Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

% The Council of th« Csughnesmga Band of Indians at a nesting hold Ocs-/ s/' 196̂ , msko tho following by-law pursuant to paragraphs (o) and (r) of section Go of tho Indian Act* By-law Ho. 2 A by-law fbr tha protection, praaarm tlon and management <ff fur boaring animals#fish end game on theCaughnrwegc Indian reserve In tho fro vinos of Qusboo* 1* Bo parson# other than a meraber of the Oaughnavagn Band of Indiras or Indiens from other Bands occornpanlod by Cttughnarsgs Indians shall trap#fish or hunt within tho bouadarias of Gsogfcnavaga Indian Reserve* Z* So aeatoer of tha Caughnswaga Band shell invite or aeooqpezqr «®y person who is not a member of tho above mentioned band eaeoept Indians frota other Bonds onto the above-mentioned Reserve fbr the purpose of trnpping# fishing or hunting* saFwtcsaaKg 3* Tha Chief and Councillors of tho Band# Indian conntobio(s)# Royal Canadian Mounted folios and any other person or persons named by the Council shell be ex-officio omoors fbr the enforcement of this by-lav* h» Any officer for the enforcement of this by-law shall forthwith seise all fleh or g«ae protected by this by-law which (a) is found by him in possession of any person other than as above specified! / (b) appears to have bean taken by sono unlawful nears and shall bring such game or fish before a police magistrate,stipendiary magistrate or porson epyoi- nted by tho Governor in Council to bo c Juntloo of the foaco for offences under tho Indian Act /2...
̂ ; She Connell of the Caugtmauaga Bend of Italic.ns at a mooting held Q bV. I , 1SM&, end tha Goutioil o f tha 0t« Wind ft n ^ectirci hoi? * Nove . mber *; > > * . ' . ' # ly ‘. 6 ft# ma •" ke th \ jr a fallowi <o) end (r) of section 80 of tha Indian Act. f . V i* * "*!•&No. 2A.„ ■. ',../• jgk - f f i f e - A; i y ’'jywy.- tat '.tha protaotloog preservation end wanagenemt of fur S' *V- -'tfw w . : f T-VJ*:'# .• v f v» 7 *■. ' * ' 5 la tht Yimdio* of umbae. 4^'., A-Bo peraeft, other than a mofcar of the Coq̂ hnawaga or Oku Bend of or Oka Indiana shell trap, fish or hunt within t’*e Vwfd'- H.*?*' of 2|: . ,U» |!onoa»tor iaciian neaorw Bo. 17. 2. No meatoer'of the Catt̂ hnewega or Olca N*nd9 oimll itt it n- *t a •»'">•->-ws«pwHH!lM^ Mppther* ' onto- the above-oentloned Reserve V*" Vr;'̂ •' .or f:pla^#,,;flihine or hunting. V, '.* *2V<$s&f .'.:kL '.'•'■iS-.V *7*?*'*‘ .’ ...... '■'X‘, _ -V _ ___ ___ . f.f; 3. ®u Chiefs and Oounoillors o f the'Bends, Indict) cot.-st*' '•?!»■**, tv*--! V Ism/*, *4? W'>-^ > |f^ a M * e iw 'e *KT (Mnoa othflr than a -w~ \ A,■' n .■' g qjp-Ia ' w pursuant to pars-urarhs Reserve r-o. 17 rrv' ^ 9 # w * w $ 9--.P. a* **»ai * / v •' * . . - . ' .r - -f •:' ' •■' \ :’ ' Mnfld ̂"“■** " •“ the ©nforctnorit of unlawful raeatifl and nhell t .f ••’•'* t . . ttitmaSUtf* \ w % the ^ov«mor in Council . ■&. ' tfif i #•; iz
2 5* Hicro a p«nwo is convicted under this by-law, tho «0»vi«to court or Judge 007 order that the gaao and fish* In addition to any penalty laposed* are forfited to Bar Majesty for the benefit of the band,pro via od, that the meat or fish so fOrfited shall be deliverod to a charitable institution designated by tho Council* 6* day parson she violate* any of the provisions of this by-law shall on staaasxy conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding One Hundred (1100*00) dollars or lap r in on- neat for a tom not exceeding thirty (30) days or to both flno and Imprisonment* m m m s k j m j m m Kf C e o i u i n T c X i i ll i o i r .'fUi.... * Councillor 1 «•*•••••* r r**««*•%••(•••*«••••••**»•• Councillor
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.