Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

1 CHAPEL ISLAND BAND CODE NO. 1997-1 Being a Code respecting the Regulation of Traffic W H ER EA S paragraphs 81(l)(b), (c), (q) and (r) o f the Indian Act. R.S.C. 1985, c. 1-5 empower the council o f a band to make laws for the regulation o f traffic, the observance o f law and order, any matter ancillary thereto, and the imposition o f a penalty for the violation thereof; AND W HEREAS the Council o f the Chapel Island Band has determined that it is desirable and necessary for the protection o f the people and the better administration o f law and order on Chapel Island Band lands to establish a law to regulate traffic on those lands; NOW THEREFORE, the Council o f the Chapel Island Band at a duly convened meeting o f a quorum o f the Council, without prejudice to but in express affirmation o f its right o f self- government hereby enacts the following by-law: TITLE 1. This by-law may be called the Chapel Island Band Traffic Code. DEFINITIONS 2. In this Code: "Access Roads" means those roads on the reserve, other than reserve roads, ordinarily used for the passage o f vehicles to and from a private residence which is located on lands occupied by a resident; "Administrator" means the person appointed by the Council to act as Administrator o f the Chapel Island Band Traffic Code; "Certificate o f Registration" means a certificate o f registration or permit for a motor vehicle or trailer issued or accepted as valid under the laws o f the Province o f Nova Scotia; "Chapel Island Band" means the Chapel Island Band o f Indians; "Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer" means a member o f the Unamaki Tribal Police or a member o f the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; "Council" means the Chief and Council o f the Chapel Island Band; "Driver" or "Operator" means a person who drives or is in actual physical control o f a vehicle on a reserve road or access road whether the vehicle is in motion or not; "Drivers Licence" means a licence issued or accepted as valid under the laws of the Province o f Nova Scotia to drive a motor vehicle on a highway;
2 Liquor includes (a) any alcohol, spirituous, vinous, fermented, malt or other intoxicating liquid or combination o f liquids, (b) any mixed liquid that is partly spirituous, vinous or fermented and that is intoxicating, (c) all drinks or drinkable liquids that are intended for human consumption and are intoxicating, and (d) beer, cider and wine; "Motor Vehicle" means a vehicle propelled by any power other than muscular power but does not include a bicycle, a tractor, or vehicles designed and adapted primarily for agricultural purposes; Parking means the standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not, upon a reserve road, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading, or in obedience to traffic regulations or traffic signs or signals; "Reserve Roads" means those roads on the reserve which are ordinarily used for the passage or parking o f vehicles but does not include access roads; Subsisting means, when used in relation to a drivers license, certificate o f registration, or permit, one which had not, at the relevant time, expired or been suspended or cancelled or revoked by a competent authority; "Traffic Control Device" means any sign, marker, mechanical or electrical device which is placed on a road for the purpose o f regulating traffic; "Vehicle" means a device in, on, or by which a person or thing is or may be transported or drawn on a reserve road. APPLICATION 3. This Code applies to the Chapel Island Band Indian Reserve number 05. LICENSES 4. No person shall operate or drive a motor vehicle on a reserve road unless: (a) he holds a subsisting drivers licence o f a class appropriate to the category o f the motor vehicle being driven or operated, (b) a subsisting certificate o f registration has been issued for the motor vehicle, and (c) there is in force in respect of the motor vehicle or in respect o f the driver o f the m otor vehicle, a motor vehicle liability insurance policy valid in the Province o f Nova Scotia.
3 5. Every person shall have in his possession at all times while driving or operating a motor vehicle on a reserve road: (a) his drivers licence; (b) the certificate o f registration for the vehicle; (c) proof o f a valid motor vehicle liability insurance policy for the motor vehicle or the driver. 6. No person shall operate a motor vehicle on the reserve at a time when his right to drive on the reserve has been suspended under section 56 o f this Code. 7. No person holding a drivers license o f a learners category shall operate a motor vehicle other than as permitted by the category o f the license. SPEED LIMITS 8. No person shall operate a vehicle on a reserve road or an access road at a rate o f speed in excess o f either 30 kilometres per hour where no speed limit is posted or the posted speed lim it. 9. The speed limitations set out in section 8 shall not apply to vehicles when operated with due regard to safety under the direction o f a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer in the chase or apprehension o f violators o f the law or of persons charged with or suspected o f any such violation, nor to fire departments or fire patrol vehicles when travelling in response to a fire alarm, nor to public or private ambulances when travelling in emergencies and the drivers thereof sound an audible signal by bell, siren, or exhaust whistle. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 10. Every driver shall obey traffic control devices erected on reserve roads, except where otherwise directed by a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer or a peace officer or a person authorized by the Administrator to direct traffic. 11. The Administrator may approve locations for the placing, erecting or marking o f traffic control devices including the posting o f speed limits and traffic zones at any location considered necessary for controlling and regulating traffic on the reserve. YIELDING AND STOPPING 12. A driver about to enter or cross a reserve road at an uncontrolled intersection shall yield to traffic approaching from the right. 13. A driver intending to turn left across the path o f any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction shall not make or attempt to make the left turn unless the turn can be completed in safety.
