Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

The C ouncil o f the. Bella Coola .Band of Indians at a m eeting h e ld November 29» 1965 ____(date) m akes the fo llow in g b y -la w pursuant to paragraph (b) and (r) o f Section 80 o f the Indian A c t . B y -la w N o. 1 2 '________________ A b y -la w to prov ide fo r the regulation: o f tra ffic in Bella Coola #1 .Indian R e s e r v e , in the P r o ­ v in ce of B ritish Columbia______________ (a) No veh ic le shall be operated at a rate o f speed in e x ce ss o f 3®_______ m ile s an hour within any resid en tia l area designated and m arked as such by the C ouncil o f the B and. (b) No veh ic le shall be operated ov er any brid ge within the Bella Coola __________________Indian R e se rv e at a rate o f speed in e x ce ss of the speed designated and m arked thereon by the Council o f the Band. (c) Any p erson who v iola tes any o f the p ro v is io n s o f this b y -la w shall be guilty o f an o ffen ce and shall be liab le on sum m ary con viction to a fine not exceed in g one hundred d o lla rs o r im prisonm ent fo r a te rm not exceed in g thirty d ays, or both fine and im prison m en t. Chief: C ou n cillo rs : 7T * £
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.