Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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^ O K ( n 3 - S M H ____________________ ________________________ ________ / . o > sb y Chrooijlogic «1 No. /Vimioro i £ l?o i!.Q. 'irlf' - /V° de ro/. J ir h. BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE N(V] j ; : The v.-oriis Fumi our Hand ld'iuls must appear in all resolutions requesting e:<pom!ilures from Hand Funds, NUl'A: L es mots " d e s tonds de notre bonde*’ doivent jiüraitre dans tontes U s résolutions portant sur des dépenses hande s à memo les fonds des T U K COU NV IL Of' Till-; Bella Bella Capital balance LU C (XX SU IL D E LA HAND!'. IN D IE N N E AGENCY Soldo de en pi tnl $. A OUNCE Del la Coola Committed Engagé $ P R O V IN C E British Columbia Revenue balance Solde de revenu $-PL A.CK NOM n u L 'E N D R O lT ,~ - 3ella_ Committed Engagé 1 DATE (March AD 1>J .73____ DAY - J O U R SjâuNTH - MOI S Y U A K - A N N t ' . K DO HEREBY RESOLVE: The Bella Bella Band of Indians By-Law No. XÎT) d e c i d e , p a r L h s P K h s i . N i ilS: gci np a by-law to provide for the raising of monies to provide for Community services within the Bella Bella Reserve No. 1 in the province o f British Columbia. (tO ERE AS Paragraphs,, (b ), (e), ( f ) and (g) of Subsection 1 o f Section 33 o f the Indian Act empowers the Council of a band to make by-laws to raise money from band members fee ^ n d ~rh -support-b I a 2l< n -d d *1 ». p M r y o jeeis and to T m -c p os v e 'V e a / penalty for the violation thereof; £~t AND WHEREAS the Governor-in-Council by order dated April 30, 1953 declared the Bella Bella Band of Indians to have reached an advanced stage of development pursuant to .Subsection ( l ) of Section 33 of the Indian Act; AND WHEREAS paragraphs (a), ( f ) , ( l ) , (q) and (r) of Section 31 of the Indian Act empowers the Council of a band to make by-laws to provide for the health of residents on the reserve and to prevent the spreading of contagious and infectious diseases; and to construct and maintain roads and other local works; and to construct and regu­ late the use o f water supplies; and to impose penalties for the violation thereof; AMD WHEREAS it is deemed to be expedient for the welfare of the inhabitants of the reserve of the Bella ,3ella Band of Indians to provide them with community services; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Bella Bella Band of Indian enacts as a by-law thereof the following: By-law to provide for the raising of monies by the levying of a Community Services ùate onCHem*) Owners, to repair and maintain community fa c ilit ie s and to provide for Community services within the Bella Bella Indian Reserve ft 1 in the Province o f B.C. ( Ch i e f - Chef ) ( Co unci l l or c ancel Her) ( Co unc i l l or cons e 1 1 ! u r) ( Co unc i l l or conseiller) ( Counci 11 or —* cos'! soi Her) ( Co unc i l l or cons c il 1er) ( Co unc i l l o r —* conseiller) ( Counci l l or - cutis ciller) ( Co unc i l l or - cense i! let) ( Co unc i l l o r t o n s cilia r) ( Co unci l l or conseillai) (Counci l ! ' a rise i Her) ( Co unc i l l o r cotisai Her) f FOR HFADQUARTFRS USF ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU BUREAU PRI NCI PAL i.'J O m i A ( ' . c / l <;: * 7 /- 2. r e KKi . n i i •: a t. a î< < : i : '> *• s o n h i - .s <. o c e a n 7 :■ 3. M >. p '-nc f i t u rn 4. Authority - Autorité ! 5. i jvuru1 of m: A C p 1 1 / nsets I n d i a n A r t S ee S o u r c e d e s ( o n d * . w J . K c v e n u e - R a v e ih re n A r t , uV I n L o t v u r lo i>] I i i [ C ... a i n î . u t . [ , - j t v ersu? $ Indien* 1 1 P rvenu ! ; 6 , i->. u F u ^ n d e d - 7\Vt or/'rinn tie ! A n * . ) «;l un? I A- p u t , M •. t\ i h t e r .S ou .s -m m t . tr n « d / o - n i / i M h-. liHr J (>l\i t i - u n o i e ; o ; ; t : i o . •, . - -1
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.