4 14. Before stopping a vehicle the driver (a) shall signal his intention to do so, and (b) shall give the signal in sufficient time to provide a reasonable warning to other persons o f the intention o f the driver. 15. A driver about to enter on any reserve road from a reserve road that is marked by a "Stop" sign or Naqasi sign shall bring the vehicle to a stop before entering on the intersecting road and at a point no further than 3 metres from the intersecting road. 16. A driver about to enter a reserve road from an access road shall bring the vehicle to a stop before entering on the intersecting road and at a point no further than 3 metres from the intersecting road. 17. A driver who is required to stop pursuant to section 15 or 16, shall not proceed until the condition o f the traffic on the road being entered on is such that it can be entered on in safety and the driver shall yield the right o f way to all traffic approaching on the road. 18. A driver about to enter on any reserve road from a reserve road that is marked by a "Yield" sign shall yield the right o f way to all traffic on the reserve road being entered on. 19. Sections 12 ,15 and 16 shall not apply in the case of police and fire department vehicles nor to public or private ambulances when they are operating in emergencies and the drivers sound an audible signal by bell, siren, compression or exhaust whistle, but this section shall not operate to relieve the driver o f a police or fire department vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety o f all persons using the reserve road. BACKING 20. N o person shall back up a vehicle unless the movement can be made in safety and without interfering with other traffic on the reserve road. PARKING 21. The Administrator may designate areas of reserve roads for the parking o f vehicles or for the prohibition o f parking o f vehicles and may approve the placing, erecting and marking o f parking traffic control devices. 22. The Administrator may issue permits for temporary parking on reserve roads. 23. No person shall park a vehicle on a reserve road unless there is room to pass and there is a clear view o f the parked vehicle for a distance o f 60 metres in either direction along the road.
5 24. No person shall park a vehicle in a location where parking is prohibited by a parking traffic control device. 25. No person shall park or leave standing a vehicle whether attended or unattended, upon a reserve road or any part thereof in such manner that it might interfere with or obstruct snow removal or winter maintenance operations on the reserve road. WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS 26. The Administrator may establish weight restrictions for the vehicles using reserve roads and approve the posting o f weight restriction traffic control devices. 27. The Administrator may issue permits for vehicles exceeding weight restrictions to use reserve roads. 28. No person shall operate a vehicle that exceeds a weight restriction established and posted on the reserve road being travelled on. RULES OF THE ROAD 29.(1) When a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer considers it necessary (a) to ensure orderly movement o f traffic, (b) to prevent injury or damage to persons or property, or (c) to permit proper action in an emergency, he may direct traffic according to his discretion, notwithstanding anything in this Code. (2) I f a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer is not present at the scene o f a fire or emergency, any member of a fire brigade present may exercise the powers o f a peace officer under subsection (1). 30. No person shall drive a vehicle on a reserve road: (a) without due care and attention, (b) without reasonable care and consideration for other persons on the reserve road; or, (c) at a speed that is unreasonable relative to road, traffic, visibility or weather conditions notwithstanding any speed limit prescribed by or pursuant to this or any other law.
6 31. No person shall drive a vehicle to the left o f the centre line o f a reserve road except: (a) when overtaking and passing a stationary vehicle proceeding in the same direction; (b) when the right hand half o f the roadway is closed to traffic or is obstructed by a parked vehicle or other object while under construction or repair; (c) where necessary because o f the operation o f road grading or snow removal equipment; or (d) when a traffic control device otherwise requires or permits. 32. No driver shall pass or attempt to pass another moving vehicle travelling in the same direction on a reserve road or an access road. 33. No person shall drive to the left o f the centre line of a reserve road in overtaking and passing a stationary vehicle or an obstruction unless (a) the left side is clearly visible, and (b) is free o f oncoming and overtaking traffic, for a sufficient distance to permit overtaking and passing to be completely made without interfering with the safe operation o f another vehicle. 34. (1) Subject to section 33, a driver overtaking another vehicle (a) shall pass to the left o f the other vehicle at a safe distance, and (b) shall not return to the right side o f the road until safely clear o f the overtaken vehicle whereupon he shall return to the right side o f the road. (2) A driver being overtaken by another vehicle (a) shall give way to the right in favour of the overtaking vehicle, and (b) shall not increase his speed until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle. 35. No driver shall overtake and pass on the right of another vehicle on a reserve road. 36. No driver shall follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed o f the vehicles, the amount and nature o f the traffic on the reserve road and the condition o f the reserve road. 37. Before turning a vehicle to the left or right, the driver shall signal his intention to do so by giving a signal in sufficient time to provide reasonable warning to other persons o f the intention o f the driver.
