Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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$2 -INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH * CANn^A BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTE: The words From our Band Funds** must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds» FOR H EADQUARTERS USE ONLY COUNCIL O F T H E CHIPPEWAS OF SARNIA BAND AGENCY LONDON DISTRICT PROVINCE ONTARIO PLACE COUNCIL HALL DATE 1 4 ............. JU! Y AD 10 70 DAY MONTH YEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: That the Council o f the Chippewas o f Sarn ia at meeting held on July 14, 1970 make the fo llow in g By-law pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (r ) o f Section 80 and Paragraph (b) o f Section 82 of the Indian Act. A By-law to provide fo r the d ispo sa l o f garbage and waste on the Sa rn ia Ind ian Reserve in the Province o f O ntario. 1. In th is By-law: (a) "Council means the Council o f The Chippewas o f S a rn ia . (b) "Reserve" means the Sarnia Reserve #45. 2. No person sh a ll accumulate or permit to be accumulated upon lands in h is p o sse ss io n on the Reserve, anything which is or may become o ffe n s ive o r in ju r io u s to h e a lth . 3. No person sh a ll deposit any dead anim al, o f f a l , manure, garbage,, f r u it , , ve ge ta b le s, n igh t s o i l , f i l t h , liq u id waste, or anything of a nature which is o r may become o ffe n sive or p re ju d ic ia l to health in or upon any highway,, s t r e e t , road, a l le y , lane, lo t , d itch , w harf, dock, pond, r iv e r , stream o r w e l l on the Reserve o r upon any land or premises w ith in the Reserve not designated and marked f o r the d isp o sa l of any such m aterial into or at a place w ith in the Reserve not designated and marked fo r the d ispo sa l of garbage and waste w ith s ign s p laced by the C o u n c il. 4. The Council may by re so lu tion arrange fo r the regu lar removal o f garbage and waste from any or a l l premises w ith in the Reserve, every owner o r re s id e n t o f such premises s h a l1 : (a) deposit a l l garbage and waste on h is premises in a f ly -p r o o f receptacle provided w ith a water t ig h t cover, and (b) place the receptacle on the edge o f the roadway nearest h is prem ises a t a time and day designated by the Council fo r the removal o f garbage and w aste. J 5. Any person who v io la te s any o f the p rov is ion s o f th is By-law s h a l l be g u i l t y o f an
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.