Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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( Being the **erd and Pound Laws of the Little Saskatchewan Reserve Whereas in the opinion of the Chief and Council of the Little Saskatchewan Indian Reserve, it is expedient to "-ake a Herd and Pound Laws for the said Little Saskat­ chewan Reserve. Now Therefore, the Chief and Council of the Little Saskatchewan Reserve in sss3ion assembled, enact as follows) 1. That it shall not be lawful to allow any cattle, horses, sheep, swine, goats, geese or poultry of any description or age to run at large at any time of year with in the limits of the Little Saskatchewan Indian Reserve. 2. That ary animal or fowl found trepass'ng upon any land or premises shall be li­ able to be impounded and such animal or fowl may be sold unde!" the Band Council Resolution, unless the damage caused by such animal or fowl so trespassing be sooner paid. 3. Nothing in this By-Law shall prevent any person sustaining damages by reason of any breach of this By-Law from recovering compensation in ary Court of competent jurisdiction from any person owning or having the custody of ary animal through which such damage has been caused. 4* Any animal or fowl found at large contrary to the provisions of this By-Law or ary other Band Council Resolution shall be liable to be impounded and soibd according to the provisions of the Band Council Resolution, unless the lawful pound fees and damage- if any are sooner paid* 5. There shall be established as raajy pounds in the Little Saskatchewan Reserve as the Chief and Council and Agriculture Committee shall from time to time deem necessary, and such Pounds shall be situated upon the premises of the respective pound-keepers appointed to carry out the provisions of this Ey-Law* 6* The pound-keepers shall have poinds of sufficient extent and sufficiently enclosed and fenced to prevent the escape of impounded animals or fowl, and the pourtd-keepers shall be liable for the escaping of any animal or fowl rora the Pound and for the ex­ penses in connection therewith* 7. The pound-keeper shall maintain and keep the said pounds out of the fees and charges hereinafter mentioned and the said Pounds shall not be mode a charge upon the Reserve for the maintenance, support and keeping of the same in ary manner whatsoever* 8. 1. Where animals or fowl are impounded, the pound-keeper shall immediately after the impounding and before the sale thereof, cause to be posted, a notice describing the animals or fowl impounded, the age as nearly as possible, sex and color, with brand or ary mark of identification, which notice may be as follows: Reserve ................••••Pound No. ........on section ..... in Range No. ...........(or as ase may be) Impounded o n of ....... 19 ••••• (Kind of animal or fowl and number of same), Color ........ .Age ..... (Brand or makV of identification). Pound-Keeper (Signature).... .............. * * 11* Impounded animals or fowl, when not claimed, shall, before being sold, remain in pound For fifteen days or for such lànger period as the resolution provides. Ill* Where animals or fowl impounded are sold by reason of not being claimed the proceeds after deducting expenses, shall be handed to Agricultural Committee to be retained by them in a special account for one year when, if not claimed, they shall go to the general funds of the Agricultural Committee. If the proceeds are not sufficient to pay all expenses the balance thereof, may be recovered with costs as a debt Sue to the Agricultural Committee from the owner of such animals or fowl, in which case the production of a statement of the amount of such proceeds, the amount of such expenses and the balance owing purporting bo be certified by the Agricultural Committee shall be evidence of the debt.
