Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

"The Kirvcol 1th Band of Indianr. By-Law No. 7 :.Being a by-law to Provide for the raising of monies to :ri~ 2^K...prQvit|g-',fQJCtCoiwmunlty,|ÿ|ftCTls^ithln^.the Kincolith Reserve '^unll^^^Sÿthje^ïrcJv^^^w^Àti^h^'Colurnbia. ' \ 1) Whereas, paragraphs (a), (i), (q) and (r) of Lection ' |r- : - LïP̂ 'ïv,-: '■■-.,. oj^thelndian ̂ Ct.!-,<|inpoŵ rs the. Council of a Band to make ^ the ; residents on the 1' *'̂ ^reserve' and^to :prev.entf'the^sp ; re v a L d l n ' g - '* .■ : ■• o . f ; contagious '■. " ■.■ ; a nd "infectious diseases; and to construct and maintain roads and other local works; and to construct arid regulate the use Of water supplies; *)f and to' improve and impose penalties for the violation thereof : SP* AND^WIJLKEAb ,;|itjisi deemed important for the welfare of H. ' Wthe,inhabitants of«number 14 reserve of the Kincolith Band to service all lots on reserve number 14 to give road access to ||v these!lots; topolicevthese;lotsand prevent vandalism or fire *.*•! on these lots;' ^ftro^ Aenn smur> »̂e Wrnto.'!h aeallft ĥf hh»a *z.a rHd 4i ts rcrroeaaft ed hbwy rpvollution 1 •; j.P.;of ,i;hese,;lots ;, and to provide fire protection for these lots: .«^VQB|3> NO v W 'TH * E s. RE W F ORE, T h . e Counc I il of the Kincolith Band of vf l j v |lnd^nsienacts af|a|^by-law thereof the following: A by-law to provide for the raising of monies by I ■’ïM f SS c " »A :y--‘'Æ- :‘€ S V: <-vf;.p3>V3 ".■ >ÿ ' ' •:%X ■' ' '* p > s ; ' ;■ " '• 0L the levying of a Community Service Rate, on lots I&'■■■■?. Lv " ' - I-' -': '■ . ' ' ' under Certificates of Possession, to maintain com- ̂s t ;munity facilities and services within Reserve fiKiA 4 M 4 i&É , ; Province^ of t ̂ Columbi a " S LCT1ÛN ' 1 I fe L ̂f^fl#%This;tby-lawlmay'^be^citedtiasS^Lot-Owner s^CommunityServi ces
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(2) yQKzti»|r(^T©N -f r'". Ii his by-law; (a) "Band" means the Xincolith Band of Indians; '* (b);/,CouncllM ̂inean ^ t^etÇouncir of the, Kincolith Band of W M M Ü l l n à i a n i n d i a n ' Act H -KM (c) "Band Manager" means the Senior Administrative Ofiicer | -; ;v r = ; A, - of ?/■ - the K ■■ i : n c ; o ., A l »' i th band Staff as appoint . ed . by t h e ' Council: r s "Lot" means thftt surveyed area of land. Kincolith Reserve Number 14 under legal survey number plan of m-W. Record DC 1161 -1954; ;,(e) "Certificate of Possession" means that' document r̂-M, described in Section 20 (2) of the Indian Act used as y - :\y evi ' dence of an -a I ndians right to possession of land described in said , certlf icates; A(f) "Lot Owner" means the owner of a lot, by means of ^ Certif icate^ofj^Possession. 3:a : . '■ v *' l^(g)"Reserve"’means^KincolithReserve Number 14, A tract m,of land set apart by Her Majesty, pursuant to the n - u!: ,v « 'A ? Indian Act, for the use and benefit of the Kincolith , a iA :• -$ IfB W 'l $Ê . S . Ï-- Band : of./ Indians ts e c t i o n''3 " " ; , - -jyy -.y The costs of,repairing and maintaining community facilities and Y ■■'■''■'*, ■■ " 3- .S. 3£’ 1 : ■■■■'■••■ . . . ' / . of providing community services shall be defrayed in part by a V L o / t : . Owner'SiCommunity Services, Rate (h : e - reinafter called - Y i-the y vf s^Ratef’, to be*levied upon registered holders of Certificate of ÿ:' Possession in Kincolith.Reserve Number 14. v, , « ' * . S ECTION 4 :3;AWy ,<K . . : ;y -A '"'̂y ̂ ' "A A3 ' llliilvThe.i-amQuntio£^th#M ; which is attached to, and forms part of, this by-law. - r: - ̂ -;r ' . S'^The^Dand^manager, not later?than the thirtieth day of November, 1974 and the thirtieth day of November of each year thereafter, ishaliygive notice of the levying of the Rate to each Lot Owner, in form "A", attached to this Byylay. Continued page...