Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CAMPING BYLAW Mb Council o£ the Buffalo Point Band Members at a meeting held this 7 day o f July, M l hereby enacts bylaw No. 7-81 to provide for the regulation o f access to camp- ing areas and canping within the boundaries o f the Buffalo Point Reserve. Whereas, paragraphs (p) and (r) o f Section 81 o f the Indian Act empowers the Council o f a Band to make bylaws to provide for the regulation o f camping and the imposition o f a penalty for a v io la tion thereof, and, Whereas, i t is deemed to be expedient to control and regulate canping areas within the boundaries o f the Buffalo Point Reserve. No therefore, the Council o f the Buffalo Point Band Members enacts as a bylaw thereof, the follow ing: 1. In this bylaw, (a) "Council" means the Council as defined in the Indian Act o f the Buffalo Point Band Members; 0 ) "Reserve" means the tract o f land set apart by Her Majesty with­ in the defin ition o f the Indian Act, for the use and benefit o f the Buffalo Point Band Members known as the Buffalo Point reserve. (c) "Supervisor" means a person authorized by the Council o f a Band to supervise camping areas and canping on the Reserve. (d) "Camping area" means a designated areas for temporary stopovers, be it overnight or otherwise. 2. No person, shall be permitted to camp or be in possession o f camping equipment in the Reserve without f i r s t obtaining a written permit from the supervisor. 3. A canping permit shall be va lid only for the period inscribed thereon and fo r such places in the Reserve as are designated as camping areas by the Council and may be subject to a fee established by Council Re­ solu tion . 4. A ll campers shall abide by the regulations o f the Province o f Manitoba made for controlling fire s and the setting o f fire s in lands contiguous to the Reserve. 5. No person camper or otherwise shall have or attempt to set a f i r e , in keeping with the Fire Preventions Act being F80. 6. No timber, gravel or mineral shall be removed from the Reserve nor may trees be damages in any way. 7. The supervisor may cancel any camping permit where, in his opinion the holder o f such permit has acted in a manner contrary to the camping re ­ gulations and bylaws. 8. No person shall without lawful excuse, the proof o f which lie s upon him, prowl or lo ite r by day or by night upon or near the area where a camp s ite is located. 9. A ll campers w ill be subject to regulations and bylaws while in any area o f the Reserve. 10. Any person who violates any o f the provisions o f this bylaw shall be gu ilty o f an o ffen ce , and shall be liab le to a summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars dr imprisonment for a term not exceeding th irty days, or both fine and imprisonment. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting o f the Council o f the Buffalo Point Band Members this 7 day o f July 1981. Council Eddie Copenase Council Jim Thumder
̂ Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes 9 Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Indian and Inuit Affairs Affaires indiennes et inuit BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE ________________________________________________ NOTE: The words From our Band Funds "C a p i t a l " or "R ev en u e , which ever is the case, must appear in all resolutions r e q u e s t i n g expenditures from Band Funds N O T A : L e s m o ts " d e s fo n d s d e n o tr e b a n d e l C a p i t a l ' ou revenu" s e lo n le c a s d o iv e n t p a r a i t r e d a n s t o u t e s t e s r é s o lu t io n s p o r ta n t s u r d e s d é p e n s e s à même l e s fo n d s d e s b a n d e s THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE BUFFALO POINT INDIAN BAND AGENCY DISTRICT PROVINCE MANITOBA PLACE NOM DE L ENDROIT BUFFALO POINT DATE 7 July____ A D 1 9 ___U 8 J ___________ ______ DAY - JO U R MONTA - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: That the bylaw entitled "CAMPING BYLAW" be and the same is hereby approved, and enacted as a bylaw 7-81 o f the Council o f the Buffalo Point Band o f Indians, and further that the Chief and Council be authorized to sign the same. A quorum for this Bande Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixé è Council Members Membres du Conseil _ ...Jim..Thyn.dbI.......... (Chief - Chef) Edd.y Cogenase (Councillor c o n s e i l l e r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l l e r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l i e r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l l e r ) (Councillor c o n s e i 11er) (Councillor c o n s e i l l e r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l l e r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l l e r ) FOR DEPARTM ENTAL USE O N LY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE 1. Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - S O L D E S D 'O R D I N A T E U R C o d e du compte d e b a n d e A, Capital B. Revenue R e v e n u $ $ 6. Recommended R e c o m m a n d a b le Dat e Recommending Officer R e c o m m a n d é p a r I A 135 ( 5 - 7 9 ) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 2Chronological No. N u m éro c o n s é c u t i f 265-55 File Reference N ° d e r é f* du d o s s i e r 501/3-10 (LG) cc : 501/3-1-265 C u r r e n t C a p i t a l B a l a n c e S o l d e d e c a p i t a l J, C o m m i t t e d - E n û a û é $ C u r r e n t R e v e n u e b a l a n c e H f * rp i/p nir w C o m m i t t e d E n g a û é S YEAR - ANNEE (Councillor -- c o n s e i l l e r ) (Councillor C o n s e i l le r ) (Councillor - c o n s e i l l e r ) (Councillor conseiller) 3* Expenditure 4» Authority A u t o r i 5. Source of Funds D é p e n s e s Indian Act Sec S o u r c e d e s fo n d s A rt. de la L o i s u r l e s , Revî $ In d ie n s Capital Q] R evenu Approved A p p r o u v a b le Date Approving Officer A p p ro u v e p a r
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