7 38. (1) A driver intending to turn right from a reserve road onto another reserve road shall make the turn (a) by driving as closely as practicable to the right curb or edge o f the reserve road while approaching the intersection and turning, and (b) on leaving the intersection by driving as closely as practicable to the right curb or edge o f the reserve road then entered, unless a traffic control device otherwise permits or directs. (2) A driver approaching an intersection and intending to turn right shall, wherever practicable, drive his vehicle into the position required by this section at least 15 metres before reaching that intersection. 39. (1) A driver intending to turn left from a reserve road on to another reserve road shall make the turn (a) by driving to the right o f and as closely as practicable to the centre line o f the reserve road while approaching the intersection and turning, and (b) on leaving the intersection by driving to the right o f and as closely as practicable to the centre line o f the reserve road then entered, unless a traffic control device otherwise directs or permits. (2) A driver approaching an intersection and intending to turn left shall, wherever practicable, drive the vehicle into the position required by this section at least 15 metres before reaching that intersection. 40. (1) A driver shall not turn the vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction unless it can be done in safety and without interfering with other traffic. (2) A driver shall not turn the vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction (a) on a curve, or (b) on the approach to or near the crest o f a grade where the vehicle cannot be seen by the driver o f another vehicle approaching from either direction within 150 metres. \ 41. When a flag man is stationed or a barricade or sign is erected on a reserve road to direct traffic in connection with any construction or other work on the road or adjacent to the road, every driver shall obey the directions given by the flagman or, if none, by the barricades or signs. 42. No driver shall convey or permit any passenger in the vehicle to convey liquor unless that liquor is in his luggage with his clothing and other necessities o f travel or in a place that is not within easy access of the driver and the liquor must be contained in a package that is capped, corked or otherwise closed.
8 DUTIES OF A DRIVER 43. A driver shall, immediately on being signalled or requested to stop by a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer, bring the vehicle to a complete stop and furnish any information respecting the driver or the vehicle that the officer requires and shall not start the vehicle until permitted to do so by the officer. 44. Every driver must produce or exhibit a driver's licence, registration and proof o f motor vehicle liability insurance upon being requested by a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer to do so. 45. (1) When an accident occurs on a reserve road or access road, the driver or other person in charge o f a vehicle that was directly or indirectly involved in the accident (a) shall remain at or immediately return to the scene o f the incident; (b) shall render all reasonable assistance; and (c) shall produce in writing to any other driver involved in the accident or to anyone sustaining loss or injury and, on request, to a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer, and to a witness: (i) the drivers name and address, (ii) his drivers license number, (iii) the name and address o f the registered owner o f the vehicle; (iv) the registration number o f the vehicle; and (v) particulars o f the motor vehicle liability insurance for the vehicle or the driver, or any o f that information that is requested. (2) The driver of a vehicle that collides with an unattended vehicle on a reserve road or an access road shall stop and (a) shall locate and notify the person in charge o f or the owner o f the unattended vehicle o f the name and address o f the driver, the number o f his drivers license, the name and address of the registered owner, the registration number o f the vehicle and the particulars o f the motor vehicle liability insurance for the vehicle or the driver; or (b) shall leave in a conspicuous place in or on the unattended vehicle a written notice giving the name and address o f the driver, the number o f his drivers license, the name and address o f the registered owner o f the vehicle, the registration number o f the vehicle striking the unattended vehicle and the particulars o f the motor vehicle liability insurance for the vehicle or the driver. (3) The driver o f a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in damage to property on or adjacent to a reserve road, other than a vehicle under subsection (2), shall take reasonable steps to locate and notify the owner or person in charge o f the property o f that fact and o f the name and address o f the driver, the number o f his drivers license and the registration number o f the vehicle.
9 (4) If the driver is incapable o f providing the information required by subsection (1), (2), or (3) and there is another occupant o f the vehicle capable o f making the report, the occupant shall make the report required to be made by the driver. (5) I f no information has been provided under subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4) and the driver or occupant is not the owner o f the vehicle, the owner shall forthwith after learning o f the accident provide the information. (6) When the driver is alone, is the owner and is incapable o f providing the information required by subsection (1), (2) or (3), he shall provide the information forthwith after becoming capable to do so. (7) When a motor vehicle which has been involved in an accident is damaged to the extent that it cannot be moved under its own power, the registered owner or the operator o f the motor vehicle, after having complied with subsections (1), (2) or (3), shall forthwith make arrangements for the motor vehicle to be removed from the reserve road or access road. (8) I f the registered owner or the operator o f the motor vehicle fails to make or is incapable o f making arrangements to move the vehicle as provided in subsection (7), a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer may make the arrangements on his behalf and the registered owner shall be notified o f the disposition o f the motor vehicle by the peace officer. (9) When arrangements have been made by a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer pursuant to subsection (8), the motor vehicle shall be deemed to be an abandoned motor vehicle and is then subject to section 55. 46. When the driver o f a vehicle or any other person damages or knocks down a traffic control device or a traffic sign o f any kind, he shall forthwith report the damage to the nearest Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer. 47. (1) Subject to subsection (2), when an accident on a reserve road or an access road results in injury or death to a person or in property damage apparently exceeding $1,000.00, the driver shall forthwith report the accident to a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer and provide the report in writing if requested. (2) If the driver is incapable o f making the report required by subsection (1) and there is another occupant of the vehicle capable o f making the report, the occupant shall make the report required to be made by the driver. (3) If no report has been made under subsection (1) or (2) and the driver or occupant is not the owner o f the vehicle, the owner shall forthwith after learning o f the accident make the report.
