Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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XhM COUNCIL of the PE3UIN BAND OK ïNul, at a meeting held August 12th, 1970, makes the following bylaw pursuant to ;uragraph (a) and (r) of section NO of The Indian act: Bylaw A bylaw to provide for the disposal of garbage and waste or. the Peguis Indian Reserve, in the Province o Pani toba* ( £) Ho person shall accumulate or per ni t to be accumulated upon lands in bis possession or deposit or accumulate on the la c 2 s s i mother person any tiling which is or may become offensive or injurious tc health* (b) No person shall deposit any dead animal, offal, .fish, manure, garbage, fruit, vegetables, night-soil, filth, licuid waste, or anything of a nature which is or ma}/ become offensive or prejudicial to health upon or into any highway, street, road, alley, lane, lot, ditch, wharf, dock, lake, pond, river, stream, well, or sewer, or into *ny land or premises v/ithin the reserve and any such deposit shall be deemed a nuisance, provided, however that the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to the depos and propoer disposal of any such material into or at a place within the reserve approved by the council for that purpose* (c) The council may arrange for the regular removal of garbage and waste from any premises within the reserve. (d) In the spring of each year as soon as the melting of snow permits the person in possession of any eremites within the re-* serve shall collect all waste matter lying thereon including tin cans, bottles, paper and animal manure* (e) All l ch waste matter shall be disposed of in such a manner as will prevent any n isanee or offence as the fouling of wells and water supply. ( f ) A n y p e r s o n v;ho violate s a ny of t h o .)l'OVi sions of t h 1 S bylaw s.ial 1 be g i 1t y o f an off onee an - shall bo 1iablo O P s. nmary conviction t o a fine not exco ?■d i n g t e n ollurs oy i n p r isonment for u tor m not exceed : n j so v e n *.ay sy o r b n t h f i u o and imprisonment* Councillof Councillor
̂ TH3 COUNCIL OF THS PBGUIS BAND OF INDIANS, at a meeting held Kay 26th, 1971, V ' makes the following by-law pursuant to Sections 80 and 82 of the Indian Act. BY-LAW NO. 3 A by-lav; to orovide for the control of business establishments on the Peguis Indian Reserve No.=13 in the Province of Manitoba. Pursuant to Section 80, paragraphs g & m and Section 82, paragraph a(ii) (1) No orivate band member or other oerson shall establish a booth or store on the Band Community'Grounds for the purpose of selling refreshments (or other goods) at a sports day or other event when such event is being held for the sole nuroose of raising funds for the entire community. This excludes treaty celebration week (which is normally held during the first part of July) when any band member may apply to the Council for a license to establish and ooerate a booth (or store). The fee for this license will be five dollars ($5.00). (2) Any oerson establishing a booth or shelter on the said community grounds shall be liable to a charge of five dollars ($5.00) for the week period for. the use of hydro facilities. Any oerson who does not pay this amount shall not be allowed to make use of the hydro facilities. (3) Any person who violates any of the provisions of paragraphs 1 & 2 of this by-law shall be guilty of an offense and will be liable on summary convistion to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) or imprison­ ment for a term not exceeding three (3) months, or both fine and imprison­ ment. Pursuant to Section 80, paragraph a U) No person establishing a booth or putting up a temporary shelter on the Band Community Grounds during treaty week shall accumulate on these lands anything which is, or may become, offensive or injurious to health. All persons establishing these temporary shelters and/or booths will be required to dispose of all garbage and waste into or at a place within the reserve approved by the Council for that purpose. All these persons will also be required to remove, within a period of 15 days after the last day of such treaty week, these booths or shelters from said grounds. (5) Any person who violates any of the provisions of paragraph 4 of this by-lav; shall be guilty of an offense and will be liable on summary convic­ tion to a fine not exceeding ten dollars ($10.00) or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three (3) months or both fine and imprisonment. This by-law is made for the protection and benefit of the entire population of the Peguis Indian Reserve, / * j s T / V oc . Councillor \ - / ; "A, Councillor Councillor // Councillor RECOMMENDED: O K U ' . I N A I . S i r . N K O Î Î Y Q. P. J v PON District Supt. of Community Affairs, Clandeboye-Fisher River District
INDIAN RESERVE OF PEGUIS By-law No. 7 ? A By-law of the Indian Reserve of_________PEGU IS____________to participate in the establishment of a Veterinary Service District. WHEREAS Veterinary Service District may be established by Rural Municipalities under the Veterinary Services Act, being Cap. 282 of the Revised Statutes of Manitoba, 1970 and amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS it is considered advisable a Veterinary Service District be established comprising of the Municipalities and Indian Reserves of _____Town of Arboro__________________ _____________• _____R.M. of B ifrost__________________________________ _____R.M. of Gimli____________________________________ _____L.G.D. of Fisher_________________________________ _____L.G.D. of Armstrong______________________________ _____IR o f Peguis_____________________________________ IR of Fisher River_______________________________ NOW THEREFORE it is hereby enacted that the Indian Reserve Pequi s_______________participate in the establishment of the INTERLAKE___________Veterinary Service District, according to the provisions of the Veterinary Services Act. Done and passed in Council assembled at the-Town erf in Manitoba, this^/r^day of T ^ /77/ / m Serreta-y-Treasurer I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of our By-law No. ^ ^ duly passed by Council assembled this day s/f 7/ P Q * m .c .F . m * * ' * ? / ? * -Secretary-Treasurer nr-'* 0*7-» A ̂
