Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

un-iaq-m ua = i s fkum = i nui an anu inuii AFFAIRS I D = P.O. Box 634 Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 6E5 Telephone: (902) 897-9199 Fax: (902)893-4785 fiAKiD COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE N N O OT T E a . : T lb M s H o r ls d s ' c ' J F « f s o r J n o n o d u s r d 8 e a n n q ou F s u b n< a t n * d f o C ' a c p a * p la it r a l o ' r o M u R * e H ve o n vo u n e u . " w * h u* e v n i e \ v to e r c a i & s ( d h e e cf m »s i o . canons p B rn i The council ol me MTi Le conaeil do la band® indionno Mil L B R 0 0 K B A N D C O UN CI L S 8 E ? n o i A S C O T I A Province NOl A S C O T I A Cfl M71 Nom Oe endroU M U L B R O O K R E SE RV E Dale 6th S e p t e m b e r a d * » 2001 D»y - Jour Mpnjh - Moil DO HEREBY RESOLVE; DECIDE, PAR LES PRfcStENTES: WHEREAS the Millfcr ook Band is pursuing economic development ventures on its reserve lands in Truro, Cole H(arlhour and Sheet Harbour/Beaver Lake. AND WHEREAS the economic development may involve the sale of intoxicants on reserve lands. AND WHEREAS pu suant to a special meeting o f the Millbrook Band, called by the Council o f the Mi ll brook Band for the purpose of considering the repeal o f Band By-Law No. 32 Intoxicants, a majority of the electors o f the Band assented to its repeal, s a id C ou ncil M eeting h e ld S e p t . 5 ,200 BE IT RESOLVED at a duly convened Band Council meeting the Chief and Council do hereby repeal Band By-Law Nf O. J12 -intoxicants, dated the 28,h November, 1985 and registered in the Privy Council Office is SOR785-1151 on 11th December. A quorum for Ihls fiend Pour con9 bande I0 quorum esi f c i o n n d » i & B i8 of _ S _ E _ V _ E _ N _ _ ( _ 7 ) Council Members. Membros du Consort. (COwiK-iiloi - ConzwkiU / f / - (CnuncHof - Conaaifai) (Couftfimy COrt«ild) (CouneWof - CoRiftltar) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RSSERVC AU MINU5TERE 1 Bind PuM Cwfc Jf Cprppwl̂ f R«|anp«s SnW«v dord»nainut COOA du fclVhJUfc 5 biptOdiMfl - rtl A, C«o>lpi 9 Ai-«nuX - Fd'ueou . ___ i ___ _____ _________ J __________________ 0, RaeaTV'lIMfed - fl*COmmBrtdabf» Approved - Ap 0«rB RBCorTviw<tt>0 Olfk;*r - Reofimminda p*r PAGE 2/2 t : r i . J . . * J r) r> g| ^7 Ll- rj 1 4 £ g q Q & - *ac>o\ F4q Pq!oilmen *• n* da r<li»o«c« du doiufl' C- (e u a » iu i o o d p a p n o ® p r l a in u td oi * l r \ o ti s o r l P u $ i o ia M n » * e > r r a >$ q i p /e o s rl u a n A g i t s x u« p a < n J« d *f i i d g d iM po n fr * o o m * B I e / n n d fc n F g u n t d o s . tends dos Cunerti Capital flalapca Solde da capital Commuted Enoaod Current Revenue Balance Solde da /avenue Comm Engag i e tted Yei/ - A A Add (Cwuncrflni v CpnMJvl (Coutellw - CanWdr) 4, AsrttvQrity linden vM Sw4«pp) SourC« e< Fund* |Ailc<# d© li <Loi »u' Source 8m kxtdft l»i ncapitu n i iw M _________ _ fl̂ yanu-Dmta A pfM W nQ O tC A l - Ap (MUri fUl
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NOTICE There will be a special Band meeting on cite 5* September, 2001, tt the Seniors Cent:;, fe'l I Willow Street at 6 p.m., pursuant to section 85.1(2) of the Indian considering the toilowing Band Council Resolution: WHEREAS the MiUbrook Band is pursuing economic development ventures on its reserve lands in Truro, Cole Harbour and Sheet Harbour/Beaver Lake AND "WHEREAS this economic development may involve the sale of intoxicants on reserve lands. BE IT RESOLVED at a duly convened Band Council meeting. The Chief and Council do hereby repeal Band By-law No. 32 Intoxicants, dated 28* November, 1985 and registered in the Privy Council Office as SOR/85-J151 on 1 l h December. 1985. A copy of the By-law to be repealed will be made available at the meeting. KAGE 6 / 1 1 . for the purpose ot THia It: rs.-'llilT " & '* TO !>: t .*<e i r r C P i t u . ' i ' t 'K r TL-.J-C- swo*f» nr=c-!?A r.:r, rus oav CK jC O v C m V jC .*” ( A. Q-, l L-CUri
a nu* a nrr n i rj A bS J / 11 REPEAL OF INTOXICANT BY-LAW NO. 32 a f f id a v it p r o v in g p r o c e d u r a l REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET. dZW d m I. Lawrence Paul, Chief o f the Millbrook Band, make oath and say as fo llow s. 1) I did on Wednesday, the 5 day of September. 2001. hold a Special Meeting of ±e Beni at the Seniors Centre. 841 Willow Street, Truro, Nova Scotia. 2) A Notice was hand delivered on the 22nd day of August. 2001. U) each of the electorate notifying them of the date, rime and place that the meeting was to be held (A sznpie cl the said Notice is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit ~A“). 3) Notices (aitached hereto and marked as Exhibit 4B**) were also posted at the folowing public areas of the reserves: a) The Band Office b) The Community Centre c) The Bands Tobacco Store d) The Gas Bar 4) The above mentioned meeting commenced at 6:00p.m. 5) The number o f electorate in attendance at die special meeting was six (6). .repeal o f the 6) The number o f votes in favour orby-law was six (6).
7) The number of vows against the&3aw was nil!* v 8) The number of abstentions was nil. Page * n
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.