1 0 (4) W hen the driver is alone, is the owner and is incapable of making the report required by subsection (1), he shall make the report forthwith after becoming capable o f making it. SCHOOLBUS 48. (1) In this section, school bus means a vehicle on which are displayed the words school bus . (2) When a school bus is displaying alternately flashing amber lights, the driver o f a vehicle approaching the school bus shall, when approaching the school bus from the front or rear, reduce the speed o f the vehicle so that if the vehicle passes the school bus, it does so in a cautious manner. (3) When a school bus is displaying alternately flashing red lights, the driver o f a vehicle approaching the school bus shall, when approaching the school bus from the front or rear, stop the vehicle before it reaches the school bus. (4) When an approaching vehicle referred to in subsection (3) stops before reaching a school bus, the driver shall not pass the school bus until (a) the operator o f the school bus indicates by signal that the vehicle may proceed, or (b) the alternately flashing red lights stop flashing. (5) The operator o f a school bus shall (a) activate the alternately flashing amber lights when he begins to slow down the school bus for the purpose o f stopping on a reserve road to load or unload passengers, and (b) activate the alternately flashing red lights and the stop arm when the school bus is stopped on a reserve road for the purpose o f loading or unloading passengers. EQUIPMENT 49. No person shall operate a motor vehicle or permit another person to operate a motor vehicle owned by him or under his control or in his charge, which is in a dangerous or unsafe condition, on any reserve road. 50. No person shall operate a motor vehicle or permit another person to operate a m otor vehicle owned by him or under his control or in his charge on a reserve road without complying with all o f the requirements o f sections 51 and 52. 51. Every motor vehicle shall be in good mechanical condition and equipped with all equipment required by the Province o f Nova Scotia for vehicles operated on a highway in the Province o f Nova Scotia including, in particular: (a) front right and left head lights, (b) rear right and left brake signal lights, (c) front and rear right and left running lights,
11 (d) front and rear right and left turn signal lights, (e) front and rear vehicle hazard warning lamps, (f) an adequate service brake and an adequate emergency or parking brake (g) an adequate horn, (h) a self-operating windshield wiper system and a self-operating windshield washer system, (i) a securely attached rear view mirror and, (j) a speedometer 52. Every trailer connected or attached to a motor vehicle shall have operating tail lamps capable o f providing left and right running lights, turn signal lights and brake signal lights mounted on the rear o f the trailer. 53. At any time either during the period from a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise or when, due to insufficient light or unfavourable atmospheric conditions, objects are not clearly discernible on a reserve road at a distance o f 150 metres ahead, (a) no motor vehicle shall be in motion on a reserve road or access road unless both headlamps are alight and are providing sufficient light to make objects on the reserve road or access road visible at a distance o f at least 100 metres ahead in the case o f the uppermost distribution of light and at least 30 metres in the case o f the lowermost distribution o f light; (b) no motor vehicle shall be in motion on a reserve road or an access road unless the tail lamps, side marker lamps, identification lamps and clearance lamps with which it is required to be equipped are alight. SEAT BELTS 54.(1) In this section, (a) child means a child under the age o f 6 years whose weight does not exceed 18 kilograms; (b) seat belt assembly means a device or assembly that (i) is securely fastened to a motor vehicle, (ii) is composed o f straps, webbing or similar material and includes a pelvic restraint or an upper torso restraint, or both, (iii) is capable o f restraining the movement o f a person in order to prevent or mitigate injury to the person, and (iv) meets the standards prescribed under the Vehicle Safety Act (Canada).