••.........3
si* ( ) .'fV'* LLOTION 6 (If-;; ' " ,’i a hand Manager, shall, on or before such date in each year as ; a l 0 t o w n e r V s C o w n i t y *" fc * * W # > £ *<< ^ ^ ed. the "Roll ), which shall ^nl:WiWàri^inforniatïorffreqûired bV this by-law"and "in"such a Roll .he shall set down and enter: V V- j(a) name °£ each lot owner corresponding to the current ^ ^ ^ ® S ^ ^ J ^ p l ^ P ^ t e r e d | l . i s t f o||;hisfband's .Certificate; of Possession*. The total amount of the Rate for which each Lot Owner ; :<i « i is liable* .......... ' m ® m :* ; }m p " m m à ( v c) * v T ? he-Rate- payments made 'by : or on'behalf of each Lot *: ■*■ '-«•* > •■ - i j V ■*;.>: ,. ,;v ■* "■ -r -Ownjc« _ .... i(;| ||ISî ilJ;(d)J:The; ' ; - total - . ar ".-r r ears* ":S : ~ of * Rate ' payments due for each , lot Vi f owner, L SECTION 7111 ■§#. feTh^^^^e shall- be levied .upon only one lot owner with respect to 1 r-eachVlo't under'* Certificate^of^Possession•**"*The Council shall V determine which person will be entered on the Roll as a Lot «# ;yte, o . wner . l . i . n : . ' . -. e . ach, case. } VV, ,j Y4 flR^ - V v . * . < .. ; .. V * h - y section 1 8 - : S ï S t ; s ® S î i V f F cl^'. a) Th e : amount^ .<■ ' o ■' ft th . e t v. R ' ate' V. ' shall be paid by each V lot t; o ; w ■"■ ne : r H r -* ̂ \ A V to. the manager*'-'';::'' : (b) The Council by Resolution may require any, or all, of » pfe-" 'v' ̂ ̂0}Wt§i3y , the Rate , ,n or^ -any ̂'t\ in s ;* tallment thereof, to be payable on afcertain^d^A?Vdays land may, . by way of penalty impose IvSfLV^^^fe^tLsuch: additional-percentage:; charge, not exceeding ;15% of. ' W ^ Ë l R ( Ï |i : (^V®i0®SS:(£:the’; totalirate,;:;as|;is:'considered expeditious for; the . (c) Any percentage charge imposed under Subsection (a) of yiM'i î.Jthiafaection'.fshalllbetadded .tot"';a;n d form .p art . of,„ the .,,,. total ra t *'r e & s i n arr P e * a " r s* j p' :' ■' ■** ' t ;section 9 ;:t ; >; (a) All Rate monies collected shall be deposited by the «* < j " *( "*£*' Manager in the same manner as other revenue received by ÿ f}f?Mi;■,*': ÿkpri-y.-: the Council* i l i (b) The iBand Manager,iorihis alternate, shall make an ̂ <vf ̂$ "-V ' ' ' ' _ accounting of Irate^monies collected and report the Wk same^to Councll ' ; M r yPy%y4A$mp-Coninued page**....... 4
