Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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- . '■'-mi.-> -* v. ' - I I ,. ' ? * ) ' V-./II;,..-.:-. .1- •. -••V/.-V- - - -4- ; *• ! ~ - I. l Chronological No.. - .. . . :,■? •* :. - ï: ->>- > BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H.Q, Reference _ / r> c. K }■'/ 3 - / y .3 / :UL-rr- 3:. NOTE: The words "F rom our Band Funds** must appear In all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds» FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COUNCIL OF THE Bella Bella BAND AGENCY Bella Coola PROVINCE B ritish Columbia : PLACE Bella Bella DATE 14 DA .. Y . .... Ja M n O u N a TH r " y AD IQ 73 YEAR do hereby resolve: and approye that the follow ing Band by-law be enforced on the B ella Bella Indian V illage IR No. 1. The Council o f the B ella Bella Band o f Indiana at a meeting on January 16, 1973, makes the follow ing by-law pursuant to paragraphs (a ) , (q ) and (r ) o f Section 81 o f the Indian Act. By-law No. 12. A by-law to provide fo r the disposal o f garbage and waste on the Bella B ella Indian Reserve, in the Province o f B ritish Columbia. (a ) No person sh a ll accumulate or permit to be accumulated upon lands in his possession or deposit or accumulate on the lands in possession o f another person anything which is or may become offensive or in jurious to health. (b ) No person sh a ll deposit any dead animal, o f fa l , f is h , manure, garbage, fr u it , vegetables, n ig h t -s o il , f i l t h , liqu id waste, or anything o f a nature which Is or may become offen sive or p re ju d icia l to health upon or into any highway, s treet, road, a lley , lane, lo t , d itch , wharf, dock, lake, pond, r iv er , stream, w ell, or sewer, or into any land or premises within the reserve and any such deposit shall be deemed a nuisance, provided, however, that the provisions o f th is paragraph sha ll not apply to the deposit and proper disposal o f any such material in to or at a place within the reserve approved by the Council fo r that purpose. f c ) The Council may arrange fo r the regular removal o f garbage and waste from any premises within the reserve. (d ) In the spring o f each,year as soon as the melting o f snow permits the person in possession o f any premises within the reserve shall, c o lle c t a l l waste matter ly in g thereon including t in , cans, b o tt le s , paper and animal manure. (C h ief) (C ouncillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillor) (C ouncillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ouncillor) (C ou n cillor) (C ou n cillor) (C ouncillor) (C ou n cillor) r FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY f X, TRUST 2 . CURRENT BALANCES 3. Expenditure 4 . Authority 5» Source o f Fund» | ACCT A* Capital B. Revenue Indian A ct Sec* f ] C a pi tel. ( j R evenue $ $ $ 6. Recomm ended 7* Approved A. ....... .................................. Date A ssistan t Deputy M inister, Authorised OU lcer 5A 1 3 5 / / 3 - 3 3 ) ? 3 3 0 - 2 t 0 2 3 - 4 6 e 2 /
" 7 - 7 7b. . 5t W'.;4 **v , V / 7 \ , ' BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTE: The words 4 "From our Band Funds** must appear in aU resolutions requesting expenditures f C COUNCIL OF THE B ella Bella AGENCY Bella Coola PROVINCE B ritish Columbia PLA C E Bella Bella DATE 16 January *n,o d a y m o n t h DO HEREBY R E SO LV E : (e ) A ll such waste matter sha ll be disposed o f in such a manner as w il l prevent any nuisance or offence as the fou ling o f lo c a l water supply and sh a ll be made in accordance with C ou n cils d irection s. ( f ) There is to be no dumping o f garbage on beaches. (g ) There is to be no l it te r in g on road3 or stree ts . (h) Each household must provide suitable containers fo r th e ir garbage and place i t in a convenient place at designated times fo r removal o f contents by the Rand garbage co lle c to r . ( i ) Band members may, with permission from the lo c a l Band f ir e marshall*s o f f i c e , be permitted to dispose o f paper and other such materials in approved private in­ cinerators. Permission must be in a written form and must sp ec ify the duration o f the permit. ( j ) Household e ffe c ts to be discarded shall be deposited in designated areas in the garbage dump and disposal sha ll be the resp on sib ility o f the home owner. (k) Any person who v io la tes any o f the provisions o f the by-law sh a ll be gu ilty o f an offence and shall be l ia b le on summary conviction to a fin e not exceeding ten dollars or imprisonment fo r a term not exceeding seven days, or both fin e and imprisonment fo r the f i r s t o ffence . C ecil Reid (C h ief) Clarence Martin David Campbell (C ou ncillor) (C ou ncillor) Edwin Newman Clara Hall (C ou ncillor) (C ouncillor) Edward Martin Alan Reid (C ou ncillor) (C ouncillor) ....D.onald....C.,,...Ka.ll.......... Leonard Humehitt (C ou ncillor) (C ouncillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1, TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES ACCT A . Capital B. Revenue 5 $ f,>, Recommended D a te Authorised Officer (A * 3 9 ( 3 6 ) ? 3 3 0 ~ 2 i~ 0 2 3 - 4 6 » 2v; . /. ■' . . / 7; 7 7 7 •* >■ ' ; ■:'7 . ; ... ~ ;! l k" '‘‘ J V ' '-77 * * <\'+’ u <1, '*>. •+* :7 7 C hronological. N o, ,a>-\ . ' L a - v H.Q. Rfl̂ 8ft>nc* '’t-V FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONuy'" BAND 73 YEAR ttpni . ,• „, ,'77% :il#§: Mark J. Wh ite__ (C ou n cillor) (C ou n cillor) (C ou ncillor) (C ou n cillor) 3. Expenditure 4* Authority 5. Source o f F Indian A ct Sec# .4# : ; C D C apital L 1 7# Approved Date A ssistan t Deputy Minister*
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