Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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L), DEPARTMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTE: The word» •‘From our Band Fund»*' must appear în all resolution» requesting expenditures from Band Fund». The Council of the...................... .......................................M a r t in ............................................................................................Band of Tndian^ (Name of Band) in the................................................................................P ia h e r .-R iv e r ....................................................................................... Indian Agency, (Name of Agency) in the Province a meeting, held at.............................................................................. (Name of Province in full) (Name of Place) this.............Tw safer-iJxiïÆ ..................... day of......... M s# .......................... A .D . 19 ...61..... (In Full) (Month) D o H e r e b y R e s o l v e : That we make the following by-law persuant to paragraphs (b ) and (r ) o f Section 80 o f the Indian Act. By-law number 1. A By-law to provide fo r the regulation o f t r a f f ic in the Lake S t. Martin Indian Reserve, in the Province o f Manitoba. ^ (a ) No vehicle shall be operated at a rate o f speed inj^pccess o f 30 miles an hour on any road within the Lake St. Martin Indian Reserve. (b ) Notwithstanding the provisions o f paragraph (a ) , no veh icle sha ll be operated at a rate o f speed in excess o f 15 miles per hour within any school area designated and marked as such by the Council o f the Band. Any person who v iolates any o f the provisions o f th is by-law shall be gu ilty o f an offence and shall be lia b le on summary conviction to a fin e not exceeding Ten Dollars ($10.00) or imprisonment fo r a t,erm not exceeding seven days, or both fin e and imprisonment. (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Cou nci * llor) (Councillor) r (Councillor) (Councillor) . (Councillor) * (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Funds ACCT A. Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. $ / | | Capital Revenue 6. Recommended 7. Approved Date Superintendent, Reserves and Trusts Date Director, Indian Affairs IA5-7 Mr U 61
C K< / ÿ A / 2 (^*ajCJL / à / 7. J THE LAKE ST. MARTIN BAND OF INDIANS BY-LAW NO. 1-73 Being a by-law f o r the removal and punishment o f p erson s who tr e sp a ss o r freq u en t th e R eserve f o r purposes n o t conducive to th e w e ll -b e in g o f th e R eserve in h a b ita n ts . WHEREAS Paragraphs (p) and (r ) o f S ec tio n 80 o f th e Indian A ct empower th e Band Council to make by-law s r e s p e c t in g th e removal and punishment o f persons tre sp a ss in g upon lthe R eserve o r fr eq u en tin g th e R eserve f o r p r es c r ib ed purposes and th e im p osition o f a p en a lty f o r th e v io la t io n th e r e o f ; AND WHEREAS i t i s deemed ex p ed ien t to l im i t th e a c ce s s o f c e r ta in u n d esira b le person s f o r th e p r o te c t in g and w ell b e in g o f th e R eserve R esid en ts o f th e Lake S t . M artin Indian R ese rv e . NOW THEREFORE th e Council o f th e Lake S t . Martin Band o f Indians en a cts th e fo llo w in g b y -la w : * (1) In th is by -la w , (a) "C ou ncil" means th e C ou n cil, as d e fin ed in th e Indian A c t , o f th e Lake S t . Martin Band o f In d ia n s. (b) "R eserv e" means th e t r a c t o f land s e t apart by Her M ajesty w ithin the d e f in i t io n o f th e Indian A c t , f o r th e use and b e n e f i t o f th e Lake S t . Martin Indian Band. (c ) "T respass" means to e n te r un law fu lly upon th e Lake S t . Martin Indian R eserve a f t e r n o t ic e o f tr e sp a ss in g has been s e rv ed . (2) The n o t ic e o f tr esp a ss in g sh a ll b e serv ed by r e g i s t e r e d mail and/or d e liv e r e d by hand to th ose p erson s who in th e op in ion o f th e Lake S t . Martin Band Council are u n d es ira b le , and found t o b e tr e s p a s s in g . (3) Any person who v io la te s any p r o v is io n o f th is by-law sh a ll b e g u i l ty o f an o f fe n s e and sh a ll be l ia b l e to a f in e n o t ex ceed in g one hundred d o lla r s o r imprisonment f o r a term n ot ex ceed in g th ir ty days, o r both f in e and imprisonment. Approved and passed a t a duly convened m eeting o f th e Council th is 9th day o f Feb.__ 1973. Mark Traverse____ ^___ (C h ief) I .M ark.T raverse...., C h ie f o f th e L a k e.S t. .M a r tin .. .Band o f Indians do hereby c e r t i f y th a t a tru e and e x a c t copy o f th e fo r e -g o in g by-law was forwarded to th e M in is ter o f Indian A f fa ir s and Northern Develop . m . ent pursuant to S ec . tio . n 8 , 1 , s s (1) o f th e Indian A ct th is . •. m. . 9 t h day o f .F ebruary f 1 9 . 1 3 . . .
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.