Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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« j r BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION :he Council of the. -Band of Indians, o f Band) A ,rhc. Leaser Slave Lake .Indian Agency, in the Province (Name o f Agency) Alberta--: ------ at a meeting, held at uhlef Beauregard residence (Name o f Province in f u l l ) (Name o f Place) :his -Seventh day of November ,a n. 19 58 (in F ull) (Month) >0 HEREBY RESOLVE: .Make the following by-law pursuant to paragraph (E) of Section 80 of the Indian Act* A by-law to providefor the protection and prevention of treepaas by catt le and other domestic animala* the establishment of a pound, the appointment of a pound-keeper, the regulation of h is duties and the provision for fees and charges fo r his services in the Wabasca Indian Heserve in the Province of Alberta* Hegulations as attached* (C hief) ( C o u n c il lo r ) (C ou n cil lor) ( C o u n c il lo r ) ( Counc i l l o r ) ( C ou n cil lor) (C o u n cil lo r ) ( C o u n cil lo r ) ( C ouncillor) ( C o u n c il lo r ) (C o u n cil lo r ) ( C ou n cil lor) (C o u n cil lo r ) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY .TRUST 2 . CURRENT BALANCES 3 . EXPENDITURE 4 . AUTHOR 1 TY- 5 . SOURCE OF FUNDS ACCT A) b ) r e v e n u e INDIAN ACT SEC. c a p i t a l | [ CAP 1 TAL | j REVENUE $ $ $ . RECONMENDED 7 . APPROVED Date______ Superintendentt Reserves and Trusts Date D ir e c to r , Indian A f fa ir s ORM 1A5-7 ( R . 10- 53)
1* No person shall permit any ass» hoar* b u l l ,b u l lo ck ,ca l f t cow, ^ goat, h e i fe r , horse, jackass, lamb,mule,ox,pig, raui, sheep, bo* : % stallion owned by or reputed to be in his care or possession* to run at large on any part of the Wabasea Indian Resarf'e in the Province ofAlberta, andany such animal so found at largeon the said Reserve Shall be l iable to be impounded as hereinafter provided 2. The Chief or some person duly appointed by the Council of the Band shall be pound-keeper for the Reserve, and such pound-keeper shall supply suffic ient feed and water to anypanimal impounded as provided by section 4* 3* The pound-keeper shall keep abook in whigh he shall record a description of a ll animals impounded, with the date of impounding, damage claimed ( i f any), date redeemed or sold, and disposal of proceeds* 4* Anyone finding an animal running at large on a Reserve, contrary to the provisions of section I , may deliver the sameto the pound whether the name and address of the owner or the reputed owner of such animal shall be known or not,and for so delivering same, shall be entitled to remuneration as follows! (a ) for delivery of each sta l l ion , jackass or bull # 5*00 (B) for delivery of each other animal Nothing 5* The pound-keeper shall, within two days after the impoundingof any animal, post a noticeof same in Jbe at least three conspicuous places on or adjoining the Reserve, and may advertise the same in twosuccessive issues of the local newspaper(if any)* I f the owner or person reputed to have charge of the animal is known, the pound-keeper shall notify such owner or person in writing* 6. the owner or any person having any animal in his Care and possession may redeem any impounded animal by payment of fees and damages as provided in section 7* 7* The following fees and damages ( i f any) shall be recovered by the pound-keeper, to gather with the remuneration mentioned in section 4, before releasing the impounded animal from the pounds (a ) for receiving into pound each sta l l ion , jackass or bull $5.00 13) for receiving into pound each animal ?2.00 but not more than $10.00 for one impoundment. (G) for the maintenance of each stallion ,jackass or bull^I.OO a day (D) for the maintenance of each other animal $ I . 00 a day $E) for notifying the owner or person reputed to have charge of the animal or animals impounded $ i.00 ( F) for advertising - actual coat. (G) for posting notices of animals impounded, eaca notice to induce a l l animals impounded at one distress or seizure - actual cost VII) for .osting notices of sale, each notice to a l l animals impounded at one distress or seizure - actual cost (I ) for each mile necessarily travelled in performance of his duties - 10f£» U ) for selling impounded animals- of the amount realized. (K) for damage done by an animal at large- the amount of actual damage assessed, which shall be paid to the person entitled thereto.
8. ^.en fan animal ha3 toot been redeemed from the pound within twenty days after notice of impoundment has been given as provided for in section 5, the said animal shall be sold by public auction after notice of such sale has been posted for fourteen days in three conspicuous places within reasonable distance of the said pound, and at such sale the pound-keeper or an auctioneer chosen by him shall be auctioneer, and such sale shall be held at the pound and shall commence at two- o 'c lo ck in the afternoon Standard Time* 9, The proceeds of any impounded animal sold as provided by section 8, shall, after deducting fees , charges and damages ( i f any) as provided by section 4 and 7, be paid to the owner, or i f not claimed at the time of such sale, shall be paid forthwith to the Indian Superintendent of the Agency in which the reserve is situated , and any money so paid shall be returned to the owner of the animal sold on satisfactory evidence being furnishec as to ownership and application therefor being made to the Superintendent within three months from the date of sale; otherwise such proceeds shall be placeu to the credit of the funds of the Band*
COUNCIL OF THE B I G S T O N E AGENCY L E S S E R S L A V E L A K E PROVINCE A L B E R T A PLACE s 0 U TH B A Y C OU HUN I T Y H A L L s I X T H DATE S E P T . AD 19 1 9 6 7 D AY MONTH DO HEREBY R ESO LVE: A T A M S S T I N G H E L D T H I S S E P T E U B E R 1 9 6 THE BIGS T 0 N E B A N D OF R E V O K E B Y-L A W N 0. 1 . MADE D A Y OF N 0 V E M B E R 1 9 5 6, F 0 E C E OH A R C : h 1 2 h . (Chief) / 0 - 4- ^ C o u n a i lo r K s ? . < c °unciiior>(/ & (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES ACC T A . Capital B, Revenue $ $ 6 . Recommended Date Authorised Officer 1A-135FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY BAND YEAR S I X T H D A Y OF T H E C 0 U H C I L OF I N D I A N S, H E R E B Y THE S E V E N T H W H I C H C A 1.1 E I N I 0 1 9 5 6 . k' (Councillor) / / /? (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) 3. Expenditure 4 , Authority 5. Source of Funds Indian Act Sec, j | Capital | ] Revenue $ 7. Approved Date Assistant Deputy Minister, Indian Affairs ____
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