Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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C h ro n o lo g ica l N o. WHITE BEAR NO. 53 oE> X ' H .Q . R e feren ce band council resolution 673/28-7-26 N O T E : T h e words From our B and F un ds* m ust appear in a ll re so lu tio n s requestin g expen d itures from Band F u n d s. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY CO U N CIL or TH E W H I T E B E A R BAND AGENCY YORKTON DISTRICT PR O V IN C E SASKATCHEWAN P L A C E WHITE BEAR BAND OFFICE, CARLYLE, SASK. D A T E FIRST___________ ___VA RHH__________ a d i s 71 D A Y MONTH Y E A R DO H E R E B Y R E S O L V E : THAT the Council of the White Bear Band of Indiana at a meeting held March 1, 1971 make the follow ing by-law: By-law Io . *7 To create the position o f Band Overseer, WHEREAS i t is necessary to appoint Band Overseer to promote and supervise the enforcement o f a l l Band promoted programs and works and to carry cut such other duties as may be assigned by the Council, THEREFG.iE the Council o f the White Boar Band ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the position o f Band Overseer is hereby created fo r the White Bear Band; 2 . THAT the said position aha 11 be f i l l e d by competition advertised in accordance with the p o licy o f the Band Council expressed by resolution; 3. THAT the incunbent o f the said, position shall hold o f f ic e during the pleasure o f and subject to the By-laws o f the Band Council. 4 . THAT Tifi SAID LICUK3ILT sh a ll, f i l e before taking over his duties as Band Overseer a Declaration o f O ffice on a form prescribed by the Band Council. 5. TilAT the said incumbent shall be paid a salary o f 04,543.00 per annum on a semi-monthly basis and such sal: ry may be adjusted by Band Council Resolution according to the increase or decrease o f responsib ility o f the position and that th is sha ll be on the basis o f a 40-hour week; 6 . THAT the salary o f the said incumbent shall be payment in f u l l fo r a l l services required o f him and a l l fees or emoluments o f any kind accruing to him by virtue o f and Act or statute o f the Federal or Provincial Government, or o f any By-laws o f the Band shall be paid to the White Bear Band and credited to the funds o f the Band; 7. THAT the duties o f the Band Overseer sha ll, under general d irection o f the Band Administrator and subject to the p o lic ie s and regulations o f the Band Council, be as fo llow s: 2
C h ro n o lo g ica l N o. PAGE 2 WHITE BEAR N'J. $3 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H .Q . R e fe re n ce 673/23-7-26 N O T E : T h e words From our Band F u n d s must appear In a ll re so lu t io n s req u estin g expen d itures from Band F un ds. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COU N CIL OF TH E WH I T E BEAR BAND AGEN CY lOHETCTJ DISTRICT P R O V IN C E SASKATCHI'. AN P L A C E WHITE BEAR BAM) OFFICE, CARLYLE, SASX. D A T E FIPST _ march A D 1 0 71 D AY MONTH Y E A R DO H E R E B Y R E S O L V E : (a ) Oversees and supervises the a ffa ire and programs o f the band including - public v.orks, and u t i l i t i e s , housing* recreation , law enforcements, community planning, land matters an? band enterprises - by supervising the s ta f f and programs; - by implementing the decisions and p o lic ies o f the Council; - by submitting recommendations fo r the f f ic ie n t operation o f a l l programs and a c t iv it ie s ; - by co-ordinating the a c t iv it ie s o f the council committees; - by ensuring the proper maintenance, use and occupancy o f bu ild ings, equipment and works, controlled by the band; - by maintaining records and time o f a l l employees, preparing time sheets, pay­ l i s t s , e tc . (b) advises the Council art! i t s committees on matters under th e ir control or d irection : - by attending council and committee meetings; - by inspecting band works, a c t iv it ie s and programs and reporting on their progress; - by submitting recommendations fo r amending or Implementing bend f a c i l i t i e s , services, p o lic ies and programs; - by providing council and it s committees with background material and information to enable the council and i t s committees to make sound decisions. (c ) conducts correspondence arising from or related to these duties; submits recommendations and reports related to these duties and the powers and programs o f Council; and performs such other duties as requested-by the Council and it s committees. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Norman Shepherd akVl Alfred ..cArtnur (C h ie f) 7,317 Rose Lwack 4333 (C o u n cillo r ) u ecilia x.cartnur ; (C o u n c illo r ) 7346 Bandy Lonethunaer (C o u n c illo r ) 7.359 L i ( t C t o u l n e c illo r ) Angus Cnief 06 / Sandy SparVierU/!^40 (C o u n c illo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) Li-ancis Lonecnild 341
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.