Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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0 a 3 j / / 0 4/97 TUE 16:37 FA 0 X x 3 5 0 1 0 9 0 0 7 0 5 0 1 4 ; 2666 DIAND o n i.r rL .v Y M d u r ' 005 o h t u u m Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada al du Nord Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE ___,v .'Fa k " K e c ^ _______ NOTf - TB* * « | « "from ou* ( M i r ^ r "capittr m *nkn*i«i b tb* c m «, n u ll bpo**t R i l latUbHan* iaqUM b| N p M M u ia Utm I m I f «M i< NOTA' L«» «via* d* «Mr« band*” *e*>IéI ' ou - i* .**u- i ib * b «BS «Bv»M * * * * * « bm« lovtdB b* lisaiulbn* R vibl sur «*• dipartMaa à wdbi i la* land* d bandM. Cash fraa balança - Solda dliponible The council of lha Capital account La comail da CHIPPEWAS OF SARNIA BAND Compta capital $ à 0̂1 M T-A PrOvinci Data of duly Conaanbd mealing | Revenue account Data da l'aasemblée dumani convoqué* f . 1 , | , Compta revenu £ _____________________________ I ____ 1 917.1.0 13 IQ 13 00 HEREBY RESOLVE: OÊÇIOE, par LES PRESENTES* MOVED BY; DARREN HENRY SECONDED BY: JAMES MANESS THAT THIS COUNCIL ADOPT THE CHIPPEWAS OF SARNIA BAND COUNCIL # 45 - BY-LAW NO. 45-91-01-1(A ) , " A BY-LAW RESPECTING DOGS AND CATS". MOTION CARRIED. <2* .s> <■ CP s—; ~5> c 1 cn ■£ FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE 6 u p 44u i« - D l p M t M A i i IN r I lr ( b l i M A«1 Sweden S o n t * a fw#id* É*d id«M<* » D I p M a n BumN)f tlaadbn * « l S*Bt«*t Sdaavc* d bind* Am Iq tM (Artfeln d * It Lot *ur b u r n d** b i o M tfM K I fH dB d* I t i d a w SBwvcwdBB tend* Ma M M » ) O - Dsssr l b b « b » l Das A « < n m n 4 n t i | N « b « a*c**w«a n é f t r » Ree*mm*eid*ie d u e * «- R b a i m andé p * H y m i i i * O d l > 0* * 1 4 '* 0 * * *Pp ' o* « I P * * d - «po*ouiré H r b « « B d i f t b e i « * »»»* * > * p m Sipiiâ ivr* Data S q i i B w t 0*1* am m i 7so»n«MMt Canadi ag
03/04/97 _TUE_16j37 FAI_519_751_2666 DIAND c h i p p e w a s o r s a r n i a BAUD COUNCIL CHIPPEWAS OF SARNIA BAND #45 BY-LAW NO, 45 - 93 - 01 -1(A) Pogg and Cfrtg.Being a By-Law to Regulate the Licensing of dogs and cats, and to prohibit the running at large of dogs and cate to regulate the keeping of dogs and cats. WHEREAS Section 81, Subsection (c) and Section 73.1, Subsection (d), of the Indian Act (1985 c.27) as amended, empower Band Councils to make By-Laws for the observance of law and order. 1. For the purpose of this By-Law: (a) . "Dog" unless the context indicates otherwise means a male or female dog. "Cat" unless the context indicates otherwise means a male or female cat. (b) . "Pure-bred Dog" means a dog is or is eligible to be registered in the Register of the Canadian Kennel Club or is of Class designated as pure bred. (b) "Pure-bred Cat" means a cat is or is eligible to be or is of Class designated as pure bred. (c) . "Residential Area" means any area within the Chippewas of Sarnia Indian Reserve #45 as designated by Band Council. PART 2 - R eg is tra tio n o f Doom and Cuts and P ro h ib itio n o f Running f-fvger 1. Every owner of a dog or cat which is over the age of four ( 4 ) months shall: (a) . Annually on or before the 31st day of Harch in each year or (b) . Forthwith upon a dog or cat having passed the age of four (4) months, cause such dog or cat to be registered, numbered, described and tagged at a place designated by the Band Council. 2. Every owner of a dog or cat which is over the age of four, (4), months shall pay to the Chippewas of Sarnia the Registration required under S e c t io n 2 of this By-Law, a one ( 1 ) Time Fee as follows: (a) . For a Neutered Dog or Cat (male or female) if only one kept ............. ...................... . .$5.00 (b) . . F . o . r . . e . a . c . h . . a . d . d . i . t . i .. o . n . a . l . . N . e (c) . . F . o . r . . a . . m . a .. l . e . . o . r . . f . e . m . a . l . e . . d (d) . For each additional dog or cat (male or female) ........................................ $25.00 Jg)006 . u . t . e . r . e . d . . D . o . g . . o . r . . C . a . t . $ ( 5 m . a 0 l 0 e or female) . o . g . . o . r . . c . a . t . , . .. i . f . . o . nl $ y 2 5 o . n 0 e 0 kept 12
