Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Indian and Northern Affairs Affaues mdiennes et ciu Nord BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE The words "From our Band Fu n ds " Ca p i t a l " or R e v e n u e , wh i f h eve r is the u s e , must appear in Band Funds NOT A Les mots "lies tonds de notre bande 'C a p i ta l ou r evenu set on /e cus do i vent para it re dans tou tes I meme les tonds des bandes THK C O U N C IL OK T H E Mic-MaCS L E CO NSEIL DE LA BA N D E 1N D IE N N E O f A G E N C Y d i s t r i c t Quebec Regional Office p r o v i n c e Quebec P L A C E n o m d e l ' e n d r o i t Maria Indian Reserve p ^ t f 15th April a h i q DAY - JO UR MONTH - MOIS DO H E R E B Y R E S O L V E : D EC ID E, PA H L E S That the Mic-Macs of Maria being the elected governing body and government on the reserve, do hereby make this amendment to by-law No. 3. This by-law adopted April 27, 1977, according to sub-section b. c. d. r, of section 81 of the Indian Act. R.S.C. c. 149 1952. And that the said council considers this the opportune and in the greatest interest of the residents of the reserve to modify the said by-law. A quorum for th is Bund Pour cette bande le quorum est con si sts of t i x 6 3 C o u n c i l Members Membres du C on se i l . . . . . J B .e r . n . a r . d . . . J . e r . a m (Chief - Chef) Francis Jerome....... Ch ie f B e rnard J e rome...........................’ (Counci l l or consei Her) (Counci l l or conse i l te r) F ran c i s j e rome Maximg....M& (Counci l l or consei Her) (Counci l l or co nse i l te r ) (Counci l l or co nse i l te r ) (Counci l l or conse i Her) (Counci l l or co nse i l te r ) (Counci l l or consei Her) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE A U MINISTERE j l . Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES DORDINATEUR . Code du compte de l>ande A. Capi ta l U. Revenue Revenu 6. Recommended Recommendable Re commending Of f icer Recommande par I A 1 3 5 ( 3 - 7 4 ) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 2( ' h r i t i l l >I <>g u . 11 N i l . Numcrc ' O f l N f M l l / i f #8 f e rc n c e 1981 all r esolut ions request ing expendi tures from es reso lu t ions portant sur des depen s e s a Maria Current C a p ita l B a la n c e Solde de capital $ Committed Engag e $ Current R even ue b a la n c e Solde de revenu Committed Engag e $ 81 YEAR - ANN&E c . . . . . . . . . (Counci l l or c o n s e i l le r) (Counci l l or Conseil ler) (Counci l l or cons ei I le r) (Counci l l or conse i l te r) 3. Expendi ture 4. Authori ty Autori te 5. Source of Funds Source des tonds D eponses Indian Act Sec Art. dr la Loi sur lcs , , _ , , Revenue Indiens Capi tal R evenu Approved Approuva ble Date Approving Officer Approu ve par
Chronological No. /Vijmero c o n s e cu t i/ I * Indian and Northern Aflairs Aftaires mdiennes et du Nord tt 8 Fi le Reference N° de re f . du d o ss ie BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1981 RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words From our Bond Fu n ds C a p i ta l or R e v e nu e , w h i c h e v e r is the case , must appear in al l reso lut ions request ing expendi tures from Band Funds NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande * C ap i ta l ' ou r e v a nu se lon /e cas doivent paraitre dans toutes le s reso lu t ions portent su r des deponses a memo les fonds des Ivin des t h e c o u n c i l o k t h e Mic-Macs of Maria Current C a p ita l B a la n c e L E CO NSEIL DE LA B A N D E INDIENNE Solde de capital $ A G E N C Y d i s t r i c t Quebec Regional Office Committed Engage $ p r o v i n c e Quebec Current R even ue b a la n ce Solde de revenn $ P L A C E NOM DE L ENDROITM & r i & I n d l a n ^ S e r v e Committed Engag e $ D A T E ^ ^ April AD 1 9 . . ... DAY - JO U R MONTH - MOIS YEA R - A/VAe DO H E R E B Y R E S O L V E : D EC ID E, P A R L E S P R E S E N T E S : That the Mic-Macs of Maria being the elected governing body and government on the reserve, do hereby make this amendment to by-law No.3. This by-law adopted April 27- 19771 according to sub-section b. c. d. r, of section 81 of the Indian Act. R.S.C. c. 149 1952. And that the said council considers this the opportune and in the greatest interest of the residents of the reserve to modify the said by-law. . ' | A quorum for th is Band Pout cette bande l e quorum eat c o n s i s t s of fi x£ & C o u n c i l Members Mombres du C on se i l (Chief - Chef) Chief Bernard Jerome > ....... * ........ * .. ..... -. .. . . ...... .. —... .... . . ................ t . .. s . ................ C.... (Counci l l or cons at Her) (Counci l l or - conse i l ter) \ Francis...Jerome......... Albert....Condo....... (Counci l l or consei ller) (Counci l l or Conseil ler) Maxime Martin (Counci l l or cons ei l le r) (Counci l l or c o ns e i l ler) (Counci l l or conse i l le r) (Count i l lor c o n s e ille r) (Counci l l or co nse i tier) (Counci l l or c o n s e ille r) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE : 1. Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D' ORDINA TEUR 3. Expendi ture 4. Authori ty Autorite' 5. Source of Funds Code du compte B. Revenue R evenu D epen ses Indian Act Sec Source des fon d s de bande A. Capi ta l A rt. de la L oi su r le s ii ~ $ Indians n l__j Capi tal i n ̂R D evenue $ $ » i1 Revenu 6. Recommended - Re com m endable Approved A pprouvab le 1 1 D ate Approving Off icer A pprouve p ar Dat e Recommending Off icer R econvnande par I A 1 3 5 ( 3 - 7 4 ) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 ,
BY-LAW No. 3 As amended and adopted by the Mic-Macs of Maria April 15, 1981 Therefore the said amendment by-law shall read as follows: ARTICLE 1. Council means: Council of the Micmacs of Maria Reserve means: Maria Indian Reserve Police means: Maria Amerindian Police - constituted under the Amerindian Police Council and as long as such time the Maria band is a full partic­ ipating member of the Amerindian Nations in Quebec. Road* means: and includes any highway, lane, street or other lane set aside or under the control of the council for the common use of the Maria band or the general public for the passage of motor vechicles within the reserve or the boundaries of the reserve. ARTICLE 2. No person shall operate any vechicle at a rate of speed in excess of 50 kn» within the reserve. ARTICLE 3 a) Not withstanding the provisions of article #2 of this by-law no person shall operate a vechicle at a rate of speed in excess as designated by signs at designated areas as follows: SCHOOL ZONE - PLAYGROUND AREA Main St: 50 km unless designated -20 M.P.H. Sfehool St. -20 m'p^h; Centre St. north -south -20 m.p.h. Beach St -20 m.p.h. ARTICLE 3 Route 132 subject to provincial juristiction ARTICLE 4 No person shall park: a) in front of a public or private driveway b) on any road for a continous period of time longer than 24 hours c) in such a way as to prevent the removal of snow or hinder road repair or construction. d) in such a way as to hinder or block the free passage of other vechicles. e) Designated areas. in front of Band office - Police station ARTICLE 5 a) Every person operating a vechicle shall make a full stop before entering a through highway. b) Designated areas: School zone when moveable stop sign is vivible Playground area when moveable sign is visible c) Moveable stop signs: Will be used exclusively for the school zones and playground area, during the school season. Effective hours being 8.30 A.M. to 3*30 P.M. excluding weekends.
^ BY-LAW 3 (con't) d) The operator of a vehicle roust respect in the same manner moveable stop signs as he would permanent stop signs. ARTICLE 6 a) It is forbidden for a person to operate a bicycle on the reserve without it having a bright light in front and a rear reflector at night. b) It is strictly forbidden for two people to occupy the same bicycle unless it is equiped with an additional permanent seat. ARTICLE 7 a) Everyone including a passenger who rides on a motorcycle or a ski-doo must wear a protective helmet which complies with standard regulations of the highway code. b) All motorcycles and ski-doos are subject to the articles of this by-law. ARTICLE 8 All owners of vechicles circulating within the limits of the reserve must have a valid licence and registeration issued by the bureau of motor vechicles, Minister of Transport, Quebec, except ski-doos. ARTICLE 9 All operators of ski-doos with pursuant to this by-law shall not operate their ski-doos on public highway or streets, unless crossing such highway or street. ARTICLE 10 SCHOOL BUSES Jt is forbidden to pass a school bus or vechicle or a vechicle prescribed as a school bus when it's lights are flashing. ARTICLE 11 Heavy Vechicles No heavy vechicles shall be operated or proceeded or found parked on the reserve that do not have any business with the community. ARTICLE 12 Any person who violates any provisions in this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $25*00 or imprisonment of a term not exceeding 15 days or both. Approved and passed at a meeting held by the council of the Mic-Macs of Maria this 15th day of April 1981.