1 2 (2) No person shall, on a reserve road, operate a motor vehicle in which a child is a passenger unless (a) the motor vehicle is equipped with the prescribed child seating assembly, (b) the child seating assembly is properly installed, and (c) the child is occupying and is properly secured in the child seating assembly. (3) Where a motor vehicle is operated on a reserve road and it is equipped with a seat belt assembly (a) in the seating position that is occupied by the driver, the driver shall wear the complete seat belt assembly, and (b) in a seating position that is occupied by a passenger over the age o f 15 years, the passenger shall wear the complete seat belt assembly. (4) No person shall, on a reserve road, operate a motor vehicle in which a passenger (a) who has attained the age of 6 years but is under the age o f 16 years, or (b) who is a child weighing more than 18 kilograms occupies a seating position for which a seat belt assembly is provided unless that passenger is wearing the complete seat belt assembly. (5) A person who is required under subsection (3) or (4) to wear a seat belt assembly shall wear the seat belt assembly properly adjusted and securely fastened. (6) N o person shall, with respect to a seat belt assembly in a motor vehicle, remove i t , render it partly or wholly inoperative or modify it so as to reduce its effectiveness, if the motor vehicle was equipped with the seat belt assembly at the time it was manufactured as required by the M otor Vehicle Safety Act (Canada) and the regulations under that Act. (7) No person shall, on a reserve road, operate a motor vehicle that was equipped with a seat belt assembly at the time it was manufactured as required by the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Canada) and the regulations under that Act if the seat belt assembly has been removed, rendered partly or wholly inoperative or modified so as to reduce its effectiveness. (8) This section does not apply to (a) a person who is unable to wear a seat belt or child restraint system because o f the persons size, build or other physical characteristic, in respect o f the use o f a seat belt by that person; (b) a person who in the opinion of a legally qualified medical practitioner is unable to wear a seat belt or child restraint system for medical reasons, in respect o f the use o f a seat belt by that person; (c) a peace officer engaged in the lawful performance o f his duty; (d) a fireman while in or on a fire department vehicle; (e) a driver operating a taxicab for hire, in respect o f the use o f a seat belt by the driver or a passenger;
1 3 (f) a medical attendant in an ambulance transporting a patient; (g) a person while engaged in work which requires the person to leave and enter his seating position in the vehicle at frequent intervals. IMPOUNDING OF VEHICLES 55. (1) When a vehicle is standing or parked on a reserve road, whether attended or unattended: a) in a position that causes it to interfere with the normal flow o f traffic on the road, b) in a position that causes it to interfere with removal o f snow on the road, c) in a position that causes it to interfere with fire fighting or emergency vehicles, d) having been abandoned on the reserve road for a period o f 72 hours or is, in the opinion o f a Chapel Island Band Law Enforcement Officer, likely to be vandalized, or e) is parked contrary to prohibition by a traffic control device, a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer may: a) move the vehicle, or require the driver or person in charge o f the vehicle to move it, to a position determined by the Chapel Island Law Enforcement O fficer, or b) take the vehicle into custody and cause it to be taken to and stored in a suitable place. (2) All costs and charges for the removal and care or storage o f the vehicle removed under this Code shall be paid by the owner o f the vehicle, and shall be a lien on it in favour o f the keeper o f any repair shop, garage or storage place where that vehicle is stored. SUSPENSION 56. (1) When a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer reasonably suspects that the driver o f a motor vehicle has consumed alcohol or otherwise introduced into his body any alcohol, drug or other substance in such a quantity as to affect the drivers physical or mental ability, the officer may require the driver to surrender his operators license to him. (2) The request o f a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer under subsection (1) suspends any operators license belonging to the driver to whom the request is made and the driver shall forthwith surrender any such license to the officer, but the refusal or other failure o f the driver to do so does not affect the suspension. (3) If a driver who has been required under subsection (1) to surrender his operators license is not the holder o f an operators license, the request disqualifies the driver from holding an operators license. (4) A suspension or disqualification arising pursuant to this section terminates on the expiration o f 24 hours from the time the suspension or disqualification arose.
1 4 (5) Notwithstanding subsection (4), when the suspension or disqualification involves alcohol and (a) the driver voluntarily undergoes a test using an instrument approved for such purposes by the Criminal Code (Canada) at a place designated by the Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer and the test indicates that the proportion o f alcohol in the drivers blood does not exceed 80 milligrams in 100 millilitres o f blood, or (b) the driver produces to the Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer a certificate signed by a physician stating that the drivers blood, as tested by the physician after the commencement o f the suspension or disqualification, did not contain more than 80 milligrams o f alcohol in 100 millilitres o f blood, the Chapel Island Nation Law Enforcement Officer shall thereupon return the drivers license, if any, to the driver and the suspension or disqualification thereupon terminates. (6) This section does not apply to a case arising out o f the circumstances described in subsection (1) when a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer decides to lay an information against the driver alleging that the driver has, in contravention o f the Criminal Code (Canada), committed any offence involving the actual driving o f or care and control of a motor vehicle by the driver and (a) the condition o f the driver or the amount o f alcohol in his blood, as the case may be, resulting from the consumption of alcohol, or (b) the condition o f the driver resulting from the introduction by him into his body o f any drug or other substance. OTHER PROmBITTONS 57. No person shall remove, attempt to remove, deface, destroy or interfere with any traffic control device placed in accordance with this Code. 58. No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a reserve road or an access road if the view through the windshield or windows is so obscured by mud, frost, steam or any other thing as to make the driving o f the vehicle hazardous or dangerous. 59. (1) No driver shall permit any person to occupy the front seat o f the vehicle in such a manner as to impede the driver in the free and uninterrupted access to and use o f the steering wheel, brakes and other equipment required to be used for the safe operation o f the vehicle on a reserve road, nor shall any driver permit any person in the vehicle to cause any obstruction to his clear vision in any direction. (2) No person shall ride in a position in a motor vehicle that interferes with the drivers control over the driving mechanism o f the vehicle or that obstructs his clear vision in any direction. (3) When a motor vehicle is in motion, the driver shall not exchange places with any other person and no person shall exchange places with the driver.