'i'h? Council of the Peguis Band of Indians at a meeting held this day of Catcher, 1971, make the following by-law pursuant to paragraph (b) paragraph i.rj of Section of of the Indian Act. aw Ho. $Z* A by-law to provide for the regulation of traffic in the Peguis nn reserve, in the Province of Manitoba. In this by-law ia) "Council'' means the Council of the Peguis Band of Indians; •.hi ■•'r.eserv-?" r.eans the Peguis Indian heserve; (o) "resiconaial area" means any area in the .reserve designated in writing by one Council as a residential area for the purposes of this by-lav;; and (d) "vehicle" means any wagon, cart, motor car, motor truck, trailer, motorcycle, traction engine, tractor, road-making machinery or other conveyance that is driven, propelled or drawn by any kind of pov;er. ho vehicle shall be operated on the heserve at a rate of speed in excess of miles an hour. hotwithst wading the provisions of Section 2 hereof, no vehicle shall be operated in any residential area at a rate of speed in excess of %o miles an hour. Any person who violated any of the provisions of this by-lav; shall bo guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $100, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty days, or both fine and imprisonment t11714614
The Council of the Peguis Band of Indians at a meeting held -Per lit!., 1971 makes Lie following by-law pursuant to paragraph (b) a (r) of Section 8$ of the Indian Act. By-Lav; No. A by-law to privide for the placement and maintenance of traffic signs on roads lying within the Peguis Indian Preserve. 1. In this by-law (a) "Council1 means the Council of the Peguis Band of Indiansj* (b) "rose" includes any roadway, driveway, street, lane or other place open to the public for the passage of vehicles; (c) "traffic engineer" means a person appointed by the Council to place and maintain traffic signs; and (d) "traffic sign" includes a sign, warning, marking or other device for the guidance or direction of persons using the roads. 2. The design and dimension of traffic signs shall be approved by the Council. 3. (l) No traffic sign shall be placed on any road unless authorized by a resolution passed by the Council. (2) The resolution of the Council shall specify the location where a traffic sign is to be placed. /.. The traffic engineer shall place and maintain the traffic signs authorized by the Council. 5. No person shall interfere with or attempt to interfer with the traffic engineer in the placement or maintenance of any traffic sign. 6. No person shall remove, deface, obliterate, alter or attempt to remove, deface, obliterate or alter, or in any manner interfere with any traffic sign lawfully placed on a road. 7. Any person who violated any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to e fine not exceeding, one hundred dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceedln - thirty days or both fine and imprisonment. Councillors : -/Trr'h-cL t" / ? - / L 7 c\ //W / V / ^
CURFEW BY-LAW The Council the Peguis Band , of Indians at a meeting held this / of August , 19 79 hereby enacts by-law number 9 to provide for a curfew to regulate the activities of boys and girls actually or apparently under 15 years of age within the boundary of Peguis Reserve No. IB. Whereas Paragraphs ( c) , (d) and (r) of Section 8l of the Indian Act empowers the Council of a Band to make by-laws respecting the behaviour and conduct of Band members and the imposition of a penalty for violation thereof; And whereas it is deemed to be expedient to restrict late hour activities of children for the prevention and misconduct and nuisance. Now therefore the Council of thé Peguis Band of Indians enacts as a by-law thereof the following: 1. In this by-law, (a) ,,CouncilM means the Council, as defined in the Indian Act of the Peguis Band of Indians; (b) "Reserve" means the tract of land set apart by Her Majesty within the definition of the Indian Act, for the use and benefit of the Peguis Band of Indians known as the Peguis Reserve No. IB (c) "Boy or Girl" means a child actually or apparently under 15 years of age. (d) "Parent" means an adult who is father, mother or guardian of a child. 2. No boy or girl on the Peguis Indian Reserve No. IB actually or apparently under 15 years of age, shall loiter any place within the said Reserve after 2300 hours or 11 0 1clock P.M. 3. No boy or girl on the Peguis Indian Reserve No. IB actually or apparently under 15 years of age, shall be in any place of amusement, vacant buildings, streets, lanes, by ways or roads within the said Reserve, or shall be in the course of returning from any place of entertainment off the said Reserve after 2300 hours or 11 0 !clock P.M. unless accom­ panied by his/her parent or an adult appointed by a parent to accompany such child. 4. A boy or girl on the Peguis Indian Reserve No. IB found violating the provisions of Section (2) or (3) may be warned and escorted home by a Police Officer or by whomever is authorized by the Band Council. 5. A parent who permits his/her child to violate Sec. 2 or 3 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $100.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days or both fine and imprisonment. CHIEF "Jack Sinclair"________ COUNCILLOR "Oliver Sutherland" "Herb Hudson"__________ "Robert N* Sutherland" " Lawson Spence"________
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.