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SECTION 10 (a) The Council may, with respect to any lot owner, in |J§any£c§a|i; Council considers .it equitable to so; l-W&G. (i) Cancel or refund all, or any part of the rate} or ' : W ïâïM0- (ii) ■■* £P Ê 0' ; Ï Ï iT̂ ÉSÊ0 ? t ' i a?i iiliC'-f me'and on ' ;0 s :.y uch t ' erms vV and conditions as, to \ *. *$■?{& < v ' ' :’v; ,>■ R' the Council, seems proper. ; .. .. . :Y'-. . ...... , . ..- . ...... ' ' ' R ,n(b) Action shall not be taken pursuant to this Section * v .• urntil. the. Council has adopted an authorizing Resolution approved by at least two thirds of the SmSm - V.‘ .•. . .,. .Ns m ' embers ̂ of .». Council present at a duly constituted fssyr* * r ^51R .'R Council / meeting Ff"SECTION f.11 '4 ThejCouncil:may j ' V w * i ’'■ t » h^respect,to. a «rj. *'*%** te$fcr | n j y , j ■; l ot *' ownder, who fails to ?" 4 ,.%f pay the Rate in accordance with this By-law including a scheduled . made under Section 8(b) reduce or discontinue the provision ,sof I such Community Services as ; the Council shall determine until .. ? suchtime as the Lot Owner has paid the total amount of the ? f l ' W i $ ^ Ra te, or any installment thereof for which the Lot Owner is < liable. SECTION 12 f Any,lot owner who, fails to pay the Kate in accordance with this sâ |'tei,By^l|^:i^çludingfa?schf^l^:£^ade!pursuant to Section 8(b) shall . >e;lguilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction l|i'.tc>tf ine'-: not exceeding!*10Q * 00 R ÿ ?:! ,?. jyjnm'EnAarcft edH ?: 4t-hH 4i rsÆt^f 4i #fftes#eann 4t*H^#dH a»yv no-fF November, 1974, Chief ^Councillor Councillor . I f,K,i c»:«/3||Councillor Councillor '-iipi tmm l p l «îi^4Çouncil 1 Councillor s^Mv^.^^^^^ï^^^'^Continued^ page, .5 '£*jt:S0 .
(5 ) ' \sR Form "A" NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT ' 1 5s <- ' h't u - V. “““1IS2 LOT.OWNERS COMMUNITY SERVICE RATE k TO: Non-Resident Resident ;:iiï notice that for the Years January 1-/69 to December 30-/74 you are assessed the sum of dollars r for ̂ repairs and maintenance of community facilities, and for lM'- thq provisions of «.Community services, and you are required to pay the same to the undersigned on or before the *4rd: day of JiniliT^Y/* 1**T,>«A; *Payitapt-Bohai i ; on a once annual basis hereafter :J»to 1. . . . ..... = ' . . . . . on or before January 1st* for ensuing assessment years* DATED.THIS, DAY OF 19 /vf > - ^ * y*j. r ?* 1 Manager of Band Council spsfsfr. mi $iC l - / ilyply : y^yywiiiasyy^ '-y-|lpï Sp̂ ' *- r
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- h ' - v î j - <.%'#£’ y ?«' '*'• „.ÿ ||f%: * #'t%: ft*. 11 4 v.;ï* * SCHEDULE "A" ^ 4 ,y\ 'A ' ' û )ter -* Q a f * ythe K - inc o li •', t , - B and of , Indian . s -..• ' By-law Number . 7. œtSmfi',r ,• HOME OWNERS COMMUNITY' SERVICE RATE: , ^ Ç vy4vv-: RESIDENT ANNUAL. ..... .......... ................ . .$10.00 i';.'NON?RESIDENT/ANN - y U y A L y . ; . ;. -. ' . -. y . y . . . . ■; . . ; ... . .............. $ 15 . .00 j||^yy' '■■'■;*.tj/y/s yy.'y. y y . y y-- > r " .:■•'• > •. ^ M y ? That . from January 1/69 . to December 30th 1974 retroactive annual at $10.00/$15.00 per year total of X50.00/S75.00 pej||e^ch|Cer t if icajte|of J Possession *j®¥Er r omPJan . u ... arV .. ;‘®l/ t 7 _ 5 J ' i i t f , o . , rwar . d lfth .. e . . :? ..̂ a ,,r s . s .... e .,. s sment £ >&*'■ s hall be" ^ ^'4 ;y - v ^ C y v- 4 i*y . !" " ^.y-y^v yyy- y y ;...; ■'y y . $10.00 Resident Annual in advance î:5:y£ter ^•y^.y,of^January|lsts. each successive"year until such time as the,By-law may be amended, y *%JL nr ï f * J , i J yfeiy : - yj, ,. ■: : ; y : V;/j - * ;‘-Vy 4y%' w* . .V J. .yàifiy WA*r'i
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 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.