Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

Chronologic?»! No. BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H.Q. R afefonçv 97c3 / Vo - 2 -Ql NOTE: The words Hr?om our Band Fund»** must *pp«»r In all resolution* requesting fcxpendiiur»* from Band Funds. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COïJNCÎL OF THE BAND A G E VC Y 1 1 '7 () O 0 1 p. p r o v i n c e ~ ~ rp V i h p P L A C G P p 1 1 o o l 1 f] T S DATE April . AD DAY MONTH YEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: nyr f phvnhov 10, for the establishment of a Voln.nteer ft re or' a art mon t on -Fella ^ella Indian Reserve Mo* X one? for the r re­ vis ion of '-ire safety refutations s (a) khe T-e]J.e BeXXa. Fire Department is to consist of at least -one suitable' trained: fire marshall and sufficient personnel to provide a of ^our trained members to be available at any' time for f i r e pro 1: e c i :i o n d. 1»1 y j . (b) Reyular fire drills shall, bo undertaken * the times of feuch drills T t t o o i be y of d i e t rj e r r n n i r e p > d p rs b h y a ll l o cal suthorities in consultation with the ?n-yx (o') All fire equipment shall be stored in a central location except for ecu indent stat i oned in des 5 natod. areas throughout the commun itv* (d )lron suitable training, tbe fire marshall shall initiât0 inspec­ tion * all privet0. hones and public h r IdJrys and all o ther build-- inys v/j thin the juriddiction of the local yovemnent with the pur­ pose of eliminating fire hazards ; (e) It shall be the duty of the fire marshall to inspect the vicinity of all. buildinys, hydrants and eristiny wood plank roads to ensure * that a7.1 brush she. 11 be removed from thsese areas ; (f ) Bhe fire mars hall shall ensure that all he rd rant control nits and valve boxes are fre e * o f foroiyn material.? (y) hydrants are to be opened, chocked and flushed at least t w i c e a "• t p p 'r d i i v i u c- n n p t r e o z i n v v/ e a t h e u j (h) D r rip p p. f jr° condition in the connunitp, resident? shall re- frain f ror \isin-r v/ate1 "for domestic m'rnose" ; (i ) it is strongly recorrnended that all houses en nipped with pro- none c-rs or oil b u m i n esul-nr-isp t be ecu?nned with at 3. east one five o i n id mu 111 r ̂ e p, o hv t ô n f n j. s h e r : f 4 ) T t is 3.1 so s tron nlT r reconn creed that all h o u s e h o 7. d ~ b° emir °ed a '~arbon hose suf ficient in length to reach a m mart of the hon~e hed j h ose to n Vo nt; connected ° r7 •? an e n 11 v to the outlet t
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* Chronologic*! No* H»Q Refaranc* BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTV.: T h e word* From our B o n d Fund»** must appear in a i l r eso lu t ion # requ es t in g expen d iture# from Band Funds* -------- - ~ - -- -- ------ - -- ---------- - ---- r~ FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COUNCIL O 1 1 F - T -H -E --pei i p yt--C X X T T--- '-- - - -----B A N D Coola AGENCY p r o v i n c e r*? t? f-i rioTun i h5 PLACE ■'r>n p ' I n ' ! 1 n IC DATE .....___________________ AD t' . 71 DAY MONTH YEAR DO HEREBY ( R 3c E ) S OLV A E l : l (continued ) applications for lots for new housi on condition that applicants ayree to demolish old buildings va­ cated within three months after completion of new homes; conoletion to mean the date recipients of new lots move into new homes;- 0) All now home construction must comply with Provincial Fire .Safety regulations; and, recipients of new housing materia le mng-t ayree to compliance with all fire safety regulations in order to " receive s ' a i i r d e c m r a a t c e h r e i rs al from Council or One of its ayencies*; f \ t . shall be sold to persons of an .aye to be determines by Council; the m e of firecrackers shall be~in a. sate m a i r n e e a d on 1 _ . t -l h a e l lo l w o e c e a n l n. g_ i o y v h e t _ r_n o _m r _ e_n_ o t n b o o th d e ,r r ; special occasions to be deter-h T t ^ ____ _ ______ _____ «_ _ -i t ( h n e ) ma A i n P u f bl u i n c c ti S o a n f et of y t C h o i mmission shall be formed by Council; and, tors havimu to do commi- so s»ion shall be to oversee all mat-~cd t v:z-;:o n.: to :o v>-oolicie; to Council for tho implementation of all such recommended ..iLr.^S.-XxL (Chief) ....!icLw.v,L * (C o u n c i l l o r ) u <f V / % y * X<yT* (C o u n c i l l o r ) (Councillor) ^ v t ^ Aw..t. - ttit . ̂bd y . " (. l.Orr̂rv (Councillor) ( C o u n c i l l o r ) . --- (Councillor) . v . , /?/ . r,. .X C V . / , £ - (C o u n c i l l o r ) ' i - (C o u n c i l l o r ) (Counci Hof). ..£.C<Lt...r..~.... LuntilCt - À ;(C ( C o u n c i l l o r ) ( C o u n c i l l o r ) (Councillor) FPH HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY i I. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3. Expenditure 4* Authority j 5. Source of Fund# j j ACCT A . Capital B , Revenue ïndian Act Sac., j ( ___ ! I j___| Capital [ . | Be ve-mie s $ $ ( ! 6 , R rcoAmfndcd 7* Approval a 5 A. a Dal» Â*ai*tant Deputy Minlater, i D«»e * Authorized Officer tA i1 : 5 -COI 7S30 -?!• "• f 1 - 405?
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 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.