Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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C h ron o log ica l N o. C ^ - V R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T II >1 AFFAIRS BRANCH Resolution No.34-68/69 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H .Q . R eferen ce C A N A D A N O T E : T h e w ords "F ro m our Band F u n d s " must appear In a ll re so lu tio n s requ estin g expen d itures from Band F un ds. Restigouche FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COU N CIL OF TH E BAND AGENCY Restigouche ' P R O V IN C E Quebec P L A C E Restigouche N D A T E I 5 th October AD 10 6 8 D A Y MONTH Y E A R DO H E R E B Y R E S O L V E : The Council of Restigouche Band of Indians held a meeting this 16 jrh day t o h f e O I c n t d o i b a e n r A 1 c 9 t 6 . 8 make the following by -law pursuant to section 80 of By-Law No.16 as attached. 3roposed by Michael Isaac Seconded by : Robert W.Brisk W illiamWWysote Robert './.Brisk Edward Vi (C c h a ie i f) bre Micha ( e C l o u n c I ill a o r a ) ac Robert ( M C o e u t n c a ill l o r l ) ic (C o u n c illo r ) Morri ( s C o u I n c s ill a o r a ) c Bennie ( V C o i u c n a c i i llo b r ) re (C o u n c illo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) .R.Qm.eo....La.3illois... ..... . ............... .............. (C o u n c illo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) 1 FOR H E A D Q U A R TE R S USE O N L Y 1. T R U S T 2. C U R R E N T B A L A N C E S 3. E xpenditure 4 . A uthority 5. S ource o f Funds A C C T A . C apita l B . R evenu e Indian A ct S e c . { ] C ap ita l ( | R even u e 1 $ $ 6 . R ecom m en ded 7. A pproved D ate A ss is ta n t Deputy M in ister. Date A uthorized O ffice r Indian A ffa irs 1A-135 ( 1 - 6 6 ) /
% (Rf*tujouckc (Stand C ounci£ I Restigouche, P. Q. Keatigaucho# October 16, 1*& BY IAW HO. 16 ui»9M0 eater Section 28 of toe Xhdisa Act# «Oy * band M bor con eoouy or use a reeerve, or reside# or otoandes csemsiee righto ona oorvewithout the natoortoatleo of Oho Minister oaVor bond ooumttf vswroaa tm*boad ambers and zm-lrkllano too occuiy or um a rooervo or reside or otaorvioo ososxtlso righto qq a reserve idtooot the euthorimtioo of too iiiniator of Indian Affaire and iJartoom nanraloimat and/or too tea) exwoil art f Q o iU r tsr of tresp p a u s r s p o o s p e e s# ntoo roeorvo and/or are gulIV of frequently too rooorvo pmw&a& »»# therefore, toe Council of toe fiaettgoutoe Indian Bond la virtue of ^ctioa CO of toe Indian Act hereby emote too foltQtfing by-dart 1* without prejudice to toe rcooursoe provided by Sections JO and JO# c f toe Iftatan Act# aU <Mti#feead maat»ma nd a ll aan̂ Zndiane too occupy or nee a reserve or reside or otherwise eseercleo rtsfcts oo a reserve without toe authorisation o f toe tttatster and/br toe bend council shall be ootnidorod to be a trmpoeser and/or a person troopsoalng on a reserve and/or frequently toe reserve for proscribed purposes vitala too nconiy of toe Indian Act* 8* All each trespasses or pereone trespassing cm a reserve snail be ctojoct to ioaodiato eapololon £tm too reserve by order of toe bead council exproosod in a roeolutiou canty toe poroca or poroona to be expelled and calling upon then to leave toe reserve utto their fondly and property iaaediatedjr and upon receipt of auto notice# ouch persons and/or toeir finally shall leave toe reserve tdto toeir projnrty# 3* Ay p n v« or persons designated by the council and a y peace off lew or m&or of too R.C.n.P, say carry out ouch order on behalf of too council and moo ouch force as nay be necessary in too cixcuaetancoa to cause ouch osspulaicn to be effected# Wi 1 l i a a . , t e a t a , il O a c m m g n U J o ^ r aaa CoUiiOlllOF Toward Vicaire Councillor «iRnwilor Michael Isaac________________ c^noiiior1 ' " " ' - ' t h " ^aSSTTEor Bennie Vicaire (isaimiltor r " T „___________________________ _ Councillor
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.