Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words From our Band Funds" must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande** doivent paraitre dans toutes les resolutions port ant sur des dSpenses it meme les fonds des bandes _____________ THE c o u n c i l o f t h e KAHKEWISTAHAW BAND LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE a T n c I X0E K TO N M S T O I C T p r o v i n c e SASKATCHEWAN p l a c e BROADVIEW, SASKATCHEWAN NOM DE L ENDROIT THIRTEENTH SEPTEMBER DATE JOUR - MOIS AD 19 ------- -------DAY - MONTH DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: THAT the Council of the Kahkewistahaw Band of Indians, at a meeting held September 13, 1971, make the following by-law* By-Law Ho. 3 To create the position of a Band Clerk-Secretary, WHEREAS it is necessary to appoint a Band Clerk-Secretary to assist in the administration of Band affairs and to carry out such other duties as may be assigned by the Band Council. THEREFORE the Council of the Kahkewistahaw Band ENACT AS FOLLOWS* 1. That the position of Band Clerk-Secretary is hereby created for the Kahkewistahaw Band. 2. That the said position shall be filled by competition advertised in accordance with the policy of the Band Council expressed by resolution. 3* That the incumbent of the said position shall hold office during the pleasure of mid subject to the by-laws of the Band Council. A. That the said incumbent shall file, before taking over his duties as Band Clerk- Secretary, a Declaration of Office on a form prescribed By the Band Council. 5. That the said incumbent shall be paid a salary of $3)600.00 per annum on a semi­ monthly basis and such salary may be adjusted By Band Council Resolution according to the increase or decrease of responsibility of the position and that this shall be on the basis of a 40-hour week. Chronological No. Numero con ee cut if KAHKEWISTAHAW SO. 37 H.Q. Reference JV° de ret. d u b , pr, 673/28-7-15, cc: 673/3-10 Capital balance S o ld e d e ca p ita l $ Committed E n g a g e $ Revenue balance Solde de revenu $. ... Committed E n g a g e $ 71 A -N --N -E E -----YEAR - 2
Chronological No. Numero c on bo cut if PAGE 2 KAHKEWISTAHAW NO. 37 H.Q. Reference N ° de ret. d u b , pr, BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 673/28-7-15 RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words "From our Band Funds'’ must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande** doivent paraitre dans toutes les resolutions portant sur des dSpenses d meme les fonda des bandes THE c o u n c i l o f t h e KAHKEWISTAHAW BAND Capital balance LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE Solde de capital $ a g e n c y YORKTQN DISTRICT AGENCE Committed En6a&e £ p r o v i n c e SASKATCHEWAN Revenue balance nlrff* rip rpuPDff w PLACE BROADVIEW, SASKATCHEWAN NOM DE L T E H N I D R R T O E IT ENTH SEPTEMBER 71 Committed E n g a g e $ ---------------------- --------------- -------------------------DATE AD 19 __________________„____ DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOJS YEAR - ANNEE DO HEREBY RESOLVEj DECIDE, PAR LES 6. That the salary of the said incumbent shall be payment in full for all services required of him and all fees or emoluments of any kind accruing to him by virtue of any act or statute of the Federal or Provincial Government or of any by-laws of the Band shall be paid to the Kahkewistahaw Band and credited to the funds of the Band. 7. That the duties of the Band Clerk-Secretary shall, under general direction of the Band Administrator and subject to the policies and regulations of the Band Council, be as follows: - perform general office clerical and stenographic duties. - assist clients in making application for welfare assistance or welfare housing repairs. - handle matters of a routine nature when the Band Administrator or Welfare Aide are absent from the office. - perform general clerical duties in the Band office. - maintain office records, issue equipment and supplies as required by office programs. - maintain records of all employees and time sheets and ensure pay lists are made up and pay cheques issued. - receive inquiries by telephone and at the reception counter, making appointments when necessary, and answering routine questions. - receive, open, sort, date stamp, record and distribute incoming mail, and sort, stamp and post outgoing mail. 3
PAGE 3 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE. The words^ From our Band Funds*’ must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande doivent paraitre dans toutes les resolutions portant sur des dSpenses h meme les fonds des bandes Z I Z Z l d e I I I a i v d e i iv d i e i v iv e KAHKEWISTAHAW BAND ZZcl district p r o v i n c e SASKATCHEWAN PLACE BROADVIEW, SASKATCHEWAN NOM DE L*ENDROlT THIRTEENTH SEPTEMBER 4p iQ 71 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS D 9 HEREBY RESOLVEj DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: maintain an office filing system and index, obtain, record and distribute the files and other records* complete forms and keep attendance, leave and pay records for casual or hourly-rated employees* duplicate forms, circulars, minutes, by-laws, regulations and distribute them according to established practice. operate various types of office equipment and machines such as typewriters, calculators and duplicators* check and code invoices, proposed expenditures and compile pay lists* maintain an inventory of office stationery, supplies and equipment, record the issue of same, and prepare purchase orders for the replacement. extract statistical data from reports or records, making simple calculations, and compiling reports in a prescribed form. type a variety of correspondence, reports, minutes, and by-laws from handwritten, printed or typed copies and, where required, may take simple dictation. perform other such duties as assigned by the Band Administrator* ORIGINAL SIGNED BY : William G. Francis #179 ................................(C h ie f"-"’ch ef)...................... Leslie Sparvier #256 Louis Taypotat #258 (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) Carlson Taypotat #280 (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Co u n c i li or* *— " c onsei /*/ e r)........................... ................ (Councillor conseiller) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY - l.TRUST AC C T 2 . CURRENT BALANCES - SOLDES COUFtANTS COMPTE DE Revenue Revertu A. Capital B . FIDUCIE $ $ 6. Recommended Recomman de Date Authorised Officer Fonctionnaire autorise I A 135 ( 1 2 - 7 0 ) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 5 6 2Chronological No. Numero consecutif KAHKEWISTAHAW NO. 37 H.Q. Reference N ° de ref, d u b , pr, 673/28-7-15 Capital balance Solde de capital J Committed Engage $ Revenue balance ,N /\ 1/70 /7a fOffAflff J Committed Engage $ YEAR - ANN EE Urbin Louison #293 (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) PRIN CIPA L 3 . Expenditure 4. Authority Autorite 5 . Source of Funds D epensee Indian Act Sec Source des fonds Art, de la Loi sur les i i C ^ api , tal . Q i i R _ evenue $ Indiens 11 11 Revenu Date Assistant Deputy Minister Soua-minis tre adjoint
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