it may be . readily observed whether they are open or shut.

(59) Valve bodies shall be of cast steel except as permitted in sentences(60) and (6l). ( 60) Valve bodies may be of bronze for copper or brass pipe in sizes up to 2 in. ( 61 ) When corrosion or product purity is a factor, stainless steel, monel metal or ?|ned-steel bodied valves may be used in systems piping flammable liquids.

Jçints for non-ferrou piping

(62) Approved automatic shut-off valves shall be Automatic installed where necessary in systems piping shut-off flammable liquids to protect such equipment vâlves as boilers, furnaces, ovens and driers from fire and explosion hazards.

(63) Automatic shut-off v.alves may. be electrically or pressure operated. They shall be designed to shut automatically within 5 sec if the holding medium is cut off, and to be manually reset only after the holding medium is applied.

(610 Automatic shut-off valves shall be arranged so that they can be manually shut from a con­

venient location.

( 6 5 ) Flammable liquid lines may be steam traced using Heating the minimum steam pressure to make the liquid fluid. A regulator shall be provided in the steam line with a relief valve on the down­ stream side set at a somewhat higher pressure. The pipe and tracing shall be enclosed with noncombustible insulation.

(6 6) Where specific approval is obtained, electrical heating cables may be fastened along the length or wound spirally around the pipe and the whole covered with noncombustible insulation. The cable shall not be spliced and all connections shall be provided with thermostatic controls and protected with fuses or fused disconnect switches having a minimum rating. All electrical devices outdoors shall be located in weather-proof enclosures and as far as practicable from the flammable liquid area.

•(67) Where specific approval is obtained thermal electrical conduction methods of pipe tracing may be utilized by pas­ sing a low voltage alternating current through the pipe. Such systems shall be installed and tested as complete units.

Unheated sections shall be insulated by means of nonconduc- tive fittings. Systems shall be provided with thermostatic controls, high temperature limit controls and protected by fuses or fused disconnect switches. All parts of the piping and fittings shall be enclosed by electrical and thermal in­ sulating covering to prevent accidental grounding of the sys­ tems .

( 68) Electrical equipment in the vicinity of pumps Electrical and ancillary equipment and in any area where eq u i p m e n t vapour-air explosive mixtures may be found shall

be of a type suitable for Class 1, Division 2, Hazardous Locations.

(69) No special grounding or bonding connections are Static required for flammable liquid piping as adequate electricity grounding is normally provided by its own connection with the earth.

(70) Where flammable liquids are dispensed through other than closed connections all piping and containers shall be electrically bonded except in the case of Class B flammable liquids and

crude petroleum.

(71) The area around outdoor pump sites shall he Care and kept free of dried grass, weeds or vegetation and cleanline combustible debris or materials for a distance of not less than 20 ft.

(72) Pump-houses and pump-rooms shall not be used for storage purposes. (73) Positive displacement pumps shall have a relief valve on the downstream side of sufficient capacity to prevent excess pressure on the system. The relief valve shall be piped to the supply source or to the suction side of the pump.

(7*0 Check valves shall be installed on the discharge side of the centrifugal pumps to prevent back flow of liquid through the pump.

(75) Pumps shall be designed or equipped so that no . Pumps part of the system.will be subjected to pressures

above its allowable working pressure.

(76) Pumps installed above grade outside of buildings shall be located not less than 10 ft from lines of adjoining property which may be built upon and not less than 5 ft from any building opening.

(77) Pumps located indoors shall be located in rooms that conform to the requirements of articles except where the design or use of equipment pre­ cludes such an arrangement.

(78) Pumps shall be provided with duplicate control switches, one located at the pump and one at a remote location to shut down the pumps in case of emergency. (79) Pits for subsurface pumps or piping manifolds of Pits submersible pumps shall withstand the external forces to which they may be subjected without damage to the pump, tank or piping. The pit shall be no larger than necessary for inspection and main­ tenance and shall be provided with a tight-fitting ' cover.

( 80 ) Gravity transfer of flammable liquids shall not ‘Gravity be used except in-the case of very volatile liquids transfer

where it may be used to avoid vapour lock difficulties which may be encountered witfe conventional pumping systems.

( 81) Hydraulic transfer systems may be used for liquids Hydraulic that are immiscible with water. transfer (82) All tanks for hydraulic transfer systems shall be constructed, installed and tested in accordance with provincial regulations, Such systems shall be arranged so that excess water pressure cannot be developed in the tanks or piping. Operating pres- . sures may be controlled by a constant-level float valve or a pressure-reducing valve on the water supply. Systems shall be arranged so that there is no water pressure on the system !except when liquid is being discharged. Check valves shall be provided in both water and flammable liquid lines to prevent back flow.

.. . . Transfer by pumpin


(8 3) Inert gas transfer systems shall be constructed, Inert gas installed and tested in accordance with provincial transfer regulations. Pressure regulators shall be provided

in the gas line to control the pressure of the gas which should be maintained at the minimum pressure required to force the liquid through the piping the rate required. A relief valve shall be provided with a slightly higher.setting on the downstream side of the regulator or on the tank. Means of automatically shutting off the gas supply and bleeding the gas pressure in the event of fire shall be provided.

(8*1) Compressed air transfer systems shall not be permitted. (8 5) A portable extinguisher having at least a 20-B classification shall be provided in the vicinity of pumps and ancillary equipment.,

Compressed . air transfer Fire protection ' equipment

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.