1 5 60. (1) No person shall occupy or permit any other person to occupy a house trailer while it is being moved on a reserve road. (2) In this section house trailer means a vehicle capable o f being attached to and drawn by a motor vehicle and designed, constructed or equipped as a dwelling place, living abode or sleeping place. 61. No person shall ride or permit any other person to ride on the outside o f a motor vehicle. 62. No person shall cling to or attach himself or his bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, sled, roller skates, skis or any toy vehicle to any moving vehicle upon a reserve road nor shall the driver o f any such moving vehicle allow or permit any such person to cling to or attach himself or his vehicle to the moving vehicle. 63. (1) A person who removes a wrecked or damaged vehicle from a reserve road shall remove glass or any other injurious substance or thing dropped on the reserve road from the vehicle. (2) A person who removes a wrecked or damaged vehicle from a reserve road without removing glass or any other injurious substance or thing dropped on the reserve road from the vehicle is guilty o f an offence. 64. (1) No person shall open the door of a motor vehicle unless it is reasonably safe to do so. (2) No person shall leave a door open on a motor vehicle where it may constitute a hazard to moving traffic. 65. No person other than a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer shall use, interfere or tamper with any motor vehicle or any o f its accessories or any thing placed in or on it, without the consent o f the owner. 66. No person shall throw any object at a motor vehicle or at a person in a motor vehicle on a reserve road which may cause damage to such vehicle or injury to any person therein. 67. No person shall throw or otherwise deposit on a reserve road any litter, refuse, garbage, rubbish or other matter. 68. No person shall start, drive, turn or stop any motor vehicle, or accelerate the vehicle engine while the vehicle is stationary, in a manner which causes any loud and unnecessary noise in or from the engine, exhaust system, braking system or from the contact o f the tires with the roadway. 69. No person shall operate a motor vehicle on a reserve road in a manner that unduly disturbs the residents of the reserve.
1 6 BICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES, SNOWMOBILES, OFF-ROAD VEHICLES 70. No person shall operate a snowmobile or off-road vehicle on a reserve road or on any residential property on the reserve other than the property where his residence is located. 71. Unless the context otherwise requires, a person operating a bicycle or a motor cycle on a reserve road has all the rights and is subject to all o f the duties o f a driver under this Code. 72. (1) No person shall operate a bicycle, motor cycle, snowmobile or off-road vehicle anywhere on the reserve unless he is wearing an approved safety helmet securely attached on his head. (2) No person shall ride as a passenger on a motor cycle, snowmobile or off-road vehicle anywhere on the reserve unless he is wearing an approved safety helmet securely attached on his head. (3) No person shall operate a motor cycle, snowmobile or off-road vehicle anywhere on the reserve on which a passenger is riding unless the passenger is wearing an approved safety helmet securely attached to his head. 73. (1) A motor cycle, bicycle, snowmobile or off-road vehicle operated anywhere on the reserve during the period from a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise shall be equipped with (a) at least one lighted headlamp but not more than 2 headlamps, (b) at least one lighted red tail lamp, and (c) at least one red reflector mounted on the rear. (2) No motorcycle or bicycle shall be operated on a reserve road unless it is equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement. PENALTIES 74. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Code, other than those offences for which specific penalties have been provided, shall be guilty o f an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1000.00), imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days, or both fine and imprisonment. 75. In addition to any penalties imposed under section 74, a person convicted o f an offence under sections 57 or 66 may be liable to an order o f restitution imposed at the discretion o f the court for the amount o f the damages caused by the commission o f the offence. 76. Any person who violates any o f the provisions o f this Code listed in Appendix I to this Code shall be guilty o f an offense and shall be liable on conviction to a fine according to the specified penalties set out in Appendix I and in default o f payment to a term o f imprisonment not exceeding 15 days.
1 7 EVIDENCE 77. A court of law may take notice o f this Code if it is certified in writing by the Chief, a Councillor or the chief administrative officer o f the Chapel Island Band to be a validly enacted Code o f the Chapel Island Band. 78. In a prosecution for a contravention of section 4, the onus o f proof is on the driver to prove that he has a subsisting drivers licence and that there was in force at the time o f the alleged offence, a valid motor vehicle registration certificate and a motor vehicle liability insurance policy. 79. (1) The owner o f a motor vehicle which is involved in any contravention o f this Code is guilty of an offence unless he proves to the satisfaction o f the judge that at the time o f the offence the motor vehicle was not being driven or was not parked or left by him or by any other person with his consent, express or implied. (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), if the owner was not at the time o f the offence driving the motor vehicle he is not in any event liable to imprisonment. 80. (1) In any prosecution under this Code, a certificate (a) stating the result o f a test o f (i) the speedometer o f a motor vehicle identified in the certificate, (ii) a tuning fork identified in the certificate and used for determining the accuracy o f a radar set, or (iii) any other device identified in the certificate and used for or in connection with establishing the speed o f vehicles, (b) bearing a date on it not more than 30 days before or after the date o f the offence charged in the case o f a speedometer or other device used for or in connection with establishing the speed o f vehicles, and (c) purporting to be signed by a tester appointed under the laws o f the Province o f Nova Scotia to test devices o f the type stated to have been tested, shall be admitted in evidence as prima facie proof o f the facts stated in the certificate without proof o f the signature or appointment as a tester o f the person signing the certificate. (2) In any prosecution under this Code, a certificate purporting to be signed by a meteorologist and stating the time o f sunrise or the time o f sunset in any area on any day shall be admitted in evidence as prima facie proof o f the facts stated in the certificate, without proof o f the signature or qualifications o f the person signing the certificate.