c( ,iued Page two 8. ill The Agricultural Consulttee shall pay to the pound-keeper any balance of expenses that h-ve been personally incurred by him* and for which he has rot been reimbursed foe» the proceeds of the dale or otherwise. 9. ho p ;und-keeper shall directly or indirectly become the purchaser of any animals or fowl sold by authority of this By-Law. 10. Ko pound-keeper shall in order to make a sale of any impound animals be required to take out any Auctioneers license or other license. 11. It shall be the duty of the pound-keepers on demand and upon a statement that such animals as are n t permitted to run at large were found straying running at lar£e or trepassing in contravention of this By-Law is to receive and impound such animals or fowl. 12. The pound-keeper shall notify the owner or keeper or bailee of any animals impounded within 24 hours, if such be known, and if not known, the pound-keeper shall immddiately put up notices at the Pound Qates and at the local Post Offices within 2 4 hours giving description of animals as near an may be. 13. Upon the receipt of the pound-keepers fee the Pound-keeper shall forthwith release the impounded animals provided no damages are claimed. If any damages are claimed, the pound-keeper shall in addition to his own fees receive either a cash deposit or an approval joint promissory note for the amount claimed for damages and reasonable costs of dispute before the releases the impounded animals. 14. If the amount of the damages cannot be agreed upon between the parties, the dis pute' shall be dealt with bfyarbitration. The owner or keeper of the impounded animals shall appoint oneearbitrator and the owner or keeper of the property claimed to be damaged shall appoint one arb trator and the Agricultural Committee or the Councillor of the area inwhich the Pound is situated shall appoint a third arbitrator. 15. The three arbitrators thus appointed shall forthwith appraise the damage and make an award in wri ing with such terms and conditions as to costs as they shall think proper signed by at least two of them add the said award shall be delivered to the pound-keeper. If the disputing parties previously agreed in writing to abide by the decision of the arbitrators there shall be no appeal from au h award, and the pound-keeper shall then forthwith after having SHMS£s£, m M ï K ë X M ü î ë a X X ï M S i X M X received the written award pay the amount of . uch award to the person entitled thereto, from the monies deposited with him, or if only a promissory note has been made and deposited with the pound-keeper the same nay be assigned to the person entitled to the award. The pound-keeper shall in no case be responsible to anyone for any greater sum of money or for any security other than that deposited with him in this beflalf. 16. Each arbitrator shall be entitled to be paid for his services a fee of o»e dollar for the award and the certificate thereof duly delivered to the pound-keeper and ten cents for every mile necessarily travelled by him in makiftgg the award. 17. Every arbitrator must be a disinterested party living within a radius of five miles of the Pound in which the animals in respect of which he proposed to arbitrate are impounded. 18. No person shall be entitled to à fee for delivering any animal or animals to a pound-keeper. 19. It shall be the duty of the pound-keerer to care for and properly feed all animals impounded and to suitably segregate all stallions, boars, bulls and rams. If mild covs are impounded the pound-keeper shall milk the same twice a day and shall be entitled for so doing to keep the milk for hi3 own use,
oued Page three 20. ^ny person who leaves open any gate or lets -own any bars or makes any gap In any fence for the purpose of permitting any animals to trespass or otherwise cause any animal to trespass shall be guilty of an infraction of this By-Law. 21. In the event of a pound-keeper failing to discharge his duties hereunder, he shall be guilty of an infraction of this By-Law. 22. The round-keeper shall enter in a book, kept for the purpose, the nun description of every animal impounded by him with the name of the persoi the same fihe day and the hour in which the êame was received, redeemed dr"sold, and the amount of damage^ costs and fees paid by the party redeemings£^vn|/or the proceeds of the sale (if made) and he shall make all entries therein as soon as possible after doing each thing required by this Ey-Law. Such pound book and a copy of this Ey-Law which the pound-keeper is hereby required to keep, shall at all reasonable times be 8ipen for inspection of arty person free of charge. 23. The Pound-Keeper shall make returns to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Municipality in writing of the number and description of all animals received by him, with the name3 of the pe sons talcing the same to the pound, the day in which received by him, redeemed or solda and the amount received for damages, costs and fees. Such return shall be maBe once per annum or oftener as required by the Council. 24.. The charges and fees to be taken and kept by the pound-keepers for impounding and keeping animals shall be as follows For each head of poultry per day .... $ .25 For each horse, gelding, mare or mule per day ..f >2. CO For each stallion per day .... §4* 00 For each bull per day .... $4-. 00 For each hog per dsy •••■ $2. 00 For each ram or other sheep per day .... .50 For each goat per day ...» .50 For each cow or cow with calf per day .... $1. 00 For each calf per dsy .... .50 For all other cattle per day .... $1. 00 For notice to owner or keeper of impounded animals, including verbal notice ... $1.00 For each mile necessarily travelled to serve such notice •• .20 For each advertisement of sale and conduct of sale ....f2.00 25. That amendments can be made from time to time rro the discretion of the Chief and Council on advice of the Agricultural Committee in respect to makMg this By- Law more beneficial and effective. Band Council Resolution passed by Chief and Council of the Little Saskatchewan Indian Reserve on this Teaaàfa day of ifoaw»h 19^9. 23 fin Chief Councillors ?1),L
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.