Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

(6-4-1 OJUO / . BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE WOTE: The words. * From our Band Funds** must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. KOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande doivent paraitre dans toutes les resolutions portant sur des dgpenses a meme les fonds des bandes ____ t h e c o u n c i l o f t h e LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE IBNDEANE. A G E N C Y N . B . D I S T R I C T AGEKCE « P R O V I N C E . im -J B R U N S l '/ I C K P L A C E NON DE L ENDROIT R E D B A N K , N . B . d a t e October a d 19 ^ DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS DO H E R E B Y R E S O L V E : DECIDE , PAR LES PRESENTES: V/e, the Chief and Council request that Band Council Resolution No. 7, the By-Law #2 a ffe ctin g garbage co lle c t io n on the Red Bank reserve be amended to read: nThe Council o f the Red Bank Band w il l arrange fo r the regular removal o f garbage and waste at a cost to the householder o f $3.00 (Three Dollars) per month.” / / i (Chief - Chef) .......... (Councillor conselllerX / (Councillor conseiller) f"\ / ' / .'■n'X' ....... ................................................... ........... 4 ...\. ,.. .r. .y /........ (Co u uncillor conseil /er) v__ (Councillor —■ conseiller) (Councillor - cons eil ler) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor c o n s e i l l e r ) (Councillor conseiller) | FOR H E A D Q U A R T E R S USE O N LY - jl .TRUST ACCT 2. CURRENT BALANCES - SOLOES COURANTS I C O V P T E DE A. Capital B. Revenue Revenu | FI DUG IE 1 $ $ [d. Recommended Recomman de I 1 i i ............................................................................................................ Date Authorised Officer Eonctionnaire autorise i'• JJ.'UU 13//. '*■ i j o -00 j Chronological No, Rom ero con secu ti' o o H.Q. Reference N ° de ref. du b, pc. 7 / / / 7 - / . ? Capital balance .Soldo de capital Committed Engage $ Revenue balance. Qs\1 rlrfpt rf* VPnrf N Committed Engage $ Y E A R - ARNES d ll.k T T (Councillor con seiller) (Councillor con seiller) (Councillor con seiller) r (Councillor con seiller) R E S E R V E A U B U R E A U 3. Expenditure 4. Authority Autorite 5. Source of Funds D ep en ses Indian Act Sec Source d es tends Art. de la Loi sur les 1r ~ $ Indiens Capit a l . 1 1 Revenue ^ a w j1 u -Date Assistant Deputy Minister Soua-rrtinia nre adjoint
8,-..<D COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTF : The words "From our Band P'unda must appa«f In all resolution# m -quitting expenditures from Band Funds. COUNCIL OF THE Red Bank AGENCY Miramichi Indian p r o v i n c e New Brunswick PLACE Red Bank DATE 2 7 t h ....... ......... . M a y .................... a d i<> DAY MONTH d o h e r k o y r e s o l v e -. The Council o f the Red Bank Band o f Indiana at a mseting held rrakes the .following by-law pursuant to paragraph (a) and (r ) o f section 80 o f the Indian By-law No» % . A by-law to provide for the disposal o f garbage and waste on the Rad Bank Indian Reserve, the Province o f Mew Brunswick. (a) No person shall accumulate or permit to be acurm laiel upon lands in h is possession or deposit or accumulate on the lands in possession o f another person anything which is c may become offensive or in jurious to health. (b) No person shall deposit any dead animal, o f fa l , fish , manure, garbage, f r u it , vegstabl n ig h t-so il, f i l t h , liquid waste, or anything of a nature which is or may become offensive, prejud icia l to health upon or in to any highway, street, road, a lle y , lane, lot,, d itch , wha dock, lake, pond, r iver , stream, w all, or sewer, or in to any land or premises within the reserve and any such deposit shall be deemed a nuisance, provided, however, that the provisions o f th is paragraph shall not, apply to the deposit and proper disposal o f any sue material or at a place within the reserve approved by the council fo r that purpose. (c ) The Council nay arrange for the regular removal o f garbage and waste from any premises within the reserve. (d) In the spring of each year as soon as the melting of snow permits the person in posses o f any premises within the reserve shall c o lle c t a l l waste ratter lying thereon including t in cans, b o ttles , paper and animal manure, (e) A ll such waste matter shall be disposed of in such a manner as w il l prevent any nuia-an cr offence as the fouling o f w ells and water supply. ( f ) Any person who 'violates any o f the provisions of th is by-law shall be gu ilty or an offence and shall be liab le on summary conviction to a fins not exceeding ten dollars or imprisonment fo r a term not exceeding seven days, or both fine and imprisonment. The Council o f the Red Bank Band w il l arrange for the regular removal o f garbage Jj2id9 waste at a cost, to the householder o f $2.GO per month. (Two dollars) (Councillor) I (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOH HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2, CURRENT BALANCES a c c t A. Capital S . Rsvaiiue % j6 . RscommjnL'd Authorised Officer 1* 1 3 9 { 3 - 3 3 ) 7 5 3 0 - 21- 0 2 3 - 4 8 3 2Chronologic*! No. Ho. 7 H.Q. Reference F O R H E A D Q U A R T E R S U S E O N L Y 13 AN D' ?o YEAR ~ y \ n j < 7 / W /" 2 (cwwr , / fĈ ncillor) (Councillor) (Counp^fj^r) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councilier) (Councillor) (Course ill or) 3. Expend! ture 4 . Authority 5. Source of Fund* Indian Act Sec. [ _ j C*pit*.i [ i Ssv#?i $ 7. Approved Da6 A s s is t» n t De.put-7 Mint*-tee.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.