1 8 81. In any prosecution under this Code, the existence o f a traffic control device is prima facie proof that the device was properly designated and erected by the proper authority without other or further proof thereof. 82. A report o f any area, zone or road designation, speed posting or similar requirement o f any other provision o f this Code shall be accepted as evidence in a court o f law if it is certified in writing to be true by the Administrator. ENFORCEMENT 83. A Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer who finds any person committing, or has reasonable and probable grounds to believe has recently committed an offense against any o f the following provisions may arrest that person without a warrant, a) relating to the speed o f the motor vehicle; b) relating to the requirement that the driver stop on the direction o f a Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer; c) relating to the driver of a motor vehicle operating his vehicle without due care and attention on a reserve road; and d) relating to the driver o f a motor vehicle operating his vehicle without reasonable consideration for persons on a reserve road. 84. A Chapel Island Law Enforcement Officer who observes the commission o f an offence o f the kind enumerated in section 83, or who has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that an offense o f the kind enumerated in section 83 has recently been committed, may seize and detain a motor vehicle in respect o f which the offense has been committed and the vehicle shall be held in accordance with section 55. PROSECUTIONS 85. In addition to the summary conviction procedures set out in the Criminal Canada), proceedings under this Code may also be conducted according to the provisions o f the Summary Proceedings Act, Revised Statutes o f Nova Scotia, 1989, Chapter 450 , any Regulations enacted pursuant to that Act and any amendments to that Act or Regulations.
I 1 9 APPENDIX I SECTION OFFENCE OUT OF COURT SETTLEMENT 4. (a) Operating a motor vehicle without a valid drivers licence $ 78.75 (b) Operating an unregistered motor vehicle $107.50 (c) Operating a motor vehicle without a valid public liability insurance policy $750.00 6. Operating a motor vehicle on reserve when this right has been suspended under section 56 Court 7. Operating a motor vehicle contrary to the conditions of learners class drivers license $107.50 8. Driving in excess of posted speed limit $107.50 10. Failing to obey traffic control device $ 78.75 12. Failing to yield at an uncontrolled intersection $ 78.75 13. Failing to make left turn in safety $ 78.75 14. (a) Failing to signal intention to stop $ 78.75 (b) Failing to signal stop in sufficient time $ 78.75 15. Failing to stop at stop sign $ 78.75 16. Failing to stop before entering on a reserve road $ 78.75 17. Entering road not in safety $ 78.75 18. Failing to obey yield sign $ 78.75 20. Unsafe backing $ 78.75 23. Unsafe parking $ 78.75 24. Parking in prohibited area $ 78.75 25. Parking obstructing snow removal $ 78.75 28. Operating a vehicle exceeding posted weight restriction $107.50 30.(a) Driving without due care and attention Court (b) Driving without reasonable care and consideration Court (c) Driving at unreasonable speed Court 31. Unlawful driving to the left of the centre line $ 78.75
32. Unlawful passing $107.50 33. Unsafe driving to the left of the centre line when overtaking and passing a vehicle $165.00 34. (1), (2) Unsafe passing(specify) $ 78.75 35. Unlawful overtaking or passing vehicle on the right $ 78.75 36. Following too closely $ 78.75 37. Failing to signal turn in sufficient time $ 78.75 38. Improper right turn $ 78.75 39. Improper left turn $ 78.75 40. (1) Turning to proceed in opposite direction not in safety $ 78.75 (2) Turning to proceed in opposite direction with less than 150 metres visibility $ 78.75 41. Failing to obey flagman or barricades during construction $ 78.75 42. Unlawful conveyance of liquor $107.50 43. Failing to obey peace officer (specify directions disobeyed) $ 78.75 44. Failing to produce a drivers licence, registration or insurance(specify) $ 78.75 45. (l)(a) Failing to remain at or immediately return to scene of accident Court (b) Failing to provide reasonable assistance Court (c) Failing to provide information (specify) Court (2) Failing to stop and leave a notice after collision with unattended vehicle Court (3) Failing to notify owner of property damage Court (4) Occupant failing to provide information Court (5) Owner failing to provide information Court (6) Driver failing to provide information after becoming capable Court 46. Failing to report damage to traffic control device (specify) Court 47. (1) Failing to report an accident Court (2) Occupant failing to report accident Court (3) Owner failing to report accident Court
