Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

IHÂ'-KETLTïï INDIAN AGBNC7 ' NIMFKISH BAND PYI/rS The Council o f the Nimpkish Band o f I ndians a t a meeting held August 15, 1953 makes the foilov/ing "bylaw pursuant to paragraph (a ) and ( r ) o f section SO o f the Indian A ct; Bylaw No. 3 A bylaw to provide fo r the d isposal o f garbage and waste on the Nimpkish Indian Reserve, in the Province o f E r it isb Columbia. (a ) . No person sh a ll accumulate or permit to be accumulated upon lands in his possession or deposit or accumulate on the lands in possession o f another person anything which is or may become o ffen s ive or in ju riou s to health , (b ) No person sh a ll deposit any dead animal, o f fa l , f is h , manure, garbage, f r u i t , vegetab les , n ig h t-s o il, f i l t h , liqu id waste, or anything o f a nature which is or may become o ffen s ive or p re ju d ic ia l to health upon or. in to any highway, s tr e e t , road, a l le y , lane, l o t , d itch , wharf, dock, lake, pond, r iv e r , stream, w e ll, or sewer, or in to any land or premises w ith in the reserve and any such deposit sha ll be deemed a nuisance, provided, however that the provisions o f th is paragraph sh a ll not apply to the deposit and proper disposal o f any such m ateria l in to or a t a place w ith in the reserve approved by the council fo r that pur­ pose. (c ) The council may arrange fo r the regu lar removal o f garbage and waste from £nv premises w ithin the reserve . (d ) In the spring o f each year as scon as weather permits the person in possession o f any premises within the reserve sha ll c o l le c t a l l waste matter ly in g thereon including t in cans, b o tt le s , paper and animal manure. (e ) A. 11 such aste natter s t a l l be disposed o f in such a imer as w i l l prevent any nuisance or offence as e fo ld in g o f .veils and. water supply. . ( f ) ilny person who v io la te s any o f the provisions o f th is bylaw sh a ll be gu ilty o f an offence and sh a ll be l ia b le on sumiaiy conviction to a fin e not exceeding ten d o lla rs or imprisonment fo r a term not ex­ ceeding seven days, or both fin e and imprisonment.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.