Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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■■ ^ - )rv^3 n and Northern Affairps md*6nncs 1 % A llans C anada el du Nord Canada / bx*an and Inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et inuit BAND C O U N C IL R ESO LUTION R ÉSO LU TIO N DE CONSEIL DE BANDE N O TE: The words From our Band Fun ds'* C a p it a l" or R e v e n u e , w m c n ever is the c a s e , must appear in a ll reso lu tio n s requesting expenditures from Band Funds N OTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bonde •'Capita!” ou revenu selon le cas doivent paraitre dans routes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses à même les fonds des bandes T H E C O U N C IL O F T H E le conseil de la bande indienne Hartley Bay Band A G E N C Y DISTRICT Northwest District P R O V IN C E British Columbia P L A C E nom de Lendroit Hartley fev D A T E Fifth __March___________ a d 1 9 E l g h t v - s i Y __________ D A Y - JOUR MONTH - MOIS ^ E À R - A N N EE DO HEREBY r e so l v e ; W H h a e r r t e l a e s y a Ba m y a B j a o n r d i t o y n o N f f a t r h c e h e 5, l ec 1 decide, par les PRESENTES: February 3, 1986 for the purpose of considering the contents of this By-Law, consented to the contents of this By-Law. And whereas the Hartley Bay Band Council considers necessary special treasures for the protection of the inhabitants of the reserve(s) of the Hartley Bay Band from the presence of intoxicants: Now therefore, it is hereby enacted pursuant to Section 85.1 of the Indian Act: Itefinitions 1. In this By-Law "intoxicants" includes alcohol, alcoholic, spiritous, vinous, fermented malt or other intoxicating liquors and mixed liquor a part of which is spiritous, vinous fermented or otherwise intoxicating and all drinks or drinkable liquids and all preparations or mixtures capable of human consomption that are intoxicating. Prohibition on Sale, Barter, Supply or Manufacture 2. Everyone who sells, barters, supplies or manufactures intoxicants on the reserve(s) of the Hartley Bay fend is guilty of an offence punishable on suimary conviction. Prohibition Against Intoxication 3. Everyone who is intoxicated on the reserve(s) of the Hartley fey Band is guilty of an offence punishable on suimary conviction. Prohibition on Possession of Intoxicants 4. Everyone who is found in possession of intoxicants is guilty of an offence punishable on suimary conviction. Penalties 5. For greater certainty, the penalties for contravention on this By-Law are set out in the Indian Act. Citation 6. This by-law may be cited as By-Law No. 86-01 of the Hartley fey Band being a by-law respecting intoxicants. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Hartley fey Band of Indians on Mhrch 5, 1986 as evidenced by the signatures below and being a majority of the Councillors present at the meeting. F O R D E P A R T M E N T A L USE O N L Y - R É S E R V É A U M IN IS T E R E 1 . Band Fun d C ode 2. C O M PU TER B A L A N C E S - SOLDES D'ORDINATEUR 3* E xpen diture Code du compte B . R even ue Revenu de bande A . C ap ita l S $ $ 6. Recom m ended Recommandable D ate Recom m ending O fficer Recommandé par 1 A 135 (5 -7 9 ) 7 5 3 0 -2 1 -0 2 3 -4 6 6 2C h ro n o lo g ica l N o. Numéro consécutif F i l e R e f e r e n c e N ° de réf. du dossier S o R /££>- 3s?. Current C a p ita l B a la n ce Solde de capital $ C om m itted E n é a ü é $ Current R even u e b a la n ce /"/A fA t/Ari(f A C om m itted Ertgade $ t 9 o 8 r 6 s c o al f l t e h d e b B y a n t d h e w C h o o u a n t c t i e l n d o e f d t a he s H p a ec r i t a l l e y n e B e a ting of the y Band on 4. Authority Autorité S* Source of Funds D ép en ses Indian Act Sec Source des fonds Art. de la Loi aur las 1 1 C .p . . t . a . l 11 Revenue Indiens A pproved Approuvable D ate A pproving O fficer Approuve par
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