(4) Driver failing to report accident after becoming capable Court 48.(2) Failing to proceed with caution when passing a school bus displaying flashing amber lights $107.50 (3) Failing to stop for school bus displaying flashing red lights $337.50 (4)(a) Passing a school bus before the operator of the bus has signalled the motorist to do so $337.50 (b) Passing a school bus before the flashing red lights have stopped flashing $337.50 (5)(a) Failing to activate the alternately flashing amber lights when slowing $107.50 (b) Failing to activate the flashing red lights and the stop arm when stopped $337.50 49. Operating or permitting operation of dangerous or unsafe motor vehicle $135.00 50. Failing to comply with any requirements of sections 48 and 49(specify) $ 78.75 53.(a) Operating vehicle without headlights when required to do so $107.50 (b) Operating vehicle without accessory lights when required to do so $ 78.75 54.(2) Operating a motor vehicle in which child passenger not properly secured $ 78.75 (3) Driver or passenger not wearing available seat belt $78.75 (4) Operating motor vehicle while passenger under the age of 16 years not wearing available seat belt $ 78.75 (5) Failing to wear seat belt assembly properly adjusted and securely fastened $78.75 (6) Removing or modifying seat belt assembly $107.50 (7) Operating motor vehicle in which the seat belt assembly has been removed or modified $107.50 57. Interference with traffic control device $107.50 58. Driving motor vehicle with view obscured $ 78.75 59.(1) Permitting person to impede driver $78.75 (2) Interfering with driver $ 78.75 (3) Exchanging places while vehicle in motion $78.75 60.(1) Occupying house trailer in motion $ 78.75 61. Riding on outside of motor vehicle $ 78.75 62. Attaching to moving vehicle $78.75
63. (2) Failing to remove injurious substance from road $135.00 64. (1) Opening door of motor vehicle when unsafe $ 78.75 (2) Leaving door of motor vehicle open when unsafe $ 78.75 65. Tampering with motor vehicle without consent of owner $135.00 66. Throwing object at motor vehicle $337.50 67 Throwing litter on reserve road $135.00 68. Creating unnecessary noise with motor vehicle $135.00 69. Operating motor vehicle in disturbing manner $135.00 70. Operating snowmobile\off-road vehicle on reserve road\residential $135.00 properly 72. (1) Operator not wearing helmet $ 78.75 (2) Passenger not wearing helmet $ 78.75 (3) Operating (specify) when passenger not wearing helmet $ 78.75 73. (1) Operating (specify) without prescribed equipment $107.50 (2) Operating motor cycle or bicycle without proper brake $107.50
CHAPEL ISLAND BAND TRAFFIC CODE Enforcement process 1. Unamaki Tribal Police will investigate offences. 2. W here circumstances warrant, the police will lay a charge by issuing a Summary Offence Ticket under the authority of the Chapel Island Band Traffic Code and the N.S. Summary Proceedings Act or by serving an information and summons under the summary conviction provisions o f the Criminal Code. 3. The defendant will have the following options: (a) making a voluntary payment of the fine to the Provincial Court in Port Hawkesbury, (b) requesting an opportunity to participate in the fine option program to discharge the fine, or (c) appearing in court to answer to the charge. 4. On his appearance in court, the defendant may : (a) plead guilty and pay the fine or make arrangements to participate in the fine option program, or (b) plead not guilty and set a trial date. 5. A Crown Attorney from the N.S. Public Prosecution Service will be present at the first court appearance to deal with either a guilty plea, a not guilty plea or a request for an adjournment. Once a plea of not guilty has been entered, the Chapel Island Band will retain a private lawyer to prosecute the offence. ( In the case of the Membertou Band Traffic Code, a local standing agent of the federal Department of Justice has been appointed to provide advice to the police and to represent the Membertou Band at the trial. A similar or some other arrangement should be made to cover this situation for Chapel Island.) 6. I f the defendant is convicted at the trial, he may pay the fine or make arrangements to participate in the fine option program. N.B. An Administrator should be appointed for the purposes o f the by-law. The duties are minimal and I would suggest that the Band Administrator be appointed. The relevant sections are: s . l l (approving locations for traffic control devices, s.21 (designating parking areas and approving signs), s.22 (issuing permits for temporary parking), s.26 (establishing weight restrictions on roads), s.27 (issuing permits to exceed weight restriction on road) and s.82 (filing report o f designation of posting in court). It is not likely that much activity will be required as a consequence of the appointment but it should be done anyway in case someone wants to dispute the authority for the erection of the speed sign on the W harf Road..
2 3 THIS BY-LAW IS HEREBY made at a duly convened meeting o f the Council o f the Chapel Island Band th i s ^ d a y o f ,1992. Voting in favour o f the bv-law are the following members o f the Council: being the majority o f those members o f the Council o f the Chapel Island Band present at the aforesaid meeting o f the Council. The quorum o f the Council is 5 members. Number o f members o f the Council present at the meeting: . I, Lindsay Marshall, Chief o f the Chapel Island Band, do hereby certify that a true copy o f the foregoing by-law was mailed to the Minister o f Indian Affairs and Northern Development at the Atlantic Regional Office in Amherst, Nova Scotia pursuant to subsection 82(1) o f the Indian Act, this O J day o f , 1995 . ness) / Chief Lindkay Marshall/ '
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.