Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Supt* Stuart Lake Agenoy 163/3-10 (Adm .l) Senior Administrative O fficer Ky-law Stollaquo Bsnd May 2, I960. This w ill re fe r to your 163/3-10-19 o f A p ril 7» I960, concerning a by-law proposed by the Stollaquo Band to provide fo r the preservation, protection and aanagetaent o f fter-bearing animals, fish and game on the Stellaquo Indian Eeservo Ko. 5# This by-law has now beon approved by the M inister and I enclose herewith a photo oopy o f the M inister s order o f approval* With reference to your inquiry oonoeming the enforcement o f the by-law I would advise you that the B.C.&. Police have agreed to assist in the enforcement o f th is type o f by-law . Brio Aoland* o .c . Indian Coaaissioner fo r B.C.
C. ft 1.81 * * ,H.\ D^PAWLMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMnSRÂTIQN . 4 ? V K-TO: V ̂ R eg io n a l O f f i c e , Vancouver, B .C. OUR FILE: FROM1: Su perin ten den t, S tu a rt Lake Agency YOUR FILE: SUBJECT: , S te lla q u o By-Law No, 1 DATE: June 2, I960 A tta ch ed i s S te lla q u o C ouncil R es o lu tio n re q u e s t in g 4 an expen d itu re o f $25.00 from th e ir Brust Account $362 to f cove r c o s t o f p r in t in g P e rm its , A lso a tta ch ed i s R eso lu tio n s e t t in g the p r ic e o f the P erm its a t $2,00 each. Sample copy o f th e p roposed Perm it i s en c lo sed f o r your c o n s id e ra t io n . W, E. G rant, WEG/hmf. In d ian S u perin ten den t, e n d s .
u& rAK CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION IN D IAN AFFAII. «BRANCH BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION s NOTE: i ̂ ie words From our Band Funds must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. The Council of the......................................... ............................................................... ...........................Band of Indians, (Name of Band) S tu art Lake 111 *e........................................................................................................................................................... Indian Agency, (Name of Agency) in the Province of....British--Colum bia.............. a meeting, held at....?.1^^i®,.<î.\î9...ï«.?»1^.. (Name of Province in full) (Name of Place) this....„.1i??^£!kieth........................... day of...................................A.D. 19..§P._____ (In Fun) (Month) Do H e r e b y R e s o l v e : th a t a f e e o f Two D o lla rs ($ 2 .0 0 ) be charged f o r a P e rm it a llo w in g non-Ind ians to hunt and f i s h on our S te lla q u o Income r e c e iv e d from s a le o f P erm its to be d ep o s ited in our Revenue Aooount #362, Copy o f P erm it a tta ch ed . Aid ' $ t ! ?>0 AE. .................. (Chief)........................ (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) IA5-7
(O r ig in a l f o r L ic e n s e e ) Number MOOSE TROUT STELLAQUO INDIAN RESERVE NO. 5 P rov in ce o f B r i t is h Columbia L I C E N S E T O A N G L E * L I C E N S E T O ___ H U N T This ±s to c e r t i f y th a t I*P r in t Name) o f i s e n t i t le d to ANGLE (P u l l Address) and HUNT b ig game and game b ird s su b je c t to By-Law No. 1 o f the S te llaqu o Ind ian Band Counoil made pursuant to paragraph (o) and paragraph (R) o f S ec tion 80 o f th e Ind ian A c t. This l ic e n s e i s n o t v a l id i f th e h o ld er i s n o t a ls o in possession o f an a p p ro p r ia te F irearm s or A n g le r s L icen se is su ed by th e P rov in ce o f B r i t is h Columbia. THIS LICENSE IS NOT TRANSFERABLE AND EXPIRES ON DECEMBER 31st NEXT. In w itn ess w hereo f I have hereunto s e t my hand th is day o f 196_____ , a t ______________ ' __________________ B.C. COUNCIL OF THE STELLAQUO INDIAN BAND (S ign a tu re o f L ic en s ee ) Per Id e n t i f i c a t io n o f L icen see Age_________ _ H eigh t______________ W eight_______________ Color o f Hair Color o f Eyes F E E $2.00
DEPARTMENT OF ̂ CITIZENSHIP A N D IMMIGRATION IND IAN AFFAIRS BRANCH BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION C A N A D A NOTE; The words ‘‘From our Band Fund»** must app^^g^ l ^ s olutiotis requesting expenditures from Band Fundi,_________________________ The Council of the......................................... ......... .........................................................................Band of Indians, Stuart (Labe of Band) in the.............................................................................................................. ...................................................Indian Agency. C o ta * !. <»— < * * « » in the Province of.................................................... a meeting, held at........ th irtie th (Name of Province in this................................................... .day of....................................A.D. 19......... .. (In Pull) (Month) Do H e r e b y R e s o l v e : t h a t a f e e o f ^ ï h l U r a (| 2#00) be charged fo r a Permit allowing non-Indiana to hunt and fish on our Stell&quo X.R«#5« Income received from sale o f Permits to be deposited in our Revenue Account $36 g, Cbpy o f Permit attached. M oise Isad o ra (Chief) P e te r Luggie (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1- TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3. Expenditure ACCT A. Capital. B. Revenue * 7 . V . * $ * vr? X' $ $ 6. Recommended * \ 7. Approved ■»*„, ' Æ L - * J j y w Date t . ' , Si^amfendent, Reserves and Trusts IA5-7 4 S flla ,™ , I .M S 60 (Name of Place) ' (Councillor) (Councillor) ............ , ......... . r t . i t .r f . t ........................................... (Councillor) ...................... .............................................................r ..................................... (Councillor) 4. Authority 5. Source of Funds * Indian Act Sec. n Capital Q Revenue / ! \ f - f i i ___________________ _____________ [ . . . ; .............................................. Date Director, Indian4 Affairs A
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.