Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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DO herebyl&ouvfc -nact the following by-law» A By-law of the Na?.ko Indian Band for the Purpose of Establishing a Recreation Commission enacts T he a s Co f u ol n l c o i w l s » of hazko Indian Bandit in open meeting assembled, 1. Then® is hereby established a Comission known as the "hazko- KTuskus Recreation Co-mission" (hereinafter referred to as the ‘'Recreation Comission" ) » 2. a. The Recreation Co mission shall be com osed of six (6) members who shall be appointed bp Council as follows» - One member each from the Council, the Corn-unity Development Iroaram, and the Education Committee - Three members to be appointed from the district at large. shall b . hol F d o r of t f he i ce i ni f t o i r a l a t t e e r r m m , of 3 m t e wo m hold office for a term of one year. c. The members apoointed under the provisions of section 2 (1) (a) of this bylaw shall terminate automatically their term when their affili­ ation with the respective public bodies ends. 3* The Recreation Commission shall elect fro« its membership a Chairman and such other officers needed to conduct business, and may adopt rules and regulations governin'? its procedure, provided that such rules and regulations do not contravene any Band b--laws. h. The duties and rowers of the Recreation Commission shall be as follows a. The Recreation Commission «ay account, subject to the.apnroval of the Council, recreation personnel for whom funds hove beer, allotted or accaired, and when such rear-.melon p^rsonnsi id9" i r e to be paid from funds resulting from---c-o?iA-r4b-ution-&----f-F̂ m----t-be grant-in-aid of the Community acre,at ion Branch consul vaHf? o n shall be held with the (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Counci ilor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES ACCT A . Capital 3 . Revenue $ S 6. Recoimmende'd Date Authorized Officer iA 133 ( 5*-68) 7530 ~2»~ 023 ~ 4 582BAM) COUNCIL BY-LAW NO.'5 be y r e s ar s o f r t i h d e th R r e e c e r e m a e t m i b o e n r s C o s m h i a s l s l i on. (CoU!ymuor), t A * / (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) 3. Expenditure 4 . Authority 5. Source of Fund# Indian Act Sec. L 1 C & p i t a t ( j Revenue $ 7. Approved A. « * Date Assistant Deputy Minister, Indian Affairs
Chronological No. D E P A R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T INDIAN A FFA IRS BRANCH 9 8 9 / 7 3 - 7 4 - 1 6 H .Q . Reference CANADA BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 9 8 9 / 3 - 1 0 ( 2 ) NOTE: The words From our Band F u n d s" must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. 1 1 FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COUNCIL OF THE K & S k O 1 X1(11 a l l * BAND AGENCY . i l l i u m s l a k e . province B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a PLACE i . a z k o V i l l a g e DATE 2 5 ................... ........... - ; ip .h .-m ;3,PY . a d 10 74* ____ " DAY MONTH w YEAR po H5f f'lĥ SOL\VE: (continued) p B e r r a nc h m ie v/ l i » th respect to the qualifications and training of such go b. d'he Recreation Go.",mission shall have supervisory responsibility over activities provided and conducted on or in connection with parks, playgrounds, athletic fields,.swiping facilities, whether indoors or outdoors, and shall have power to conduct any fora of rec eational or cultural activity unless other - agencies are already established to supervise and conduct any such activities. c* The Recreation Commission shall conduct, or have cause to conduct, surveys of recreational facilities, programs, and leadership . according; to the wishes of the Council. d* ill items of revenue and expenditure relating to the activities of the Recreation commission shall be accounted in the bo ks of the band in.. ac e. ..-.11 monies receivable by the recreation Commission shall be paid into the hands of the Land'fre&surer for deposit into the Bands general revenue fund bank account. f. uepa'rate accounts shall be maintained in the books of the Band to r. cord the revenues by source and the expenditures of the Recreation co-unission. g. ike Recreation no: .mission ay, in. co-operation plan and recommend'recreational facilities and afeas for the future. 5. the ^ecrcatiozi oomraissio.. shall make reports to the Council at such times as they are required. 6. the recreation Commission shall complete such reports as ere required by the Coauaunity Récréait!on Branch. 7. this by-law nay bo cited as ’’hazko-hluskus Recreation Commission”, / a-)?h. (Chief) (continued; (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3, Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Funds ACCT A . Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. | | Capital [ ] Revenue $ $ $ 6 . Recommended 7. Approved 4k * Date Assistant Deputy Minister, Date Authorized Officer Indian Affairs IA 1 3 5 ( 3 - 6 8 ) 7 -3 3 0 -2 1 -0 2 3 ~ 46 52
/ . / * Chronological No. D E P A R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F F A I R S A' ND NO R T R eTr N 'ï O J E V E N T INDIAN A FF A IR S BRANCH \ 989-73-74-16 J H .Q . Reference CANADA BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION ' r 989/3-10 (3) NOTE: The words "F rom our Band F u n d s" must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY ̂ ^ w. i nc. -Li a g-ko--jt:nd-arQn o niN u --------- - -------------------;— AGENCY > * . j n L X 1 1 X * X v C < i I w * j a I y L r J > l t w r-s 1 i * l C p r o v i n c e i 1 D X n X A j X o D >V 11 i U C n l X i ^ v i l ? D 'e i 'KT rn kJ X cx " PLACE D a z koPi-l-lrrÂe----------------------------- ---------------DATE -25- RfTvruary An t9 ~ DAY M u o O M N ' T r H u v Y E A S DO HEREQ Phat the ".Nazko-Kluskus Hecreation Dommission" be formed and that the following members be appointed to the aforementioned Commission: Andrew xatrick Douglas Clement Dennis Patrick Doreen Boyd Laura xatrick Brendan Kennedy / - / . . > ; (Chief) , . £ Ç (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) ( C o un c i 11 o r) (Councillor) (Councillor) r FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY ] . TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3. Expenditure 4, Authority 5. Source of Fund* A CCT A . Capital B . Revenue Indian Act Sec. ( j Capital ( } Revenue j $ $ $ 6. Recommande d 7. Approved A * * * Date A ssistant Deputy Minister, j Date Authorized Officer Indian Affaira IA JDS ( 3 - 6 8 ) 7 3 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 2
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