j # ^ / CANADA Province de Québec SAVOIR Je, Marcel Martel Agent régional, Administration des bandes (nom) (tître) demeurant à Québec _______ , fais serment et jure que le texte porté sur le présent affidavit (joint au présent affidavit) est la copie conforme d'un document produit et présenté à moi, et tenu pour le règlement original adopté en conformité de la Loi sur les Indiens sous la signature de Bernard Jerome______, en date du 27 avril 1977 , ladite copie ayant été comparée par moi audit document original. (si gnature) Juré devant moi à Québec ce 1 6 jour de mai_____ 197 7. Commissaire autorisé à faire prêter les serments à l'intérieur des limites et au nom de la province de Québec______________. ij J ï . y .:.ï -V , ' V v-.-v'-VNVC'ii
V yilCMAC OF M AR IA BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTE: The words From our Band Fund*” must appear in a l l resolution* requesting expenditures from Band Funds. c o u n c i l o f t h e Mic-Macs of Maria a g e n c y Quebec Regional Office p r o v i n c e Quebec p l a c e Maria Inda^^ Reserve d a t e . . . . . . a d iq DAY MONTH DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Whereas Section 81 sub: (c)(B) (d) (r) empowers the Council of a Band of Indians to enact by-laws to provide for the regulation of traffic and the imposition of a penalty for violation of such by-law. Pursuant to Section 8l sub: c,b,d,r, we hereby make this by-law with regulations and provisions attached. By-lav/ #3 Approved and passed at a duly meeting of the Council of the Mic-Mac Band of Maria this 27th da£ of April 1977. S E ' C T i O N f l S G I S T R E S RE?ULEs tff-ji Bernard.... (Councillor) (Councillor) ............... (Councillor) (Councillor) . . I . a x . i m e . . . M a (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES ACCT A. Capital B. Revenue $ $ 6. Recommended Authorised Officer •> t f f- § t f •» . # ! \ h i f Chronological No. c#£»7 77-78 H.Q. Reference 2,/ / 9 <9 . _ t / _ j t r <- r y': *7 FOR H E A D Q U A R T E R S U SE O N LY b a n d YEAR AFFAIRES COMMUIHA-M r r g . £ , | J f cu ,D.o.uglas....Mar.tin________;. (Councillor) r t i n . . (Councillor) (Councillor) 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Fund* Indian Act Sec . [ j Capita l P | Revenue $ 7. Approved Date A ss is tant Deputy Minister. ■; / / \
9 , 3 ^ / 7 7 Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Maria Mic-Mac Band of Indians at a meeting held this 27th day of April 1977. Make the following by-law pursuant to paragraph (c) (b(D (d) (r) of Section 8] of the Indian Act. By-law # 3 Article 1 COUNCIL means the Council of the Mic-Macs of Maria Reserve Means the Maria Indian Reserve Police means MARIA INDIAN POLICE Vechicle means any type of motor car,truck,motor cycle, tractor, or any other kind that is driven by any kind of power. Road means and includes any driveway,highway,lane,street, or other lanes set aside or under the control of the council, for the common use of the Maria Band or the general public for the passage of motor vehicles within the Reserve. Article 2 No person shall operate any vehicle at a rate of speed in excess of 30 m.p.h.within the Reserve. Article 3a Not withstanding the provision of article 2 of this by-law no person shall operate a vehicle at a rate o<f> speed in excess of 20 m cp.h. within the residential area as defined: All roads dereving from the main road known as road #1 Ex: road leading to the Reserve dump road leading to the beach area road leading to ballfield area Article 3b Section of Route 132 passing through Reserve is subject to the Highway code of the Province of Quebec. Article h No person shall park: a) in front of a private or public driveway b) on any road for a continous period of time* longer that 2k hrs. c) in such a way as to prevent the removal of snow or hinder road repair or construction. d) in such a way as to block the free passage of other vehicles using the road. Article 5 Evety person operating a vehicle shall make a full stop before entering a through highway.
' / / By-law #3 (con1t) ARTICLE 6 a) It is strictly forbidden for a person to operate a bicycle on the Reserve without it having a fixed bright light in front and a rear reflector at night. b) It i s s t r i c t l y forbidden fo r two people to occupy the same b i c y c le mm&k xk it un le ss i t is equiped with an a d d i t ion a l peraBBBititseat. c) The driver of a bicycle on a road must travel as close as possible to the right hand side of the road. Article 7 a) Everyone including a passenger who rides on a motorcycle must wear a protective helmet which copplies with yhe standards of regulations of the Highway Act. b) All motorcycles are subject to the article of this by-law. Article 8 Any person who violates any provision in this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $25-00 or imprisonment of a term not exceeding 15 days or both. Approved and passed at a meeting held by the council of the Mic-Mac Band of Maria, this 27th day of April 1977 Original signed by Bernard Jerome
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.