Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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s *> ç - ^ CANADA Province of Ontario TO WIT I, STEPHEN ALFRED ROBERTS, residing at Ottawa, Ontario, make oath and swear that the paperwriting to which this affidavit is attached is a true copy of a document produced and shown to me and purporting to be the original by-law made pursuant to the Indian Act and signed by the Chief and Council of the Swan Lake Band of Indians and dated August 22, 1977, the said copy having been compared by me with the said original document. Sworn to before me at the City of Ottawa in the Judic' T'* ' of Ottawa Carleton day of October, 1977. Commissioner of Oaths in and </r the Province of Ontario. l i THOr^c, A Ccntm.'sstaner, efc* ■■"'H . . o-A A .-» at CNjs.-'c** - Carlafon, for \/,~ i of Cacacd. Fxpfras March 4*
TRAFFIC BY-LAW Thf Council of the Swan Lake Band of Indians at a meeting held this 22 day of August H hereby enacts by-law No 5-77 to provide for the regulation of traffic within the. u w u . u u a L u i o w a u ajcüx-c: Ivtrr> tfi. y 0 Whereas Paragraphs (b) and (r) of Section 81 of the Indian Act empowers the Council of a Band to make by-laws respecting the regulations of traffic and the Imposition of a penalty for the violation thereof; And whereas it is deemed to be expedient to limit the speed of vehicles on Reserve roads for the safety and welfare of inhabitants of the Swan Lake Reserve. <S Now therefore the Council of the Swan Lake Band of Indians enacts as a by-law thereof the following: 1* In this by-law, (a) "Council means the Council, as defined in the Indian Act of the Swan Lake Band of Indians; (b) "Reserve" means the tract of land set apart by Her Majesty within the definition of the Indian Act, for the use and benefit of the Swan Lake Band of Indians known as the Swan Lake Reserve. (c) "Road" means an open way for the passage of vehicles, persons, and animals, which includes bridges, driveways, streets, lanes, squares, highways, avenues, parkways, causeways, viaducts, trestles, thorough­ fares or other places set aside for, used or open to the Public for the passage of vehicles within the Reserve. (d) "Vehicle" means any wagon, cart, motor car, motor truck, trailer, motor­ cycle, traction engine, tractor, road making machinery or other conveyance that is driven, propelled or drawn by any kind of power; and (e) "Sign" orfTraffic sign" means a sign, warning, marking or other device for the guidance or direction of persons using the roads. 2. The design, dimension and the erection of traffic signs shall meet the requirements as prepared by the Council of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada and the Canadian Good Roads Association. 3. (1) The Council shall, by resolution, authorize the placing of all traffic signs and the resolution shall specify the location and purpose of the sign. (2) The Administrator shall place and maintain or cause .to be placed and maintained, the signs authorized by the Council and shall remove or cause to be removed, signs which are not quthorized by the Council* 4. No person shall interfere with or attempt to interfere with the placement or maintenance of any authorized traffic sign* 5. No person shall remove, deface, obliterate, or alter or attempt to remove, deface, obliterate, or alter or in any manner interfere with any sign lawfully placed on a road. 6. No person shall operate a vehicle on a road within the Reserve at a rate of speed in excess of the miles per hour indicated on the sign posted by order of the Band Council. 7. No person shall operate a vehicle on any road within the Swan Lake. Reserve, when he/she is not eligible to drive by: (a) not being a holder of a valid drivers license as prescribed by the Highway Traffic Act of Manitoba Sec (b) having their license suspended or revoked under the Criminal code of Canada Sec 8. No person shall operate a vehicle on any road within the Swan Lake Reserve that is, (a) not road worthy and considered in a dangerous or unsafe condition;* an / •••- - !. - k l o e n s v d or Inara'. / d as r o r y h'" Kv fh w sy T r n f f v à---". )1 a r v a a c c *. o f Ma n i t o b a *
Indian .inrl Mnrtbern iW v - : joH-t BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE N O T K . I he words From our Band F unds C apita l or R e v e n u e , which Band Funds N O T A : I..’ -s mots des fonds do notre bonde Capitol ou re v e n u selon le eus doi ________ J2[érn e les fonds de s b&n de s T FF F. COUNCIL OP' THE AGENCY DISTRICT Brandon PROVENCE Manitoba PLACE NOM DE L'ENDROIT Swan Lake Indian Reserve. DATE ... 2 2 A tip n p f AD D A Y - J O U R MONTH - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: That the by-law entitled "Traffic By-Law" be and the same is hereby approved, and enacted as a by-law 5-77 of the Council of the Swan Lake Band of Indians, and further that the Chief and each member of Council be authorized to sign the same.” A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixé a 3 L Counci l Members Membres du Conseil Roy McKinney (Chief - Chef) Stewart Cameron (Councillor c o n se il le r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l le r) Andrew Scott (Councillor co n se il le r ) (Council lor - con seil ler ) (Councillor - c o n seil ler ) (Councillor - conseil ler ) ( C ou ne i ! 1 or c on s e i 1 ! o r) (Council lor c on seiller) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - R E S E R V E A U M I N I S T E R E ^ U Code 2. C O M P U T E R B A L A N C E S - SO L D E S D O R D I N A T E U R .rompt e A . CTpiîuI ï 1. E e v e 11 u r R e w nu $ $......... 6. Rn O! d - Racorni: H OIM eue f ; ng Uf l i i e r - R e c<>: ■■■taun d e p iChronological No. Numéro co n s é c u t i f 77-46 File Reference N ° de téf. du d o s s ie r 4-7 ever is the c a se , must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from vent paraître dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des- d é p e n s e s h Current Capital Balance Solde de capi ta l %. Committed Engagé . s _ Current Revenue balance Solde de revenu $ _ Committed Engagé 77 Y E A R - A N N É E (Council lor conseil ler ) (Councillor c o n s e i l 1er) (Co unciîlor con seil ler ) 3, Expenditure ; 4. Authority A utorité j 5. Source of Funds S ou rc e des i ortds D é p e n s e s 1 In d ien Act S ec Art. de la Loi sur leéi ■. Revenue ... .. _.. . . : (, -.ipliai ’■ _ $ Indiens •— R e v e n u A p ç > ro v e d A pf> ro u va h t s n g O f f i c e r —• A p p mu ver par
Band of Indians By-law No Fage 2 9. No person shall park or station any vehicle upon any road in an unsafe manner for a period not to exceed 2 hours. 10. The driver of any vehicle shall comply with all traffic laws and regulations in force from time to time in the Province of Manitoba in which Swan Lake Reserve, is situated. * 11. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $100.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days, or both fine and imprisonment. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Sxmn Lake Band of Indians this 22 day of August 1977. CHIEF Roy McKinney COUNCILLOR Stewart Cameron COUNCILLOR Tony Cameron Andrew Scott
I Roy McKinney Chief of Swan Lake Band of Indians * do hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing by-law is being forwarded to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development pursuant to Sec* 82 Ss. (1) of the Indian Act this 22 day of August 1977. W> G. Snyder Roy McKinney Witness Chief
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.