03/04/97 TUEw16j37 F A X 519 751^2666 DIAND 007 "A B Y -L A * BMSBm enm DOGS or c a t s " B Y -L A * MO. 45 - 91 - 01-1 (A ) FAGS 7*0 PART 2 - Registration of Doga or Cats and Prohibition of Running at Large (Con1t) Provided that the Registration Fee under Clause (a) or (b) of this Section 2 shall apply only when there is produced at the tine of application a Certificate of a Veterinary Surgeon that the dog or cat for which a Registration under this By-Law is sought, has been Neutered. 2...(A) On payment of the Fee for a Dog or Cat, the owner shall be furnished by the CHIPPBWAS OF SARNIA RAMP with a Dog/Cat Tag and shall keep the Tag securely fixed on the Dog or Cat at all times until the Tag is renewed or replaced. 3. Mo Dog or Cat nay be Registered under this By-Law unless the owner produces at the time of application for a Registration a Certificate of Veterinary Surgeon that the dog or cat for which a Tag under this By-Law is sought has been immunized against rabies within the period of three, (3), years prior to the date the application is made, where a three, (3), year Certificate is produced, or within the period of one, (1), year, where a one, (1), year Certificate is produced. 4. Mo owner of a Dog or Cat shall permit or suffer his or her dog or cat to run at large within the CH1PPEWAS OF SARNIA RESERVE #45 at any time. 5. For the purposes of this By-Law, a Dog or Cat shall be deemed to be running at large when found in any place other than the premises of the owner of the Dog or Cat and not under the control of any person. 6. Any Dog or Cat running at large may be disposed of, or impounded and thereafter killed or sold or otherwise disposed of by any peace officer or other authorized representative of the CHIPPBWAS OF SARHIA, provided that where a dog or cat cannot be captured it may be killed forthwith by any peace officer or other authorized person if such peace officer or other authorized person deems it necessary in the interests of public safety to kill such a dog or cat.
0 0 3 3 / / 0 0 4 4 / / 9 1 7 3 97 T UE 0 2 1 : 6 1 : 3 3 8 FA t X > 1 5 3 1 d 9 3 b 7 H3 5 H 1 2 2666 DIAND umrrtHHB ur ŵ-wsrixH c P 008 ......... /3 "A BY-LAW RESPECTING BOGS AND CATSM BY-LAW WO. 45. 91 - 01 - lA j -PAGE THREE PANT 3 - KEEPING OP DOGS AND CATS 1. Subject to Section 2, o f this By-Law, no person nay keep in or upon any lands or premises within the CHIPPBWAS OF SARNIA M S . more than two, (2), dogs or cats, provided that any young born in or upon such lands or premises may be kept there for a period not exceeding Twelve, (12), weeks after birth. 2. No person may keep a dog or cat on the same lands or premises in or upon which any other person keeps a dog or cat. 3. No owner of a dog or cat shall permit the dog or cat to foul with faeces any public highway or any other premises other than the premises of the owner of the dog or cat, unless the owner of the dog or cat forthwith removes the faeces. 3...(A) No owner of a dog or cat shall permit the dog or cat to be on any public roadway or other municipally owned property within the boundaries of the Reserve unless the dog or cat is under the control of the owner of some other person by being on a leash. 4. The CHIFPEMAS OF SARNIA or its authorized agent acting on its behalf, in his duties shall include keeping a record of all animals impounded; the manner and date of their disposal. 5. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of PART 2 and PART 3 of this By-Law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a penalty not exceeding $100.00 for each offence, and every such penalty is recoverable under the Indian Act Section 72, Subsection (2). 6. This By-Law shall come into force and be effective upon it b c e t i t n m g a wf p t a s s s ft e f d by the C ounci . l and/or the members of the mm hs 7. This By-Law maybe amended from time-to-time. 8. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the CHIPPEWAS OP SARNIA BAND OF INDIANS this 3RD day O f MARCH 1997. DATE OF AMENDMENTS MARCH 3, 1997
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.