Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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C h r o n o l o g i c a l N o . KEESEEKOOSE NO. 31 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H.Q. Reference 673/28-7-32 NOTE: The words "From our Band Funds" must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Bond Funds. FOR H E A D Q U A R T E R S USE O N L Y COUNCIL OF THE K E E S E E K 0 0 S E BAND AGENCY YCKKTON DISTRICT PROVINCE SASKATCHEWAN PLACE KAMSACK DATE I J L t h February AD 19 7-T-DAY MONTH YEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: THAT the Council o f the Keeseekoose Band o f Indians at a meeting held make the following by-law J By-Law No >3 ____ To establish a position o f Band Administrator, WHEREAS i t is necessary to appoint a Band Administrator to provide a service to the Band Members and to carry out the wishes o f the Band Council* THEREFORE, the Council o f the Keeseekoose Band enact as follov;s: 1* THAT the position o f Band Administrator is hereby created in accordance with the policy o f the Band Council expressed by resolution* 20 THAT the position shall be f i l le d in accordance vdth the policy o f Band Council expressed by resolution* 3* THAT the incumbent o f the said position shall hold o ffic e during the pleasure o f Council and subject to the By-laws o f the Band Council* 4c THAT the said incumbent shall f i l e with the Band Council an indemnity bond, in a rama adequate to ensure protection o f moneys entrusted to his care, issued by a recognized bonding company, subject to the premium o f such bond being paid from the Key Band Trust Account* 5* THAT the said incumbent shall be paid a salary o f $8,400*00 per annum paid on a semi-monthly basis* Such salary may be adjusted by Band Council resolution according to the increase or decrease o f responsib ility 'o f the position and that this shall be on the basis o f a 40-hours week* 6* THAT the salary o f the said incumbent shall be payment in fu l l fo r a l l services required o f him and a l l fees or salaries o f any kind occuring to him by virtue o f any Act or Statute o f the Federal or Provincial Governments or o f any By-Law o 2
Chronological No. PAGE 2 KEESESK0C6E NO. 31 H.Q. Reference BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 673/28-7-32 NOTF.: The wo.ds From our Band Funds** must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. FOR H E A D Q U A R T E R S USE O N L Y COUNCIL THE K E E S E E K O O S E BAND AGENCY YORKTON DISTRICT PR OVINCE SASKATCHEWAN P L A C E KAMSACK D ATE February 4n 71 D AY MONTH YEAR DO H EREBY R ESOLVE : o f the Band shall be paid to the KeeseekooseBand and credited to the funds o f the Band, 7, THAT'the duties o f the Band Administrator shall be as follows? (a ) To f i l e before taking over his duties as Band Administrator a Declaration o f Oath o f O ffice and Secrecy on Form SL 1, (b ) To attend a l l regular and special meetings o f the Council and to report as required the a c tiv it ie s carried out by the incumbent,, (c ) To keep in his o ffic e a record o f a l l applications, decision sheets and other re la tive documents, (d ) To act as an intake worker for a l l matters ; to interpret such services to the members o f the Keeseekoose Band; to assist and advise on child care and rehabilitation o f physical and mentally disabled persons, assist in locating foster homes on the reserve and surrounding area; work with natural parents to strengthen homes to keep their children, (e ) To administer by making decisions, by preparing cheques and other documentation adequate to ju s tify the payments o f accounts and to compile and gather sta tis tics re la tive to Welfare Services, ( f ) THAT the Saskatchewan Assistance Plan, as adopted by the Federal Department o f Indian A ffa irs & Northern Development, shall be the c r ite r ia basis fo r the issuing o f Social Assistance. (g ) To co-operate with Social Services o f the Department o f Indian A ffa irs & Northern Development and obtain their advise on matters in which clearly defined policies are not available. 3
Page 3 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTE: The words From our Band Funds** must appear In all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. CO UNCIL OF THE K E E S E E K O O S E AG ENCY YORKTON DISTRICT PROVINCE SASKATCHEWAN P L A C E KAMSACK D ATE 1 1 th February An 1# 71 DAY MONTH DO H EREBY R ESOLVE : (h ) To co-operate with other agencies dealing with the Keeseekoose Band including Provincial and Federal Government agencies such as Welfare, health, guidance, placement, economic development and education and other non-government agencies engaged to provide benefits or service to the Indian people o f the Keeseekoose Band. ( i ) To assist Band members in the completion o f applications and other re la tive matters such as Old Age Security, Family and Youth Allowance, Unemployment Insurance, Workmen's Compensation, etc. ( j ) To provide the youth of our community with information and guidance that w i l l lead to a creative and healthy outlet for their energies. (k ) To acquait himself with a ll the provisions o f the Indian Act, the Saskatchewan Provincial Welfare Act and any other Act o f the Federal o f Provincial Governments. ( l ) To perform such other duties as assigned to him by resolution by the Band Council. K (Councillor) ^ (Councillor) (Councillor) f / ** / ^ / ' (C o u n c i l l o r ) l / f (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE O N LY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES ACCT A. Capital B. Revenue $ $ 6. Recommended Date Authorized Officer IA 135 ( 3 - 6 0 ) 7530-21-023-4662 C h r o n o l o g i c a l N o . KEE5EJ&00SK NO. 31 H.Q. Reference 673/26-7-32 FOR H E A D Q U A R T E R S USE O N L Y BAND YEAR (Chief) X ................., $ (Councillor) l y. <- r /■ (Councillor) ....... , ^ / Z - ' . ' ^ * r ...... // (Councillor) y (Councillor) 3. Expenditure 4 . Authority 5. Source of Funds Indian Act Sec. f 1 Capital [ ] Revenue $ 7. Approved Date Assistant Deputy Minister, I If ; /
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.